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OFM 01 - Orchard Falls

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A story about a little/big town in the northern plains.
38k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/01/2018
Created 12/31/2017
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This is a story of fiction. A story about a little/big town in the northern plains filled with high-powered people. Intrigue and violence along with sweetness and romance fill the days of the people of Orchard Falls. This is a copyrighted work and may not be published by anyone but me, Zeb_Carter / Xavier Carter.


Orchard Falls

Chapter 1

Don Steel was standing in the corner talking with friends about nothing, as friends sometimes do, when a vision, his vision, of loveliness, entered the room. He did not recognize her as anyone that he knew, but his heart was stunned to silence as he gazed upon her face. Her eyes were what took his breath away, pools of cool blue liquid that shone with such brilliance, even in the bright lights of the ballroom, they were a beacon. She wore a floor-length black dress without decoration. As she moved, gliding would be more appropriate, a flash of leg wink from the slits at the sides. The delicate curve of her neck flowed out of her dress, sweeping down to her bare shoulders across the sweet sweep of the top of her breasts. The jiggle behind the dress confirmed that she wore no bra and the smoothness of the dress as it hugged her hips proved she had forgotten her panties. She was magnificent. Don's head felt as if it was going to explode as he finally took a long needed breath. He had to know her name.

"George, do you know who that lovely young lady is over by the fireplace?" he asked his friend, in the group he was talking with.

"Which one?" George asked, swiveling his head to look for her.

"The lovely young lady, in the black dress, by the fireplace, do you see her?"

"Oh her, that's Michelle Wilfinger. But you might as well forget about her. She is standoffish and really hard to get to know." George stopped, looking around the group of guys in our circle. They all nodded in agreement with George.

"Do you know her?"

"I've met her before."

"Introduce me." Don grabbed George by the arm dragging him over to where she stood. Don had to prod George in the ribs as she turned to them.

"Hello George," she said her gaze sliding past him to rest on Don.

"Michelle Wilfinger may I introduce Don Steel, a long time friend of mine. Don this is Michelle."

"Very pleased to met you, Michelle," Don said. As he took her offered hand, he leaned down and pressed his lips to its back. It smelled of soap and perfume.

"I'm pleased to meet any friend of George's," she said softly as she retracted her hand holding it stiffly by her side.

George turned to leave, Michelle reached out with the hand Don had kissed and touched his arm. George froze at her touch. Seconds passed as this little tableau played out in front of Don. Finally, George crumbled to a pose of dejection and walked away without turning. Michelle stood there with her hand outstretched, frozen as she watched George return to Don's group of friends. She blinked twice, lowered her hand to her side and turned to Don with a smile on her lips.

"So how long have you known George?"

"Not long, a few weeks. He just started at our firm. What was that all about?"

"It was nothing, nothing at all. And what firm is that?" She seemed genuinely interested.

"Sarbanes Oxley and Associates," he told her. He would never forget the look on her face as George turned to leave and Don would never forget the way George had walked away.

"That's the big IT firm here in Orchard Falls, isn't it?" She continued as if nothing had taken place between her and George.

"Yes, it is. In fact, they are throwing this party tonight. Might I ask what you do?"

"Yes, of course, you may." She smiled waiting. She was a tease. Don chuckled.

"What do you do to fill your time Miss Wilfinger?"

"I am currently doing my residency at Orchard Falls Medical Center. And please it's Michelle."

"You're a Doctor!" Don said with surprise. Not that she couldn't be a doctor or was incapable of being a doctor. He was just surprised.

"Yes, I'm a doctor. Any aches or pains you want me to look at?" She immediately lowered her eyes in embarrassment as she realized what she had asked him.

"No, not at the moment. Can I get you a drink?" The embarrassment had passed as quickly as it had come.

"I'll walk with you to the bar." He offered her his arm and she took it as they, well he walked, she glided, over to the bar.

"What will you have?"

"A scotch and soda, on the rocks please," she said to the bartender.

"I'll have a club soda with a twist of lime."

"Not drinking tonight?"

"I don't drink anymore. I found that I always hate myself the next day."

