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Pat's Pounding Ch. 07

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Futa! Mom sissifies Son.
3.5k words

Part 7 of the 10 part series

Updated 04/17/2024
Created 02/05/2024
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The journey between this new small room, where Pat and Julie were now blessedly alone, had been quick and carried out in much the same manner as the one that had transported Pat to the room where the Trinity of the Taking ritual had occurred. The only difference between the brief travel that had led them here into a new room populated solely by an ornate high-backed chair and a single flickering candle was the constant stimulation Pat was subjected to as he was bounced up and down in his mother's strong arms as she walked. Whereas before, his attention had been split between the visual delights each new glance offered up and his mother's pointed nipples rubbing against his back as they both moved, now his focus was solely upon the plug that was jostling deep inside of him, pressing against that magical spot that made fireworks explode between his ass and his eyes.

Now, Pat found himself sitting astride his mother's lap, back against her chest, legs spread wide as they dangled over his mother's, feet not touching the floor. Despite everything, even the ass-clenching sight of his mother's proud turgid womanhood standing straight up and out from underneath his own comparatively minuscule caged, dribbling clitty, the main thought dominating Pat's mind was, all told, rather mundane.

Where should I put my hands?

Thankfully, his mother's mind-reading prowess, or perhaps just her motherly intuition, solved said burgeoning problem before he could give it voice. 'Here, sweetie,' she sensually whispered, grabbing his hands gently before placing them on her bobbing python between both of their legs; if one could ignore the pathetic sight of his caged clitty lying on her mighty base, then, from a certain angle, they could be excused for thinking the massive meat pole between his legs belonged to him.

'Now that we've finally got a moment just to ourselves, I guess I should explain some things,' Julie continued softly. Despite the much-awaited opportunity to finally get some real answers, Pat found it challenging to focus on anything other than the fat shaft in his hands; despite his best attempts, he couldn't fully encircle the pulsating beast. Furthermore, the size wasn't the only thing that left Pat's mouth agape. On the contrary, the sheer heat radiating off it was immense, so much so it felt like holding onto a stiff hot water bottle. How was it so hot? He wondered as he idly traced the virile yet feminine veins decorating its alabaster surface.

'My sweet, sissy,' his mother murmured as she bit his ear upon seeing his distraction. 'You'll have plenty of time to play with that later, let me assure you. Now, though? Now, you should take the chance to ask me any questions before the main event gets underway.'

Determined to take this rare opportunity to understand what he had gotten himself into, he paused his lurid explorations. 'Mom,' he started nervously, voice shaking. 'What is all this? Who are all these people? Why do you have a dick? Why do those other women have dicks? Why do you and those weird women keep calling us sissies? Why -,' before he could continue his seemingly endless barrage of questions, he was interrupted by his mother's loud, tinkling laugh as she nuzzled his throat. 'Slow down, little one, slow down,' she chuckled while gripping his throat firmly.

'Let's see,' she mused before continuing in a well-rehearsed voice. 'We are the Clan Aegis, a genus cursed by the jealous Lady Hera for the crimes of our ancient foremother who seduced her husband, Lord Zeus. Since then, we of the line of Aegis have been cursed to bear traditionally considered masculine parts. Initially, our curse was not just the mammoth meat you're having such fun playing with but also terrible ugliness. However, after nearly a century of watching newer generations suffering afflictions, they had no part in earning, our Goddess intervened by freeing us from the affliction of our hideousness and improving our looks so potently we could have our pick of men.'

'No doubt you're wondering why our Goddess would cure only half of our affliction, sweetie?' Julie continued after pressing an affectionate kiss to the tip of his nose. 'Well, truthfully, no one knows. However, I, at least, like to think she left us with part of our curse for two reasons: first, our bitch-breakers aren't curses but gifts, and secondly, she used the opportunity to spit in the eye of Hera, a goddess whose chief purview is that of the traditional woman, by undermining her narrow view of who constitutes such.'

After a brief melancholy pause, his mother gyrated her hips, grinding her massive meat stick on his stuffed opening and dangling clitty simultaneously, so great was her size. 'Although,' she teased, 'some of my sisters might think it a curse, I sure don't and I expect, judging from what I've seen from you so far, you won't either.'

'What do you mean?' Pat asked, dreading and longing to have his fears and hopes confirmed.

