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Photographed by my Son

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A mother is photographed by her 18 year old son in public.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 04/22/2024
Created 12/09/2023
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Tim and I were sitting watching TV one evening when the adverts came on. He turned to me and said. "I've thought of something different and original, something that you can email to Dad while he's away."

"Go on I'm listening."

"How about walking around the block later, say at two in the morning completely naked apart from your flip flops, no coat or cover just totally nude."

I considered this for a moment, it sounded exciting, totally nude without anything to cover myself if the need arose.

"How do you come up with these ideas?"

"Don't know, they just spring into my mind. Well what do you think?"

"Mmm, why wait until two?" We live in a very quiet residential neighbourhood, there was very little chance of anybody being out and about or looking out of their windows, even at half past midnight.

"I just thought doing this for the first time you'd want to leave it until later."

"We'll compromise, one o'clock."

"Okay if you say so. Looking forward to it?"

"Always, you're a clever little so and so, your Dad will be delighted. What about videoing it?"

"It'll be too dark, you'll hardly see anything."


I'd better explain, Tim, my only child, is twenty and has been taking photos of me topless and nude for the past eighteen months or so. Perhaps a little unconventional but I couldn't care the less. It all started by accident. We were in town one day and I wanted to have a mooch around in a junk shop in a side road off the high street. Tim wasn't happy but the promise of a burgher, chips and a Mc Flurry from MickyDs afterwards soon had him happy. He was eighteen at the time. We wandered into the dusty shop and we separated, he heading to the back of the retail space. He told me later that he'd found a dusty old box opened it up and found an equally filthy camera. He took it to the guy standing behind the counter and asked how much.

The chap gave the camera a quick look. "A tenner to you young man and if it doesn't work don't bring it back, no returns here, OK."

"OK." Tim paid the man ten pounds just as I walked up to leave, the place was indeed a junk shop with nothing there taking my fancy.

"What have you got there?"

"Just an old camera."

"Didn't know you were interested in photography?"

"Neither did I until I saw this, it looks interesting."

At home he discovered the camera was actually a Leica, old but when cleaned of all the dust and shit looked in pretty good condition. It looked very complicated though with lots of dials and knobs. He Googled it and found that it was quite valuable but decided after Googling photography that something more modern and digital was the way to go. The Leica was put on Ebay and sold within a fortnight for just over three hundred pounds. Another search on Ebay and Tim bought a second hand Pentax DSLR camera with lens, plus a full instruction manual for two hundred and fifty quid. When it arrived Tim being Tim he read the manual cover to cover and quickly became competent with the camera. Being digital there was no films to buy or processing to pay for, he was able to upload all his photos onto his computer.

I asked him if I could have a look at his photographs, so in his room he showed me. I was surprised at the quality of the pictures and thought Tim had an eye for his new hobby. This set me thinking. One afternoon I was sunbathing in the back garden in my usual attire, my micro bikini panties, and nothing else. I wasn't worried about Tim seeing me like this he seen me topless most of his life, beaches, parks, you name it. He wandered out with a cold beer for me and we sat chatting for a while. Then I asked. "Would you take some photos of me and I'll send them to your Dad."

"My pleasure Mum, I'll only be a minute."

My husband Simon was working away somewhere in Spain and I thought he'd enjoy some photos of me in all my glory. A reminder of what was waiting for him when he got home. Tim fetched his camera and very quickly had taken twenty or so photos of me. I followed him up to his bedroom and sat on his bed waiting for him to upload the photos. They were brilliant, his usual top quality and I've got to say I looked stunning. I selected half a dozen and got Tim to email them to me so I could forward them onto his father. I really should say stepfather but I'll get into that later. So that was how Tim started taking photos of his mother. After that he quickly came up with ideas for more exciting scenarios to take pictures to send to Simon. It became a game, a challenge if you will with Tim pushing me to be more daring. It was exciting and Simon loved the photos I was sending him on a regular basis.

That first time he came back to me almost immediately, he admitted he'd jerked off seeing his wife almost nude and asked who had taken the photos?

"Our Tim," was my answer.

"Wow," was his reply.

So where was I, oh yes my latest adventure, walking around the block naked. One o'clock seemed a long time coming so at half past midnight I said. "Come on let's do this."

