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Paper Mix-up

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A story emailed to the wrong person leads to fun.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/25/2024
Created 09/21/2024
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This is a work of fiction. There are elements of a male dressing as a female, male on male oral and anal sex, and a male and female pissing on each other. If any of those bother you, please move on to another story.

The characters in this story are all college students or adults and are all over 18 years of age. Please enjoy the story for what it is, a figment of my fertile and sometimes slightly twisted imagination.

Chris finished reading through his paper one more time, making minor edits to get it ready to send to his professor. He was a Public Relations/Marketing student at Brighton College, a small but very prestigious school in a small town less than an hour from St. Louis. He had been accepted at the expensive private college because of his ability to write business papers as well as news stories and humorous short stories. This paper was one of only two grades in this class taught by a well-known PR professional who also had an office at the headquarters of an international company in St. Louis. He had scored well on the first one, and was certain his score on this paper would secure his A in the class to keep his GPA up.

He closed the file and clicked on another tab at the bottom of the computer screen. A story he was writing for a friend popped up on the screen. He didn't really know Paul except through a website for the exchange of sexy stories and fantasies. They read each other's stories and they often sent emails and private messages back and forth discussing them and other stories on the website. They often talked about their fantasies, most of which involved crossdressing and being seduced by a man or sometimes a sexy woman. Paul had given Chris a scenario and asked that he write a private story for him, and Chris had done it. He was getting very tired, but he had promised Paul he'd finish the story and send it to him tonight. He made a few changes and some final edits and closed that file, also.

He opened his email, opened a new mail to Mr. Higgins, his professor, attached the file he had written for class, and hit send. Then he opened an email to Paul and attached the story and hit send. That done, he shut his computer down and got ready for bed.

Well, he was actually pretty much already ready for bed. He hung his short pink velour robe on a hook attached to the wall near the headboard. He was wearing a mid-thigh length nylon gown. It was red with a pink elastic band around his chest, just under his breasts. Above the pink elastic band the cups were pink lace. They didn't have a shape, like a bra might, so they lay flat against his flat chest. Chris liked to imagine he had bigger tits and bigger nipples under the pink lace. He also had on light blue nylon bikini briefs he had worn all day under his boy-clothes and kept on when he changed to his Chrissy clothes when he got home.

He lay in his bed and let his mind drift to one of his favorite fantasies. He was wearing a pretty dress... a halter dress that had elastic around his waist with two wide triangles of soft cotton material stretching up to tie behind his neck and cover his tits, and below the elastic waist a soft, flowing skirt that stopped a couple of inches short of his knees. In his dream he didn't have huge tits in the halters, but large enough to jiggle when he walked, and with big nipples that showed clearly when he got excited, which was most of the time. He was bare-legged, and wore cute white sandals with one-inch heels as he walked across campus to class.

As he drifted off to sleep he could almost see him and hear him talk... he changed from night to night... some nights he was a big black man, some nights a smaller white man... but every night he had a big hard cock jutting at Chrissy...

"Hey, Chrissy girl, you're looking hot today." Chrissy turned to look at the nameless football player who called to her. Even though she couldn't see a face, she knew it was ruggedly handsome. She smiled at the man.

"Hi, Gabriel," she said, blushing. "Thank you." Now the man had a face. He was the quarterback of the football team.

Gabriel walked closer and put his hand on Chrissy's shoulder. "So why don't you step in here and talk to me for a minute," he said, gripping her shoulder gently. He was trying to pull her into a little alcove in the facade of the building where no one could see them.

She tried to pull away. "No, Gabriel, I don't have time to give you a blow job right now. I have to get to class." But he kept pulling her into the alcove, and she really wasn't resisting.

"Oh, come on, baby, you know you want to," he told her. "You know you love it when I put my big dick in your hot little mouth. Or maybe you want it in your tight little ass today?"

Chrissy definitely didn't have time for an ass fuck. She needed to get to class. But he was right. She did love taking his big dick in her mouth. She sank to her knees in front of him. He opened his pants and pulled his big cock out. Tonight it was black, with a big purple head that was dripping pre-cum.

Chrissy leaned forward and took the head of the cock in her mouth. She gripped his shaft with her other hand. She jacked his shaft as she worked her mouth down on the thick dick. She inhaled his musky man scent and knew he hadn't showered after his workout this morning. It was a scent she loved, a scent that turned her on.

