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Payback Pt. 05


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"I thought I would ask Caroline about the treatment for Alicia's condition and where it would be done if they could afford it but there is a slim possibility that this is a scam and maybe Caroline thinks that I am doing this to get at her daughter and if I offer money for the treatment, which may confirm it." I replied.

"And where would you get this money Daniel?" Stella asked sharply.

"Do you remember when I told you about what I found in that desk, I said that there was some cash?" I said.

"Yes, but you didn't say how much was there and I gather you didn't report that to the police." She continued.

"No I didn't, it's in my safe and it's over quarter of a million." I said dramatically.

"WHAT?!" said Stella and Maddy together.

"I thought I should use some or most of that to help them, as it was his cash and he did the damage to them so it would be compensation without going through the courts and losing most of it to the lawyers." I replied.

"Hmm... That sounds like a good idea but it will have to be done very carefully, let me think about it for a day or two and I'll get back to you, hold off writing to her until I have spoken to you again. Now I will leave you to talk with Madeline, good night Daniel." she finished.

"Good night Mom." I answered. A minute later a rather shocked Maddy said,

"What the fuck Daniel!" 'Oops, she was pissed with me again' I thought, "Two hundred and fifty thousand, why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I did not know what to do with it, technically it's mine as owner of the desk and the family should have checked it out better before it was sold but they might still have a legal claim on it. As it is I've put two lots of ten grand into my bank as compensation for not being able to sell the desk at the celebrity auction where I sold the rest for a very good profit," I explained "I did make fifteen hundred bucks on his bed though."

"Are you really thinking about giving it to Caroline for Alicia's treatment Danno?" She asked cautiously.

"As I said earlier it had occurred to me but I want to get a lot more information about them and the treatment before I even mention it." I replied.

"That's okay then, I know what you do with it is up to you but that is a lot of money if it's all a big scam, I don't believe it is but until we can disprove it, be careful." Maddy said.

"Oh I will and I'll keep you and Stella in the loop too, good night my love." I finished.

"Good night Danno, I love you too." she replied and closed the connection. I needed to do some hard thinking and finish the next letter.

I sent this one before Stella got back to me.

"Dear Caroline and Alicia,

I've had a text from one of my contacts who found out that one of his two drivers, Bradley Lomax was the one who drove the Mercedes SLK, he left his employment a month before the 'Incident' and moved to Tijuana with the car he drove, which I thought was a strange parting gift. He bought a big house there which is also suspicious on a driver's wage. I found some pictures of him and the car and I've sent them to my contact to see if they will help him.

Maddy has had a reply from Alicia, I don't know if you had read what she had written before it was posted but Maddy sent me a copy because she was so moved by what Alicia had put in it and I felt the same way after I had read it.

Please can you tell me what the treatment is for Alicia's condition, which you mentioned in your first letter, and where it would take place, I have an idea and I may be able to do something to help in that direction and it's not charity but it's complicated so I need more information.

Changing the subject, I have enclosed a photo of Maddy and one of me as you asked and here is a bit more about us. Between my father and myself, we are teaching the two girls to drive, they are doing quite well and should be able to take their 'on the road' tests soon.

Those two have been almost inseparable since Carmen and her mother started working for my parents, oh sometimes they bitch and moan to and about each other and then they kiss and make up like any teenage girls.

Conchita has lost fifty five pounds over a few months since she started training but became a little depressed because the skin on her stomach was loose and flabby.

While I was consulting with my Mom, my Dad upped and said 'Why doesn't she have a tummy tuck' so Mom suggested it to her and eventually she agreed as we four are going on holiday in May and I promised to buy her a bikini if she achieves her target weight. I paid for the operation and she is paying me back monthly, she is really pleased with the result and we think she looks ten years younger."

Yours sincerely


Stella actually called me at work the next day which was a surprise.