"Then I bet your friends like you on boy's night out?" Her smile was intoxicating enough for him as she gazed into his eyes while they waited for their drinks.

"You have the most beautiful eyes, Michelle." Her blush filled her face darkening her tan and causing the sprinkle of tiny freckles across her nose to appear. She broke her gaze, looking down at the bar top. She appeared quite disconcerted at his comment.

"Thank you for saying so Mr. Steel." Why so formal all of a sudden. Had He done something wrong?

"Don, please, call me Don."

"All right, Don. If you will stop trying to embarrass me I'll call you Don." She was embarrassed being told she was the most beautiful woman in the room. Why would she be embarrassed about her looks?

"Just one final compliment and I'll stop. I must say this or I will go absolutely nuts. You, Michelle, are the most beautiful woman in this room. Let me finish. You are perfect. Your hair, your skin, your eyes, your lips, your nose, your breasts, your legs, every part of you is perfect. Now I want to get to know that beautiful person inside of you. The person with the compassion and empathy required to be a doctor. Will you let me in long enough to do that?" Throughout his monolog, her blush just kept getting deeper and deeper. Her mouth hung open and her beautiful eyes opened wide.

"I don't know what to say." She was trying to compose herself. She was waving her hand in front of her face trying to cool herself from the heat of embarrassment. Their drinks arrived and she gulped hers down. Gently setting her glass down on the bar she turned back to him looking into his eyes. She was searching for something. A smile crossed her lips just for an instant, then it was gone.

"Dance with me," she ordered, turning to the dance floor. Don quickly followed.

She waited for him at the edge of the dance floor. The band was starting to play a ballad. He took her in his arms and led off. She was soft and smelled heavenly. Her hair brushed his face in a gentle caress. Her delicate left hand rested softly on his shoulder, while he held her right hand in his left, it was warm and supple, to his touch.

He pressed his right hand into the small of her back bringing her closer to him. She didn't resist. He did hear her clear her throat as if to say something but she remained silent as she relaxed into his arms. She was a marvelous dancer, able to follow his every step, even seeming to anticipate them. It was as if they were floating on a cloud. He became more and more enthralled with this woman as they danced. She pushed back a little so she could look into his eyes. Her gaze was penetrating.

Her eyes sparkled as he guided her around the floor. He could see, from the corner of his eye, that everyone was watching them with envy. George was the only one not watching and this struck Don as strange. The song soon came to an end and Michelle and he returned to their drinks at the bar. They had danced in silence and now that silence continued at the bar. He studied her face as they stared into each other's eyes pausing only to sip their drinks.

"Don," she broke the silence.

"Michelle." He loved saying her name.

"Why don't we find a table in a nice quiet corner where we can talk?"

"Sure, sounds good, freshen your drink first." He signaled the bartender.

Chapter 2

She took his arm and they wandered through the crowd toward the back corner of the ballroom. All the while Don could feel George's eyes on them. If there was something between these two why didn't he say something when Don asked to be introduced?

As they walked through the crowd, they stopped to say hello or talk with whomever they knew. It took them at least twenty minutes to get to a table in the back corner that was out of the way where they could converse without having to compete with the music.

They sat there for the longest time staring into each other's eyes and sipping their drinks. He was trying to memorize every pore, every line, every cute freckle across her nose. He really didn't believe in love at first sight but this woman had him, he would follow her anywhere, do anything she asked. He needed to know more about her, what motivated her in her quest of life.

"So, Michelle, tell me about you."

"What would you like to know?"

"Ok, I'll play. Where were you born?"

"What?" She shook her head as if to clear it before continuing. "I was born in a little town in northern Illinois." He sat there looking at her with a look of expectation on his face. Would she go on or play the game she started. He would play but it would be a pain.

"The town is called Mokena and is a far south suburb of Chicago. I grew up on a quiet little street in a quiet little neighborhood. I went to the elementary school and the high school closest to my house. I graduated at the top of my class. Then I went off to college. And believe it or not, I didn't stray far from home for that. I went to a local university in Chicago. I knew I wanted to be a doctor since I was a child. So when I was offered a scholarship I grabbed on and went for the ride.

