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Our Neighbor Loaned Her Husband

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Next door neighbor gives my wife her first BBC.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2020
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My wife Brittany and I are a very conservative white couple living in the south. I am Al, (actually Alton). We have been married for ten years. We both grew up in a strict conservative religion which I won't name. Brittany is 5'-6" tall and weighs about 130 lbs. depending on which diet she is following. I am 5'-8" tall and weigh around 175 lbs. She is a RN at a big hospital and I am the owner of masonry supply business. I worked in the field during college and got my BA along the way. The college experience served me well and I decided to start my business using the knowledge I gained first-hand coupled with my college preparation.

I call on contractors of all kinds and have a retail department also. Brittany has enough seniority that she works in the daytime. She has accrued great benefits and the pay is good. When I mention her quitting work, she doesn't want to consider it. I suggested that she could work in my (our) business, but she loves what she does. We are active in our church since it is the norm for us since growing up.

The southern, typically white churches have undergone a social revolution as far as racial inclusion. While for years conservative southern Christians paid lip service to complete integration, many held their inherited prejudices deep inside themselves. In a way I always felt like such a hypocrite when I professed love and equality to our black friends. Sometimes, however, when I encountered a black person who rubbed me the wrong way, I would have an immediate passing thought. Almost immediately, I would chastise myself for thinking of names like that. I didn't want to think those things, but it takes generations for the labels to go away.

When an interracial couple moved into a new house next door, Brittany was the first to take over food while the movers unloaded the furniture. She met Eric and Jennifer Jensen on a bright sunny day in October. Eric is a tall, well-built black man of around thirty. Jennifer is a beautiful blonde, 26 years old, 5'-8" tall with the body of a Playboy Playmate. About a week after they arrived, Brittany invited them over for coffee and drinks one early evening. Eric is a high-profile Vice-President of a large college which again, I will not name. Being on the same socio-economic plane, we were quite comfortable with them. Jennifer works for a non-profit organization and also attends to social functions with her husband.

While I would say that Brittany and I are an attractive couple, I knew that we were not quite as high profile as our new neighbors. They seemed encouraged that we had reached out to them and mentioned that not all the neighbors seemed so friendly. We told them to just give everyone a chance and they would see how good a community we live in. Eric mentioned that he worried about living in what was considered to be a conservative neighborhood while being an interracial couple. They asked about us and we gave them a quick thumbnail sketch. Neither one of had children at that point. I seemed like a promising friendship since both couples were busy and, on the go, while having enough income to enjoy our surroundings.

Brittany uses her days off and staggered schedule to the fullest extent. Sometimes she works three, twelve hour shifts a week and has long weekends. Together with accrued time, she can go a week without working and not use any vacation time. It gives her time to shop and hang out. Over time, Jennifer and Brittany figured out each other's schedules and found time for coffee, lunch and hanging out at the pools. According to Brittany it was very vanilla type neighborly conversation to begin with. Brittany was on her best behavior trying to be the modern cosmopolitan neighbor. She never mentioned the interracial aspect of the couples' marriage. Unknown to Brittany, Jennifer later told us that she found that sort of hypocritical in a way. I mean, how do you not mention the elephant in the room?

Since we were always very guarded around them, our relationship seemed a little stilted and forced. I don't think either couple felt at ease to begin with. I decided that generally that is how new friends and neighbors felt during the feeling out process. Our neighbors on the other side of the Jensens were not quite so friendly. We told them that those folks were not particularly outgoing to us also, so they shouldn't read anything into it. The ladies had more time to spend getting to know each other while Eric and I were in completely different job types. While I was doing very well, it was still a blue-collar type of business. I did associate with other businessmen on my level. Eric, however, was a barrier breaker in his field. He was by no means a token appointee. His education and background in public relations more than qualified him for his position. Occasionally we would see him interviewed on the local news for one story or another. It certainly did not hurt the university's image to have such a well-spoken black man in front of the camera.

When the change occurred, I did not realize that anything was different at first. In hindsight, I later figured out that Brittany seemed to be warming up to Jennifer. Brittany, however, did not relate any details of the 'girl talk'. It was just an overall feeling that I had. Some evenings when I came home from work on Brittany's days off, she would not be home. It was not an everyday occurrence, but it happened fairly regularly. I would call Brittany to see where she was. She would answer her phone immediately. Often, I would find out that they were sitting at the pool or doing something in the kitchen. A few times, Brittany called me and had me pick up take-out food, telling me that she lost track of time while visiting with Jennifer.