"Hello Daniel, I talked it over with Konrad and I think you need to do more research before you mention it and money you found. I had another idea, why don't you get her to set up that Skype program we used the other night.

You and Caroline can talk properly and will be able to assess each other more easily and Madeline and Alicia can talk face to face about whatever young girls talk about these days, she could maybe introduce Carmen too." she said.

"Good idea Mom, I'll suggest it in my next letter and give her the website and a date and time to connect and see if she does it." I replied.

Wednesday to Friday was work, work and more work, I cleared a lot of stock including some items of higher value from the house storage. Saturday was housework all morning and siesta all afternoon, Maddy had told me that she had written to Alicia again and talked about Carmen to introduce her.

Sunday was a quiet day all round, some maintenance on the car, including cleaning it, a short sharp run (three miles) and watch sport all afternoon and Skype Maddy after dinner. I came home after a morning's work on Monday's to find I had a new letter.

"Dear Daniel,

We thank you for the photos, Maddy is a beautiful girl and you are a handsome young man and I'm not too old to appreciate it. Of course Alicia is beautiful too but with her condition, she has no prospect of a family of her own, I think that when I'm gone she will end up in some sort of institution.

I hope you have a nice holiday, where are you going? I'm a little confused about which ones are going with you though. In reply to your question, I did not read her letter to Maddy, I hope you could understand it, as normally anything she writes changes subject as her memory jumps. Also Alicia did say that he took her to his mansion in a silver car with red leather inside.

The therapy has something to do with stem cell regeneration, they would scan her brain where the injury occurred and drill a small hole into her skull and insert these stem cells that they've grown into the affected area, the idea is that the stem cells will attach themselves to the damaged area and create new synapsis to bridge the damaged ones. They have between a twenty and fifty percent success rate and it could still work even after all this time.

The clinic is called the Ashton Recovery Clinic and is based in Los Angeles and the treatment would take two weeks to grow the stem cells and then another two weeks to see if they work once they were injected, follow up tests on memory usage and recovery can be done on-line, I think.

It's all irrelevant as it costs about one hundred thousand dollars, including live-in accommodation for Alicia and myself but not the flights. We researched into this technique years ago when John was still alive but we couldn't afford it then unless we sold the house and we still can't and I might have to sell the house and move to a smaller one at some point anyway.

Here is the other part of our sad story.

When I told her father what had happened he was furious but frustrated because the actor would only deny it. We saw a solicitor and he said that he would write to the actor on Alicia's behalf and a few weeks later he contacted us to say that the actor had denied it had ever happened. The only thing left was that when the baby was born, the solicitor would petition the courts for a paternity test.

This is what he did when Rosie arrived and a couple of weeks later we were contacted by his solicitor who offered us a large sum of money to buy a house and move a long way away, with a monthly allowance for Rosie but we were never to contact him again.

We discussed the offer and asked the solicitor his opinion and in the end we decided to accept it, so we bought this house in New Orleans, my husband and I both found work although we had no mortgage and Alicia was quite capable to stay at home to bring up Rosie. A few months later, Alicia was pushing Rosie in her buggy home from a friends one evening, when a car raced down the road, swerved, mounted the sidewalk and hit both of them.

Fortunately Rosie was strapped in her buggy and Alicia gave her a push, the buggy was hit a glancing blow and knocked a few yards down the sidewalk but Alicia got hit by the front wing and was sent flying about forty feet, the car never stopped. The police never traced it or the driver and the actor had an alibi, he was on a film set somewhere too far away to have been able to do it.

Alicia was in a coma for three weeks and had many injuries including a fractured skull, everything healed over the next few months but there was some brain damage which turned out to be this random memory loss with memories coming and going. She couldn't go to college or get a job so she stayed at home and helped me bring up Rosie as she wasn't capable to do it on her own any more, of course I had to give up work to be a full time mom again.

Alicia mainly watched movies on the TV or on DVD of which she has a big collection.