"I graduated second in my class, I then moved on to medical school at the same university. I graduated third in my class. I did my internship at the university hospital, passed my boards and accepted my residency at Orchard Falls just last winter. I'm not married or seeing anyone at this time as I don't have time for things like that as yet. Being a doctor comes first in my life, so until I become an attending or strike out on my own I will not have the time to get involved."

She stopped, looking at him with a little smile on her lips. Beautiful lips, lips he longed to plant light little kisses on. Lips he watched with a fascination of a moth drawn to a flame. This woman had taken over his mind and soul. His heart was pounding, his palms were sweaty and his mouth was dry. He took a sip of his club soda as he thought about the next question he wanted to ask her. Placing his glass gently down on the table in front of him he stared into her eyes.

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" He was stalling now.

"No, no siblings, which is unfortunate as I always wanted a big brother or a sister. I thought I was missing out on something while I was growing up. I would look around at those friends who did have a brother or a sister and see how much they enjoyed each other's company when they weren't fighting." She smiled and looked down at the table and her drink.

"I always wondered what things would have been like if I had had a brother." She remained looking into her glass as she swirled the fluid around with the straw.

"You lost someone close to you as a child, didn't you?" He could see it in the way she moved in her seat.

"Yes. He was the brother of my best friend. He told me when I was very young that he would always take care of me and be my big brother. He was eighteen I was five. He was drafted and went to Viet Nam. After his first tour of duty, he re-enlisted and went again. He was on his fourth tour there when he...he...died. I was devastated. Marie was even worse than me. I think that was when I decided to become a doctor so I could save people and help people like Timmy and Marie." Don could see the tears welling up in her eyes and watched the lump in her throat swell.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up sad memories." He handed her his handkerchief which she took and dabbed at her beautiful eyes trying not to smear her makeup.

"That's ok. I should be over it by now," she said handing him back his handkerchief.

"You never get over your first love, no matter how long you live."

"He wasn't my first love. He was just a good friend. I was nine when he died." She stopped talking. Her mouth was open and she was staring at Don. You could see the wheels going round and round in her beautiful head.

"He was your first love all right. You may not have known it then, but you can see it now. Whenever you saw him your heart would flutter, the heat would rise to the top of your head, your breathing would speed up, you were in love." She nodded to each of his statements. She was shocked. Her shock quickly turned to joy as she came to realize she had been in love with Timmy.

"My god, all these years, no wonder the pain and sense of loss never left my soul. That loss and pain drove me to be the best doctor in the country. To be able to help the next person...the next person...but that would be impossible now."

"You would be too close to that person. Your judgment would be impaired. You could never have saved Timmy. But you can help Marie."

Her eyes flicked to him. She sat there staring at him and ever so slowly the sparkle came back to her eyes and her beautiful smile returned to her lips. She jumped up and came around the table. She grabbed his hand, pulling him up and out onto the dance floor. Another ballad was just starting as she pressed her body to his. Her soft hand was in his and the other was caressing the short hairs on his neck. His right hand was pressed against her lower back, caressing the indentation of her spine just before it merges with her ass. He could feel the shivers run up her body as he gently stroked her back through her dress.

As they danced she placed her head on his shoulder. Her scent was driving him crazy. He could feel her humming the tune the band was playing. Her fingers on his neck were caressing him as he caressed her back. Don started to hum the music too. Moving her head slightly she raised her lips to his. It was a gentle kiss that drove him mad. Her lips were so soft and inviting. She pulled away slowly and laid her head back on his shoulder. They both hummed and swayed to the music. Their movement had reduced to just swaying back and forth in time to the slow rhythm of the band. As the song ended Michelle continued to hold him as she swayed.

Chapter 3

"Michelle, the song is over and the band is taking a break. Would you like to get some fresh air?"

"What? Oh yes, yes I would." She needed his help walking to the patio. Once outside in the cool night air she took long deep breaths while holding onto his arm. They found a bench and he helped her to sit. He sat next to her and took her hand in his.

"Michelle you have got to slow down." She looked tired, exhausted.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you have to leave some time for you in your life. You need more rest. How much sleep do you get a night, three, four, five hours?"

