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Paradise Isle - Faun Pt. 08

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9.5k words

Part 8 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 11/16/2022
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(fetish, cosplay, faun, chastity, non-consent, corsetry, femdom) Witchery

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

This tale is a stand-alone story of an adventure at Paradise Isle. Please read at least the first section of the 'Island Paradise, The Beginning' for background on the wonderful island and its sexual vacation orientation. It sets the stage for this and other stories of sexual pleasures encountered on the island.

Read the previous chapters of Faun, first.

When Izzy dropped Willow off at her home, late the next morning, Liam met her at the door.

"Wow. You do look great, but that thing looks tight." He said, as soon as he got a look at her new corset.

"It is. It's terrible. And she expects me to wear it all of the time."

"Always? Day and night?"

"Yes," she said just before she started to cry. "It hurts." She mumbled between sobs.

Liam took the bags out of her hands, set them aside and then hugged her, holding tightly until her crying faded.

Finally, she stirred and he released her. "I agree, I look sexy and they do fit in with my character, but Liam, it's so uncomfortable and restrictive. I can't bend or twist. "


"I've gotten used to it," she said with a sigh. "And I can't eat. Not much anyway. I'll be losing weight."

He laughed. "And that's a bad thing?"

She punched him, and then smiled. "I'm not overweight, you cad. At least it will help me get down to the measurements she wants me at."


"Yes. She wants me three inches smaller than this, a six-inch reduction," she said as she held her hands around her waist, showing how small she already was.


"Yes, wow. I'll die."

He held her tightly, reassuringly, until she sniffed and backed away. "I guess I'm being kind of melodramatic. I will probably get used to wearing this thing. I admit it looks sexy as hell on me, but still. it's a major pain in the ass."

Liam chuckled, and pulled her back into a kiss. He reached around and cupped her furry ass, as he mumbled, "it's such a fine ass."

Eventually they settled down onto the couch, with Willow trying her best to find seating positions where her corset didn't give her grief. She found that she could sit up straight, but slouching or lounging back was trouble.

She could lean to the side, resting against Liam, and he liked that position, or she could lay down flat, on her back or side, but nothing in between.

She really would have to change the way she lived to accommodate the thing.

Liam provided encouragement and sympathy, but she could tell that just like Alexandrea, he loved the look, and perhaps also the way the thing restricted and controlled her movements. Wasn't her faun body unique enough?

After a light lunch, Willow asked Liam to help her remove the corset, so she could take a shower.

It was a struggle, for both of them, but finally freed, she took some time to stretch and enjoy the feeling of freedom before she stepped under the flow of warm water.

It all felt wonderful.

She stayed in the stall until the hot water began to run out.

Finished washing and drying, Liam helped her with her new corset. He fought mightily, but finally got the thing laced tightly around his wife's waist.

She dug out a measuring tape from her sewing things and when she checked her compressed waist found that she was still an inch short! Damn!

Liam had to untie her and work some more to get her to the reduction Alexandrea demanded. With still more effort, and a lot of puffing and groaning, they finally arrived at a satisfactory size.

"How in the hell are we going to get you down another inch?"

"Or three?" she moaned.

"Willow, this has got to stop. That witch is killing you."

She looked at him, sadly. "Liam, my love, we talked about this. I have to see this through, and you really have no option, you're locked up and she has both the keys and those photos."

"We could go to the police." He said, but from his tone he already realized that wouldn't work.

She answered him anyway. "Yah, right. The faun, and her husband, are claiming that a pair of witches forced them to have sex, and tortured her with a sexy corset, and him with a chastity device?"

She shook her head sadly. "Even if the cops believed us, the tabloids would go crazy with the story and we'd lose everything."

They stood there quietly holding each other for a while before Willow stepped away. "At the corset shop they had a lacing bar, that I held onto while the woman tightened my laces me into this thing. I guess I need one of those. Could you install something like that?"


"Today? You have to go to work tomorrow, and I'll need it."

"Okay. I'll run out and by a few things and get it up this afternoon."

She leaned in and gave him a kiss. "You're a wonderful husband. I love you, and I'm sorry I got us into this mess."