"Oh, yeah, that's it, baby," Gabriel purred. "Damn, you are the best cocksucker on campus!"

Chrissy knew he was just saying that so she would keep sucking him. But if it were true, it was quite an accomplishment for Chrissy. She knew there were probably dozens of girls, and maybe even some boys, on campus who had sucked Gabriel's cock.

She was now getting over half of his eight inch dick in her mouth. Her hand that had been gripping his shaft was now fondling his big balls. She bobbed her head up and down his shaft, fucking him with her mouth. She wished she had time to turn around and flip up her skirt and let him put the thick cock in her ass. But she didn't. She needed to get to class.

Gabriel started to move his hips, fucking her mouth. She again gripped the exposed part of his shaft with one hand. She put the other hand under her skirt and rubbed the front of her panties. The small cock in the panties was already hard. Chrissy moved her hand on the panty covered cock in rhythm to her head bobbing up and down on Gabriel's throbbing dick.

Gabriel gripped both sides of her head. She felt his legs stiffen. He held her still. She felt his swollen head throb in her mouth. She knew to start swallowing, and very quickly a hard gush of thick cream filled her mouth. She tried to swallow it all, but some escaped out of the corner of her mouth. She knew some of the cum was dripping on her dress. Everyone she passed on her way to class would see the cum and know. Everyone in her class would know. Everyone would know that she had stopped on her way to class to suck a dick. They would all know she was a cum slut.

Gabriel's fingers were tangled in her hair as his cock pumped shot after shot of cum in her mouth, down her throat. He could feel her swallowing. It felt like she was trying to suck as much cum out of him as she could. He heard her moan and felt her shudder, and he knew she was spurting her own load of cum in her cute panties.

Chrissy was just about to stand up and swallow the last of Gabriel's cum when he woke up. He put his hand inside the panties to get some of his cum on them, then raised his hand to his mouth and tasted them, pretending he was tasting Gabriel's cum. Damn it tasted good! He smiled as he rolled over and went back to sleep hoping Gabriel would come back.

Chris groaned as he rolled over to touch the button to turn the alarm off. He groaned again when he realized it wasn't his alarm. He looked at his phone to see that someone had messaged him, then messaged him again, and then again.

"Who in the fu..." he thought. He looked at the clock and realized he still had over an hour before his alarm would go off. He considered just ignoring the phone to go back to sleep. And then it buzzed again... another message. He sighed and looked at the screen and saw that all of the messages were from his online friend Paul.

"Chris! Wake up! Call me!" "Chris, come on, dude, wake up and call me!" "Chris, you need to wake up!"

Chris sat up on the edge of the bed and hit the button to call Paul. They rarely spoke on the phone. "Hey, what's so important in the middle of the night?" he asked in his raspy early morning voice when Paul answered

"In the first place, it's early in the morning, not the middle of the night," Paul answered. "And I think you might have a problem. Did you send me my story last night?"

"Yeah. Didn't you get it?" Chris asked.

"I got a story, but not the one you wrote for me. This one looks like something you wrote for one of your classes."

Chris sat up, suddenly wide awake. "What do you mean something for one of my classes?" he asked.

"It's all about using different styles of language for different types of messages, or something," Paul told him.

"Damn, I must have sent that one to you instead of Mr. Higgins," Chris said. "Just delete it. And please tell me you also got the story I wrote for you."

"No, man, that's why I'm calling so early," Paul said. "You must have sent the story to Mr. Higgins."

A chill shot up Chris' spine. He looked at the clock. It was just after 5 a.m. He quickly moved to turn his computer on. Maybe he could do a recall on the email. He'd never done it before, but he'd heard that it could be done.

"Shit, shit, shit," he said to Paul. "This isn't good. This isn't good at all!"

"So this Mr. Higgins," Paul said. "Is he a pretty cool guy?"

Chris shook his head. "No, not at all!" he said as he worked to get the email pulled up. "He's a very conservative businessman... wears a suit with a vest most days... has that very well trimmed little beard... you know the type."

"Shit," Paul agreed. "This isn't good. So maybe you can do a recall on the email," he suggested.