'You mean you still haven't figured it out yet?' asked Julie incredulously, stunned to think that her typically astute son had missed the rather heavy-handed manner about things which she and the other mothers had dealt with things.

'I have my suspicions!' Pat responded defensively.

'Ho ho,' his mother giggled, such a girlish noise sounding rather strange coming from someone like her. 'He has his suspicions! I hope so, considering how obvious we've been about things.'

'Are you going to put... THAT in me?' He asked with a gulp, nodding down at her fleshy spear between their legs.

'I'm going to do more than just put it in you, my clueless little sissy. I'm going to get all of it inside you and then rock your world; you'll never be the same again after I'm done with you!'

Now positive of what was coming, Pat couldn't help but give voice to his disbelief that his mother was to attempt to get so large a thing into a place that had struggled to take a few of her fingers or even the butt plug. 'But how will it fit?' he stammered, voice high and reedy.

'Believe it or not, you're not the first to ask me today how I intend to get my little lady balls deep inside you. Don't worry! As I told them, if your little hole doesn't cooperate, I'll force my little lady in.'

'FORCE?!' Pat gasped, panic coating each syllable. 'You'll kill me!'

'No, silly, I won't,' Julie soothingly responded, stroking his sides while he subconsciously rhythmically squeezed her potential murder weapon. 'I won't lie and say it won't be difficult because I have no doubt it will be, but, judging from how sensitive you are in your boi-pussy, you're more likely to die, if you're going to, from pleasure rather than pain. Yup,' she continued. 'Before you know it, you'll be begging me to pound your pussy multiple times a day.'

'That doesn't answer how you plan to make THAT fit into me! Well?!' Pat demanded harshly, blushing madly at his mother's explicit words.

'Alright, fine, ruin my fun, why don't you?! Let me be clear. The potion you drank when we arrived doesn't just keep you to remain calm. It also helps relax your muscles, making entering you far easier than it would otherwise be without it. And, just to be safe, the butt plug I teased your little p-spot with earlier secretes more of that potion inside your hot little boi-cunt.'

Glad to hear that his mother didn't just intend to go about things without a plan, Pat settled down, or at least as much as he could, perched atop his mother as he was.

'And the whole sissy thing? Well, Pat, that's what you are. A sissy is a boy who, due to his not possessing a dick but a little clitty, couldn't hope to please a woman in any conventional manner.'

Hearing his mother speak of his inadequacies so plainly was a strange experience for Pat; once more, he revelled in that intoxicating combination of humiliated arousal.

'And that's where this comes in,' she continued, palming a handful of his plentiful ass. 'You see, the reason for that tiny clitty and fat ass is the same curse giving me my little lady. Basically, when women like me have sons like you, they always have small clitties and fat asses. Although, to be honest, I don't think I've ever seen either like the ones you possess, especially that clitty of yours; it's positively puny.'

Done with her explanation that, if Pat was being honest with himself, left more questions than answers, they both sat there in silence, the flickering of the candle evoking a sense of timelessness. Idly, Pat could picture them in a similar position but at a different time; both of them in an era when electricity wasn't so plentiful, perhaps at the turn of the previous century, relaxing in their house after a hard day's work, before he was taken by his mother, submitting to her, pleasing her with his boi-pussy...

'Anyway,' his mother broke the silence unexpectedly, voice once again lustful and eager, causing him to jolt in her arms. 'I think it's time we took the edge off.'

'E-edge?' Pat stammered, ironically once more on edge, thinking his mother was about to disobey whatever rules were in place that the chief priestess had reminded the mothers of earlier and just get started rearranging his insides right then and there. 'I thought I'm not supposed to cum until whatever happens next? What is that anyway?' Pat queried, trying to divert his mother's attention from his stuffed boi-pussy.

'Oh, don't worry darling,' his mother reassured him with a laugh, 'it won't be YOU cumming.' At that, she gently upended him from her lap onto the ground below between her spread legs, barely breaking his fall with her startling strength before she leaned back with her hands behind her head, looking down at him with a grin. 'Well? Better get started.'

'Started?' Pat asked, confused from his knees, looking up at her. 'Started what?'

'God, that potion really has done a number on you. Oh well, I'll be blunt. Suck. My. Glorious. Fucking. Cock.'

