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Pam's Exciting Adventure

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Wife tries another man after seeing her best friend do it.
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Pam had asked me to meet her at the airport so here I am waiting in the lounge area for her plane to arrive. There is a slight delay and she should be here in about 15 minutes. Pam is my wife and we have been married for 9 years. I met her first at a party for a number of graduates finishing college and our romance eventually developed to where we are now – a happily married couple.

Pam is a lovely girl. She is tall but well proportioned and has the blackest hair I have ever seen. She has no foreign blood in her but she is exceptionally dark haired. Her mother is also blessed with black hair and it really turns me on looking at my wife’s hair. Pam’s figure is very tidy – she has lovely hips and a cute backside but her tits are not a large as I would have liked. They are lovely and more than a handful but I just would have liked them to be a bit bigger.

There is no way Pam will have a boob job and so I love them as they are now. She has funny shaped nipples and although they are not exceptionally long, they do stick out but the shape is exciting because they are just a tiny bit like mushrooms in that they seem to have a small head on the end of each. I love this shape because I can get quite a suction on the head when I suck her nipples and she really loves me to do that! Pam’s delightful black hair is not confined to the top of her head. She has the most bewitching eyebrows which are jet black and her pubic hair is absolutely black but very dense and firm – I just love to run my fingers through her pubic hair. She is very hairy there and although she doesn’t shave it off, she does keep it trimmed back, but only a little bit.

Anyway the reason for being at the airport is that Pam had been away for the weekend with 6 other girls from her basketball team. The girls had won the premiership for the year and were off celebrating in Las Vegas. Pam is a very active girl and loves to be in the thick of things with the best of them and I feel it is this sort of spirit which makes her such a good basketballer and wife!

Pam was amongst the first people off the plane and she came bounding over to me as soon as she saw me. She threw her arms around my neck and kissed me passionately. I could see she had had a good time (whatever that meant) and I knew I would find out about it in due course. We welcomed the other girls and we were able to give some of them a lift home because they lived near us. Others were met by their husbands.

It took a while to deliver the other girls home but when we were alone in the car, Pam just couldn’t keep her excitement from showing! She gushed, "Boy oh Boy, have I got something to tell you!" I knew it must be something very exciting because Pam is not one to tell idle gossip. Somehow I just managed to get Pam to cool down and I told her I would listen to her story when we were home and in bed! It was Sunday evening and we both had to go to work tomorrow morning so we would be in bed early anyhow.

Well, we had a meal and prepared for bed but poor Pam was literally busting to tell her story and I began to feel mean making her wait so long. At last we were in bed, naked as always, because we loved to sleep that way and Pam just couldn’t wait! "Guess what happened to Peggy while we were in Vegas?" Peggy is Pam’s best friend and she and her husband Ted live just a block away from us! "Well Darling, there is no way I can guess what you women got up to so I guess you had better tell me. But before you do, how about giving me a big kiss, roll under me and let me stick my ever-loving cock into you because I have missed you terribly!"

Pam rolled under me, kissed me deeply and spread her legs for me all in one action. Soon I was pumping my cock deeply into her body and she was hanging on with her arms and her legs. Pam is a bit of a talker when we are fucking and usually it is her whispering loving thoughts to me, or occasionally talking dirty to me – whichever mood she is in! Tonight she held me firmly in her and said, "Peggy got fucked while we were in Vegas!" I almost lost my stroke and had to slow down to understand what she had said!

"Say that again, Darling!"

Pam simply said, "Peggy got fucked while we were in Vegas!"

I knew I had heard right. My next question brought an angry response from Pam. "Well, did you get fucked too, Darling?" I am sure she would have slapped my face had she been able to but we were in the throes of love making and it would have been difficult. "Tell me all about it when we have finished this" I said. Because I found it arousing hearing that Peggy had got herself fucked and also the way Pam was responding to her own statement, it didn’t take long before we both had wonderful orgasms and I came in her cunt. I thought that was the best fuck we had had for years. Pam on the other hand didn’t seem anywhere near as excited as I was.

