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Out of Love Ch. 04 - Alt Ending

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How I would have ended it.
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Here is the link to Chapter 1 and I'd suggest reading all four chapters first.

I asked for permission but as of yet, almost two weeks, have had no response.

Edit: jezzaz found the email I sent and gave permission

The original ended with the guy who left his wife for cheating, and then left his girlfriend for cheating, suddenly deciding to stay with the wife and be a swinger seemed off to me and so many of the commenters.

How it should have ended

"I..." It was I who was lost for words now. I had known this decision was coming, ever since I set this meeting in motion. Part of it was to resolve all the facts, so I could arrive at a decision. I had vacillated between what I would do - if I could forgive Chloe or not, if she knew or not. And now we were here ...

"Dr. Ingram?" I began, "You said your profile did not peg me as violent?

"That is correct," she replied.

"Was your profile ongoing or just preliminary? What I mean to ask is, did your profile figure in my response to uncovering the last few months of my life as one giant con game set up by the very people who first betrayed me?" I asked.

"No," she said, warily looking into my face.

"What a pity," I said. I leaned forward reaching into the bag at my feet I grabbed the small pistol and quickly shot Mark and Jim in the chest as I leaned back again. The girls screamed loudly as I stood and pointed the gun at them.

"Tell me doctor," I said to the side never taking my eyes off the two sluts now gipping each other as thy stared at me in shock and horror.

"What do you think the repercussions to your career will be when I describe how your 'treatment' drove a man your own research says is nonviolent to kill? A man who before you began your treatment was so mild mannered, he never laid a hand on the men who fucked his wife and barely managed to drive off a third actively trying to rape his wife?" I asked waving the gun back and forth between Wendy and Kathy.

"I'm sure I'd have a VERY good temporary insanity defense; a man drugged by his friends so they could have sex with his wife while he was passed out, constantly hounded and harassed by all involved for months on end, and the sex obsessed therapist they hired to create a fantasy world where they could dupe him into falling in love again only to have the new love of his life cheat on him as well."

The three wives were all sobbing silently now, Kathy and Wendy too scared to move over to their husband's corpses.

"What did you hope to accomplish here," Ingrahm asked?

"I just wanted to make sure all you psychotic delusional whores understand I am never taking my wife back," I stated calmly. "Now as I see it, we have two choices. One, we call the cops, I get arrested no doubt about that. I get more than likely get tried, and YOU become an international sensation, a very well know celebrity sex scandal. Who is to say you didnt test secret government drugs on me to drive me over the edge? What kind of therapist fucks for money like a hooker? You and your business are filthy rich, what sort of degenerates have hired you in the past? Why do you have contracts for the government when your job description seems to be little more than having sex with people to blackmail them?" I paused to look at the architect of my torment these last few months.

"All sorts of questions the press will have for you." I repeated. "Either way your career is over. I probably get off, hell for all I know one of you former clients upset at their new found notoriety might have me killed before the trial gets too far to embarrass them, but in any event I am I'm free of that slut over there," I said waving the gun in the direction of my soon to be ex.

She sat in her chair crying, the look of sorrow on her face as the realization sunk in I'd rather be dead than have anything more to do with her didn't bother me in the slightest.

"Option two is," I paused for dramatic effect as I stepped closer to my wife, "YOU my good doctor can call in a few favors, I'm sure with the economic strata most of your fuck buddies enjoy you are owed several. Have one of them disappear these bodies, at most you'll be out a blow job or two," I said scornfully. "The two whores over there can claim their husbands were part time lovers and abandoned them."

Wendy and Kathy we rocking back and forth their heads buried in each other's necks, studiously refusing to look at their husbands bodies lying motionless in the slowly expanding pool of blood.

"Meanwhile," I continued bending over to tap the gun on my wife's forehead in time with the next few words, "This. Slut. Here. will sign the divorce papers I brought with me, or I just shoot her now and you have three bodies disappear."

I turned and stepped back over to my seat, sat down, and again pointed the gun at my shell-shocked wife. "So," I began, "what'll it be doctor? Number one or number two?"

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Bham487Bham48719 days ago

I don’t like the killing but this was a better ending.

inka2222inka2222about 1 month ago

Definitely WAY WAY WAY better ending than the original.

WargamerWargamer4 months ago

Far better ending to the original story. Far better!!!!!


DickSnugfitDickSnugfit4 months ago

At last! . A sensible conclusion, to such a drawn out and sorry tale! Thank you!


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A fine question.

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