"That's what I'm trying to do now," Chris told him. "Hang on."

Chris watched as the email came into view. His stomach did a flip-flop when he saw that the 'Received/Read' tag was green, meaning that Mr. Higgins had already opened the email. He told Paul the bad news.

"Damn, who the fuck is up looking at email at five o'clock in the fucking morning?" Paul said more than asked.

"I'm not surprised," Chris told him. "He has to look at all of our papers and get ready for class early so he can take care of his other job, too."

"Oh, that's right. He's some high powered PR guy, too. Well, maybe he saw the title and knew you'd sent the wrong one and didn't open it," Paul offered. "If he has that many to read he probably won't waste any time reading one that isn't for class." Paul sounded hopeful, and Chris appreciated that.

Chris took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "That's my only hope," he said. "I'm royally screwed if I lose this scholarship."

Chris walked into the building early, hoping he could talk to Mr. Higgins before class. But when he walked by his office there were already people in talking to him. Mr. Higgins saw him looking in and waived. "Hi, Chris. Can you come see me after class, please?"

Chris smiled as the others in the office turned to look at him. "Sure thing, Mr. Higgins. See you then."

Chris was not a smoker. Chrissy, his feminine side, often smoked when she was out having drinks. But today Chris needed a smoke. He went back out of the building to the designated smoking area and tried to light a cigarette with trembling fingers. Donna, a girl from his class, noticed that he was struggling and stepped up and put her lighter to the end of his smoke.

"Need some help?" she asked.

Chris laughed. "Yeah, thanks."

"What's wrong, Chris?" she asked. "You're always so together, especially in Mr. Higgins' class."

"Oh, nothing," he told her. "I messed up on a paper and now I have to go talk to him in his office."

"Well, as good as you are in his class I'm sure it's nothing," she smiled. She put her smoke out and walked into the building.

Chris stood there, smoking and thinking. Maybe Mr. Higgins just wanted to tell him to submit the paper and forget about the one he'd already sent. Maybe he would think it funny that Chris had accidentally sent a story that was not appropriate for class. Maybe he liked the story and wanted to know more about Paula, the 'girl' in the story who loved to suck cock. Thinking of that caused his dick to stir in his panties.

Chris stared off into space and zoned out for a minute. He saw Mr. Higgins get up and walk around his desk, unzipping his pants. "I'm assuming you are Paula in the story," he said as he got closer to Chris. "Well, sort of," Chris admitted. Mr. Higgins stood in front of him and pulled his dick out of his pants. As in most of Chris' dreams and daydreams, the dick was big and hard and veiny, with a big mushroom head leaking pre-cum. Mr. Higgins gripped his hard shaft and pushed his swollen head against Chris' lips. Chris didn't protest or back away. He opened his mouth and let his professor push his big dick into his mouth. He closed his eyes and moaned as he closed his lips down on the hard shaft.

"Hey, Chris, time to go. You don't want to be late for Higgins' class." Chris was jerked back into the present when another classmate called to him. He put the cigarette in the metal butt bin and quickly caught up with his classmate.

"Man, that must have been some daydream you were having there, Chris," the other student laughed as they walked into the building. "I think I heard you moan. Man, I hope someday I meet a girl who will make me moan just thinking about her!"

Chris laughed with him. "Yeah, it's pretty great."

Finally! Class was over. Chris was both anxious for and dreading what would come next... his visit to Mr. Higgins' office. He hadn't been able to concentrate at all during class. Several times he zoned out, returning to the daydream of Mr. Higgins walking around his desk to offer his dick to Chris' mouth, then to the nightmare of Mr. Higgins tell Chris that he would have to include the erotic story in his files and report Chris to the Dean. 'But you're a bright young man, and a good writer. I'm sure you can find some sort of menial writing work,' Mr. Higgins told him in his mind.

Chris stopped at Mr. Higgins' door and waited to be waved in. "Please," the professor said, motioning for him to step inside. "And close the door please."

Chris knew that meant they wouldn't be disturbed. All the students knew that when Mr. Higgins' door was closed that meant he was busy. Only in an emergency would they knock on the door.

"You were a little preoccupied in class today, Chris," Mr. Higgins said. "No doubt worried about the paper you submitted for the last assignment."

Chris had his hands folded in his lap. He looked down at them and nodded. "Yes, sir," he said quietly.

