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Panties, Pantyhose and Mom Pt. 03

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Linda feels bad, but is willing to make it up to me.
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Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 02/08/2020
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Mom- Mommy- and I had had a wild time that afternoon after our trip to the supermarket. She really got off on teasing all those men and women, walking the aisles in her tight red blouse, short and snug black skirt and black pantyhose, and spiked heeled pumps. It did wonders for me as well, seeing her dressed like that, taking provocative poses to check out the merchandise. Everyone was checking out her merchandise.

Just a refresher on mom (Janice). It's been just the two of us since my dad walked out when I was 6 because he was a selfish prick. We haven't heard from him since and good riddance. Mom's a tax attorney, so we live comfortably in a condo, but not extravagantly. She's 5'5", 38C-30-38. Great curves in all the right places with a little bit of a tummy. Hey, she's 40 with a kid and she works damned hard. Her hair is brunette, cut cute and short, warm green eyes and a beautiful face. She's gorgeous. It's not just me who thinks that way. I see men checking her out wherever we go, and most of my friends have said, crudely, that they'd love to "do her" or other such classless remarks.

I'm Gary, I'm 18, a senior in high school. I'll be going to the local 4 year college in the fall to save money on a combined bachelors-masters program in chemical engineering. I'm 5'11", in good shape from swimming and soccer, thick brown hair, NOT shaved, no tats. I have a girthy 7 inch cock and a hell of a fetish for women's panties and pantyhose. I love to jerk off with panties, which means moms, or, when I'm out with a girl and we have sex, I try to get her to incorporate her panties or, if she's wearing them, her pantyhose into our sexual play. It works with varying degrees of success. Some girls find it to be fun, especially my aroused reaction, while others have treated me like Chester the Molester. It was my date with Linda the other night, who reacted like I was some sort of pervert when I asked about indulging in my fetish, that set up the beginning of my encounters with mom, or mommy as she likes to be called when we have fun.

As great as the sex was with mom (it really was amazing), I was disappointed because I really liked Linda, she seemed to be very into me as well, but it kind of blew up in my face when I asked if I could rub my cock on her pantyhose. She asked if I was a pervert, and we got into a fight, and that was that. But from that came the hottest sex I'd ever had, and it was with my mother. A few times over the next couple of days.

Linda emailed me the next afternoon. She felt bad about her reaction and wanted to talk to me. I told her we could talk at 2 the next afternoon, Sunday. That's where my story continues. I hope you're all caught up. Details of mom and me together are in my previous posts.

I called Linda that afternoon. I waited until almost 2:30. I figured I'd let her sit and stew for a bit. It was good for her.

Just a few words about Linda. She's 5'7", redhead with green eyes, very pale skin, really almost ivory. She's got great curves, 36C and a nice big ass with a little tummy. Her legs are fantastic, long and toned. And she's funny as hell, which I love in a woman. A sharp mind and a quick sense of humor. Yum.

"Hey Linda. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, Gary. Are you ok? I kind of left you in a bad way the other night. I feel bad about that."

"I'm ok, Lin. Nothing a little self abuse couldn't fix."

She giggled at that. She wasn't a prude at all, which was why I was so confused at her reaction Friday night. "Gary, I'm really sorry about how things ended the other night. I mean, no one ever asked me anything like that before, but I like to think I'm open minded when it comes to sex. I guess you just caught me off guard. I would think it's not easy putting out your desires like that."

"No, it's not. You're not the first to react less than favorably. I really do appreciate you apologizing. It can't be easy. So are we good?"

I could hear her smiling over the phone. "We're good. Do you have plans tonight? No school tomorrow. Let me make it up to you. Dinner? I'm buying."

Wow. I didn't expect that. "You're paying? How do I say no to that?"

"Don't. I'll even make it up to you in other ways. Maybe we can even indulge in one of my fantasies? Something I've never told anyone before, not even Carol." Carol was her best friend since they were in 4th grade."

"Sure. We can help each other. I'm hard just thinking about it."

"MMMM I wish we were on Facetime. We could play for each other." This was the Linda I had been expecting. Very playful. "My mom's home now, so probably not the best time. We can come here after dinner though. She has a company dinner celebrating the end of tax season. She won't be home until well after midnight. If we make it an early dinner, we can have plenty of time alone."

"Sounds like a plan. Pick me up at 6? I'll choose the place. And dress nice."

