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Penny & Michael's Forbidden Fun


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"No, Sister Agnes put us together," said Penny.

"Let me explain to you what is going to happen," said Mrs. Parker. "You will finish your assignment as soon as you can, and then he goes. Is that clear, Penny?"

"Yes Mom." Penny returned to the living room and resumed her homework. She and Michael made good progress, while Angela Parker kept a close watch on proceedings, flitting in and out of the room with a worried, sharp-faced expression, like a nervous bird protecting its nest.

Penny and Michael packed their things away upon completion and the young man left, Michael encountering Penny's father as he returned home from work. Sam Parker wore a quizzical expression as he entered, taking off his hat after a long day at work and pondering what a young man he and his wife both disliked was doing in his house, with his teenage daughter.

Later that evening, Penny entered the living room while her father was watching television. President Kennedy was making an address, and Penny stayed quiet, knowing her father was always interested in anything to do with the president. Mr. Parker had said at the time of the 1960 election that he was certain that John F. Kennedy would win again when 1964 came around, and that one of his younger brothers Robert or Edward would be president for sure some time in the future. He had also expressed regret for defeated Republican Vice President Richard Nixon, saying that while he believed Mr. Nixon would have made a fine president, his chance to win the office was probably gone.

When the segment had finished, Mr. Parker turned to Penny and asked, "So, did you finish your assignment with the McCarthy boy?"

Penny could see her father's obvious disapproval. "Yes Dad. It's all finished."

"Good," said Mr. Parker. "Penny, your mother and I know that you're grown up now, and will graduate high school in a few months and go on to college. We would hate anything to put that in jeopardy, especially a boy like Michael McCarthy. No good can ever come of associating with him, those three friends of his and the rest of his family. You will meet a nice young man in college, get married and have children. Michael may seem cool to you, but I assure you, he is anything but cool. Do you understand?"

"Yes," said Penny. "Dad, I don't like him that way. It's just that we were put together for an assignment. We didn't have a choice." Penny thought it best not to elaborate on the circumstances behind this.

"Just make sure you stick with Barbara and Judy as your study partners," advised Mr. Parker.

"I will, Dad," said Penny. "I might go up to bed now. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Penny," replied Mr. Parker.

Penny got into bed and tried not to think about Michael. It was no use, and his face was the last image she saw before her eyes closed and she fell asleep.


The class before lunch the next day was gym, one of sports-minded Penny's favorites. Penny stood with Barbara and Judy in the girls' change-room, with them and their classmates changing out of their standard school uniforms and into their sports' uniforms. These uniforms consisted of a blue shirt, pleated navy skirt with white socks and gym shoes.

Penny was so keen to get out and into class that she was nagged by a feeling she had forgotten something. She stood thinking for a few moments, then realized it was her panties. She was still wearing her ordinary white cotton panties, and hadn't changed into the standard, light blue panties the girls all wore in gym. "Just a minute," she said to Barbara and Judy, before pulling down and stepping out of her white panties, and taking the light blue ones from her bag. She pulled them up and adjusted them around her bottom and between her legs, then followed her friends out to the sports field.

It was a fine, sunny spring day and Penny and her classmates soon warmed up under the supervision of Mrs. O'Connell, the gym teacher. On the adjacent field the boys' gym class was likewise in action, their activities coordinated by a young priest, Father Reilly. The class contained Michael McCarthy, as well as Joey, Frankie and Tony. Penny soon began to get a tingling feeling in her female area when she observed Michael running around in the boys' uniform; a tee-shirt and a pair of tight shorts that showed off his fine physique.

The boys' activity switched to dodge-ball. Michael, Joey, Frankie and Tony appeared in their element, running around until breathless in the first game, and getting right into the second. Out of the corner of her eye, Penny observed Michael and Joey discretely move to one side, and produce an object they had concealed in a towel.

The object was a red balloon filled with water. It was a similar size and the same color as the boys were using for the dodge-ball game. Penny could see what they were planning, as Michael lined up Frankie and Tony in his sights, and yelled out, "Here, catch!" Frankie and Tony ducked and the water balloon sailed over their heads, before hitting Fat Ralph directly in the chest, the bang as the balloon burst and the shock of the cold water causing him to jump and yell out.

