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Pathetic Ch. 06

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Luca gets a helping hand to deal with his pain.
2.9k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/24/2015
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I don't think I'll ever understand how the mind possesses the endurance to withstand such overwhelming and radical emotions day in and day out. I had gone from one of the amazing moments of my life to actually believing that something vital inside me had been pulverized in a mere instant.

As dramatic as it sounds, I truly felt that this was the end of my life. My best friend had poured his feelings out to me and I had managed to crush them all just so that I could chase after a man I had already kicked out of my house once. A man who I found had moved on to the next available guy in a matter of hours. I couldn't accept it as anything else but karma.

I couldn't believe I had done that to Justin. He was last person on earth who deserved to be treated that way. In this moment, I honestly believed that there is nothing left for me. After running until my lungs felt as though they'd explode, I drove to the nearest convenient store and got a bottle of cheap whiskey (not exactly fitting for an Italian, I know).

I don't remember passing out or making it to the bedroom. I do, however, remember wishing during the last few conscious hours that I didn't have to endure the pain of waking up in the morning. Don't get me wrong, I strongly stood against suicide. I was not against a godly act of ending one's suffering out of sympathy, though. I acknowledge that it was a pretty selfish viewpoint, but a mind in pain doesn't tend to think clearly.

When I woke the next morning, I actually thought that I was dying, just judging from the multiple explosions going off in my head. Even if my senses and orientation were stable, I wouldn't have moved from the bed. I just laid there, staring at the wall for hours. I had no intention to do anything else for the foreseeable future, just to continue punishing my body and hope for an end to be granted.

I'm not sure how much time had passed but I nearly screamed when I was snapped out of my trance for a split second by the sinking sensation of someone sitting on my bed. I didn't have the energy nor the pain tolerance to turn my head and see who my visitor was. I just assumed it was most likely Maria. It didn't matter. I had no words to share with her.

I almost jumped out of bed again when my visitor spoke. Rather than Maria's high-pitched voice that I had been expecting, I was shocked to hear that familiar, deep fucking voice.

"Luca, what were you doing at my place last night? Weren't you supposed to be on a date with Justin?" After losing it with him and then tongue raping his hook up, I refused to lose my last shred of dignity and admit that I had realized I wasn't over him. I wouldn't give him that satisfaction. He eventually gave up on waiting for my response. "You need to explain things to me. You just left me completely confused with what was going on. I didn't get the chance to get a word in."

More silence, followed by a sigh.

"Sorry, that isn't fair. You're obviously not in the right place for this. I shouldn't be drilling you with these guilty questions. I came here to help you but I can't do that if you don't talk to me, though. Come on, it's time you opened up."

Fuck that. I wasn't going to share anything with him. I should have stuck to my ways and kept everyone at an arm's length. There wasn't a benefit in trusting others. I mean, I had just started to, and then this shitstorm swept through. I was hurting more now than I could ever remember.

"Alright, well, let's at least get you in the shower. You reek!" He chuckled at that.

His strong, large hands gently guided me by my arms to my bathroom. I was too tired to resist, too drained to even worry about my vulnerability when he stripped me down to my boxer briefs.

I was startled by the sudden downpour. I felt him staring at me for a few moments as I gazed ahead. I felt so cloudy and lost.

"Alright, you try to clean yourself up. I'll check on you in a moment."

I'm not sure how long I stood there. All I could think of was how I had gotten to this point. It was so fucking frustrating. I had everything in a perfect controllable ball and within a few days it blew in my face.

I had gone from being so protected and reserved to this emotional, exposed nerve. I hated it! It was all Brett's fault, too. He started the snowball. He made me want things that I thought I didn't need. Then he ripped it all away. I couldn't blame him, though. Anyone would go for that guy I saw last night when the other option was me.

I thought I was OK to be alone. But then, Brett had me imagining what it'd be like to be cared for so intimately. To be treasured and nurtured. All I could think of now was how deeply I wanted that connection. I truly had believed Brett could provide it, the idiot I was.

I was startled out of my trance when I felt a presence behind me. I jumped but was gently held again by arms.

"Jesus, Luca! It's freezing! Why didn't you turn it up? And you're still in your undies."

I resisted when his hands slid down and he froze.

"Easy there, buddy. No games, I swear. I'm here to help you. You can tell me to stop at anytime if it's too much."

Common sense would have had me telling him to fuck off. Something in his voice though calmed me, and I suddenly felt as though I needed this, too.

