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An erotic night of passion.
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At the foot of the bed, kissing.

We return from a fabulous night out. You dressed extra special for me tonight and I'm sure more than a few other men happened to notice as well.

Doesn't matter though, I knew you were coming home with me.

Our kisses are passionate. Intense really. Your breathing is short and excited. I love it when we kiss. Your soft lips, your searching tongue. It's really a great start to where this is headed.

Our bodies are close. Arms wrapped around our bodies as we almost melt into one. Breaking the kiss, just for a moment, I look into your eyes. Looking for, and seeing, desire.

I feel it too. My member is quite hard. In fact it has been most of the night. Just thinking about how we were going to end the evening. Here, in this bedroom together. Our clothes strewn across the room. Our bodies heaving, sweaty and fulfilled.

But just now we're only at the "feeling out stage". Our lips gently touching. Tongues twirling. It's quite erotic and extremely exciting. The kiss says so much.

Sometimes they are slow and sensual. Often they are heated and filled with lust. But each kiss is a great exploration. And we move together from the slow sensual kisses into the more aggressive passionate tonguing like a choreographed dance. Hard and intense to slow gentle and sensual, then back. What a beautiful feeling. This is the slow beginning of foreplay. It's something I love to do.

I sense that you may want more as your tongue probes even deeper. Are you trying to speed things up? Is my mind playing tricks?

I pull your body even closer to me. Both hands slipping down to fondle you. In the process your dress is lifted just a bit. But really just pulling you into me.

Do you feel how hard I am for you? Can you feel the heat and energy you are creating?

I break our kiss again and detect just a bit more "want" as your lips search for mine until you open your eyes.

I turn you around and begin to caress your neck with my lips. My hands are free to roam. My lips and tongue quickly find that spot where neck meets shoulder. I kiss my way up to your ear, slowly, with purpose.

Reaching for your breasts, I sink my lips to your ear. Licking, breathing and kissing. Then up and down everywhere. My hands slowly grab. I know this is more for my delight but I hope you realize my fingers really enjoy kneading your magnificent breasts.

I feel your body almost melt into me. Your body language is excellent. Heaving breasts, a soft sigh while your arms dangle with almost no care in the world.

You turn your head to meet my lips again. My hand slipping down the front of your body. It leaves a trail of tingles down your front as it makes its way slowly to your thighs. I grab your stocking covered thigh, pause for a moment, to enjoy the feeling, and then move slowly upwards.

My hand caressing your bare skin, the other playing with your breast and hard nipple while my lips and tongue enjoying your soft lips. What an incredible feeling as you sink back into me.

My hand continues to move up leaving even more intense tingles, even Goosebumps, as I raise your dress even higher. I trail just above your panties and then onto your stomach. My fingers grazing part in and part over your silken undergarment.

I feel a shortening of breath as I subtly sink lower with my fingers. I'm hoping it is; your want for me to touch your wet pussy. I feel your hand slowly cover my lower hand and follow my movements. Up down and around. I'm lightly caressing your stomach and below. Coming teasingly close to the point where all I want to do is push my finger down between your legs and make sure you are wet with anticipation.

But I continue to tease with longing stokes. Your mouth is absolutely wet and open for my exploration. Our bodies mashed together closely. My hands switch positions so that I can feel and play with your other nipple.

What a wonderful feeling being able to caress every inch of your body. The strap of your dress has fallen off your shoulder and I'm able to pull it down and expose you. Can you feel the heat as my hand and your naked breast meet? I'm in ecstasy being able to feel your hard nipple sliding over my palm.

I lightly touch it as my hand slides back and forth trying to coax it even harder. Soft, light touches. Your free hand now comes up to grab my neck and pulls our faces even closer. Your body turns into me and I groan as your side slips between my legs and rubs me just the right way.

You stop there as you move lightly to tease me, and your lower hand begins to urge me lower. It is subtle but I feel you willing me lower. My fingers dip into your panties to the lowest point yet as I switch from my light palming of your nipple and slide down to pull you into me. These two actions cause you to break our kiss and turn completely facing me.

Your hands and fingers quickly begin unbuttoning my shirt. Pulling it from my pants as well. It's not a slow delicate undress, you are hasty in your actions. Once my shirt is removed you grab the inside of my pants with one hand and pull me close. Your other hand is between us and you use it to tease me up and down.

Your lips find my neck and you start taking control to return the favor of teasing. Your top hand reaching for and unbuttoning my pants while you kiss my neck and stroke me through my pants. My hands are not idol, one able to find your exposed breast the other reaching around you to keep you close.

Totally in synch, our bodies totally enjoying every teasing touch.

I feel the buttons on my jeans release one by one. Each time with a bit of a tug. Your lips find my ear and are quite good at teasing me. My body tingles and I am totally surprise by your hand reaching in and now massaging me through my boxers. It's really a different feeling than through the jeans. Much more intense.

You don't just stroke me but you also squeeze me just right. It almost feels like your lips and hand are synchronized to drive me insane. I'm melting with desire at this point. As hard as I've ever been. Enjoying your flesh and the feel of your hot breathe on my skin.