At her order, Pat blanched. How the hell am I meant to suck that? he wondered. The head of his mother's monument to womanhood was wider than the entrance to his mouth, he was sure. Timidly, Pat gave voice to his doubt. 'How?' He whimpered. 'I can't suck it, it's too big!'

'I told you already, the potion will help you take me inside you,' she rejoined, voice steely with determination, uncompromising in the face of his hesitance and confusion. 'Now,' she warned. 'Don't make me tell you again. If you don't suck it, I'll be going into your pussy dry, which, from what I've heard from some of my sisters, can be excruciating for the poor sissy.'

Now aware of what awaited him if he didn't somehow tackle this Herculean labour, Pat started his task with gusto. Reaching up, he wrapped both hands around the base of his mother's pale python, positioning it so that it jutted perpendicular from her body. Still brooding on his mother's threat regarding a dry fucking, Pat resolved to, at the very least, get her mammoth meat wet, even if he wasn't able to properly suck it. Leaning forward, he slowly licked from just above the seal of his hands around his mother's base to the top of her hole-wrecker. Again and again, he repeated the same action, from bottom to top, savouring the taste of her steadily increasing precum excretion as they rolled down her fat shaft until the entire undershaft of her shaft was a glistening mix of his saliva and her thick girlcum.

Oh my God, her pre tastes fucking delicious! Every time I lick it, it tastes of something different! Mm, strawberries! Yum, chocolate! Fuck, that tasted like cookies and cream! How is this even fucking possible?!

For Pat, as soon as his tongue tasted that first drop of scrumptious jizz, he lost the little perception of time left to him through his lust and potion-induced calmness. It was, he could happily confirm, the single most delicious thing he had ever tasted in his entire life; nothing, not even his favourite fast foods, that to his previous mortification had gone straight to his ass, making it fat and juicy, could come the slightest bit close to the divine taste he was rapidly becoming addicted to.

As he bathed the underside of his mother's bitch-breaker, Julie wasn't silent. Far from it, in fact. 'Aww,' she cooed as she watched his eyes become glazed, all traces of hesitance vanishing as he hoovered all traces of her thick, potent seed as it gushed out in rivulets down her little lady. 'It looks like my little sissy loves to suck cock after all.'

Gripping loose handfuls of his hair, she continued speaking to her audience of none, as by this point, Pat's mind was little more than ecstatic mush. 'It's better this way. Isn't it? You, on your knees, with your little clitty all locked up, busy worshipping a real cock. I mean, really, it's for the best that I've locked your cute cocklet up! Who would want to suck on that little thing you used to call a penis anyway? It's so tiny, it's useless! All it does is dangle and dribble!'

All throughout her lurid, debauched tirade, Pat slaved away devotedly, licking with a greedy combination of love and lust. 'That's a good sissy,' Julie moaned as she started to drag his head back and forward, as he kept his tongue sticking out, using him not unlike he was some animate masturbatory device, existing solely for her pleasure and nought else.

'Fuck,' she grunted before pulling him suddenly away from her cock. 'You're good at that,' she complimented, panting. 'But we need to kick things up a gear. Open wide!' She commanded, forcing her fat cock head into his mouth. 'Here comes the choo-choo train.' So saying, she slowly, with increasing speed, thundered down the tight, wet track of her son's throat until she forcefully hilted herself in his constricting orifice. Despite the journey being one of unbelievable speed considering the atypical size of the appendage being stuffed down Pat's throat, by no means was it one without struggle.

As her thick girl meat travelled from his lips to what must have been the start of his stomach, it bulldozed everything out of its way. It was only belatedly, at approximately halfway in, did Julie think to remind her cum drunk son to remember to breathe. 'Don't. Forget. To. Fucking. Breath. Sissy. Slut,' Julie gasped, her words sounding disjointed as she was racked with pleasurable spasms as she finally tasted what she had waited so long to experience.

For poor Pat, the experience was less like being in heaven but not totally being in hell; he was starting to understand that in the world of a sissy, pleasure, for the most part, was a careful balance along a narrow tightrope. On the one hand, physically, he most certainly was not enjoying having his mother rearrange his insides with little to no consideration for his well-being. Hell, from the sounds she was making, a good part of her obvious enjoyment came from the fact that she was able to so easily dominate him and mould him to her... specifications. However, on the other hand, Pat couldn't deny that, mentally, he derived a great deal of pleasure from knowing that he was providing such delight for his mother. And the view certainly didn't hurt; difficult as it was with his mother controlling his head, he could still make out her heaving chest, large creamy breasts and pink nipples dotted with tantalising droplets of sweat, pushed up perfectly bracketed as they were by her arms.

