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Painting the Roses Red


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The next morning, after he had eaten, Sarge left for home. I sat in my kitchen feeling somewhat uneasy. Everything had gone so well, yet my dreams were troubled from the night before. They were totally disconnected. I dreamt of fire and things burning, a house. Rose was outside watching it burn and literally swimming in a sea of tears and sobbing. Rose was unable to stop the house from being consumed.

In the dream, I knew that Rose was safe from the fire, as long as she remained in the water. I dreamt of Clarette naked in a long low corridor made entirely of doors. Clarette was searching for the right door. Upon opening the door, she dove into the sea of tears to find her sister. Clarette's carnelian necklace was a compass to help her find her way.

And finally, I dreamt of two little boys, twins, the boys, no more then 4 years old. They were playing hide- and -seek in a barn full of hay.... one of them was my father. Then they were men. They were arguing and harsh words were said. My mother was in another room, crying, Mom was sitting in her rocker next to my crib.

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I called Rose to make sure that she was safe. We talked on the telephone for hours, losing all track of the time. Rose asked about Clarette. I told Rose that Clarette was fine and the three of us had much to talk about when she got home. Marie and her husband Miguel had joined them and Rose met them for the first time. Rose asked to stay three extra days to visit with them, saying.

"Marie is such an elegant Lady Adam. Marie reminds me so much of my mother."

"Of course my love you may stay. I still have some loose ends to tie up."

Sam and Grace were not answering their telephones. They still must be busy with Martha Abzug. I went to get Clarette from David's place. I told Puppy that we would be going camping. Clarette seemed excited at the prospect of camping having never gone before.

I packed the back of my truck with the basics. Clarette and I would be roughing it in a place that nobody knew about except Rose. Or so I thought at the time.

Water wasn't a problem as there was a small artesian spring. It was 300 yards from my circle. The water is cold and pure. All of the food I brought could be eaten cold. The only real downside was no hot coffee.

We parked the truck and backpacked in. There was no point bringing my cell phone. It wouldn't work; nor would my watch or even flashlights would function, once we were safe inside.

Perhaps it was my imagination, but as we entered, the thorny bushes and sumac seemed greener and thicker. They appeared more overgrown and impassable the closer we got to the circle. I could have sworn that is was closing in behind us, growing and closing ranks, to keep us safe.

Once in side, Clarette looked around while I started unpacking things. I was setting up our tent. I had intended on sleeping out in the open with her unless that it rained. The tent was for just in case.

"Adam, didn't you say that there was a spring near here?"

"Yes, that is correct." I answered, not bothering to look up, intent on setting up the free- standing round dome tent.

"Why walk that far when there is a spring inside the circle?"

I followed her to the spot. Sure enough there was small artesian spring flowing from the circumference of the circle outward into the thorny hedge. I cupped my hands and dipped into water pooled in the small depression in the rocks. The water was cold and pure; it tasted fabulous. I let Puppy taste it.

"Adam, this is delicious, I have never tasted water this good."

"I remember the rocks being here but there was never any water, Puppy. Do you know what this means?"

"Yes, a fissure must have opened here in the bed that overlies the aquifer, thus creating a fissure spring. This is such a strange place that you have brought me to, Adam But strange in a nice sort of way, much as you is."

"Perhaps it is my imagination, but I would swear that I can feel a magnetic field of concentrated energy. Well, anyway, some kind energy emanating from the ground and swirling around us. Quantum physics is something I never really studied."

"Yes about the fissure spring, yes about the strange place, isn't it wonderful? I wish you would stop calling me a strange man." I grabbed her around the waist, picking her up and spinning her around.

" Rose thinks of the circle as a fairy ring; you are more analytical in your assessment but no less correct. I have no idea what it is. You, Rose and I are able to feel and perhaps even tap into the positive energy somehow."

"Adam, What are you doing?"

"I am undressing, of course."

"But you haven't even got the tent up yet, and it is chilly out. "Before we left I checked the temperature, it was 45 degrees!"

"That should do it my dear, now you."

"Let me at least unroll the sleeping bag first, Adam."

"The grass and clover is quite soft and warm if you wish them to be. I started to undress her and kissing her mouth. "We are going to play a game my precocious Puppy."

"We are going to use our imagination and suspend analytical scientific thought. Somehow this place defies conventional logic, although I sense a pattern, an order of sorts. Did you notice as we were approaching how green and lush everything was. It is the last day of October!"