My hand is grabbing your ass and feeling as much as I can of your body while trying not to lose it from all of your attention. Your breathe on my skin and your lips they are so passionate. I turn and take over your mouth, lips and tongue with my own incredibly urgent kissing. My hands reach up to cup your face.

Our kissing only seems to fuel your desire and I feel you stroke a bit faster. What an incredible feeling, the warmth of your hand on and around me.

We continue dancing with our tongues for what seems like hours. My hard cock is really enjoying all the attention. Grabbing your shoulders I spin you around again. You are almost in shock but settle back into me quickly. My hands quickly now coming back to that teasing point I abandoned earlier.

Your hands reach around behind and begin to push my jeans down. My lips quickly find your neck and ear so that I can breathe and kiss and lick and suck. But it's my hands that have your attention.

Your legs are spread in anticipation and I am happy to oblige as both hands reach under your dress and come up. Then one quickly dips into your panties and works downward. I am slowly exploring your body. My hands caressing, almost massaging you as I approach your pussy.

My breathe meets your ear just as my fingers reach down. You must be completely aroused as your body responds urgently. My legs caught in place by my half lowered jeans are no problem, but your panty covered ass grinding into my erection is. I totally love the feeling as you try your best to pull us even closer.

My hand is busy now exploring your folds. Delicately opening you up one step at a time. It isn't as much a tease as it is a buildup. Willing your body to endure all the excitement and anticipation. My fingers are moving all around and your wetness just serves to spur me on even more.

I lightly pass over your clit and I feel your body tighten all over. Your breath stops for a split second. What a beautiful feeling it is to have you clenching from just a gentle touch.

I continue to probe and explore and wet my fingers so they are soaking. My lips are all over your neck and shoulders. Making you wet and slippery. I am completely lost in everything we are doing.

For some reason just as I reach that sensitive area behind your ear, and my breathe blows hot into you, my finger again flicks your clit. But this time in a deliberate way. All these senses combine to give you your first orgasm. And your body clenches. A loud moan escapes your lips as you spasm for just a bit.

I am smiling as I continue to kiss and fondle you. My heart is racing. I want you, all of you, so badly. What a night it has been already. My cock grew even harder when you came if that is at all possible.

Our lips meet again, but only for a moment. Just long enough to remember how well they fit together.

Breaking our embrace and turning you reach into my boxers while looking into my eyes. They are glowing. Filled with desire. I'm looking and see this but cannot help but focus on your soft hands grabbing me. Stroking. I don't think I can get any harder. It's my turn to have shortness of breath as you lower yourself and look up at me as you pull my boxers down and continue to massage me just the right way. Oh my, what a sight. Your beautiful smile. Your hand moving up and down, the anticipation of having your lips wrapped around my cock.

With your help I let my jeans fall to my ankles, kick off my jeans and boxers and now stand completely naked in front of you. I step closer trying to urge you to take me in your mouth.

I notice you smile a bit as you sense my desperation. Your hand slowly stroking my length. You alternate from looking up at me to watching your own hand and its manipulations.

I think to myself that your first orgasm may not have been a good idea, because now you can taunt and tease me for a good long while as your own excitement slowly starts to grow again.

I watch. Your hand, your face, your naked breast, the spread of your legs as you balance on your high heels. It's extraordinary. I am so hard, so excited. My hands are clenched as I enjoy your slow teasing of my cock.

You adjust and lower yourself to your knees. I cannot help but to reach around and urge you onto me. And you don't deny. Your lips open and slowly you begin to caress my knob.

My body shutters with those first moments. My hand doesn't remain long as I let you do as you wish.

I watch every move. Your hand, your lips. What a sight. I'm incredibly hard as you slowly suck me in and out. Every so often looking up at me with a gleam in your eyes.

I love watching your hand and your lips work in unison as I relish every second. Your hand reaching around to grab my ass helps to pull me into you.

I cannot utter a word but my gasps and moans and clenched hands tell you everything you need to know.

You pause and remove your mouth. Looking up at me you see my look of absolute need. My absolute lust. I alternate from looking at you and them to your hand. How intense. Your soft hand gripping me tight sliding up and down my now wet cock.

As you slip back onto me with your wet mouth you begin to take me deeper, faster. It is so intense. I love every second.

Not really sure how long I'm going to last I just enjoy the ride. You have been working me for a while now but this new attack is more intense. Not as much teasing as it is driving.

You remove your hand and take me even deeper. Both hands grabbing me. Pulling me into you. My body is reacting. I'm pumping myself involuntarily. I cannot hold it.

You feel it coming. Your hand replaces your mouth and you pump quickly. Grinning wildly as your lips glisten. I can't say anything but watch as you slowly open your mouth. Take aim and let me shoot my load.

It is incredible. The tight grip. The fact that you keep pumping even after the first shot. This is an incredible ending to a wildly fantastic blowjob. Your fist continues even after the third massive shot.

Then your mouth closes over me again. I'm barely standing as my legs want to buckle from the intensity. I watch as you suck every drop of cum from me.