Fat Ralph, a red-haired boy who weighed over 300 pounds and had to have his school uniform specially made, stood helpless, soaking wet and in shock. He hated gym more than anything else in the world, and now he was having water balloons thrown at him.

Michael, Joey, Frankie and Tony burst into fits of laughter, sounding like a pack of hyenas. Penny began to giggle, this turning into laughter that could not be stopped, shaking through her ribcage.

Father Reilly blew his whistle and put a stop to the game. He marched over to Fat Ralph, who with an amazing lack of shame for an 18-year-old high school senior, was now crying. "What happened?" demanded Father Reilly.

"They threw a water balloon at me," sobbed Fat Ralph. He pointed at the still laughing Michael and his three friends.

"Ralph, pull yourself together and have an early shower," said the priest. Fat Ralph appeared to cheer up at the early end to gym class, and waddled off in the direction of the school buildings.

Father Reilly went to confront the four troublemakers who were generally at the center of any disturbance in this class. "You, Michael McCarthy, and your stooges ought to be ashamed of yourselves doing what you did to Ralph. Ten laps of the sports fields, and see me at lunchtime for detention."

"Yes father," replied Michael, as he and the others commenced their punishment.

Penny could not stop laughing. "Stop it," hissed Barbara, giving her a poke in the ribs, but it did not help, and Penny was nearly doubled over.

Mrs. O'Connell's whistle and shrill voice was heard. "Miss Parker, is what those idiots did to Ralph amusing to you in some way?"

Unable to stop her fit of the giggles, Penny was unable to respond, which made Mrs. O'Connell even angrier. "Miss Parker, as you seem to like idiots you can join them on their punishment. Ten laps, and lunchtime detention. Go!"

Penny took to her feet, the ten laps not really much of a punishment given that she loved running. She heard Mrs. O'Connell's voice calling after her, "I imagine you will have something to confess after church this Sunday, Miss Parker."

"You got me in trouble," said Penny, as she caught up with the boys.

"Yeah, but it was funny," said Michael. "Did you see the look on Fat Ralph's face when the balloon hit him?"

"Don't make me laugh again," said Penny, trying to suppress another wave of giggling from her mouth.

When gym class finished, the girls all went inside to take their showers. They collected their towels and went into the showers, which contained thirty showerheads in a U-shaped configuration. The girls undressed and stood under the warm showers.

Penny stood naked under a stream of warm water, Barbara on one side, Judy on the other. It was obvious from looking at their naked figures that the three girls had their natural hair color. Barbara's thick, dark bush of black pubic hair covered her mound, and extended between her legs. Barbara applied soap liberally to her pubic hair, vagina and bottom, then cupped water between her hands, washing off the soap from her vulva and anus. She then leaned back further under the water, allowing the droplets to cascade over her large breasts.

The blonde curls around Penny's pubic mound and vagina likewise became soaked from the constant water, and she followed Barbara's action, soaping up her private parts then thoroughly washing her vulva and anus.

Judy washed her breasts first, then turned her attention to her feminine areas, her own pubic hair an equilateral triangle of red hair. The soap slipped out of her hand and onto the tiles between her own, and Penny and Barbara's bare feet. She bent over to pick it up, her legs and buttocks parting to expose her reddish-pink, oval-shaped vagina and her tight anal opening, before she stood up and washed herself as her friends had done.

Other girls nearby were washing themselves in a similar way. Carla and Debbie, two slim, pretty Italian-American girls washed their vulvas and dark pubic hair, their swarthy skin covered in soap. Samantha, one of the few African-American girls at the school, tied back the long dark hair on her head, and washed her D-cup breasts, then her dark curls of pubic hair, the bright pink interior of her vagina and anus contrasting greatly with her dark skin when she opened her legs to wash there. Next to her Violet, a petite Asian-American girl was busy washing the tight cheeks of her bare bottom, then turned around to allow the water to fall onto her black pubic hair, the water running down her legs. Across the way, Chrissie, Lana and Andrea, three pretty, popular blonde cheerleaders washed in unison, each girl cleansing first her breasts, then her pubic hair, her buttocks and then her vaginal and anal areas.