I now had her almost completely undressed."

"I noticed, Adam. That is why I called it a strange place."

"Why do you suppose that the grass and clover are warm as if they were kissed by the late morning sun?" I removed her shoes and socks.

"There must be thermal pockets heating the water table?" Puppy suggested.

"That would affect your cold fissure spring." "Are you cold?"

"No, I am surprisingly and pleasantly warm." Clarette put her arms around my neck and kissed my mouth.

"How hot would the ground have to be to affect the air temperature, Clarette?"

"And look, the sky is overcast and it is getting windy. See how fast the clouds are moving." I pointed up to the sky, and then took her hand.

"Where are we going, Adam?"

"We are going outside of the circle my dear."

As I suspected, the air temperature was easily 40 degrees colder. And because of the cold wind, the ground was cold on our bare feet. We ran back in shivering and laughing. Puppy was starting to understand.

I made slow gentle love to my Puppy in the warm sweet smelling grass and clover Our sexual energies, our passion were mingling with and adding to that of the circle. I timed my orgasm with hers and I swear that during our mutual orgasm it felt as if we were both on fire. It felt as if we would be consumed in flames by our passion. Yet afterwards, we lay there in the clover, untouched and unhurt

We napped together in our peaceful sanctuary, oblivious to the outside world until late in the afternoon. We then ate a light cold meal sharing our spring water from our only cup, debating about the circle. We certainly had much to discuss with Rose.

We spent the next two days making love, relaxing and just talking. We brainstormed in the spirit of the great authors of science fiction & fantasy. Touching upon, religion and parapsychology, extra-terrestrial power sources. Of ancient civilizations and their beliefs or mythologies. We ran the gambit of possibilities. Our debates were often heated, but never contentious. Neither of us was willing to back down. We ended by agreeing to disagree. Our lovemaking was more passionate because of our debates. Clarette submitted to me, totally.

We did agree that we had strong feelings for one another. Clarette told me that she loved me. I finally relenting, and admitting to my precocious Puppy that I could love two women equally. Clarette must be willing to share me with Rose.

I would require her to complete her Degree in Library Science. Clarette wanted to pursue a minor in Art to satisfy her need to paint. Rose and I would help her is these endeavors; but first her debts and criminal charges must be addressed.

"Adam, do you remember what you told me about my necklace? And the properties the Romans attributed to the stone? I have it with me in my backpack."

Clarete went to get her necklace and walked to the center of the circle, putting it on and closing her eyes.

"Adam, I need you for this, please come here and hold my hands." I walked over taking her hands and closing my eyes.

"Oh dear God Adam, we have to leave immediately, your house is on fire." "Can you see it?"

I nodded, too shocked to answer, thinking." Not again!" " Duke!" "I wouldn't wish that on anybody."

We dressed quickly leaving everything behind except my revolver and Clarette's necklace. It was starting to rain when we got to the access road where my truck was parked. We stopped not believing what we were seeing. How were we going to get home now, or even get to the airport to pick up Rose. My truck was trashed: the tires slashed, all the windows broken and the lights smashed There was a large rock next to with paint on it. Duke had smashed everything in frustration, unable to find us.

I found empty shotgun hulls. They matched the gauge of the slug holes in the doors and body panels where he had shot the truck. Then Duke had set it on fire. My cell phone was gone, burnt or stolen. I couldn't call for help. We both were wondering how long that Duke was looking for us. Wandering aimlessly, with murder in his heart, and prevented from finding our Sanctuary, by the Sanctuary itself.

It was raining heavily by the time we reached the main road. We were getting soaked. Our rain parkas burned up with the truck. Clarette was sobbing, worried about her sister Rose. Not knowing where Rose was, or if she safe. Clarette was thinking the worst. Lamenting that she might not ever apologize or make peace with her sister.

I spotted headlights in the distance coming at us. As it approached, the vehicle flashed its lights and stopped. It was a white 1960 Rolls-Royce Phantom V White Limousine. The rear passenger door opened and my sweet Rose stepped out before the chauffer could exit the vehicle to help her. Before I could think, Clarette rushed past me crying out her sister's name. I watched them embrace, Rose now starting to cry as well. The clean, cold rain washed over them, added to their tears, keeping them safe.

An older man, dressed impeccably in a classic chauffer uniform, with a red carnation in the lapel, stepped out of the limo. He carried an umbrella and ushered the girls into the back seat.