I was pleased that Brittany was developing a neighborly relationship with Jennifer. I still was more distant from Eric based on our busy schedules. When we were together, I always felt like he was talking down to me in a subtle way. It was never overt and I decided that I might just be paranoid being around a larger and fitter man. I didn't think that it was racial at all.

Occasionally, I would hear Brittany's end of a phone conversation and sometimes she would seem to get a good chuckle. When I would ask her what was so funny, she just gave me a lame excuse. I didn't want to pry. At the time, I hardly noticed it except to make fun of what I jokingly called 'hen talk'. I used terms like this very jovially just to see if I could get a rise out of Brittany.

Our sex life was always fun and exciting to me and I think Brittany felt fulfilled. We were not really what you would call wild, but we did it in different positions, had good oral sex and varied the locations in our house. One of my favorites was catching Brittany about to get in the shower and slipping my cock into her from behind. She really had to bend forward to accommodate me for I am less than five inches when erect. We would play like I was raping her, but it was lighthearted. We did not hesitate to begin touching and foreplay without any conversation. Sometimes I would give her an orgasm while sinking my hand into her panties and rubbing her pussy.

Brittany is a very good-looking woman in her own rite. She might not be quite up to the 10+ that Jennifer is but she is pretty. She has perky C cup breasts and a nice full ass. She thinks her ass is a little too big, but I was being honest each time I told her it was just right. I think all people, men and women concentrate on what they think their weaknesses are and project that onto others. Brittany looks good in a bikini. Typically, according to our upbringing, she is modest, but she would break out the two piece when we were alone in our own pool.

One evening in bed I mentioned to Brittany that she seemed to be getting along well with Jennifer. She seemed just a little tense when I mentioned it. I didn't know why. She said that they were indeed getting along good. I assured her that I wished Eric and I would form a stronger bond. I mentioned that he was friendly, but a little cool at times. I wasn't quite sure why, but sometimes I felt intimidated by him. Just the way he carried himself sometimes. I asked Brittany if she thought that I might be imagining this.

"Well, Honey," she said, "You could be right. I don't know. He is in a very high position with the university. Maybe that has something to do with it."

"You know," I suggested, "I wonder how they got together, anyway."

"Jennifer told me that she was a student at a university where Eric was. They met at a function. Eric was married at the time, but later got a divorce."

"Oh, was his first wife white or black?"

"I don't know, Dear. I didn't think that was any of my business. She did imply that their affair started while Eric was still married. That's all I know."

Over time I realized why Brittany was a little uncomfortable. The reason was that she and Jennifer were talking one day and they were close enough to begin sharing more personal details.

Brittany told me this well after my story pauses. The conversation went something like this:

Jennifer:"So do you guys play any bedroom games?"

Brittany:"What do you mean by bedroom games?

Jennifer:"You know, role playing, S&M, anything kinky?"

Brittany:"Uh, well, not so much formal like that. I mean, we both enjoy sex and we are pretty regular except for Al's business and my schedule at the hospital."

Jennifer:"Yeah, I know. Schedule and work make it harder. Myself, I could use a night off every now and then."

Brittany:"Okay, I'll bite. What does a night off mean?"

Jennifer:"Sex, of course. Eric is insatiable. He can't get enough."

Brittany:"Poor Jennifer. Every woman probably wishes she had that problem. So, what do you attribute that to?"

Jennifer:"I guess it is the black man vigor. At least that is what seems to be the popular explanation."

Brittany:"Really? I hadn't heard that one. Are you sure it's not a myth?"

Jennifer:"Well, if it is a myth, then I could easily debunk that one. Eric is wound up almost every night and two, three times a night at that. It is one of the reasons why I married him. Well, we got married later because of the sensitive nature of his job. It stared out with us just fucking. And fucking a lot.

Brittany:"Uh, okay. But Al and I don't differentiate between the races."

Jennifer:"If you say so. I understand what you mean, but you can't tell me that if you talk to friends or neighbors about us, that you don't refer to us as an 'interracial couple'?"