I asked Pam for more details of what happened to Peggy because after all she was probably the least likely one of our group to play around. Pam looked tired but told me about Vegas and Peggy.

"We were having a good time playing the machines, going to parties with all sorts of people we met and generally doing what everyone else was doing! We had arrived late on Friday evening and immediately went on a tour of everything which had an open door, and you can believe me, that was everywhere! Anyway by about 4.30 in the morning we all headed back to our rooms and turned in for the day! Well, we all slept in and managed to meet at lunch time. Vegas is the most unusual place and there is something going on all the time.

We were invited to join in with a group of other people our own age and we had a wonderful meal together. Everything is so wonderful at the meal tables that you feel you want to eat everything in sight."

"After our sumptuous meal we joined with the group in touring around the casinos and took in a couple of shows. Most of the shows were very spectacular and wonderfully staged but some of the girls wanted more action in the games rooms and so we returned to the machines. One of the men in our group, and there were 12 of us all together, suggested we take in a different type of show and, just for the hell of it, we agreed.

"Well, a short limo ride took us all to a club which was off the main strip. It was well lit but not in the right part of the city to attract much passing trade. We made our way inside and it was dimly lit and there were tables for us to sit at and we were all supplied with drinks which were the compliments of the men with us. It wasn’t long before the first of the shows began since we arrived. Onto the stage walked a beautiful young girl and she strutted around the edge of the stage making eyes at the men who were occupying the front tables. Anyway, it wasn’t long before the men were paying the girl to remove her clothing and before long she had only her bra and knickers on.

"Then the man who was compeering the show asked if anyone in the audience would be prepared to pay for the privilege of removing the last of this young girl’s clothing. A couple of the men at the front jumped up on the stage and offered money and were allowed to take off her last clothes. Soon she was standing there naked! She was really a pretty sight and we envied her supple young body. The compeer then told us we were about to witness the best sex show in the world and, with that announcement, a bed was wheeled out onto the stage.

"The bed was covered by just a sheet and was placed in such a way that we could all see everything on the bed. Well, to cut a long story short, a young man came out onto the stage, dressed in only a pair of jocks and proceeded to kiss and fondle the young girl. Well it was announced that this man had paid the most money at the previous show and was allowed to fuck the girl.

"At this point one of our girls thought we had better leave, partly because the men with us were getting a little turned on by the show. I had a nice chap alongside me and he had already put his arm around me and had managed to reach by breast and was fondling me! I told him I was married and he eventually took his hand away but looked very disappointed."

"The show lasted a fair while and we were able to watch as this young man, who had a rather long cock, fucked this girl as hard as he could! He had already stuck his cock into her mouth and she had sucked him for a while, before he thrust his cock into her cunt! They really fucked and fucked and I must admit it was turning us all on a great deal. The chap next to me eventually got his hand back around me and grabbed my tit and at the same time he took my hand and held it against his cock in his pants and he was very erect.

"He then left my hand there and reached over and placed his hand on my leg, just under my short skirt and slid his hand up until he was touching my pussy through my very small panties. Darling, I have to admit I was very turned on and just couldn’t allow him to go too far but I did let him pull my panties aside and stroke me until I had an orgasm! I didn’t stroke him very much and didn’t pull him off! Darling, I am very sorry if that offends you but it was all in the heat of the moment!"

"It is only fair to say that all of the other girls were being mauled by the men in our group, even those who wouldn’t normally allow such happenings. Some of the girls allowed it to go too far and they had the men playing with them for quite a while and at the same time the girls were jerking their cocks and the men were cumming everywhere. Anyway, back to the stage. Eventually the girl had been completely fucked and the man was about to cum! He obviously shot at least one load into her cunt but then pulled out and shot the rest of his considerable load over her tits and her face, some of it going into her mouth! It was a very sexy scene and we were all turned on more than we thought!"