"I get enough. And why are you telling me what to do with my life all of a sudden?" She tried to say more but he shushed her with his finger.

"I'm not telling you what to do. I would never think of telling you what to do. I can see that you are tired. Tired to the bone and the way you are leaning on me suggests you are."

"Oh." She jerked back from him sitting straight. She didn't pull her hand away from his. Her shoulders slumped suddenly. Her head dropped forward as she leaned into him again.

"You're right. I haven't been getting enough rest. And my drinks are starting to get to me. Would you be so kind as to take me home, I don't think I can drive?"

"Sure, no problem, I will even get you tomorrow to bring you back to get your car."

She smiled at him and raised her lips to his again. This time it was no quick peck on the lips as before. She brushed her lips across his then pressed them ever so gently against them. Her lips were soft as she gently pressed them to Dons. He placed his hand behind her head and caressed her hair. She shivered and broke the shared moment. Her eyes opened. They were smoldering, lids half closed as she looked up at him.

"We should go," she stated. He helped her up and they walked through the ballroom to the lobby where they picked up her purse and a wrap. He guided her out to his car and opened the door for her.

"Hey!" It was George. "Where are you two going? You're not leaving the party already?" He stopped looking down at Michelle.

"I'm taking her home, she's not feeling well. I should be back in a little while, just going to drop her off so she can get some rest." Michelle was nodding to George as Don closed the door. George followed him around to the driver's side.

"You better not hurt her," he whispered as Don opened his door.

"George," Don said closing his door and turning to face him, "if you were interested in her why didn't you say something when I asked about her? And now that you see her walk out with me you're going to stick your nose where it doesn't belong?"

"Don..." He stood there looking at him trying to think of something to say.

"Well? Never mind George, just go back inside. We'll talk when I get back."

"So you are coming back?"

"George, go back inside." He nodded, turned and went back inside. Don stood there watching him, he was a little wobbly, as he walked back to the party. Don guessed he would be coming back after all. He was his as well as a couple of others ride home. He turned and opened the car door. He climbed in, put on his seatbelt and started the car.

"What did George want?"

"Nothing...that's not really true. He wanted to make sure I got you home safely."

"That was sweet of him." She paused, cleared her throat and moved over next to him on the seat. Laying her head on his shoulder she sighed and was quiet.

"So, what's going on between you two?"

"What do you mean?" Her voice cracked as she answered.

"What's going on between you two? Simple question stop avoiding it please." His patience was wearing thin.

"He's in love with me," she said as she looked into his eyes. "I told him I don't feel that way for him. He was crestfallen and has been like a puppy dog, every time we are any place at the same time. He's sweet and kind and nice to me, but I just don't feel anything but friendship towards him. I do have to give him an 'A' for effort, he keeps trying."

"Are you sure you don't feel anything for him, Michelle? I wouldn't what to step on anyone's toes."

"I'm sure. At this time in my life, I'm sure. Now can we talk about something else, please?"

"Okay. What would like to talk about?"

"What's it like to be rich?" He had to laugh at her question.

"I'm not rich Michelle," He said between laughs, "my parents are rich. I'm just a poor boy trying to make his way in the world."

"I suppose you're going to tell me this car was cheap. What is it?"

"It was cheap, for me. My parents gave this to me for my eighteenth birthday. I'm now thirty-five, you do the math. And it's a BMW 733i."

"So it's sixteen years old. But they do last forever, don't they?"

"If you take care of them, but that takes a lot of money. Does it matter to you if I'm rich?"

"No, no that's not what I meant. I was just wondering. My parents were comfortable but not anywhere near rich."

"They were rich, they had you." Even in the dark of the car, he could see her blush.

"Take me home please." She shifted in her seat so he could get his arm out and shift gears. They drove in silence until she turned on the radio. The song she found was a slow, quiet ballad. She leaned back and slid over by him again laying her head on his shoulder. She was silent for the rest of the trip to her house. It was an apartment building near the hospital but it was home to her. It was quite dark out and there were no lights showing in the entryway of the building.

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