The girls finished their showers, and the change-room was full of dripping wet, naked and barefoot 18-year-olds, who grabbed their towels and quickly dried down, before putting their school uniforms back on again for the afternoon.

"I'd say see you at lunch, but you've got detention," said Judy to Penny, as they exited the girls' change-rooms. "Have fun."

"I don't know about fun," said Penny.

"Michael McCarthy again," sighed Barbara. "Why do you keep getting yourself in trouble with him?"

"I don't keep getting myself in trouble," said Penny. "I'll see you for Chemistry last period."

Penny joined Michael and his three friends for lunchtime detention. Father Reilly gave each of them a rain-coat to protect their uniforms, then indicated a ladder, several buckets, sponges and cloths. "Clean all of these windows by the end of lunch," he instructed them.

The hour went quickly, and as they were packing up ready for Father Reilly to return and inspect their work, Penny noticed that they had forgotten one, and it was particularly dirty. Knowing that the priest would see this rather than the good work they had done, Penny reacted quickly, grabbing a cloth and darting up the ladder to fix it.

As she worked to remove the stain, Penny sensed she was being watched and quickly glanced down. Michael was near the base of the ladder, holding it in place. From this angle, Penny's panties would have clearly been visible to him, and he was looking quickly left, then right, then up and then down. Instead of saying anything, Penny continued to work, that sexy feeling sweeping over her again at the thought of Michael McCarthy looking up her skirt and seeing her white cotton panties. Her vagina tingled, and once again she started to feel damp ...


On Wednesday evening, the weather had turned wet. Penny and her siblings sat doing their homework, while Mr. Parker worked on an important paper for an important client at the office tomorrow, and Mrs. Parker prepared dinner.

A knock on the door, followed by a booming, elderly male voice. "Sam, Angela - are you there?"

Sam Parker opened the door to his father. "Sam, you have to come with me to McCarthy's Auto Shop right away," said his father, not bothering with a greeting.

"I actually don't have to," said Mr. Parker. "Dad, what's the problem?"

"Some darn fool left a trash can too near the road and my automobile hit it," said Grandpa Parker, showing no responsibility for an accident that could only be his own fault. "I spoke to Bill McCarthy, he said he can drop it off now, and pick it up Saturday. So you have to follow me down there in your car, and drive me and your mother back to our house."

Sam Parker sighed, knowing he didn't have the time to go into town with his father, and not wanting to get a lecture about a war in the unknown Asian country of Vietnam was going to start soon, and drag on for years to come when driving him back.

"Sorry Dad, I can't tonight," said Sam. "Perhaps Angela ..."

His wife's voice came back. "Sam, I can't, I'm in the middle of dinner."

It was now option two. Mr. Parker didn't really want his daughter to go to the auto shop, but as she was with her grandfather, there couldn't be too much harm. He called Penny over, gave her the keys to the family car, and gave her the instructions of what she was to do.

Penny followed her grandfather as he drove at a snail's pace through the constant rain. She waited in the office as her grandfather spoke to Mr. McCarthy. The car shop was full, obviously business was booming for the McCarthy family.

Through the door, Penny caught sight of Michael. He was wearing overalls and carried some auto tools in his hand, going over to the open bonnet of a car and making some adjustments.

He looked up and caught sight of Penny, walking over. "Oh hi Penny, I didn't know you were here."

"Hi Michael, I'm just giving my grandfather a lift back," said Penny. "A trash can damaged his car."

Michael laughed, as Grandpa Parker's voice was heard. "Penny, come on, I don't want to miss the news." He walked over to Michael. "Young man, do you have a bucket?"

"A bucket?" Michael looked confused.

"Yes, for my granddaughter here. When she was a kid, she used to get car sick all the time. My son and daughter-in-law had to make sure Penny had a bucket close handy every time she went in the car, otherwise it would be two hours cleaning the upholstery ..."

"Grandpa," complained Penny, horrified that a boy she liked had got to hear this embarrassing story about her. Her grandfather talked non-stop as she drove him home about how much he disliked this new rock and roll music, especially 'that fellow who shakes his hips around'. Grandma Parker gave Penny a lecture about being too skinny when she dropped her grandfather home, and insisted that Penny eat a large piece of carrot cake, which affected her ability to eat the dinner her mother prepared at home.