I felt the water warm, and then his strong hands sliding down my sides to my boxer briefs. He slid them off, letting them fall to the floor with a splat. He must have stayed on his knees, though, because I feel his hot breath at my backside. As fucked up as I felt then, it churned my stomach and gave me butterflies.

All the strength in the world couldn't have stopped the moan I let out as he scrubbed me. He did it so slowly, so lovingly. He started at the back of my legs, still on his knees. He then moved to front of my legs. His slow pace seemed to ease the tightness in my chest.

Alarms went off in my head, I was becoming putty in his hands. I shouldn't let this happen! Why would I be so vulnerable to him again!? It was so nice, though. I really needed this, even if it was a one-time thing, I was going to enjoy what I could have. I knew I was being greedy.

Lights exploded when I felt him move to my ass. I had no idea it was that sensitive. His hands kneaded each cheek. He would push and spread them, exposing my most private spot to his eyes. I knew I should have been embarrassed, but I was loving it. I almost went through the roof when he soaped a finger along the length of my crack, grazing my hole. Nothing should ever feel as good as that it did.

"Easy, Luca, no games. I'm just cleaning, I promise. Please trust me."

I felt I'd puddle to floor as he continued his administrations. This was heaven.

I gave a large sigh as he stood and pulled my back to him. It felt like such a perfect fit when his chest met my back. It felt so strong, but there was a soft layer to it that made it so inviting all at the same time.

I'm sure it's hard to believe this, but the situation didn't feel all that sexual. Yes, I was rock hard, and yes I could feel his tool at the top of my crack. But this was something other than sex. I felt... a passion. I leaned my head back and sighed as he scrubbed my stomach and chest.

I started to wonder, did I even deserve this? I was nothing special, nor did I do anything great, so why I was receiving this attention, this tender care? Of course I wanted it, but I still wasn't sure if Brett truly wanted me, or if he was just giving me a helping hand.

That was the last thought I had as his lips lightly grazed the back of my neck. I couldn't understand how he found these sensitive spots of mine that even I didn't know about. It was like he knew me better than I knew myself. After making some lazy circles with the soap on my back, he gently scrubbed my head. I never wanted this moment to end. It was the first time in my life that I felt really special and admired.

He slowly turned me to wash all the soap and shampoo from me. I was confused when he bent me towards him, but understand as the water hit my hole. I almost lost control as I felt that and stared at his hardness in my face. I couldn't believe how big he was.

I returned to my relaxed state as he dried me with my warm, fluffy towel, followed by wrapping me in my robe. He led me back to the bed and laid me down. I instantly welcomed the warmth he provided as he scooted up and wrapped his arm around me. He began to make light circles on my lower stomach. I wondered if he knew how much that was driving insane.

We shared a long, comfortable silence and I almost started to drift off due to the warm, peaceful state he had provided. He finally broke the silence. "So... are you ready to talk? I want to help Luca, I really do. But I can't if you don't explain things. So please, tell me what's going on in there." He punctuated by lightly scraping his nails through my damp hair and giving a sweet kiss to the back of my head.

"It's all my fault. I fucked everything up. Big shock, I know."

"What's all your fault? I don't get what happened. Maria said you were on a date with Justin? What happened?"

"Yeah, we were. It was amazing, he was amazing." I felt him tense at that but before I could register it my hand grabbed his hand that was laying over my navel as a sign of reassurance. "He showed me a great night. He did everything right. We were back at my place in front of my apartment. We started to make out and it was amazing. But then it hit me, that was what my brain had wanted. I knew that being with him was the most logical step. But I realized, my heart didn't want logical. It finally clicked that what I really wanted was you."

I heard his breath hitch at that and his hold on me tightened. "So you showed up at my place. But what the hell was that with Trent?"

"I'm sorry, Brett, that was my fuck up. I shouldn't have expected you to wait for me. I just didn't expect you to find someone else so quick. I should have though, with you looking like you do."

He flipped me on to my back at that point and hovered over me, shock in his face. "You thought that Trent and I were... Why did you think that?"

"You both were wet and naked with the exception of towels."

He cracked up at that and couldn't seem to stop the laughter for some time. I reminded myself to be patient and not let my irritation take over. This was too important for me to act emotional. "Fuck no! My God! I don't have a death wish!"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Trent's already taken! Do you remember me mentioning my friend Jaden? They're engaged! We always go to the gym and work out together followed by some basketball. Sometimes, the showers are crowded so we went back to my place to clean off, SEPARATELY, since it's close to the gym. Trent and Jaden are my best friends! I could never do that to them. Besides, I'm not attracted to Trent. Sure, he looks good but he's not my type. Even if he was, I'd be too terrified to get it up for him. Jaden is a scary man! Not only that, but Trent has a monster between his legs! I don't get how Jaden deals with it, but Trent says he loves it."

