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Photoshoot Shock Fuck

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Lingerie model gets taken in the studio.
8.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/09/2020
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*Author's note: this offering of, let's be honest, great literature, is a work of fiction and fantasy, not a blueprint for real life.*

It had been three months since Carly had been fired from the police force for, basically NO REASON. Some would say, "Carly you shot a civilian, he was unarmed, even other cops think you were wrong..." He didn't DIE, good grief. She had taken a plea deal to serve only probation, but got a criminal record and was fired from the force with no severance and no pension after being put on unpaid leave. I'm only twenty-three, she thought afterwards, it's so unfair.

She moved out of her nice apartment into shared accommodation with women her age, and started looking for work. The criminal record and notoriety from the incident kept her out of any good jobs she applied to. A diner hired her as a waitress and the manager told all the staff to let her be anonymous so she could have a second chance without angry people looking for her there.

Carly felt the diner was beneath her. She especially thought her co-workers were beneath her. Bitterness at her situation made her forget she was lucky to be there. One day when the manager told her to be nicer to the other women (male employees lusted after Carly and never complained), and be a better waitress in general, Carly quit in a rage.

Quitting put Carly in a terrible position. She was even less likely to get another job. Her credit card was maxed out and delinquent and she had high-interest payday loan debt too. There was also rent, cheap as it was. She needed money soon, and more money than her next diner cheque would have paid, anyway.

One of her room-mates, Brenda, had suggested modelling to Carly early on, on account of Carly's bust. Carly had big breasts for a small frame, and men stared. They also stared at her ass, which defied her fitness regimen to remain round while standing proudly out atop gorgeous legs. She was too short to be a runway model but her figure made men act stupid around her. There WERE fitter women, but Carly was simply blessed. Brenda also noted Carly's unique look: ethnically Carly was a bit of everything. She had delightful long, thick, brown, curly hair down to her hips (she'd kept it bound up tightly behind her head on duty as a cop). She had a big, wide sexy mouth with big lips underneath a blunt nose and hazel eyes. Though not a standard beauty for any culture, Carly was very beautiful to most men. Carly had doubted the modelling idea at first, thinking it too high-profile.

Now Carly was desperate. When she spoke to Brenda about getting fired, Brenda enthusiastically announced that she had already inquired on Carly's behalf in spite of Carly's doubts. A photographer Brenda knew had made a standing offer to do a lingerie shoot. The photographer's name was Lawrence. "He's a great guy."

"How much would I get paid?" asked Carly, rubbing her thumb and fingers together comically and making a pouty face.

"Lawrence said $800 for the day, a short day"

Carly got serious. "That sounds really good, I'm kinda surprised."

"Yeah, I don't know what the usual rates are, but I want to be clear: You'll be wearing tiny lingerie, so expect to be one degree from naked. Also you'd be posing sexy, it's not for an underwear catalogue, it's for horny people. Are you worried about your reputation?" The reputation question was put semi-sarcastically.

"Hahahaha no. I like horny people, I'll do it"

Carly contacted the studio and spoke to Lawrence's assistant, Margaret. Margaret said that the job was hers on the strength of past social media photos and Brenda's assurance that Carly was just as gorgeous in person.

"What should I do to prepare?"

"We do ask that you go get waxed first. And send us your measurements. Other than that just take care of yourself, be well rested and not hung over for the shoot. We'll reimburse the waxing."

"That's so nice. But how much wax? I mean, I don't want to spend too much of your money..."

"Go nuts, the studio will pay. In fact, I'm going to ask you to go to a salon we have an account with. You can just tell them to call me and you won't have to use your card. They do massages too after the waxing, get one."

Carly went to the salon and, since she had permission to be greedy, got everything waxed. Everything. A joint smoked before the appointment took the edge off the sensations. She even had them wax the backs of her hands. She told them to wax her palms too and they looked at her, confused, until she giggled and they laughed too. If somebody is tidying up around your asshole the least you can do is make them laugh, stoned Carly thought. She usually kept a narrow landing strip of hair above her clit, but waxing zeal put an end to that. After the massage she felt renewed, more positive than since before the on-duty shooting.

The studio was in the garment district, on the top floor of a charming old warehouse/sweatshop building with big service elevators. The dirty hallway was a bit disconcerting but once through the studio entrance Carly felt comfortable in the clean waiting area with cute old leather furniture and abundant big potted plants. A middle-aged handsome man and a young woman appeared and introduced themselves as Lawrence and Margaret.