"One thing Mum you'll have to hold each pose for about three seconds, that way I won't have to use the flash."

"Whatever, you're the cameraman."

I was nervous as I undressed by the front door, nervous but excited as I always am at the start of these adventures. I slipped on my flip flops and turning to Tim said. "Well your Mum is ready, shall we?"

I opened the front door, the few street lamps meant it wasn't truly dark.

"Do a few poses by the front door mum, give Dad a chance to see what you're doing and remember hold the pose for a count of three so I get good exposure."

I laughed. "Good exposure is about right son."

He laughed too and walked out ahead of me, pointed the camera and started taking photos. I posed with my back against a door frame, head leaning back. Another with one arm high up on the door frame and another straight onto the camera hands on hips. It struck me that although I had worn many sexy outfits passing through the front door, sometimes in next to nothing I had never been buck naked.

"Right let me check they've come out OK."

Tim fiddled with his camera and declared. "Perfect."

He want out through the front gate, told me to stop halfway down the front path, took some photos and then more as I got to the gate. His camera was going to be red hot with the number of photos he was taking.

Our house is in a cul-de-sac turning left would take us out to another road, turning right there was an alley between two houses that accessed the cul-de-sac which was the reverse of ours. I turned left and stopped every so often for Tim to take more photos. Fifty yards from our gate we turned left again. I felt a twinge in my cunny and knew I would be masturbating when we got home, what I generally did afterwards if Simon wasn't around to satisfy my needs and his come to that. A car passed by on the road we were headed to perhaps a hundred yards away. I hadn't expected to see any sign of life on this walk and momentarily thought about turning back, but no I was here now and to be honest the thought of getting caught was all part of the excitement. Tim continued to take photos and when we reached the next road took a couple of me by the road sign, Marlborough Way. Simon would be excited to see that. It was another hundred yards to the next junction where once again we would turn left. We had gone perhaps twenty five yards when a chap walking a dog came around the corner we were headed to. Bloody hell what to do now? Turn around and run, cross over to the other side of the street or just brazen it out.

"Mum?" Tim asked.

"We're here now, just carry on."

Many people had seen me naked or topless or near naked, one more in these circumstances would just add a bit more excitement to the night.

The guy was slowly walking towards us, his small dog busy sniffing every wall, fence and gate. The timing of our crossing was going to be right under a street lamp giving the guy a perfect view of your truly. Tim walked ahead continuing to take photos. I don't think the chap had seen me yet, he was only twenty or so yards away but was busy concentrating on his dog's antics. Suddenly he looked up and did a classic double take, was there really a gorgeous totally naked woman walking towards him? The chap was about forty I'd have said, he slowly carried on walking towards me and me towards him. We met as I'd guessed under the street lamp.

"Hello," he said.

"Hiya," I answered and bent down to stroke his dog.

"Nice night for a walk." He said.

"Yes, I couldn't sleep so thought I'd come out for some fresh air."

Tim was busy clicking away, I guessed that under the lamp post the exposure wouldn't be a problem.

The dog started to pull away; it obviously wasn't interest in a good looking naked woman.

"Right I'd better be off," the chap said. "Nice meeting you."

"You too." I said.

I carried on walking but after a few strides turned around as he had done. Tim catching the moment perfectly I hoped.

Just before the next junction a car came past, it slowed right down but didn't stop, who or how many people were in it I've no idea.

At the next junction with Rochester Drive Tim again took more photos with me and the road sign. The walk up the road was uneventful but Tim was still taking photos of his mother, good lad. Finally we turned into Brompton Close, with more photos of the road sign and finally we walked into the alley that would take us home. By this time my cunt was wet, I was so looking forward to using my vibrator on my aching fanny once in bed.

But wouldn't you know it, dog man was once again walking towards us.

"Hello again," he said.

"Hiya," I replied. "We must stop meeting like this."

"I don't mind believe me."

I laughed. "I bet you don't. How about a photo with your arm around my shoulder."

"Love to."

He sidled up to me, did the deed with Tim quickly taking a couple of photos.

"Don't suppose I could have a quick feel?"

"You cheeky bugger," I said. "Just a quick one."

A stranger touching my tits would be a lovely conclusion to this walk. I wondered what Tim would think. The chap was on my right hand side, he reached over with his right hand and took my right tit into his hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Bloody lovely."