Then one day, Rosie was walking back from a friend's house just up the street and just disappeared. She was not kidnapped because neither we nor the police ever received a ransom demand for her return.

John died from heart failure a couple of months later, I'm certain it was all just too much for him and he just gave up and died of a broken heart. The police had no leads so we heard nothing more from anyone until you contacted us and gave us some hope of finally getting closure, as for the treatment, we will never have the money to pay for it and I don't expect a relative stranger, even a very nice one to pay for it out of the blue.

Hey, but don't think I don't appreciate what you have done so far and Alicia is so much happier now that she has a friend like Maddy to talk to and I enjoy our conversations and your stories too.

Alicia sends a kiss and I think I will too."

Yours sincerely

Caroline and Alicia


Over the next few days, I did a lot of research on the Ashton Recovery Clinic and stem cell regeneration therapy. I also surprised Carmen one night by skyping her to ask about this therapy, she said it had come up during her studies but she would make some enquiries with people in her course forum, which included her lecturers and tell me at the weekend.

Friday came around eventually and I took the recent letters to Duncellin and let Stella and Maddy read them.

"Be careful Daniel, if this is not a scam then these are two very vulnerable people and I would not like to see them hurt." Stella said.

"You said that to me about Maddy a few years ago and now look at her, a stroppy teenager with a sadistic and sarcastic streak a mile wide and lazy too" I cried.

"Watch it Danielle, you might get to see how sadistic I can be this weekend!" Maddy snapped.

"Oh Mommy, Mommy, please protect me from this hell-cat?" I replied and we all burst out laughing.

"Will you two stop messing about or I will spank both of you!" Mommy responded sharply, then smiled.

"Okay, okay we'll behave," I said, still grinning, "I've looked into this clinic and they seem legit, they get a subsidy from the government to develop this treatment but the rest comes from big business, they treat patients with various head and spinal injuries.

It's pretty expensive, around a hundred grand, depending on the specific treatment but it does include accommodation and food for the approximate month the patient and their carer are staying there," I explained. "The only other expenses are the flights to get to and from Los Angeles.

On arrival they are collected from the airport and delivered back there for their return flights by the clinic's own transport. Carmen is looking into the actual treatment effectiveness through her course forum in genetics and will report to me somewhen this weekend, hopefully."

Saturday morning training started early for me so that I would be nearly finished by the time the girls appeared, Conchita was first, followed by Maddy and then Carmen who came over to me and said,

"I have the information you asked for, when we've finished if you come to my room with a flash drive I will download it for you."

"Thank you love," I said "I owe you one."

"Actually you owe me eight... inches I mean" she said with a giggle, I looked at Maddy and Conchita and they were laughing and Maddy nodded her permission.

I swam while they trained and then they joined me for some lengths and a play session. As we got out of the pool Conchita said in a stage whisper,

"At least I will not be listening through the wall." and smacked Carmen on the ass as she walked by making her shriek. I returned after dressing and took the flash drive for Carmen to load the results of her research onto. Then she dropped her robe and pulled my shorts down and had my cock in her mouth before I could remove my t-shirt.

I let her suck me for five minutes then I pulled her up and kissed her and pushed her back onto the bed and dived for her smooth pussy and gave it a good tongue lashing until she was almost cumming then I gave her the eight inches I owed her, in fact I gave it to her many times and continued after she had cum.

Next I turned over and took her doggy fashion and slapped my groin against her ass making ripples as I fucked her hard, she was rubbing her clit as I pumped her and came again, which started me off too so with a few seconds to spare I warned her,

"Cumming Carmen!" She turned around and sat on the edge of the bed and I stuffed my slippery cock into her mouth and fucked her in there and came very soon afterwards. She sucked and swallowed and then cleaned my cock and balls with her sweet tongue and when she finished she said happily.

"I didn't have to share this time and there was lots all for me." I dressed and gave her a hug and a kiss and took the flash drive and plugged it into Konrad's computer, made my lunch and sat there to read the contents. Maddy and Stella joined me a short time later and I waited until they had caught up.


