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Fighting siblings are forced to share a bed.
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"Fuck off!"

"Fuck off yourself, you fucking asshole!"

"Go fuck yourself, pig!"

And with that my little sister, Emma, stormed out of the living room.

The next day I walked upstairs and found Emma in my bedroom, searching through my pile of Xbox games.

"What the fuck are you doing!?"


"Get the fuck out my room you bitch!"

"Fuck off. I'm just trying to find my Sims 4 game."

"You stupid bitch, I don't have you stupid little child's game do I?"

"Well I don't know that's why I'm looking. Stop shouting at me!"

With that I lifted her up by the shoulders, grabbed her neck and told her to get out my room. Twenty minutes later I pushed open her bedroom door and threw the Sims game at her, ignoring the fact she was in her bra and panties.

"Haven't you ever heard of knocking you dickhead!?" she shouted at me.

"Well do you want your little kids game or not?"

"I do but you should knock. I could've been naked or something." she whined.

"Who gives a shit? It's not like I'd see anything."

"Well in case you're forgetting, I'm a girl, so knock if you can understand something so simple."

"Who'd wanna see you naked anyway, you stupid fat ass!"

"Mark! Just fuck off!"

"Stupid short fat ass bitch!"

You get the picture. I'm Mark, I'm twenty four years old and I live at home with my mom, dad and seventeen year old sister, Emma, who is still at college. We originally came from Toronto, in Canada, but moved to London in England sixteen years ago.To say Emma and I fight is an understatement. We always have. Mom and dad say we're just normal siblings, bickering and fighting, but our fights can be very vicious. Emma is quite small for her age, slim and short. Add to that her breasts are quite small. If you didn't know her you would probably guess she was about four years younger. And obviously she's quite sensitive about her size and height, which means I take great pleasure in mentioning it as often as I can! Maybe things have calmed down a bit since I started going out with my girlfriend, Carly, about eighteen months ago but that's mainly because I'm not at home so much but you can always be sure that when Emma and I are under the same roof an argument is never far away.


So I found myself up in my bedroom on my eighteenth birthday, lying on my bed, crying. With me is my best friend, Amy.

"It's my birthday. My eighteenth! Surely that means something?"

"You should know by now he's just an ignorant pig," Amy said, stroking my back and trying to soothe me.

"He's also my brother!!"

"A stupid, ignorant pig of a brother then!" Amy smiled.

"Yes but..."

"A good looking stupid ignorant pig but still a stupid ignorant pig!" Amy laughed.

At that I smiled. I've known Amy since we were both five years old. For the last six years, despite seeing how me and my brother fight so much, she still has the most massive crush on him. And despite the fact that he has never so much as looked at her, or said a pleasant word to her or about her, and despite the fact that he has a girlfriend, she still thinks the sun shines out of his ass.

"Anyways, no more talk about the dreaded Mark, it's your birthday and I've got two presents for you," Amy told me.

"Awww, Amy you're the best. What are they?"

First she produced an envelope, containing a birthday card and a sheet of paper from a travel firm.

"What's this?" I asked, looking puzzled.

"Well, Emma, in two weeks time you and I are going to spend a week in Paris. It's all booked, all paid for. We're going by Eurostar from London and I won't take no for an answer."

"Oh shit Amy you can't afford all this."

"Relax, my dad paid for it all. He says you've always been such a great friend to me and you know he's always had a soft spot for you."

"Amy, I can't ever thank you enough!" I exclaimed, leaning forward to hug her.

"My pleasure," she laughed.

"Did you say there were two presents?"

"Yes," she replied.

At that Amy slipped her t shirt over her head to reveal her naked breasts.

"Mmmmm...you know me TOO well..."

"Happy birthday," she purred.

We both stripped naked and Amy began to lick my pussy. We're not lesbians but as best friends we've been 'experimenting' with each other for about four years. We have an unwritten rule that we only do it when we're alone in either mine or her house, so today was a first as both my parents were downstairs. We were both lying naked on my bed, enjoying a post sex chill when we heard my brother come home.

We had barely covered ourselves when he burst into my bedroom.

"Happy birthday squirt," he called out as he threw an envelope at me.

"Mark, thanks, but knock. Remember?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure."

I opened the envelope to find a birthday card signed by both him and Carly, and a silver necklace.

I burst into tears.

"Oh Mark, it's beautiful. I thought you'd forgotten," I sniffed, sobbing.