Margaret did Carly's hair and makeup within earshot of the doorbell and phone ringtone. Lawrence had explained that the shoot was for wall graphics and promotional material for a chain of sex shops. He answered the few questions Carly had and had her sign a contract and model release. Now Margaret was putting makeup on Carly's face and chest that Carly thought looked a bit peculiar. "It will work with the lighting." There was little to do with Carly's hair since her curls just were what they were but some hairspray made it extra shiny.

"Here's your wardrobe, Carly!" said Margaret after make-up, and chuckled, "don't worry I'll turn the heat up." Carly went into the appointed room to change. She got nude and checked herself in the mirror, "Yeah, I should get paid for this bod," before examining the work uniform. White g-string bottoms, silk, narrow in front, high over the hips, and composed of just one layer of thin fabric with fine seams at the edges. They fit comfortably and snugly despite a lack of spandex. The top was also white, and composed of a tight spiderweb of strings going up around the back of the neck from the front, connecting in the back below the shoulder blades and reaching down over her ribs exposing her flesh everywhere except where two triangles of silk with no lining barely supported her breasts and reached just high enough to cover her medium-size nipples. Plenty of each round breast spilled out either side of the silk cups. A short white silk robe made the ensemble somewhat decent if she closed it but the most fun element to Carly was a pair of white thigh high boots that were made of tight spandex above the ankle and sported medium-thick, 6 inch heels on the PVC shoe element.

After donning a clean bathrobe she found folded up in the change room Carly stepped out and followed the sound of Lawrence's voice to a big space with lights and a set and some computer equipment. "Make yourself at home Carly I'll be with you in a minute," Lawrence said while Carly examined the darkly lit set arranged for the shoot. There was a chaise longue and a very big round ottoman, both red satin, with dense tropical house plants behind them.

Margaret had left. "OK Carly, are you ready to work?" inquired Lawrence.

"Yes Lawrence, what should I do with the bath robe?"

"Just toss it to me."

She did so and followed, "So where do you want me first? I mean how should I pose? I hope Brenda didn't tell you I'm a seasoned professional at this..."

"Oh no she told me you're a newb. But that's OK. Let's start with some dabs, then give me the Austin Powers pose with the gun fingers."

Carly laughed, but performed some goofy exaggerated dabs anyways, which Lawrence duly snapped with his digital camera, laughing. Carly then jumped into whatever she imagined was on the Austin Powers movie poster, turning sideways sticking her ass out while squatting somewhat and holding up gun fingers close to her face. The silk robe was so short that a generous amount of her g-string-cleft ass became exposed. Lawrence eagerly snapped more fun photos.

"Seriously though Carly let's have you on the chaise at first, just cross your legs, play with your hair, face the camera and look fierce..."

Lawrence took Carly through gradually more and more sexy and suggestive poses, showing off her exquisite shoulders and legs, then later her magnificent ass and core, while the silk robe slowly made it's way off her body. Her strength and flexibility paid off as she posed at length in horizontally extended positions on her knees presenting her ass and silk-adorned cunt, and back-bent positions presenting her busty, string-webbed front. In every position Carly's hair attempted to steal the show, draping luxuriantly over a shoulder, down her back to the twin mounds of the top of her ass where she sat on her heels, or flipped forward over her face where her eyes stared through it.

"You're doing great Carly, are you ready to meet your co-star?" asked Lawrence as Carly sipped water from a wine glass, on a break with the cloth robe on.

"My who?"

"Vincent. He's the male half of the couple shots. Like I said it's for sex shops. Have you been in a sex shop?"

Carly thought about it for a moment and remembered that sex shops do feature plenty of posters and wall-pieces with amorous couples pouting together. "Yeah that makes sense but I didn't realize..."

"If you're not comfortable with it we can call someone else. We'd still pay you for your time."

"Well.." replied Carly, thinking she'd really like to earn the full fee for the day, and hopefully get more work in the future. "We would pose like lovers? Is he nice-looking, is he clean?"

"Of course he's good-looking, it wouldn't be a very good lingerie shoot if he wasn't. I don't know if he can dab like you though... Vincent!"