I let him touch me for about ten seconds then brushing his hand away said. "That's your lot, got to go. Come on Tim," who had taken more than a few shots of his mother being touched up, I wondered what Simon will think of that?

Arriving home Tim took more photos of my backside disappearing into the house and that was it, the show was over.

"I'm shattered Tim I'm off to bed, see you in the morning and we can review the photos OK?"

I climbed the stairs with Tim following. Climbed into bed, I was of course already naked and opening my legs quickly got to work on my cunt with my fingers, I didn't need my vibrator after all I was so turned on and very quickly brought myself to a lovely orgasm. Three doors down Tim had uploaded one hundred and thirty two photos onto his computer and stripping off slowly jerked himself off as he reviewed his photographic efforts. The pictures were excellent and his sexy mother was a wonderful model for his camera. When he arrived at the photo of the guy touching his mum's tits he shot his load.

The next morning after Tim had gone to college I booted up his laptop to look at the photos he had taken. Tim had told me the password for his computer, the pair of us had no secrets. The photos were to me, very erotic, my lad was a talented photographer I went through all of them and the ones I wanted to send to Simon I put on a memory stick. The photos told the complete story of my nude walk even getting touched up, with the finale my bum disappearing through the front door. I looked forward to Simon's response.

He didn't come back to me until the evening, he wrote, 'Jesus Mel those photos were so fucking horny and you being touched up, naked in the street. I shot my load to that you wonderful dirty cow. I love you, I just wish I could have been with you on that walk. What does Tim think of your antics I wonder? It's not a normal situation to see his Mum naked in the street, especially being fondled by a complete and utter stranger. I know it's Tim who comes up with these what, challenges. I wonder what he'll come up with next. Got to go, got a business dinner. You take good care and keep sending the photos. Love You, Simon.'

Nice to know I can turn my old man on even though he's fifteen hundred miles away.

At this stage I had better explain a few things. I was raped when I was fourteen by a lad at school, he was in the sixth form. I was well developed by then, shapely body, nice tits and the lad trapped me and wouldn't you know I was pregnant. Nothing ever happened to the lad and shortly after the incident he moved away with his family. Thank fully my parents were totally supportive of me and my new baby, Tim. I carried on at school and did well getting a load of O'Level GCSEs and three A star A'Levels. I could have gone to university but felt it was time to start paying back Mum and Dad for the way they looked after me. They continued to be my day care for Tim and were even happy to babysit for when I had dates. My A star in computer science got me a job in a high tech company in town, I loved it. The international sales manager Simon began to pay me a lot of attention, we dated and two years later married. He was devoted to Tim and eventually adopted him and treated him wonderfully.

With me Simon was equally devoted and brought out a very sexy side in me that I didn't realise was in me. He encouraged me to wear sexy clothes, low cut tops, see through tops, micro miniskirts and all the rest. I loved it and frequently bought sexy clothes to surprise my husband. He enjoys showing me off and I enjoy being shown off. I don't think there can be an eating establishment within fifty miles that has not had the pleasure of seeing my tits or fanny. So when Tim began his photographic hobby I realised that I could keep hubby interested by sending him sexy snaps of little old me. As I explained earlier Tim had seen me naked or topless most of his life so asking him to take snaps of me was a natural progression, although me calling Tim's photographic art work snaps wouldn't please him too much. Whether or not this turned him on I didn't know. We did talk about anything so perhaps one day I would ask him.

My sexual awakening as I call it began when I was twenty. I had been working for two years and then began dating Simon, he was the catalyst for my sexy revolution. Between being raped and going out with Simon I had not fucked. The few dates I'd had resulted in some snogging and some fumbling but that was it so apart from the one fuck I was almost a virgin. Can you be almost a virgin? My attempt at humour! It was the second date with Simon when we got into our first passionate snog, I remember really enjoying it with some tongue on tongue action and when he reached up and started feeling my tits through my clothes I didn't mind at all. It was nice to be thought of in a sexy way, I mean twenty years of age and never been fucked. He eventually slipped his hand inside my blouse and bra and began to rhythmically pinch my left nipple, it felt divine and sent very sexy signals down to my cunt. We were in Simon's car outside my Mum and Dad's place so it was not conducive to going any further, but I was left thinking I had unfinished business next time we went on a date, and that happened the following Friday evening. We arranged to for me to stay at Simon's bungalow for the night. I should add that Simon was twenty five at the time and I was twenty. Judging by his home he must be on big bucks at our company, not that I was interested in his money and by the way he knew all about Tim, how he was conceived and the wonderful job my parents did for Tim and I.