"You didn't have to tell me that, Lin. Warning: I'm not eating lunch. Bring plenty of money" I teased her.

"I'll feed you, but we're going to work it off afterwards. Count on it."

I was feeling really good about things when we got off the phone. I figured I should let mom know about the change in my status with Linda.

Mom was watching a movie in the living room, a cheesy Lifetime woman-in-distress flick. She was a sharp, smart woman, but she was a woman at heart. I loved that about her, actually.

"Mom, Linda and I are going to dinner tonight. I just wanted to let you know."

She turned to look at me. "So I guess she apologized for the other night?"

"She did. She's even taking me out. Her treat."

"Order the lobster" mom joked.

"I don't even know where we're going!"

"Ok, just order the most expensive item on the menu. And dessert. That's what women do to men when he has to apologize to her."

"Thanks for the advice, mom" I said wryly. I turned to go to my room.

"Gary, wait a sec."

"Yes, mom?"

She looked at me with her bedroom eyes. "Got a little time and energy for mommy?"

"Mom, Lin and I are not just going to dinner, if you know what I mean."

"Still talking around things? After the last couple of days you can't tell me you're getting laid tonight? You can take care of me with your mouth. I'll reluctantly leave your penis alone. Come on, it'll get your motor running for tonight."

I figured I had time, and besides, mom had taken care of me when I was in need. Ok, actually we took care of each other. I didn't feel obliged. I wanted to do this. I stepped around the front of the couch, where mom was stretched out. I got down to my knees and I kissed her. Softly. Her lips were so tasty and pliant. My hands roamed over her breasts from outside her robe and she moaned into my mouth. Breaking our kiss, mom whispered "Touch my pussy baby. Mommy's so wet."

I opened her robe and saw her pink and white striped panties, satiny and small. I could feel her dampness from the outside, nice and wet. I could only imagine how soaked she was on the inside. Actually, I didn't have to imagine. I put my hand inside, and mom was swampy indeed. My index finger teased her clit as I sucked on her soft, warm tits.

"Yes, baby, suck mommy's tits. My sexy son."

I kept sucking like I was feeding. My fingers penetrated her pussy, two fingers easily filling her slick snatch. I twisted them around and mom was crying from a series of climaxes. "Mommy, I love your pussy. It's so warm."

"Baby, are you sure you can't fuck me now? I'm sure you'll be fine for your date later. Mommy knows how to fuck you best of all."

I was sorely tempted. "I'm sorry, mommy. I better not. Tomorrow? I'll be your fuck toy all day if you want."

She grunted her disappointment, but she said "I understand, baby. Just please use your tongue on my clit. I'm desperate to cum!"

I grabbed her thighs and hips and pulled her so her legs were high in the air and her ass was hanging off the edge of the couch. I pulled her panties to the side and thrust my fingers back inside her while I used the tip of my tongue to flick mom's throbbing clit. I moved my tongue as fast as I could, so my tongue was like a boxer working the speed bag. Mom cried out as her hips rose and fell on the couch and a stream of warm fluid came out of her pussy onto my chin and fingers. I moved my mouth to swallow as much as I could of her sweet, warm juice.

Mom eased me off from her pussy, took my face in her hands, and gave me a very loving and sexy kiss. Then she blew my mind a bit by saying "Thank you, baby. I love the taste of pussy, even my own." Wow, that told me something big about my mother I never would have suspected.

"Mom, you like girls? Since when?"

"Since a long time, honey. Since I can remember, back in high school. I experimented with a close friend of mine before either of us lost our virginity. Then some more in college and law school. Every once in a while, ever since your dad left, I've had some dalliances with women I know, married women who aren't going to fall in love and get attached. It's just sex and some affection. But I've missed a nice cock, which you're now supplying. Don't worry, I want you to keep seeing women yourself, having your fun and relationships. I hope you can keep giving me what I need, but if you come to a point when you feel you love someone and need to be faithful, I'll understand and even encourage you. And maybe now that you're 18, I should get myself back out there and start seeing men again."

"Mom, I don't know what to say, except you're the best. In every way."

"And you're very sweet and special, honey. Now, we both have to start getting ready for our evenings. Come see me before you leave." I got one more kiss, then we both went to our bathrooms to shower and get ready.