Having hilted herself in her son's throat, Julie revelled in her victory, pausing to catch her breath. During this brief respite, the only noise in that dim room was the sounds of its two occupants' heaving breaths slowly synchronising. During the reprieve, Julie once more took the opportunity to remind her sissy, something that, in her opinion, couldn't be done enough, of his new place in the world. 'Aww,' she cooed as she prodded his trapped, gushing clitty with her foot. 'Someone's enjoying choking on their mommy's cock, aren't they?'

Pat, of course, couldn't offer much of a response other than a low-pitched whine at the sudden but brief stimulation. 'I fucking knew you'd enjoy it,' his mother continued, as she matched the slow circles of her high-heeled encased foot on his trapped clitty with smooth gyrations against his obscenely stretched mouth, using handfuls of his hair like handlebars. 'Sure, you protested at first, just like they all do, but it didn't take much to have you leaking your pathetic sissy squirt all over the fucking floor! And that's before I even get started ramming my cock up your boi-pussy! Fuck, I can't wait!'

Now that Julie had regained her self-control, no matter how tenuous such a grip might be, she really started to give it to Pat. Making sure his head wasn't going to be going anywhere she didn't want it to, she pulled him slowly off her cock, making sure to keep eye contact with him the entire long, long way until only the jaw-stretching head was left inside his mouth.

'Buckle in, cowboy,' she warned him, eyes manic. 'We're about to go for a little ride.' So saying, she sheathed herself in his clutching throat with speed before drawing herself out again slowly. Again and again, she repeated the same motions: out slowly and in quick. Before long, to them both, time had lost all meaning as they were consumed by the act of decadent debauchery they were revelling in. It was only Julie's voice, some indeterminate amount of time later, that broke the lurid soundtrack of Pat's choking and drooling.

'Go on, play with yourself, you dirty little sissy!' Julie breathlessly ordered.

Finally, allowed to give himself some relief, Pat immediately reached for his swollen, trapped clitty between his legs. To his horror, despite his raging arousal, the steel cage not only stopped him from becoming erect but also from giving himself any meaningful pleasure. Desperately, he tried stroking the straining flesh protruding from the small gaps between the bars, but this achieved nothing other than somehow, impossibly, stoking the flames of his arousal higher. With his mother's titanic womanhood still buried in his throat, he could do little more than sob as he understood that he had been played for a fool by his mother.

Speaking of Julie, her gaze had been fixed on the visage of her son, drinking in his horrified realisation as if it was the sweetest, most sublime wine. 'Ha!' Julie laughed, high, loud and long as she watched her son desperately fondle that insignificant nub between his legs for relief. 'Stupid sissy,' she cackled. ''That's not where you should be touching yourself if you want release! Go on, finger that boi-pussy for mommy!'

After a short bout of hesitation, Pat did as ordered, knowing that this, the willful, deliberate abandonment of his former penis, now clitty, as the medium for his pleasure for his newly christened boi-cunt, was the final nail in the coffin of his masculinity. Gingerly prodding his plugged and stuffed entrance, Pat knew no matter what happened going forward from here, he was a sissy for life.

Seeing her son surrender his masculinity on the altar of her femininity was the final straw for Julie. With a roar and a rough tug, she once more buried her cock deep before erupting down his throat. One. Two. Three. Four. After the fourth burst of her thick, creamy cum into her son's stomach, she lost count, her mind blank with the bliss of red-hot pleasure.

Finally, after the Goddess knows how long she was done. 'Fuck,' she giggled. 'I bet I nearly fucking drowned you, eh, Pat? Pat?' Unsurprisingly, with more than a foot of thick cock shoved all the way down his throat, Pat wasn't in any position to respond. Seeing as much, Julie withdrew her cock, the wet squelches accompanying it very nearly making her erect again.

Totally withdrawing from her cross-eyed son, her cock fell with a heavy thud onto the chair below. Even now, after conquering new territory and planting its spunky standard, the pale python wasn't yet satisfied as it softly bobbed at half-mast. 'Pat?' Julie tried again, now becoming concerned she had gone too far, blinded by lust and triumph as she had been.


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