"Yeah I felt his... monstrosity when I was grinding against him." I blushed as he chuckled.

"So you came over and what, thought Trent was me? You were planning to seduce me?"

I nodded shyly at that. It made me sound like a jackass. He lost it at that. I was waiting awhile before he wiped the tears at my eyes. "Ohhh shit, that's going to be great to explain to those two. I'll make sure to reassure Jaden. I'm sure he's on a rampage that someone groped his man. He's not good at expressing his feelings in words, so he ends up acting rashly usually. You should have seen how he was when they first met"

"So... you two weren't together? You're available?"

He smirked at that. "I won't be available for long, if you'll have me."

With that he leaned down and firmly planted his lips to mine. That explosion from all those years ago reignited in that instant. This was what I wanted, what I needed. This could finally bring me true happiness.

"Luca, you may have come over to seduce me. But I want right now to be all about you. It's my turn to take care of you and bring you pleasure. Lay back babe, and let this happen."

I grabbed the hand that was gently pushing my chest to lay down fully. "No."

He groaned at that, "What!? Why no!? You just said you had wanted this!! You couldn't have changed your mind so quickly!"

I shook my head and looked down to hide my face.

"I want... need you to call me that first."

"Call you what? I don't... wait, you mean...Luch?"

I looked up at that and smiled. You really don't realize how much you miss something so simple until it's gone.

He smiled at that and dove on me, clashing his mouth to mine. I didn't bother to stop the moan that slipped from my throat.

I felt a blaze follow his hand as it slid down my chest to my stomach, parting my robe. He lightly grazed my stomach in a circle with his nails as he leaned down to kiss me at the base of my neck. He slid his hands down my sides and grabbed my hips as he switched to sucking my collar bone. My moan quickly switched to a gasp as he suddenly nipped my nipple, following it with a soothing lick.

I thought my heart blew up as I suddenly felt a large hand circled my rigid pole. "Nothing should feel this great", I thought until he licked from my balls, up my shaft, to my head. He circled once before taking just the head in his mouth. I let out something close to a scream as I felt the warm, wet embrace. I felt his tongue slide across my slit, followed by a groan.

"Oh my god, Luch, I've never tasted anything this good. You're so sweet!"

He dove down and swallowed it all before I could respond. This was too much. I felt a wave of anxiety as his hands slid up the back of my legs and lifted them to my shoulders, fully exposing me. He had held eye contact with the entire time and instantly saw my concern. He took his mouth off me to talk and replaced his work with his stroking hand.

"Relax babe, I won't do anything you don't want, but I am planning what you think."

He again moved before I could respond. My orientation was completely flipped as he pushed my legs back and up. Suddenly, my ass was straight up and exposed. I was looking straight up at my hard, red dick until my vision went pure white.

Brett had suddenly planted his face in to my crack and gave a long lick up the entire length. I nearly screamed when he went back and circled my hole. I couldn't believe that it felt this amazing. I don't think I could survive if it would be this amazing every time we were intimate.

My dick suddenly spasmed when Brett penetrated my hole with his tongue. I felt myself teetering on the edge as he circled inside me. I could feel my heart racing.

He pulled away and looked down at me with a smile. He leaned down for sweet kiss.

"God you look so sexy right now. Let go babe. I want to see you explode."

He suddenly penetrated my hole with his finger and circled until I felt shock go off in my ass. My moan turned in to a scream as he pushed against that spot. I drenched my face as I exploded. Then everything went black.

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joeywhorejoeywhoreover 5 years ago

Omg more please this is getting really hot with them together now!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
how dare you

how can you take your lovely audience to this point and then stop. Shame on you.

I will not forgive you , unless you have a valid reason. Your writing is wonderful.

I live in Oxford =UK please carry on

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

More please!! Please continue this story, i'd love to see where they go & if Lucca forgives/understands what happened all those years ago once Brett explains why he did what he did! Awesome story, excellent writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
yay to another chapter

and yay to them moving on together. I do feel for J and his courage to pursue L. I really like how you've developed L and how he's getting stronger and more confident each day. Hope to read more soon.

judojonjudojonover 8 years ago

dam don't make us wait for so long for the next chapter

canndcanndover 8 years ago

Glad they finally got together! Very hot and though coming on your own face is pretty embarrassing


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