"The man Peggy was with was giving her a real fingering and she was cumming like an express train! She was very vocal and there was no way everyone didn’t know what she was up to! Anyway, Peggy had obviously enjoyed the show as well as her man and when they were removing the bed from the stage she said, in a very loud voice, "God, I wish my husband or someone would fuck me as well as that girl was fucked!" and everyone nearby heard her! We were quite surprised because she is usually the quiet one in the group."

"The next item on the program was for the announcer to start the bidding for the right to fuck the girl at the next session! We were all intrigued by this and were amazed at the amounts some of the men were offering! Anyway one of the men left our party and we thought he was probably going to the toilet for a bit of relief after the session with us, but when he returned he had a wide grin on his face! We all decided to wait for the next session to begin because there was only a ½ hour wait. The drinks began to flow and we were all happy.

"Then the show started and when the compeer moved out onto the stage he immediately told us there was a change in the show, he wanted Peggy to come up to the front of the stage. Peggy thought he must be talking about someone else but he beckoned to her and the spotlight shone on her as well. Reluctantly she walked to the front of the stage to ask him what he wanted. He reached down to her and asked for her hand. The stage was only about 2 feet high and he pulled her hand and lifted her and naturally she ended up on the stage! He then told us all she had been selected as the girl for the show and the young man who had paid for the right to fuck her would now get what he had paid for!"

"We all expected Peggy to jump off the stage but instead she turned to the young man who was walking onto the stage and threw her arms around him! The man was only dressed in his jocks but it was obvious from the bulge in the front of them he was ready to go! Peggy quickly got into the swing of things and allowed the man to undress her. When she was completely naked she climbed onto the bed, spread her legs and held her arms up to welcome him! She was heard to say, in a loud voice, "I hope you can fuck me better than my husband!" Then the man, who by now was naked, quickly shoved his cock into her cunt and began to fuck her!"

"Our group of girls couldn’t believe what we were seeing. Not only was she getting fucked in front of everyone else but she was allowing him to fuck her without a condom and we all feared for her safety!" Anyway, she was really fucked and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it all. While this was happening on the stage the man next to me ran his hand up my leg again and began to play with my pussy again. When he had a couple of fingers inside me I came again very strongly. Everybody was turned on!

"When the man had cum, and he came inside her, they rose up off the bed and began to dress. She then came back to our table and said "Well, that was the best fuck I have ever had – if only my husband could fuck like that!" Well, our party left shortly after than and we thanked the men with us and said goodbye to them and returned to our hotel. I was sharing a room with Bess and Kelly and we stayed up most of the rest of the night talking about Peggy! We guessed there must be some serious problems at home! Later when we were all together we asked Peggy if she realized what she had done. She was quite calm about it all and said her husband had agreed to let her fuck anyone she wanted while we were on our trip provided she returned to him and told him all about it!

"We were stunned and could hardly believe her. More or less to prove her point, she rang her husband while we were in the room and told him on the phone what she had done. We actually heard him congratulate her and he told her he still loved her and hoped she would be better for trying someone else for comparison!" Peggy told us sex with her husband was great but she had wanted to try something different and he had agreed. She said she was now completely satisfied and had really enjoyed her freedom fuck – she had wanted to try this for a long time!"

All through this long story, I had been listening intently and holding Pam to me. I loved her so much but found it even hard for me to comprehend what she had told me. By this time I was completely aroused and had a wonderful hard-on which was pressing into Pam’s side! She said to me, "Wow, someone is excited – I guess we had better do something about that problem." So for the second time that evening we fucked ourselves silly!

Next morning while we were eating our breakfast I caught Pam watching me with a strange glint in her eye! Oh No, I thought, what does that glint mean! I asked Pam what she was thinking and I have to say I was totally shocked by what she said!

"Darling, what would you say if I asked you if I could have the opportunity to fuck a strange man, just once, to satisfy my curiosity? I am not necessarily asking to be allowed to do that, only what you would think about it!"