At 5:30 I was ready. I had on a pair of grey wool slacks, navy blue jacket, a white with blue pinstripe shirt and a funky red pattern tie. I looked pretty good, if I do say so.

On the way out, I knocked on mom's bedroom door. Despite the changes in our relationship, I never would just enter her bedroom if the door was closed without her permission. "Come in, honey" mom called out.

I went in and was greeted with a very sexy sight. Mom wasn't dressed yet. She was sitting at her vanity doing her makeup. She was wearing, so far, a black lace bra and panty set, and I saw her pantyhose on the bed as well as a classic little black dress. I'd seen it on her a number of times, even had some dirty thoughts about her while she wore it, but this time I wished she wore it while we fucked. Maybe I could get her to dress up again tomorrow.

"Well, you look very handsome, Gary. I'm almost jealous. You make me want to push you down onto the bed and tear your clothes off."

"Maybe I'll let you some day" I grinned at her.

Mom was looking at me with a big smile from her reflection of her makeup mirror. "Maybe I won't ask." She was so damn sexy.

"You look pretty great yourself, just as you are, mom. Lucky for you I have a hot date."

"Are you bringing her back here after dinner?"

"Yeah, her parents are home. Not everyone's parents are as cool as you are. Especially women's parents."

"I understand these things, honey. Just be careful. I know condoms aren't a lot of fun, but if you don't use one, you'd better be sure it's safe. I'm not ready to be a grandmother."

"We'll be responsible, I promise. I love you mom. Have fun at your party."

"A tax lawyers party? Fun isn't the first thing that comes to mind. But thank you. I love you too."

I kissed her on her cheek and headed out to pick up Linda, who lived about 10 minutes away.

I rang her doorbell and her father answered. Bill was a nice guy, not one of those fathers who can be menacing to their daughters dates. You know, the types that think telling a guy they have a gun and a shovel is either funny or reality. Bill and his wife Monica were modern people who understood their daughter was 18 and adult enough to make her own choices about men and relationships. They were also a very good looking couple. Monica, like Linda, was a redhead, a little chubby but still attractive, and Bill was at least 6'2" and fairly solid with thinning light hair. They made for a beautiful family.

"Come on in, Gary. Linda will be a few minutes yet. You know, women" he said conspiratorially.

"Thanks Mr. Gianelli."

"Bill, call me Bill, Gary." As I said, nice guy. I sat and talked about sports and such while I waited for Linda. I asked where Monica was, and he told me she was out picking up dinner. The time passed easily.

Then Linda came into the room, and she was worth waiting for. She wore a simple dark green dress that came just above her knees, bare arms, and matching hose on her lovely legs. She wore red strappy high heel sandals and very light makeup. She didn't need it, really; she was beautiful, with that alabaster skin and high color in her cheeks. "Linda, you look amazing." I kissed her cheek. A very light but intoxicating perfume hit my senses. This woman really was all class.

"Thank you, Gary. You look very handsome yourself."

Bill walked us to the door. "If you're going to be home after midnight, please call us, sweetheart. Not that we worry. But still..."

"I will dad." She kissed his cheek and I helped her on with a light jacket. When we got to my car, I held the door for her. Mom raised me right. Linda loved being treated like that.

She picked a nice Japanese restaurant. "I should have asked, Gary, but do you like sushi? We can go somewhere else if not."

"Sushi's fine for me, Linda. And you really do look great tonight. Good enough to nibble on."

She laughed, a light, easy laugh that went all through me. "You'd better do more than nibble later! Don't fill up on dinner!"

We had a really nice time. The restaurant wouldn't serve us saki, but we were fine with iced tea. We talked casually about everything and nothing. This was the fifth time we'd been out together, and there was nothing uncomfortable in our banter.

After dinner was cleared, Linda took my hand and said "I'm really sorry about the other night. I still don't really know why I reacted that way. Many of us have our fantasies and fetishes. I feel bad about how I treated you."

"We're past that, Lin. I told you, we're good. I promise."

She looked at me with her loveliest smile. I had to keep a little control to avoid having a very obvious erection pop up in my pants. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Well, you can ask. I'll try to answer if I can."

"Do you know where your fetish comes from?"

"Lin, I don't know if we're at the point where I can answer that for you. It's a very personal issue, you know."

"If I tell you about my own fantasy first, would you tell me then?"