"What, forget your birthday? I maybe an ass but I'm not that stupid. Anyway, you've been talking of nothing else for the last few weeks."

I stood up to give him a hug, but he turned and walked out.

"Thanks!" I shouted out after him.

"Happy birthday," he called out from halfway down the stairs.

"Oh, and hi Amy!" he shouted out.

I burst into tears again.

"You sob when you think he's forgotten and you sob when he remembers. You and your brother need to sort your lives out," Amy remarked.

"You know it's a good thing he did leave the room before you got to give him a hug," Amy laughed, nodding at me.

"Huh?" I seemed confused before I realized I was standing up with no panties on.

Three days before we were due to leave for Paris, Amy came round in tears.

"Emma, I'm so sorry I can't go," she wept.

"Amy what's wrong? What's happened?"

"It's my dad. He's in hospital, he's had a heart attack."

"Oh Christ Amy I'm so sorry. Will he be ok? What did the doctors say?"

"It's early days. He's in intensive care. I just can't go. My little sister is in pieces and obviously my mom..."

I knew. Amy's mom had died when she was ten. It was just her and her dad and her fourteen year old sister.

Later that day Amy rang and told me that the doctors had said her dad had shown signs of improvement. He was still bad, and she couldn't go to Paris but she suggested I take someone else.

"Amy I can't do that."

"Please, go and enjoy yourself. We can always go another time."

Later on I spoke to mom. Who could I take? It was such short notice. I didn't have any other friends anywhere near as close as I was to Amy.

"I know this might seem a bit...crazy...but how about your brother?" mom suggested.


"Do you have another brother?"

I went up to my room and puzzled it over. Mark? Christ! Mark?

I knocked on his bedroom door.

"Oh it's you. What do you want?"

I explained the situation to him.

"You want to spend a week in Paris with me?"

"I don't want to, but it's either with you or not go. Mom won't let me go on my own."

"We'd kill each other. A week together. Just the two of us."

"Please Mark. We don't have to spend the time together. You can do your thing and I'll do mine. Just look out for each other. Please."

"Have we got separate rooms?"

"Sharing. But apart from that we don't even need to see each other. Please."



A week in Paris, all paid for. You'd have to be a fool to turn that one down. Even if it meant spending a whole week sharing a room with my bloody kid sister. Getting the time off work was no problem, as I knew it wouldn't be. They owed me loads of time. Convincing Carly was a much bigger hurdle. She wanted to go, just me and her. It was very tempting. Paris with Carly, rather than my sister, but as mom explained, it was Emma's birthday treat, and she was already upset that Amy couldn't go. Poor Amy. I may be a monster in my sister's eyes but I did feel sorry for Amy. I'd known her since she was five, when she became Emma's friend. She'd been through a lot, with her mom dying. Mom took me aside, for a talk.

"Be nice to your sister. I know how you fight, but deep down I know you care for each other. Don't ruin this week any more than it's already been ruined."

"Yes mom, I promise."

I did have every intention of being nice to my little sister, but I knew it would be impossible to go a whole week without a fight!

The day before we went, I walked into the living room. Emma was sitting on the couch, putting her make up on. She was wearing a vest and a pair of panties, fairly normal for her at night time. I didn't mention that my sister is a bit of a goth. Emo, i think they call it now. She often paints her nails and her lips and her eyes black, or dark red or purple. It's certainly not to my taste.

"Putting your war paint on again Emma?" I sneered as I walked into the room.

"Make up, yes."

"Don't know why you bother?"

"And why's that, loser?" she barked back.

"Well no matter how much you cover yourself up, no man is ever going to find you attractive."

"And what would you know? Why don't you just leave me alone?"

"Fat ass. Ugly bitch. That's you."



"Fuck. Off. And. Die."

"And how will you get to Paris then, you fat ugly slag?"

"Maybe I don't wanna go, if you're gonna be like this."

Of course she wasn't any of those things. Emma is not fat, nor is she ugly. I know that. Deep down I know my sister is pretty, very pretty. But the insults are just too far ingrained into our relationship to ever be kind to each other.

And so to Paris...

We caught the Eurostar from London. We barely spoke to each other. In Paris we took a cab to our hotel, checked in and went to our room. The room was great, with fantastic views out of the dual aspect windows. It was luxury. Amy's dad must have spent a fortune to book this hotel. But...one problem...