Your mouth is so warm, so tender, so giving. I shiver with ecstasy.

I reach down under your arms and lift you to your feet. The passion still burning even after that incredible orgasm. I turn you easily toward the bed and set you down on the edge. I'm quickly on my knees reaching up under your dress.

I find the waistband to your panties and pull them down. All while staring into your wild eyes. You are smiling confident after that great performance. It's becoming a one-up game of pleasure and it's my turn now.

My hands slowly climb up your legs after you step out of your panties. I'm mesmerized by the silky stockings. But I continue with what I hope will be as fun for you as it is for me.

My hands stop with both thumbs reaching your wetness. I tell you to spread your legs. You comply.

With unfettered access I quickly bring my mouth to you. My first real taste of you is exciting. Incredible. My lips, my tongue begin to feast. Slowly at first. Trying to see what gets a reaction. Some harder strokes with my tongue. Then soft swirls.

I'm registering everything I can to find just the right combination. Your hand grasps my hair and keeps me tight, or pulls me tighter to you. I just don't know. Don't care. I'm lost in you and making your body succumb to pleasure.

My hands begin to roam over your dress. I reach up and coax the other strap off your shoulder. You take the initiative to remove both straps from your arms and your dress gathers around your waist.

My finger find your nipples. They are both rock hard. I am startled a bit when both your hands guide my head. you are guiding me subtly to the right spots. Your moans tell me when I've done the right thing.

I am lapping and petting your pussy with my tongue. All this teasing is paying off as your clit appears. I zero in on it, then back off. Then swirl my tongue around it. Then suck on it. I love how you are reacting as your body tightens and then loosens a bit. Your breathing is heavy. Your nipples are incredibly hard.

I lower one hand and slowly work a finger inside of you. I am encouraged with a loud groan. It is surprisingly easy to enter your tight passage and I probe and prod, but my main focus is still all your folds and sometimes your clit. Teasing you slowly.

As I enter a second digit I also turn my hand so I can search deeper. It is so exciting to be eating you and fucking you now with two fingers. I'm sensing you like it just from the way your thighs sometimes tighten around me.

Pulling my fingers back once I curl them a bit to look for your g-spot. I stop, circle and then tickle. I found it quickly as I hear you moan. My tongue licking you quickly. My lips sucking and now my fingers playing inside of you. I am stroking in and out of you often passing gently over "the spot".

I am completely immersed. Utterly fascinated with how your body is reacting to my manipulations. I'm rock hard again in anticipation of what is to come. But first, your body needs release.

Now is not a time to tease. This is a time to work your body up and bring it over the edge. my tongue, my fingers. My other hand pinching and prodding your nipple, then lightly caressing your breast, then back to pinching.

I begin to work lightly over your clit and work the underside of my tongue across the top. Hopefully it's a different sensation for you as it is much softer.

My tongue and fingers now playing you like an instrument. Working together to bring you pleasure. To give you climax. I can feel you getting close. Your breathing shortens and your moans become higher pitched and quicker.

I don't stop the attack. I let my fingers zero in on your g-spot and tickle that bundle of nerves ever so gently.

I'm lost in time as I absolutely lose myself in what I am doing. Making you squirm, licking you slowly and then more quickly. Creating a mountainous climb which will hopefully be a mind blowing crescendo for your body. Slow licking then quicker... my tongue could never tire from tasting you. From giving you pleasure. I am working my tongue and fingers together so that something is always being teased.

My face is completely wet from your juices as I stay completely locked on what makes you feel good. I am always looking for the subtle move or tightening that tells me what you like. Your hands are not shy when moving me from one place to another. I can tell you are getting close as you begin the shorter, higher pitched moans and groans. I can tell by the way you are grabbing me just a bit tighter that you are getting close. My tongue attack doesn't slow. I'm encouraged by your noises.

And then, I feel you go completely tense. From head to toe. Even your nipples are harder as you cannot breathe for a long while. Your hips start to spasm. You are moaning loudly Yeses and Oh's. It's a much bigger orgasm than your first.

My tongue and fingers are still engaged. I want to make it last for hours if I could. I feel you tighten around my fingers and then buck your hips. And then tighten. Almost involuntarily.

What an incredible picture. Your body spasming, making blissful erotic noises as you cum. I am now the one smiling on the inside. Happy that your body reacted so well. Glad that you came so hard.

At just the right moment I stop licking. My fingers continue to slowly stroke you. I look up and see your body glistening in the afterglow. You are actually sweating. Your eyes are closed but your mouth is open slightly. You are breathing heavy and your breasts are moving up and down as you breathe.

I stand and lay you up further on the bed. Your body almost limp but hopefully contented.

I lay a gentle kiss on your shoulder and watch you as you breathe. Looking up and down your body. I settle into you, my erection obvious. My arm coming across your mid-section to hug you closely. You turn away from me and we spoon close. My erection finding the perfect spot to rest. Your hand grabbing mine and pulling it up close to your chest.

I can feel you breathing. I can sense how relaxed you are. I kiss your back and shoulders.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Beautifully written story. Very exciting ;)

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