A man walked in wearing an untied bath robe and some shorts. He was strikingly handsome with a cold gaze and strong chin. His hair was thin and receded, but he wore it short on an elegantly fine-shaped head evoking to Carly the actor Jason Statham, whom she admired. She took in his frame as he got nearer, impressed by his physique which looked extremely strong. He looked like he hadn't spent any time sculpting muscles in a gym, but rather gained it all by doing something like climbing mountains and building log cabins, where true enduring strength is what counts. His stood at medium height, just a bit taller than Carly with her heels on.

"Vincent this is the beautiful Carly, she's funny and smart and talented so try to keep up."

Vincent looked intensely at Carly like she was a delicious meal he'd just fought someone to the death over. He took her offered hand and kissed it, causing her heartbeat to amplify.

"Vincent doesn't talk much."

When Vincent gently held her fingers Carly felt the exceptional strength she'd thought she'd intuited . She was glad he hadn't just shaken her hand because handshakes with people stronger than they look usually hurt her hand. Underneath his robe Vincent wore what looked like trunk briefs but were made entirely of silk which somehow managed to be snug against his body and contain his bulge effectively. The garment was blue, royal blue and shiny where the light caught it. The bulge was big but gave away no dimensions of what was inside.

"This is the most polite I've seen him."

Carly snapped her head up and considered that she had just been caught staring blatantly at a crotch. She made eye contact with Vincent and said with forced seriousness "those shorts really suit you," to break the spell of embarrassment. She turned to Lawrence, "excellent shorts," while Vincent tried to contain a smirk and Lawrence covered his mouth to stifle laughter.

Lawrence had them pose like lovers, standing at first, leaning into one another, with Carly's silk robe on until Vincent removed it. Vincent kept his hands on Carly's body one way or another, letting her always feel his freakish strength, not shy about adjusting her but always gentle enough not to annoy her, until Carly just surrendered to letting him decide where her body went. When Lawrence told Vincent to lift Carly up he did so with little effort before she was even ready. He brought her onto his waist hard, exciting her, letting her know he might test her limits of playfulness. By this time she was really enjoying contact with Vincent, and wrapped her legs around him roughly, expecting him to put up with anything her less powerful body did to him. They turned their faces towards Lawrence and Carly brought her hand down extra hard onto Vincent's chest to caress it for the camera. Vincent responded by moving his hand from grasping her hip to supporting her bare ass cheek. Carly's heart pounded in her chest.

On the chaise longue, Lawrence photographed them lying back, Carly on top of Vincent. Carly rested her cheek against Lawrence's and they gazed toward Lawrence. In this position Vincent wasn't controlling Carly's movements and when Lawrence asked her to arch her back she drove her ass hard into Vincent's crotch. They remained in this position for a while and Carly felt Vincent's hardening cock between her ass cheeks. It wasn't poking her but rather the shaft was rounding in it's constraints as it hardened and Carly had no sense of how long it was.

This has to be wildly unprofessional, Carly thought, but she reasoned that every time she was dancing in a club with a man, the same thing happened. The difference was that this time she was just wearing a thin, tiny silk g-string that was currently soaking up a bit of wetness from her arousal. Between the skin of her ass cleft and his cock was also just a thin layer of silk. They were just posing models, but her cunt seemed to find this very sexual, and she wondered how the white silk of her g-string would look soaking wet from much more of this.

"OK Carly turn around please, face Vincent."

Vincent grasped Carly's hips and did most of the work of re-orienting her.

"Carly put your near knee right down on the seat, yeah, and now slide it further up."

Vincent helped this movement along with his hands on her hips, and with her other leg extended back, Carly's cunt helplessly sank down onto Vincent's straining cock as Lawrence said: "Now we need a kiss." Carly gasped, partly from the sensation of pressing against Vincent. "A kiss for real?" she asked. "Yes," said Lawrence, "just like two actors in a film would. Is that OK?" "I suppose so," she replied, breathy. Feeling Vincent's hard cock made her dizzily horny, now being ordered to kiss Vincent made her cunt quiver a little.

She leaned in for the kiss with her wide sexy mouth while staring into Vincent's eyes. No need to pucker up with big lips like Carly's. Their lips met, and engulfed each other, and immediately any space between their bodies from the waist down ceased to exist. The pressure was mutual. Even Carly's breasts were pressed into his chest as she arched her torso into his. Once the kiss was joined, and Vincent slid his hand in close behind her head and grabbed her hair by making a fist, Carly found herself slowly but irresistibly deepening it into open-mouthed lecherous necking, matched by Vincent's passion.