In bed that night, Penny's mind was filled with the images of Michael in his overalls, working in the car, so sexy and masculine, before falling asleep, and waking up with damp, but not completely soaking panties the next morning courtesy of her dreaming of Michael looking up her skirt when she was up the ladder the other day.


Penny, Barbara and Judy, like many teenagers held down part-time jobs, and the girls worked shifts waiting tables in a café. It was an old-fashioned establishment, and Penny, Barbara and Judy were required to wear conservative black dresses and white aprons.

This Friday evening was shaping as a busy one, no more so than when the entire McCarthy family - Michael, his parents, nine siblings, and extended family - walked in and occupied two large tables.

Going about her work, Penny could feel Michael's eyes upon her, watching her come and go from the kitchen with plates of food and drinks. Was it her uniform, which made her look somewhat like a maid that he found attractive? She thought the uniform was square, but if Michael liked it ...

She couldn't get these thoughts out of her mind, and Penny's vagina again began to respond. Not wanting to have damp panties for her entire shift, Penny took a quick bathroom break, locking the door, unwinding some toilet paper, and wiping her vulva, pressing the tissue deep inside her vagina to get all of the feminine dampness away. She disposed of the paper into the toilet, flushed and returned to work after washing her hands.

Penny hoped that she would be able to concentrate and her vagina would behave, but the presence of Michael ensured that she needed two more similar toilet breaks that evening, with Barbara and Judy asking if she was okay, and hadn't eaten something that didn't agree with her.

The McCarthy family finished their meals, and went to leave. "Come on Michael, time to go," said his father.

"Just a minute, Dad," said Michael. "I've um - got a leg cramp."

Penny was within earshot of this, and heard Michael's unconvincing explanation. She smiled to herself, wondering if she was responsible for this. It certainly seemed the case, when Michael got to his feet easily a few minutes later, showing no signs of leg cramp. It was at times like this Penny was glad to be a girl. There was no evidence when she got excited, except if one happened to look at her panties.


Grandpa Parker was on the telephone early on Saturday morning, advising Mr. Parker that he was unable to pick up the car himself, and ordering his son to do so. Sam Parker, unimpressed about being awoken before dawn, was in no position to help. He and Angela were taking their sons to a sports carnival, and Libby did not hold her license yet. In any case, she was going out for the day with a friend and her family.

This again left Penny as the only option. Mr. and Mrs. Parker lectured Penny about how she was only to pick up the car and not associate with Michael, then left with John and Ben.

It was a nice morning, and Penny put on a white, floral dress with a swing-style skirt and white shoes. She did her homework, and set off for the town by bus around 11 a.m. Penny looked out the windows on the journey. The sunny spring morning had turned cloudy, with more ominous black clouds on the horizon threatening rain.

Some spots were already beginning to fall when Penny got off the bus, and walked towards McCarthy's auto shop. Everything was quiet when she entered, a minute before noon closing. "Hello, is anyone there?" she called.

Michael emerged from the office. Penny felt slightly disappointed that he wasn't wearing his overalls, but he still looked pretty good in a white tee-shirt and tight blue jeans. "Hi Penny," he said in greeting.

"Hi Michael, I've come to collect my Grandpa's car," said Penny.

"One car for Grandpa, coming right up," said Michael. He completed the paperwork, receipted the money for the job (Sam had reluctantly paid this, hoping his father would repay him) got the keys and led Penny into the garage, where the car was waiting to be reversed out. He and Penny chatted about school, then Penny got into the car. She had no sooner started the engine when outside the heavens opened. Torrents of rain poured down, accompanied by hail, thunder and lightning.

"Stay here until it clears, it's too dangerous to drive," said Michael. Penny considered her parents' warning, but driving in the terrible weather was surely more of a risk, so Penny turned off the ignition and got out of the car. Michael closed the garage doors and locked the office, turning the sign to "Closed'.

Penny and Michael sat in the waiting room, listening to the spring storm raging outside. Michael's father and other employees had all left, so they were alone. Initially, they engaged in small-talk about school, music and movies, then Penny noticed Michael looking directly at her. She giggled. "What is it?"

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to be stuck here in the storm with the prettiest girl in school," said Michael.

Penny laughed. "Come on, I'm not the best looking girl in school."

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