Carmen had obviously sorted all the comments and relevant information and it showed that the treatment percentage had risen from twenty to fifty percent up to thirty to sixty percent, a ten percent rise across the board in the last six years but the average price had gone up by twenty percent as well.

I informed Stella and Maddy at lunch and we discussed what we were to do about it.

"I think that we need to get that skype set up so that we can assess the Carvers and if they have an ulterior motive," said Stella, "Madeline will work on Alicia which should be relatively easy, it would be difficult to play the mentally disabled girl for any length of time and our Madeline is, as you young folk put it, one sharp cookie.

You Daniel, will have the more difficult job of assessing Mrs Carver, she could be devious and calculating but you are good at reading people too. Just remember that they could be the genuine article and it would be cruel to lead them on and then make a bad decision but I trust your judgement in this."

"Maddy, when you are in conversation hit the record button, she won't know, then we can all watch and assess it later okay?" I explained.

"Okay Danno but I don't like it, it feels.... dirty." she said.

"If they are genuine then we will be happy to help them, but if they are frauds then they won't get a cent," Stella said firmly, "They've waited six years, a few more weeks will not hurt."

On Sunday Maddy, with agreement from Carmen, decided to forgo their driving lesson as Carmen had already had a session with me. She wanted to go for a run again so we got ready and she told Stella what we were going to do and that we would be an hour or so.

We left and ran along the road for a mile and the cut through the trees and found a nice sheltered patch of bushes and stopped and lay down and started to make love on the grass we only removed our shorts and did a sixty-nine for a while and then she sat on me and came all over my groin as usual.

Then she got on her hands and knees and I did her doggy fashion as I had done Carmen earlier, with the same result, followed by a little sixty-nine to finish and clean each other up before we continued our run, arriving back, hot and sweaty in just under an hour.

I sat in my room on Sunday night and penned my next letter.

"Dear Caroline and Alicia,

Thank you for the kisses and the nice comments, of course Alicia is beautiful but you are pretty good looking too and I bet John was a handsome man, which makes for a good combination. I will share the kisses with Maddy the next time I see her on Friday afternoon.

As for the holiday, those going are myself, Maddy, Carmen and Conchita, we are renting a villa at Clearwater Beach near Tampa for a week of sun, sea and (unfortunately for me) shopping. They have been saving for months and I think I'm only there to drive and carry the shopping bags, but hey, there will be some compensations, no parents and with three good cooks in attendance, I will not have to do anything in the kitchen for a change.

Alicia's letter was very moving, there was very little punctuation but it made sense, I don't think I would be betraying her confidence if I email you a copy to read but it would be better if you delete it straight after.

Maddy has written to Alicia again but she had a good idea, how about if you download Skype onto your computer, then we could save a lot of time waiting for letters and actually see and talk to each other at the same time.

It's a free program which we use quite often and we can even make it a three way conference call with you two, me and Maddy on our computers. I'll enclose the website address at the end of this letter and if you want to do it then you can send me an email with a date and time and we can try it out.

I'll let Maddy send her own kisses but I am going to send you one of my own with this address, skype .com"

Yours sincerely

Danno X

I posted the letter on Monday and continued with my normal weeks work, I had some new orders and had to go searching on-line for some of the items on places like eBay and other more obscure sites and a few somewhat shady ones too. I also sent a text to Ren0 to ask him if he could find out what bank accounts the Carver's had and how much was in them and included their names and address, he could email me the results.

On Tuesday I got a cryptic text from another of my contacts, this one was going to be about the disappearance, I hoped but he wanted to meet in person to give me the information. We met in a quiet bar on the edge of town and talked like old friends to start with, then he slipped me an envelope under the table and told me that he thought the information was correct but it may be difficult to prove, if the different States didn't play ball with each other.

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