Brittany:"Oh, yeah, I see what you mean. I meant that we don't judge on the basis of race."

Jennifer:"Yeah, thought so. By the way, have you ever had a black man?"

Brittany:"Why no. Al and I both were limited sexually before marriage. We grew up conservatively and were taught that sex before marriage was wrong."

Jennifer:"So you guys waited until after you got married?"

Brittany: "I didn't say that. We sort of jumped the gun a few months before, but we were a committed couple then."

Jennifer:"Gosh, that is too bad. You missed the thrill of your life not having had sex with a black man. I dated all races when I was in college and I can tell you that Black is Better."

Brittany:"Guess I will have to take your word for it, then."

Jennifer:"Not necessarily. Eric fancies you, Brittany. He says that there is something inherently sexy about you."

Brittany: "You must me joking. My god, Jen, you are just gorgeous. I can't imagine Eric going outside the marriage. What more could he want than a beautiful, intelligent wife?"

Jennifer:"Well, thanks. But we don't look at it that way. You might call us modern or immoral, but we think that our commitment is based on more than sex. Not that sex isn't a major part of it. Every stereotype you have heard about a black man is true of Eric. Not only does he want it all the time, but his cock is so big, so thick, so magnificent that I could never be satisfied by anyone else. Of course, that is probably what his ex-wife thought also. He does visit her occasionally though. He said she needs a booster fuck from time to time. I don't mind."

I learned this later. I had to catch up without this knowledge. What did happen after that was a slow crumbling of Brittany's will and the rise of her fantasies. Even though our background was conservative, sex overrides social mores and convention. Everyone knows that; no matter how many religious hypocrites preach hell fire and brimstone. We all have a story to tell. Some more than others.

Our conversation was the start of the progression into a new lifestyle. Brittany became more vocal in bed and initiated sex more often. Of course, I didn't know why at first. She always loved sex, but she became a little more directed. She was enjoying oral sex more than previously. I was happy for the attention. She still gave me blow jobs, but not quite as often. She seemed disappointed in me if I came too soon. She wanted more stimulation even after I had brought her off orally and then made love to her.

One night in particular, after I had cum too soon, she suggested that we get a dildo just in case that happened again. She was fingering her dripping pussy and had me join her. I brought her off again with my finger. The sensation was strange to me. I had already cum and was experiencing post coital relaxation. The desire was not as strong and I felt strange fingering her with my cum there. It is all due to release of brain chemicals after sex. Men crash after sex. Women want to cuddle and talk. I found out later that not all men crash after sex.

I didn't think much of Brittany's suggestion that we get a dildo. One night she seemed particularly horny. She dressed for bed early in the evening but in a new sexy baby doll nightgown. She sat beside me on the sofa and nibbled on my ear. I got the message in a hurry and jumped in the shower. When I was finished, she did not let me get dressed.

"Come to bed quickly, Honey. I will just tear your clothes off if you try to get dressed."

I lay under the covers to get warm after my shower. My cock was not yet hard, but Brittany was lying against her pillow tracing small circles around her slick pussy. She still wore her panties and was rubbing her clit through the thin material. Within a minute she pulled the covers back and mounted my face placing her pantie covered pussy against my mouth. She was soaking through the material. I could taste her hot juices as she moaned while grinding herself into me. She rose up and pulled her panties off and then sat back on my face. I licked her to a shattering orgasm.

"Fuck me, NOW," was all she said. She mounted my cock and rode me like a galloping horse. I came too quickly. She fucked my shrinking little cock until I slipped out of her. She rolled over and pulled open the drawer to her nightstand. Out came her new dildo. It was deep chocolate brown about nine inches long and thick. She handed it to me and told me to break its cherry. I held it at the base and she helped me guide it into her pussy. Her hands were doing most of the work and I was along for the ride. She bucked her hips and began a dialogue of which I had never heard before from her.

"God, yes, fuck me with your big black cock. Stretch my little white pussy. Yes, fuck me."

This went on until she had another massive orgasm. I had never seen her like that. I was torn between riding the crest of her sexual wave and wondering what had come over her. When she did come down from her orgasm, I pulled the dildo out of her pussy. She was still dripping my cum along with her juices. She touched her pussy.

"Thank you, Honey. That was intense. Do you like my new boyfriend?"