He pulled her in and kissed her. "I think I started it when I signed you up for the modifications on Paradise Isle. If it weren't for that, we'd have never met those witches."

"I agreed to it." She said as she kissed him back. "And it was fun, until..."

"Until Alexandrea." He inserted, disgustedly.

"But I agreed to her too." She finished, as she stepped back and walked back into the bathroom to put away the towels and hair driers.

By dinner, Liam had installed a length of pipe in the hallway outside their bedroom, luckily it had a tall ceiling like much of the rest of their house. It didn't look like much, but it would work for her needs.

In bed that night, Willow again found that the corset was terribly uncomfortable. After a lot of experimentation, she decided that she could sleep on her side, if she used a rolled-up towel under her waist. Similarly, she could get comfortable on her back, if she placed the towel in the small of her back.

She hoped that it would be a little easier to lay in the corset designed for night-time wear. If and when she used them.

She was just dozing off when her phone rang, disturbing both of them. She guessed who it was before she even looked at the screen. Sure enough, it was Alexandrea.

As soon as the facetime app came to life, Alex ordered, 'show me.' Willow turned on the bedside lamp and pulled down the covers before flipping the camera to show her demanding girlfriend that she was indeed in bed and wearing the red leather corset.

"Very good, my dear. Love you. Good night." Alex said before she disconnected.

"Shit!" she muttered.

"Amen to that." Liam agreed.

Monday was just another day, and the rest of the week crawled by.

Although Willow was periodically called by either Alexandrea or Isadora, for a check-up; making sure that she was wearing her corset, and her collar was positioned properly with its chain dangling down her front, she wasn't invited over that next weekend.

Liam wasn't contacted either, and that left him horny and frustrated. And he realized he was jealous, too. Willow was getting plenty of sex, but he was denied.

During one evening call from Alexandrea, she instructed Willow to swap out her corsets, so as to even out their wear and get all of them 'seasoned', fitted to her body. 'They do stretch, you know. The more you wear them, the more comfortable they'll become, and the more your body will adopt.' She had explained.

So, every other day, Willow showered and switched to another of her corsets. She performed that new ritual in the evenings, so Liam could lace her into the things, as she hung from the bar in the hallway.

The lacing was more painful than the unlacing. But the corset's removal was also difficult for her to bear.

Whenever she removed her corset, her body relaxed but the release was almost painful, as her lungs gained their freedom and her breathing pattern changed, her organs seemed to reposition and her back took on the task of supporting her torso.

It seemed crazy, but she increasingly hated the process. It was easier to just keep the damn thing in place.

After a couple of days, they realized that Alexandrea never requested to see the back of her corset, so she didn't really see how tightly, or loosely, Willow was laced. So, each night, before bed, Liam would untie and allow Willow's corset to open a bit, allowing her to get much more comfortable in the thing.

In the morning, though, he retied her to the three-inch reduction Alexandrea had set as her current norm.

"God, I hate this." She said, one morning.

"I know, my love. But if we don't, then next time you visit her, you'll really be in trouble."

Sighing resignedly, "I know."

On Thursday, the two of them were invited to visit Alexandrea's home, Saturday morning.

"And Liam, bring your woodsman's costume. There's a convention in Long Beach." Alexandrea had added before she hung up.

"I guess we're all going." Liam said, as Willow shut down her phone. "It might be fun."

"I hope so. We haven't been to an event since we met the witches. And maybe you'll get unlocked."

Liam looked at his wife, sadly. "But I doubt if you and I will be able to have sex. Do you mind when I screw Izzy?"

"Lover, I know how much you need relief, so no, I don't mind. I'll probably spend the night with Alexandrea, anyway. Do you mind that?"

Liam sighed. "No, I suppose not. I wish it was me, but I know you love her, and I guess she loves you."

"She does love me. I'm sure."

But to make sure he understood that she still loved him, she hugged and kissed him as she always had, as a wife kisses her husband.

They drove to Alexandrea's, early, per her instructions. Both of them were excited. Willow was always pleased to see Alex, and Liam was anxious for release with Izzy. And they were both looking forward to attending a Cosplay event where they could show off Willow's unique faun body.