I was stunned! It was no surprise that this had been brought on by the events at the Vegas trip and I guess I was a little shocked when she had told me she had allowed a man to play with her at the show. I just brushed that off at the time, but now realized it probably had some bearing on the reason for her asking me to let her get fucked by a stranger. She added just a little bit of pressure to the question by telling me she was sure the other husbands would be allowing their wives to go out and find another man once they had been told about Peggy.

"It didn’t make any difference to my decision. I simply said to Pam, "Darling, I can understand what you are saying and I hear you loud and clear. There is no way I would want to allow you to go and get fucked by another man, but there is also no way I would stand in your way if that is what you really, really want to do. You will have to make that decision on your own and also bear the consequences! I would make a couple of rules before I would allow you to go, and one of these would be that it must not be a public affair!

"It must be very private and no one must know about it. Secondly, you would not be allowed to discuss this affair with your girl friends - they will have to guess what happens. Thirdly, you must come back to me and tell me all about what happens unless you want me to be present when it occurs. Fourthly, this will be a one-off occurrence and must not happen again without my express consent. Fifthly, I hoped it would not be anyone I would know as I would prefer him to be a stranger. I guess anything else must be left to your judgement!"

I think Pam was a little surprised at my reaction and she left her chair and came around and kissed me passionately. I couldn’t help but wonder if she was not totally satisfied with my sexual prowess and perhaps she might find a much better partner in someone else. I guess I will have to take that risk.

Pam then asked me if I would like to watch her getting fucked by a stranger if she could arrange it! I had to admit I perhaps wouldn’t like it, but it might be better than waiting at home for her to return. Nothing more was said about it for a while.

The next time the subject was brought up was at least 6 weeks later. It was a sure thing Pam had been thinking about it all that time. She asked me if I was in a good mood? Would I be prepared to listen to what she had to say before I began shouting at her? Of course, I knew what was coming but steeled myself and agreed to listen.

Pam said, "Darling, I have been watching the newspapers since I returned from Vegas to see if there would be a suitable advertisement for what I was wanting. I have answered about 20 and had talked on the phone with most of them. I have also met one of the men in person after talking to him. He is a complete stranger to me and lives in a city about 50 miles from here. He is willing to meet me again and for you to be present when he fucks me! He has done this sort of thing before and assures me he knows what I want. He has no objection to you watching but you cannot take any part in what happens. He is willing to sign papers agreeing to what we are proposing and can supply health certificates if necessary. He suggests we travel to his city and he will book accommodation at a motel for us and he will do what ever I ask of him!"

I was stunned; she had been working on this all the time! Well, full marks for initiative! Warily, I agreed to her proposal and asked her when it was arranged to happen. She blushed and said "Tomorrow night! That is a Friday and we will spend the rest of the weekend winding down from the event and making sure our love for one another is continued!" I guess I was relieved I wouldn’t have to be thinking about it for weeks or months so that was probably a smart move on Pam’s part.

The next day we both left work early and already had our case packed and so we left on the first step of our adventure. Pam knew all about the reservation at the motel and as soon as we arrived she went to the reception counter and collected our keys. The room was very elegant and nicely furnished. My heart took a sudden leap when I saw the double bed realizing my wife would be lying on that being fucked by a stranger shortly! Pam stripped off her clothes and headed for the shower. Before she reached the door I grabbed her arm, told her I loved her and it wasn’t too late for her to quit the idea! I also noticed she had prepared herself well because she looked lovely even though she had been working.

She had carefully trimmed back her bush and it was shaped like a heart! She had, of course, shaved her legs and underarms. I held her at arms length and admired her body. She is a lovely woman. She seemed to be a little bit nervous as though she was hiding something from me. Anyway she reached the shower and wore a shower cap because she had had her hair done during her lunch break. She looked lovely. When she was showered and dried she returned to the bedroom and applied her makeup and sprayed body perfume all over herself. She then dressed herself in an almost see-through negligee which she had naturally bought for the occasion.


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