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Paul, John, Linda & Carol Pt. 05

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John tries to get a "happy wife, happy life".
1.2k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 01/29/2024
Created 01/24/2024
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In part 4 John O'Brien learned the length and extent of his wife Carol's love for William. Carol fell for the father of her then-boyfriend, Reggie.

John also learned that his wife misses having her ex-boyfriend's cock up her arse. Carol had vowed to be faithful to John. This was hard because Carol loved William almost as much as she loved her husband. She didn't really love Reggie liked she loved William and John. Carol still craved Reggie's anal love making. John and William were both too well endowed to satisfy his wife's desire for anal sex. But Reggie had the exact size penis for her anus.

John's friend Paul had acted as a marriage counsellor once Carol had revealed she had a sexual relationship with William. Paul was only returning the favour to John. This was because John's wife Linda had once been unfaithful to John. Paul had spent a lot of time and effort in being their marriage counsellor. He knew confidential information about both John and Linda. He knew their sexual desires as well as tghe sordid details of Linda's affair.

John announced that he had a couple of ideas about how to solve the real issues of Carol's love for William and desire for anal intercourse with Reggie. Carol and Paul were all ears, waiting for John to speak. John was usually self confident and knew what to say. But now he spoke tentatively, unsure how his ideas would be received.

He almost whispered "Carol's love for William is deep and likely to last until William goes to heaven. I don't want her to be torn between 2 men. Neither do I want to give her up. Something has to change, and it has to be me. I need to be less tight arsed about being Carol's husband."

John was now more confident. He continued "Paul is your basic one woman man. Carol and John certainly, are not. Paul and Linda love each other just as much as I love and adore my wife.. But Carol and I are not the same as Paul and Linda. Carol and I have had plenty of sexual partners. Paul has had 3 and Linda has had 4 sexual partners.

I therefore propose that Carol and William continue where they left off. I propose that they have date nights and fuck nights. But with one change, which is that I participate in their fuck nights."

Carol said "That's very good of you. I don't think that he will object. Let's meet with him."


Paul asked "What about Carol wanting anal sex with her ex-boyfriend?"

John instantly replied to Paul by asking Carol "Do you agree that Reggie is just a pimp who makes use of your arse for his and your mutual pleasure."

Carol said "Looking back I can see I never loved Reggie. It was lust, pure and simple. It took me years to realise that it wasn't love."

John continued "Reggie will want Carol back. Her leaving him hurt his pride. It was so public a rejection. If he was wise he wouldn't use sex as a weapon."

Carol explained to Paul "Reggie would withdraw his sexual services if I upset him."

John continued "But Reggie is not wise and he will use sex as a weapon once again. But of course Reggie couldn't if he knew that Carol had an alternative supplier of anal sex. What would make it better for Carol is that Reggie is made fully aware that the alternative supplier is better at anal sex than he is."

In all honesty I want Carol to have special people to service both her front and bottom."

John said to Paul "For instance I wouldn't object if Carol chose you to be Reggie's alternative."

Without waiting for a response form Paul. John said to his wife "I make one request. I don't just want to watch. I want to help make the experience satisfying for you."

Carol said "Are you saying that you want to help Reggie and Paul to fuck my arse?"

John replied "I want you to have both of them in our bed. though not at the same time."

Paul said "And you are proposing that you become our slave while I anal fuck your wife?"

John thought and said "More of an unpaid servant than a slave."

Paul asked "So you will allow me to use Carol's arse for my pleasure and be my servant?"

John said to Paul "If Carol wants you and you want her in that way."

He asked his wife "Do you want Paul?"

Carol said "I saw Paul's cock while it was erect. It is a bit bigger than Reggie's but would still be ideal."

She turned to face Paul and said "Your best friend wants you to fuck my arse while he watches us. I want your cock up my bum hole while he watches us. We will guarantee that no one else will ever know."


Paul said "I need to talk privately with John."

Carol said "I will get us some beers." She then left the men to talk.

Paul said "You know perfectly well that I want to have anal sex with a woman. Did you arrange all this?"

When he acted as marriage counsellor John knew about Paul wanting anal sex with his wife. He also knew that Linda was dead set against that form of intimacy. Paul was now being offered anal sex on a plate with a silver service butler as well.

John said "No. It was a genuine response to learning about my wife. I can see that you are tempted. If you weren't interested you would have turned down Carol's offer straight away."

Paul said "I hesitate because I will be being unfaithful to Linda."

John said "Consider it as a codicil to our marriage vows. The codicil that allows you to have a sexual release when your wife can't or won't provide you."

Paul said "Secondly I fear that my wife might find out."

John said "We guarantee confidentiality."

Paul said "And I have never had sex in front of other people."

John said "If you don't want me to watch then we can come to some arrangement."

Paul said "I will give it more consideration."

John said "When Carol returns I will go on an errand and leave you and Carol together. You both need to be happy before proceeding."


Carol returned and John drank some of the beer. John then said "I have to get some things from the supermarket."

When John returned Paul said "Carol and I have agreed that I become Reggie's alternative. But we don't want you to watch, at least for the first few times. Once we have got used to each other's sexual needs, perhaps you could listen outside the bedroom door."

Carol said to her husband "For tonight, will you sleep in the spare room while Paul and I get to know each other better?"

John said "Certainly my dear. And I give you both a little present."

And he took out a large bottle of KY Jelly.

In the next Part, Paul makes further sexual demands of John and Carol

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Tomh1966Tomh1966about 1 year ago

A husband so weak that I cheer for the cheaters.

Actually, I cheer for a giant meteor to land on the characters and vaporize them.

Did not rate as the score is plenty low as it is.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Simply awful

Ridiculous69Ridiculous69about 1 year ago

Not sure what this mess was…

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 1 year ago

Good grief. This was painful to read.

PolpolpPolpolpabout 1 year ago

Your writing is teenager level, i think this website need to verify who is writing

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