"There's only one bed..." Emma pointed out.

I looked across the room.

"One bed. Why isn't there two? Shit!" I moaned.

We both went downstairs to speak to reception.

"Excuse me, room 105, there is only one bed," I told the lady.

"Oui, Yes, monsieur. One bed."

"We need two beds. We cannot share a bed."

"Sorry, err, the booking didn't ask for two beds. One double room. One bed. That is the booking."

I noticed Emma blushing.

"Well we cannot share a bed. We need two. We are brother and sister. We need two beds."

"I'm sorry, monsieur, the hotel is full. We do not have another room. You wish to check out?"

Emma grabbed my arm and pulled me to a quieter part of reception.

"We can't check out. It will have to do. We can sort something out," she whispered.

"What can we sort out? I'm not sharing a bed with you. A room is bad enough. Christ, having to share this planet with you is impossible some days but..."

"Mark! Don't ruin this for me. It's already fucked up enough. Shit you're the last person I want to be here with and I'd rather share a bed with a starved grizzly bear but just don't...ruin this. We're here now, there's no choice. We'll have to work it out. Now please just..."

"It's ok, we'll sort something out. No we don't want to check out. Thank you," I told the hotel receptionist.

We went back to the room. We stood at the end of the bed, staring at it, like two art critics judging a new sculpture.

"It's quite big," commented Emma.


"If we roll up a spare sheet and place it down the middle that might work. It will stop us from..." she continued.

"What?" I asked.



"Gotta be worth a try."

"I suppose so. Like you say it s quite big."

"I'm sure I used to share your bed when we were younger."

"Yeah, like when you were three or something," I replied.

"Well there's not much difference."

"We're not kids anymore though are we?" I added.

"What's the problem? Scared that you won't be able to keep your hands off your gorgeous sister?" she laughed.

"You wish."

"I don't think so. Amy though..." she laughed.

"Amy what?

"God haven't you noticed? She's been crushing on you since she was like eleven!"

"Amy? She's a bit young for me. Plus she's your best friend. That'd be like sleeping with the enemy!" I joked.

Emma playfully slapped me on the arm.

"Anyway, I'm gonna have a shower and then we need to find a restaurant. I'm famished," my sister informed me.

She came out the shower wearing a black dress and black stockings. I did a quick double take, caught out by how attractive my sister looked.

"When you've finished admiring my beauty, aren't you gonna shower?" she laughed.

"Beauty? More like a dog's dinner," I growled.


I showered then we went to find a place to eat. Dad had loaded his credit card for us to eat and visit places so we had money. Plus I earn well in my job. We found a great restaurant a few blocks from the hotel. After dinner we walked down to the river on our way to the hotel.

"You're being suspiciously nice to me this evening. In fact we've been stuck together for nearly twelve hours now and haven't argued. At home there'd be blood on the carpet if we were together that long. Has mom spoken to you?" Emma asked me.

"What do you think?"

"That's a shame."

"What is?" I asked.

"Well I was hoping you were being nice to me because you've actually realized I'm a lovely person. Not because mom threatened you," she laughed.

"No chance."

"Well I've got a week to work on you. We'll see, by the end of the week we'll be best friends."

"And how is that gonna happen?" I laughed.

"I'll have to use my feminine charm, to bring out the gentleman in you."

"Feminine charms? You? Hah!! Now that is funny."

"For that you're sleeping on the balcony tonight," she joked, playfully swatting my shoulder.

"At least it will smell better out there," I commented.

Back in the hotel room I went to the bathroom to change. I stripped to my boxers. It was a warm night and I normally sleep nude but boxers would have to do this week. When I came out of the bathroom Emma was standing by her case, with her back to me, wearing just a vest and panties. Not for the first time that evening I had to pull my eyes away from checking her out. Remember who she is - your kid sister - who you hate - I had to remind myself.

Her dress and stockings were casually tossed on the bedroom floor which somehow seemed quite sexy. STOP! I told myself.

I climbed into he bed. Emma went to clean her teeth, then came back and switched the tv on. We couldn't find anything to watch.

"I'm going to sleep. Goodnight," I said.

As I lay down I realized we hadn't put anything down the middle of the bed to stop us...touching. Oh well it's a big bed.

"Goodnight," said Emma, switching off the tv and the light.