In the home's entryway they all met up and while Izzy and Liam exchanged a casual hug, Alexandrea and Willow hugged and kissed affectionately.

Liam watched them dispassionately, knowing that at least his wife was happy.

As soon as they broke off their clinch, Alex took a step back and examined Willow, critically.

"You look very nice, but from now on I want a four-inch reduction. You've been at only three long enough." Alexandrea ordered.

Only three? Willow thought. My God, four will kill me!

Alexandrea then took her back into her bedroom, leaving Liam behind with Izzy, so she could tighten the laces herself.

Liam could see the fear in his wife's eyes as she followed the witch. He wondered why she didn't protest. Of course, why didn't he?

Willow took up the position below the bar, and stood passively as Alexandrea went to work on her.

After a lot of pulling, tugging and moaning, Alex retrieved a measuring tape and happily informed the poor girl that, over the corset, her waist was a nice twenty-two inches.

Willow was panting and aching, although surprised, and secretly impressed, she only groaned in response.

"See, we'll be able to get you down to an even twenty, in that corset! And then we can move onto a new set."

"A new set?"

"Yes, of course. I'll have Elenore make you a set that will be capable of taking you down another four. Although I doubt we'll ever be able to lace you down that far, at least not without having a couple of ribs removed."

"Oh no," Willow cried, "please no."

"Stop right there, young faun girl. This is for your own good. You know how gorgeous you look even now. And you'll look even sexier with a smaller waist. So don't you dare argue with me on this."

Alexandrea emphasized her scolding by giving Willow a firm swat on the ass. It surprised her more than it hurt, her behind was covered in a blanket of fur, after all.

"And, in case you're worried, I don't really expect to have any of your floating ribs removed."

Willow breathed a sigh of relief. But she stopped abruptly when Alexandrea added, "At least not for the time being."

While Alexandrea and Willow were in the bedroom, getting dressed. Isadora took Liam into the back bedroom, where she kept her costumes.

Inside she turned and began undressing him. "I assume your costume is in that bag. Let's get you dressed."

Initially, he was pleased. What guy didn't like being undressed by a pretty woman. But soon he realized that her attention was making his cock strain against its cage, and pull painfully on his balls.

He moaned, in pain and vexation. Opportunity, but no relief - the story of his life these days.

Of course, Izzy understood his grief, but there was little she could do about it. Actually, she enjoyed his predicament, if she couldn't fuck him, she could at least enjoy tormenting him. It made him want her even more and made him more pliant as well.

It was fun and entertaining, and she needed some of that, as her wife was spending so much time with the faun.

To torture him even more, she fell to her knees in front of him and quickly wrapped her arms around his thighs and her lips around his caged cock.

He groaned and tried to twist away but she held firm, and even succeeded in mumbling "stand still!" while keeping him in her mouth.

"Please, stop." He cried.

She pulled her mouth off just enough to say "pretty please?" before sucking him into her mouth again.

He groaned louder. "Pretty please, stop."

Giggling, she again backed off, "What will you do for me?" she asked before again wrapping her lips around and swirling with her tongue.

By that point his knees were shaking.

"Anything. You know I'll do anything." He replied, irritably.

This time, she finally pulled off, backed away from his painfully throbbing cock, and stood up.

"Remember your promise. Now put your costume on. While I get into mine."

He hobbled over to his bag and began pulling on his cos-play woodsman's costume.

Despite the ache in his crotch, he couldn't help but watch beautiful Izzy strip out of her dress and don her sexy witch's outfit.

It reminded him of the first time they had met. It seemed like forever ago. Part of him regretted ever seeing the pair of witches, but a small corner of his mind, and his cock, was inexplicably happy that they had.

As always, she looked fantastically sexy as she strode into the bathroom to put on her makeup.

When she came out, many minutes later, she opened a drawer and pulled out a black dog collar with a chain leash already attached.

As she approached him with it, he took a step back. "Remember your promise. Now stand still. You'll wear this for the convention. I don't want you wandering off, meeting a pair of even more alluring witches."