Walking over to me he said "God afternoon nephew" He opened the front passenger door for me to get in.

"It seems to me at 41 years, 6 months, 3 days.... and then removing a pocket watch on a chain. "Oh yes 7 hours, 3 minutes and 39 seconds old, that you still don't know enough to come in out of the rain. "Please get in."

After we were both in, he turned me and said. "I am sorry Godson, if I had know the trouble that Frank Abzug was causing, I would have neutralized him sooner." He handed me the .454 Casull round, the round on which I had engraved the Shylocks name.

"On the other hand, it worked out for the best. It does my heart good to see family making up." He smiled, glancing behind him.

"Frank told me everything, not that he had a choice. I am proud of the way you faced him down, Adam. You choose your friends well."

"Obviously you don't like coffee." My Uncle said, laughing. "There is a thermos of black coffee in on the seat beside you, nephew."

"I gave your mother my word that I would watch out for you, Adam. I promised her that I would help you. Not that you need it any longer. You have not needed my help since the unfortunate incident at college.

"Up until now, I have not interfered with your life." "You are stubborn like your father, Adam as I am."

"Even after our falling out, I loved your father. We were twins you know. I visit my brother in the nursing home. Samuel does not recognize me, or know who I am. I talk with him, he does not understand. Your Dad has always refused my help."

"To his credit he allowed me to help you only if I agreed never to contact you. You see, he loved you more then he hated me, little Admiral. You were almost three years old when your father and I argued, we...

I interrupted him. "You were arguing in the kitchen over my grandfather's wedding band. Dad was the oldest son by a matter of minutes, because of that the ring went to him. Isn't that so Uncle Micah?"

"How could you possibly know that Adam, even your mother did not know that? I see, the circle Clarette & Rose, they must be empathic as well? Did you channel through the ring, Adam?"

"I do not have the ring Uncle Micah. Dad buried or lost it, he can't remember."

"Then you know of the circle, Godfather."

"Yes, I have been to entrance. It would not let me pass. There are two others, a trinity of circles. One is located at Stonehenge. It is permanent, but now is dormant. It was dormant to me, is dormant to all, except in times of great need. I have always suspected Churchill to be a powerful empath. Churchill used it to his great advantage in the defeat of Hitler."

"I have consulted with people who know of such things. There are secret societies of men and women, archivists. Even then, never directly, always second and third hand."

"Merlin was said to be the greatest empath of all mankind. The only man to truly know of their origin."

"Perhaps that it why the one at Stonehenge is permanent." Merlin was able to anchor this circle to one place.

"Perhaps, Adam...perhaps. I am still looking into that."

"Your head stone is in the family cemetery Uncle Micah. My parents told me that you were dead. I know you are blood. I can sense it. You too are an empath, and strong enough to hide your thoughts, and sense the emotions of others."

"You will of course keep my secret, nephew? Yes, I see... this is amazing. You need not answer me out loud. I understand perfectly.

"It is not Grandfather's wedding band that you need to channel through, Uncle Micah, but my father, your twin."

"Grandfather's wedding band is merely a symbol, a crutch. Rose was willing to sell her Ruby ring to bury her father."

"What about my necklace, Adam." Puppy asked.

"Give me your hand Clarete.... now take Rose's hand."

"They are my channels Micah, the two women that I love, who love me as well."

"What is Micah's great secret Adam, why won't you share with us?" They both said out loud.

"Because it is not for you to know." I said. "We men are entitled to our secrets just as....

Adam, No!" They both exclaimed. Clarette let go of my hand and pulled it back quickly and letting go of Rose's as well."

"Did you just do what I thought you did nephew? Or, should I say did you just think what I thought you did?" My uncle said laughing. You are such a strange man, my new found nephew."

"Not that again." I thought. "I heard that thought, Adam." Clarette thought back, laughing.

"What are you two thinking about?" Rose thought to both of us. "Never mind." I get it, Rose thought, to both Clarette and I together. "Adam is not strange." Rose thought.

"Fascinating," Said my newly found Uncle Micah. "Simply fascinating." "Would you, I don't suppose you would. I do not have to read your mind to know that. You only want the life you are leading and to be left alone, as you always have. You value family and friends above all else. Just as your father my brother Samuel did. Thank you for keeping my secret Adam. Thank you for reading the mental sign on the locked door and not forcing your way in." There is no doubt in my mind that you could have easily do so."

"You are welcome. I would still be in prison if it were not for you uncle Micah. We are family after all."