Lawrence, who had been snapping away with his camera with no complaints about extra passion, spoke up after less than a minute of kissing and asked them to move off the chaise longue. They came up for air and Carly flipped her hair back then looked down to see that her g-string had shifted a bit and some labia had emerged. She quickly fixed it, although it was now so wet that it clung to her labia and was a bit transparent. Hopefully Lawrence would photo-shop that. Before she could get off the seat on her own Vincent grabbed her hips again and pulled her close so he could turn them both and lift up, her crotch bumping against his hard cock as he moved to where Lawrence wanted them next.

Carly lost her sense of time while Lawrence photographed them in various positions in various places, often kissing. Vincent would lift her and hold her forcefully whenever they moved and would roughly but painlessly drop her on the padding of the ottoman or chaise before pressing against her for the next pose or pull her hard and suddenly against himself asserting dominance in a non-verbally communicated game that inflamed Carly's passion but increased her passivity to the movement. Two times after lifting her up he sat down hard smashing her silk-clad cunt down onto his hard cock. At every opportunity her cunt would be ground against his cock through their silk and more than once Carly had to adjust her g-string to cover exposed folds.

At one point on the ottoman while Carly was on her back, legs up in the air with Vincent between them kissing her mouth, Carly noticed that Lawrence was behind them snapping photos. She was also aware that Vincent's silk-covered cock was strained against her g-string-clad cunt back there in a way that the camera could not miss. This time she had to say something. She asked Lawrence if the shoot should actually feature an erection.

"Oh yes please let's do that, if you like" said Lawrence, and immediately Vincent took out his cock. It was really big, and Carly gaped at it as it rested on her pelvis pointing toward her face. "No! I meant I presume the photos aren't supposed to show his hard-on, even inside his underwear! Vincent put that away!" She was staring at his magnificent cock, bigger than any she'd experienced before. Her cunt started pulsing and moistening more than ever. Her heart was racing. "We'll pay you more for nudity, Carly, and Vincent would be nude as well. He might not be soft, given the circumstances." He hasn't been soft for a while, thought Carly.

Getting paid more for nudity made sense to her right now, especially since her silk g-string had been transparent with her horny secretions for some time, not to mention the times her labia emerged. Lawrence had been snapping photos continuously. Might as well get paid, but with Vincent's cock lurking the money might not be enough. "I don't know if I can do that, Lawrence, how would it work exactly?" As she said this, the cock was still pointing toward her face and he pressed against her so that his lower shaft and his waistband pushed on her clit, causing her to shudder in pleasure and his cock to stiffen to it's maximum, more than 8 inches, and particularly thick too.

"You would be paid $2500 in addition to what you were earning already."

$2500 sounded like a lot to Carly, and she really needed it. In fact it was already spent, given her high-interest debts that she needed to clear as soon as possible. "Can I get it in writing? I mean I trust you but I'm not used to any of this." She was still transfixed by Vincent's cock, only occasionally looking at Lawrence whom she was speaking to.

"I want you to be completely comfortable, Carly, so why don't I just e-transfer you the money right now and you can accept the funds on your phone? Don't get up. Where is your phone? Where is my phone?"

"My phone is in the pocket of that bathrobe," said Carly.

While Lawrence was looking for phones, Vincent moved down onto Carly and kissed her neck while sliding his semi-exposed cock back and forth against her silk-covered clit and folds. "Listen, Chatterbox, this feels nice but if you want to go any further it would have to start with dinner in a restaurant and getting to know each other, got it?" He didn't reply, but kept his hands in her hair and didn't attempt any escalation other than a kiss, which she returned.

"OK so it'll be in your text messages!" Lawrence called out as he returned. He handed Carly her phone. She opened it up and tapped the most recent message. Wait, she thought, did I agree to this already? She tapped the link and her browser opened up a page with the e-transfer amount and a request for a code-word. "The code-word is ottomansnuggle, one word," said Lawrence. Carly giggled at that. There it was, $2500, was she about to say no? Maybe Wednesday Carly could say no, this was Thursday Carly. She typed ottomansnuggle.

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