"Don't tell me that unless you really want to. But if you do, then I guess I'll share as well. But maybe we should go to my place first. This isn't really where I want to talk about this."

We called for the check, and I grabbed it, despite a vigorous argument from Linda, insisting she invited me. Next time, I told her. "Take me for a hamburger."

Linda was a little frustrated, but I could see a small smile on her face. We were quiet in the car, both of us wondering what the other had to say, and both of us very hot for each other.

We got comfortable on the couch, I took off my jacket and sat nice and close to Linda, with my arm around her shoulders and her head on mine.

After we sat like that for a little while, I asked her "So do you still want to tell me what your fantasy is? You don't have to, you know."

"I want to. It's not my only fantasy, but it's the kinkiest." We both shifted so we were facing each other. "Ok, here goes. A couple of years ago, one night I had to get up and pee. It was like 1 in the morning, and it was unusual for me to get up to pee. I usually slept through the night. I went across the hall, relieved myself, but as I was going back to bed, I heard noises from my parents room, almost as if my mom was in pain. I went to their room, they'd left the door open a little so I could see inside. Dad was behind mom, and they were going at it, hard. He was fucking her and grabbing her hair and mom was really making some loud noises. I knew about sex by then; my parents were honest with me, and girls talk like I guess guys do. But I didn't know about that position at that time. Also, dad was so rough with her! Spanking her, pulling her hair, and she was loving it. They were talking so dirty to each other. I swear, I thought my pussy was going to soak through my panties and wet the carpet! I'd been masturbating for a few years, but I'd never been so turned on in my life. I watched until they finished, and ran back to my room, and I shoved my fingers in my panties and frigged myself to an explosive orgasm. I had to bury my face in my pillow to stifle my sounds. I never came like that before, and rarely since. Since then I dream of being taken rough, especially by my father." Linda looked down at her hands. "I guess someone who thinks like that has no business calling someone else a pervert."

It was pretty wild hearing that from Linda. My cock was achingly hard in my pants. The thought of her having such a wicked fantasy of her father fucking her hard was making me throb. "Linda, you're hardly unusual. A lot of girls go through a daddy stage, and a lot of guys go through a mommy stage. It's kind of how I have a panty and pantyhose fetish."

Linda shifted around on the couch in a way that told me her pussy already needed attention. But I had my own story to tell. But how much of it should I tell her?

"You know my mom raised me by herself for most of my life. She's great, did a great job. Tax season was hard when I was young, and she had to spend a fortune on babysitters who could stay until late at night. She sometimes had to leave work earlier than others at her firm because the sitters could stay into the night. I know it kept her from making partner for a few years. She only got there two years ago, at least four years later than she should have. We're not rich, but I never wanted for anything I needed.

"Anyway, being so busy meant she was rushed in the mornings. So from my earliest memories, probably 4 or 5, she had to get me ready for the day, for school or whatever, while getting ready for work. And she'd be in her underwear, sometimes pantyhose, while dressing me. No big deal as a small kid. But after 10, a boy starts to really notice, mom or no mom. And you've met her, she's a beautiful woman. And the sight of her in her panties and hose got me aroused. Shit, not aroused. Hot. If she left the house first, after I was a certain age, I'd masturbate before school, if I could." When I mentioned that I masturbated, Linda let out a very small but audible gasp. Her color in her cheeks was getting redder.

"Then I got curious about her panties especially. I'd be alone in the afternoon, and I started experimenting with them, not wearing them, but using them on myself while jerking off."

"Keep going" Linda whispered with lust. She was really enjoying this. She touched her tits, maybe unconsciously.

"So that was hot, but I didn't know much about women yet and I wanted to know at least something about pussy. At least I could find out what they smelled like. I started using her worn panties, smelling them as well as jerking off."

"So naughty, Gary. A panty sniffer." She wasn't disgusted. She was fucking burning hot.

"Yeah. I was. I am. I love the smell of a woman's pussy."

"Did you jerk off with a pair of her panties the other night, when I left you high and dry?"

"No, I jerked off just with my hand." I was really into this, as much as Linda was. "But later, mom helped me get off again. Twice." Wait, what did I say?

I could see it on Linda's face, a look of absolute shock. But she was still breathing raggedly and touching her thighs. "Really? You and your mom? Did she suck your cock? Did you fuck her? Tell me" Linda cried urgently as her hand went under her dress

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