"Your home has been burned to the ground a second time, Adam." My Uncle said, his voice cracking. "This is the second time you have lost everything, but nothing, nothing that you really value. Uncle Micah looked at Rose and Clarette."

"The Fire Marshal estimated over 30 gallons of gasoline was spread throughout the house. Everything is gone, Adam, including Duke. I would not wish such a death on anyone, to be burned alive."

I have a helicopter waiting. I insist that you stay at my estate at Martha's Vineyards."

"Only on one condition." I insisted.

"What condition is that, nephew?"

"First we need to go to the nursing home, you have some loose ends to tie up."

The girls waited in the car while Micah and I went inside. We were standing outside my Dad's room and Micah hesitated.

"Are you sure we won't need your Ladies Adam?"

"I'm sure, we don't have much time, and we need to go in, soon."

"My father was sleeping peacefully in his bed, his breathing slow and regular. I took my father's hand in mine and motioned for Micah to take the other.

My Dad opened his eyes, looked at me and then at his brother. In a strong, clear voice he said. "Micah my dear brother. We have played hide-and-seek from one another for most of our adult lives. Now we have finally found each other again." Then they shared their thoughts, both of them crying and then laughing.

We buried my father on the farm that he loved in our small family cemetery next to my mother.

Micah, as Arthur, made Clarete's credit card debt and police records disappear. I do not know how Micah did it, nor did I ask. I got a quick enough glance through the keyhole to realize that too much curiosity could kill the Cheshire cat.

I rebuilt the farmhouse on the original foundation laid down by my Grandfather & Great- Grandfather. I made it much larger and spacious, adding an extra story, and of course three bathrooms, all with extra large tubs.

I don't know how my uncle managed it. Micah produced all the necessary documents allowing us dual-citizenship. They were from a Middle Eastern Country that we never set foot in. We have two marriage certificates, the same for my two wives, Rose and Clarette. They were filed with the State Department and legally binding in all 50 States, or anywhere else for that matter.

Puppy graduated from college and is now working in our Main Library. Puppy has blessed me with a beautiful daughter, Anna, named after Clarette's mother. Anna has her mother's black hair and the same dark brown eyes.

With my sweet Rose, I had twins, Beatrice and Micah Beatrice, Bea for short, was named after my mother. Micah, this was my Dad's last wish before he died in the nursing home. Micah and Bea have red hair. The same red hair Rose had as a small child, and both of their grandmothers as well.

There was a price to pay for my father. Many men have stared Death in the face. Few have talked with him, or delayed him. I didn't talk to death; it was more like telepathy.

Death always demands his due. Clarette, my one root beer candy girl offered to pay Death's due. Then my sweet Rose, second, and then finally I offered to pay. We are no longer empathic. The circle is dormant again.

It is said that Death is without compromise. He is after all part of the natural order of things, as is Chronos

Chronos was quite annoyed with me for making extra work for him. The Moirae, the Fates, three sisters robed in white; Clotho, Lachesis & Antropos were smiling. They were greatly amused with the trouble I was causing their cronies. They nodded to each other with knowing looks on their beautiful faces. Nevertheless, delaying the natural orders of could cause irreparable damage.... business is business. I am after all a stubborn man.

Our children and heirs have no liens on their empathic abilities should they choose to use them.

Rose has her ruby ring to be passed on to our daughter, Beatrice. Clarette has her carnelian necklace, which will be given to Anna. After all, who am I to break tradition?"

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IvyAguasIvyAguasabout 4 years ago

I like the concept of the story but there were so many details that I think were unnecessary to build it up. I enjoyed it anyway. I wish there is an alternate ending where you written how Rose reacted to Clarette being a second wife.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

It is somewhat good I think you should have made it less in length but it is a good story. It is like a cinematic play

HMAuthorHMAuthoralmost 10 years ago
A good read

I found this to be very much in the style of Robert Heinlein, my favorite SF author. Enjoyable albeit too rushed at the end.

Probably should have been in the romance section. Not much if any reluctance.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Good job. Hated the dog food part. And some of it went to far .

ramonbrookramonbrookover 10 years ago
Great story one of my favorites!

Although the last part was a little rushed. I would have liked to see more of a reaction from Rose when she learned that Adam was having a relationship with Clarette. I mean she loves Adam and now a few short weeks after leaving him he is with Claretter also!

I'm not an author and this is JUST my opinion.

I gave it my 5

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