I'm going to add a quick note here just to say that I had put the rape behind me, it was firmly in the past and had not left me with any physiological baggage. I intended to get on with my life and believe that I had succeeded in that aim so far.

Simon and I had gone out for a meal and then back to his place where, for the first time in my life I was made love to and it was wonderful. We started making out on the sofa before we went through to the bedroom where a lovely large queen size bed was waiting for us. Clean sheets and duvet cover showed that he thought fucking me was going to be a possibility this evening. But fucking is the wrong word, it was love making. Simon undressed me slowly enjoying the sight of me as each article of clothing was removed. He kept talking to me, giving me encouragement, and then when I was naked he undressed and came and lay alongside me on the bed. We started to kiss, a long passionate kiss with our tongues touching. Then his hand came up to start massaging a tit and then he moved down the bed a little so he could suck a nipple, so gently but as I responded he sucked harder and once again wonderful sexy messages were being sent down to my cunt. He swapped tits, a hand or his lips continually stimulating me. He then moved further down my body kissing me all the way, I wondered where he was heading, naively I had never heard of oral sex, the thought had never even occurred to me, did people really do that. Simon spread my legs and got between them and for a few seconds gazed at my cunt.

"You have a beautiful fanny Mel, truly gorgeous."

Then he leaned down and began to lick my cunt lips, wow that was amazing, he could do that for as long as he liked but no, next thing my clit was being licked by Simon's tongue. I lasted for about five seconds when the most overwhelming feeling exploded in my body, I groaned with pleasure, embarrassed by my outburst. It took me a while to calm down after that super glorious feeling.

"Sorry Si," I said.

"What are you sorry for?"

"Shouting like that."

"Don't ever apologise Mel. Please don't be embarrassed but was that your first ever climax?"

"Was that a climax?"

"I think it was and it gives me very great pleasure to have given you your first ever and I hope that I will be responsible for many, many more."

I know I went red. "I'm afraid I am very inexperienced where sex is concerned."

"And you are all the lovelier for that."

"You licking me down there what's that called?"

"The full name is cunnilingus. But most people call it oral sex."

I nodded. "Do girls do that the men?"

"Oh yes."

"Could I do it to you?"

"I would be delighted."

"I don't really know what to do."

Simon laid on his back his hard cock fully erect.

"Just close your lips around it and then slide your mouth up and down the length of it."

I did as instructed.

"Mmm that feels so good Mel."

I broke away for a moment. "This is fun and so sexy."

"It is, isn't it."

I carried on for a few minutes. Then Simon said. "Turn around and squat over my face Mel that way we can give each other oral sex. It's called a sixty nine."

I did as he said and soon my cunt was getting the attention of Simon's tongue while I carried on sucking his cock. This was a beautiful experience. I don't know how long we did the sixty nine thing but I know I enjoyed every second of it and then Simon asked. "Would you like to make love Mel?"

"Oh yes please."

"Lay on your back." He climbed between my legs and very slowly slid his cock into me, I felt every inch of his length and breadth as he penetrated me and like everything else I had done in his bed it was wonderful. He started to ride me, slowly, letting me get used to the experience and then my body responded of its own accord and I started to thrust upwards into him, shortly after I experienced another climax, groaning once again at the sheer pleasure my body was giving me, but Simon didn't stop he just kept on slowly loving me. Simon began to speed up pounding into me harder and faster, glorious and before long I had yet another climax and then Simon was groaning as he pumped his cum deep up inside my welcoming cunt. He collapsed on top of me and we lay like that together for a while me relishing the weight of him on my body. After a while he rolled off me and pulled me to him, my head on his shoulder, perfect. I noticed a couple of things, we were both covered in sweat, what a delightful way to get all sweaty and as I lay back I felt Simon's cum trickling out of my cunt. These things were part and parcel of making love and I realised then and there that I would enjoy every aspect of the whole experience.


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