"There aren't any." He mumbled, and it made her smile.

But he wasn't smiling as he allowed her to buckle the collar snuggly around his neck.

"Oh, come on. Be a good boy. You do want sex, later, don't you? If you don't demonstrate proper behavior, Alexandrea won't unlock you."

Horny and anxious for sex, he resigned himself to be Izzy's pet for the day. It was a very new experience for him.

Willow did a double-take when Izzy led Liam out to meet them for the trip to the event. She was used to being collared and leashed, but it was something new for her husband, and she didn't like seeing it.

She tried to give him a sympathetic and encouraging look, but he was too focused on following his witch.

They drove in silence to the convention center, parked, and worked their way through the gathering crowd into the building.

It was a mid-sized gathering, but still crowded.

Alexandrea and Isadora once again looked fantastically intimidating in their evil witch costumes.

Willow, as always, drew a lot of attention. And several of the regulars commented on her corset and its effect on her beautiful body.

For the first time in a long time, Willow felt embarrassed by the collar around her neck, and how Alexandrea held onto the chain and led her around, as if she really was her pet. She had been comfortable with being considered Alex's 'playmate' or even her 'play thing'. But she still resented the implication that she was the witch's pet, or slave.

As time wore on, Liam became used to being led around; it did give him a nice view of Izzy's behind, hidden though it was beneath her flowing skirt. She looked sexy from any angle, and he became even hornier as the day wore on.

When people commented on his slavery, or otherwise pestered him, he just ignored them and followed along behind his witch.

As they stood, admiring some artwork, Izzy wrapped herself around him and whispered, "Isn't this fun? I've never had a man on a leash before, and I like it."

Then she reached down with her free hand and grabbed his crotch, giggling delightedly at the feel of his cage and stretched balls, making him jump and groan. "And you're being such a good boy. Keep it up and you just might get laid."

"Might?" he moaned, glumly.

"Well, my pet, you must keep in mind it's not really up to me, is it? I think I've been good enough to her to warrant a reward, but I'm worried about you."

Liam found that being Isadora's pet was hard work. He was expected to follow along behind her attentively watching her every move. When she stopped, he had to, and when she moved on, if he didn't react quickly enough, he received a painful yank to his neck.

And he was absolutely forbidden to ever touch his leash. One time when he did, as a punishment, she grabbed his crotch and crushed his poor balls. He stumbled around for several minutes, afterward, walking bow-legged with an aching crotch.

For lunch, they snacked at a vendor's station set up on the convention center's floor. Along with dozens of other convention-goers. While they sat, even more of the attendees stopped by to compliment them on their costumes and characters. And each of them had their own particular admirers. For the first time, even Liam received attention; people commenting on his role as the witch's poor captive.

It was embarrassing, but after a while he actually started enjoying himself. Until they finished eating, and he went back to being a leashed slave.

Finally, mid-afternoon, Alexandrea decided that they'd had enough fun, and they left for her house.

Liam was relieved, he was sick of being led around by his damned collar.

But he wasn't done yet. They walked to the car, and drove to a local mall where there was a store Alexandrea wanted to visit. She'd heard that the shop specializing in high heeled shoes, and she and Izzy could both use new additions to their collections.

Even though they were far from home and his office, Liam was petrified that they'd run into someone he knew, from somewhere, anywhere, and they'd see him in his costume and at the end of his humiliating leash.

Several times Izzy had to scold him to behave; to be a good boy.

Finally, Alexandrea grabbed him and made it abundantly clear, with a crushing grip on his throat, that he'd better behave or he wouldn't get any sex for a month, if ever. And she did it in the middle of the crowded mall's central hallway.

After that he did his best to be a very good boy for Isadora.

It was difficult for both Liam and Willow, to stand around the store while the two witches shopped and tried on several pairs of pretty shoes with four-inch heels. Willow was reminded that she'd never need pretty shoes like the ones in the store, and Liam couldn't help but be aroused by the sight of the sexy shoes, and that made his cock and balls hurt.

Finally, with Liam carrying several bags, they left the place and headed home.

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