"Well, the good news is, your paper met all the requirements of the assignment. If you recall, I offered you three options. The story you sent me falls under the third option, and it's quite good. Just so you know, I would score it a B+." He laughed when Chris looked up at him. Chris was used to turning in A papers. "You were a little sloppy with some of the dialogue," Mr. Higgins answered his unasked question.

"But, I'm sure you don't want that to be your official submission on this assignment, right?"

Chris nodded. "No, sir. I just mixed up some files. I had two files to send out in two emails last night. It was late and I was tired and I got the files mixed up."

Mr. Higgins nodded. "I figured it was something like that. And since you actually submitted a paper before the deadline, albeit the wrong paper, I'm inclined to let you go ahead and send me the paper you meant to send last night and call it good."

Chris was afraid he was going to cry. "Oh, thank you, Mr. Higgins. You don't know how much I appreciate you doing that for me!"

"Oh, I think I do," the professor said. "That paper you sent to me last night could very easily get you expelled for the remainder of the semester and quite possibly cause you to lose your scholarship. But that's not the point. The point is that you are one of the best students I've ever had. You understand what we are doing here better than some colleagues of mine who are getting paid to do it. I just can't see you throwing that away on a stupid mistake... and, yes, it was a stupid mistake. One that you won't make again, right?"

"Yes sir, I mean no sir. I mean, yes it was a stupid mistake and no I won't make it again," Chris said quickly. "I'll go home right now and send you the correct paper."

Mr. Higgins laughed and held his hand up. "Anytime this afternoon will be fine, Chris. Don't go skipping classes to run home and do that."

"No, sir, Mr. Higgins. I won't."

"So," Mr. Higgins said. He seemed to want to say more, but he was hesitating. "Chris, do you mind if I ask you some questions about your, um, story?"

Chris blushed, but he shook his head. "No, sir, ask anything you want." He was wondering where this was going. Maybe his daydream about Mr. Higgins coming around the desk?

"So, Paula, the, um, young lady in the story... based on you?" Mr. Higgins asked.

"Well, sort of," Chris admitted. "A mixture of me and the person I was writing the story for, a friend named Paul."

"Ah, ok. But the pictures you sent with the story. Those were you, yes?"

Chris's blush deepened. He'd forgotten the pictures. There were three pictures- two of Chris in a sexy dress, posing seductively, and one of him in the same nightgown he wore to bed last night, on his knees with his mouth open. The gist of the story was that Paula got her first taste of dick and cum and was insatiable, sucking cocks every chance she got, sucking multiple cocks at a time, swallowing so much cum she could barely eat a meal.

"Yes, sir, those are pictures of me," he said quietly.

"Well, I must say you are quite attractive as a woman," Mr. Higgins said. "And, um, quite sexy also."

"Thank you," Chris said, still looking down and blushing.

"So I have to ask, how much of Paula is you?" Mr. Higgins asked.

"Huh?" Chris looked up at his professor.

"Well," Mr. Higgins said. "I know you're not running around campus sucking cock in the common areas. I think I would have heard about that. But... how much... oh, hell, I guess I'm trying to ask if you really like to suck cock. I mean, I've seen you talking with the girls in class and they're flirting with you and you're flirting back, so I wonder if that's just an act and you're really gay or if you just like to write stories about it."

"Um, well," Chris cleared his throat, stalling so he could figure out how to answer. He decided to just be honest. There was no reason not to be at this point. "Well, Mr. Higgins, I'm not gay. I love the girls. But, I also love to suck cock. I've never really had a relationship with a guy, but I've sucked a few cocks around campus."

Mr. Higgins nodded. "Uh, ok. That's interesting to know. Um, Chris, I'm going to tell you something... something I probably shouldn't. But I need to. I've, um, I've never, um, never been sucked off like you describe in your story. I had a few girls go down and lick on me some when I was younger, but I've been with my wife for a long time and she, uh, well, she thinks it's nasty. She won't let me lick her, either."

Chris stood and walked around the desk. "Stand up, please, Mr. Higgins." He sank to his knees.

"Oh, no, we shouldn't... we couldn't do that here." But he stood up, and he didn't protest when Chris reached for his belt. "What if someone comes in?" he asked.


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