I fell asleep almost immediately. I must've been more tired than I thought, but I didn't sleep for long. I was woken by a leg lying across my legs. Emma's leg. I shook my body a little to try to make her shift but she didn't so I simply nudged her hard with my elbow.

"Emma, move!" I told her crossly.

She must also have been asleep, and it took her a while to work out what I was moaning about. A little while later her arm found its way to my chest so I lifted it off. The next time I woke up it was me who was doing the touching. Emma had her back to me and my arm was draped across her stomach. I casually moved my arm off and rolled away from her. Next time I awoke it was daylight. Once again Emma had her back to me and once again my arm was across her stomach. But I also had an erection and I realized it was pressing against my sister's panty clad ass. Horrified I gently edged away from her, praying she hadn't noticed.


I slept pretty well apart from the occasional moments when mark pushed me away. I hadn't realized my legs were over his. I'd been sleeping! What I did realize however was the hard thing poking against my ass in the early hours. My brother had an erection while we were sleeping in the bed. He had gently moved away, probably hoping I hadn't felt it but I definitely had. I had trouble getting back to sleep after that. When we finally both woke up I didn't mention it. What was the point? We'd been getting on relatively well to that point. I didn't want to upset him by accusing him of getting a boner while sharing a bed with his kid sister!

We watched tv for a while. The news channels droning on about some coup in a Central American country. Mark got up to have a shower. When he went into the bathroom my cell phone buzzed. It was a message from Amy.

AMY; How's Paris?

Me; Cool. How's your dad?

Amy; getting better. Still in hospital, having tests, but he's sitting up and talking.

Me; that's great news. How's your sister?

Amy; still upset. But she's being brave.

Me; are you looking after her on your own?

Amy; mostly but Uncle John has been staying overnight with us.

Me; creepy Uncle John?

Amy; that's the one. Talking of strange men. How's the gorilla?

Me; Mark? He's been ok. Worryingly nice so far. No arguments!!

Amy; yet. Has he mentioned me?

Me; no sorry. Don't cry. Maybe I'll send you a pic of my tits to cheer you up.

Amy; I'll show it to my dad!

Me; that will make him brighter.

Amy; or give him another heart attack!! Where is Mark?

Me; in the shower.

Amy; is the room nice?

Me; yes lovely. I wish you were here. I'm missing you.

Amy; I'll send you a picture of my tits.

Me; guess what? The room only has one bed. Your dad booked a double room. A double bed, not twin beds!

Amy; you're sleeping in the same bed as your brother! I wish I was there. How was last nights sleep then?

Me; restless. Weird because we both kept knocking each other and we were trying to keep away from each other.

Amy; lucky bitch. Shit though, a whole week sharing a bed...

Me; I know. Nightmare.

Amy; well you'll end up either killing each other or fucking each other by the end of the week.

Me; e..killing is definitely the preferred choice. Better go, he's coming out the bathroom.

Amy; bye...

Mark came out the bathroom wearing just a towel.

"Amy just sent me a message. She says hi..." I told him.

He ignored me. I got up and went to have a shower.


Moments after Emma had gone into the bathroom I was on the balcony looking out when her cell phone buzzed. I walked over to her bed. It was a message from Amy. Being curious I tried to unlock her phone. The first thing I tried was her date of birth. Stupid girl - it unlocked instantly! The massage from Amy was a topless photo. Amy's head, shoulders and breasts. Wow! She might be a bit too young for me, and my sister's best friend but she still had nice tits. I might have to pay more attention to Amy next time she comes round.

Still being curious I read the previous conversation between them. 'You'll end up either killing each other or fucking each other...' caught my eye, although my sister's response was typical of her. I heard the bathroom unlock. I place the phone back on the bed and went back to the balcony.

" I thought you'd be dressed by now," Emma said as she saw me still wearing just a towel.

She had out on shorts and a t shirt. I got dressed in the bathroom and we went down for breakfast. Over the food we looked at the guide book I had bought and began to plan our day.

"It's a lovely clear morning. Maybe we should go up the Eiffel Tower this morning before it gets too busy. Then maybe Notre Dame this afternoon," I suggested.

"Cool with me. So we're doing these things together?"

"Yeah why?" I asked.

"Oh, only I thought we had talked about avoiding spending time together this week. You know, in case we fight," she explained.

"Well we can if you want but let's just see how it goes, I'll try and be nice if you do."

"Fine by me. But I do want to go on a boat ride on the Seine, and hopefully go to Versailles," she said.

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