Boy, things were changing fast.

"Where did you get this?" I asked.

"I ordered it online. Isn't it pretty?"

"Why black?" I asked.

"Uh, well. Oh, I don't know it just looked prettier than the white ones. They appeared too pale."

"Does this have anything to do with Eric?"

"No." she answered. "Well, maybe. For some reason I find when Jennifer talks about sex with Eric, I want to come home and masturbate."

"Are you freakin' kidding me?"

"It is just so taboo. It is something that would nauseate our parents, but now days it is fairly common."

"What? You are turned on by interracial sex?"

"Yes. It seems so naughty and like taboo."

"And that is why you are so horny tonight?"

"Yes, Honey. Don't tell me that you don't envision Eric putting his big black cock into his beautiful white wife."

"No, I don't. As a matter of fact, I don't agree with interracial marriages. I have to watch myself to make sure I don't offend either of them when we are together. I mean, Eric is so smug sometimes when I look at Jennifer. He seems to be saying that he is better than me."

"Oh, so you do look at Jennifer?"

"Well, I don't mean look, you know, like that." I stammered.

"No, I don't know. Like what. Like you want to fuck her?"

"I can't believe you are talking like this. What has come over you? And by the way, what makes you think his cock is 'big'?"

"Oh, Baby, that is not in doubt. Jen and I swim sometimes. Eric came home one afternoon while we were in the pool. He put on a speedo type suit and joined us. Even in the cool water, you couldn't miss the size of his cock. If it was that big in the pool, imagine what it is like when he fucks Jen."

"So, now I see. You ordered the fake cock to imagine you were being fucked by Eric."

"No, not intentionally. I guess it did have an effect on me."

"So, what's next. I guess you want Eric to fuck you?"

"OOH, that sounds so exciting."

"My god, Brittany. Are you kidding me? You want Eric to fuck you?"

"Well, he wants to."

"What the fuck. How do you know that?"

"Jen told me that he wants to fuck me. And get this, she says she is okay with it. She said that Eric fancies me. Her exact words."

I was flabbergasted. My conservative wife, brought up in the most conservative religious denomination, was talking about having sex with another man. A black man at that.

"So, have you already had sex with him?"

"No, of course not, Honey. That would be cheating. No if I have sex with Eric, it will only be with your permission. And besides, Jennifer didn't say Eric wants to have sex with me. She said he wants to fuck me."

"Now you are telling me that you want Eric to, uh..., uh, FUCK you?"

"Yes. You should have seen the size of his soft cock. I mean it, really. You SHOULD see the size of his cock. Jennifer said that was the main reason why she married him. He does make a good living, but Jennifer said plenty of men make a good living. Hell, you make a great living. I wouldn't marry someone for either money or sex but thinking about him fucking me with that cock is exciting. Especially when you consider how gorgeous Jennifer is. She could be on the cover of Playboy and yet her husband wants to fuck me."

I had to leave the house. I was completely blindsided by this. I went to the local bar and had several straight Scotches. After the numbness set in, I mellowed out a little. My wife was asking for permission to have sex,..., UH, FUCK another man. A black man. A married black man. A black man with a gorgeous white wife. And yet he still wanted MY wife. I wondered if this was a racial thing. Did conquering white women, so to speak, give him pleasure. And married white women at that. Was he trying to show superiority to white husbands? I thought about this and then it dawned on me. Maybe he just loves to fuck pretty women. Startling revelation. I mean, I would have the hots for his wife if it weren't for my superior moral code.

Regardless of the social norms and the restrictions I felt, deep down I was like any other man. My upbringing was channeling me to believe that adherence to a religious code made me morally superior. I knew deep down that when I saw his wife, the normal thoughts of evolutionary man took over. I didn't think immediately that I wanted to have sex with her, but the instinct arose just the same. Maybe Eric had the same impulse when he looks at Brittany. Brittany might not be a ten like Jennifer, but she is pretty, intelligent and charming. She is sexy in her own way. Not quite so outwardly. Until then. She wanted to fuck our next-door neighbor with his wife's permission. All that was left was for me to agree. That's when I noticed that while my mind was spinning from the logical thoughts, my cock was hard as could be. Why was I responding like this if I was so repulsed by the idea of Brittany going outside the marriage?


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