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Click hereI was probably an underachiever in the classroom because of my zeal for remaining in top physical condition. There were many times in college and even law school when I wouldn't be studying as hard as I should for a test, or even a final exam, in order to be sure to work out at least 90 minutes a day, alternating between weightlifting and related strength training, and aerobic exercise. Fortunately I had enough innate intelligence to get by, although in the lower 40% of my class in law school.
Despite my physical fitness, and the fact that exercise is supposed to produce pleasure-causing chemicals in the brain, I wasn't as happy as I should have been. The reason seemed to allude me.
I had a number of decent romantic/sexual relationships by the time that I graduated law school at 25 years old, but unfortunately it seemed that the women who were attracted to me were rather shallow; maybe it was because I was shallow too and put physical fitness above romance in my life's priorities. Women seemed to be more attracted to my body than to me. I can't really complain, however, because I had the same attraction to them because of their physicality. The one intellectual woman I dated scared the shit out of me; I didn't really know quite what to make of her.
Anyway, I got a job in a major Midwestern city in the U. S. at Austin McKenzie, a private law firm, despite my less than stellar academic achievements. Maybe I was chosen as an associate because I nailed the interview, or because they were seeking diversity and they wanted a token physically fit person since the rest of my associate class was -- well -- not physically fit.
The Saturday after my first week on the job I was at a local park running on an aerobic day shortly after a rain. A woman jogging in front of me apparently slipped on a wet spot and fell. I ran up to her, helped her to her feet and inspected her knees (and being a red-blooded hetero male, the rest of her too). She seemed to be a little older than I was -- maybe by five or six years -- and she was definitely hot, but I was trying to be a gentleman and be concerned about her knees than how hot she was.
"I'm Brian Shacklee," I said shaking her hand when she was upright and stable.
"Brenda Johnson," was her grimacing reply.
"I think that you need to have your knees cleaned out and some ointment put on them. Do you have a first aid kit in your car?" I said and asked.
"I live nearby so I didn't drive," she said.
"I have a kit in my car; let me help," I replied. I could see apprehension on her face. "Look, if you're worried that I'm an axe murderer call one of your friends and send him or her a photo of me so that if I do murder you I will be sure to be caught and punished," I said with a smile, even though I wondered whether my attempt at humor would scare her off.
Fortunately Brenda laughed. She took out her phone from a fanny pack, snapped a photo of me, and obviously sent it with a text to a friend of hers. I didn't ask to read the text. When done she said "OK, I'll take you up on your offer."
We were only about a quarter mile from my car and despite some obvious discomfort she was able to walk to it OK. One thing I noticed on the walk were engagement and wedding rings on the fourth finger of her left hand. Since I have an iron clad rule about not hitting on married women despite how hot she was no romantic relationship was going to ensue.
We just chatted about exercise regimes and the weather on the way to my vehicle. When we got to my car I had her sit on the hood while I cleaned up her knees, put ointment on them, and even a small bandage on one cut. I tried to concentrate on the job at hand and not on what sexy legs that she had. When done I asked her "Do you need a ride home?"
"I don't want to interfere with your workout," she responded.
"You won't; I'm returning here to finish whether or not I give you a ride home. I'm not in a hurry."
"Thanks; the pain is a little more than I like; can you give me a ride? It's about three quarters of a mile."
We just chatted about the area as we drove, I dropped her off at a townhouse development and she thanked me. I did a U-turn to drive back to the park, but couldn't help but notice her backside as she walked away. "Nice ass, too bad she's married" I said to myself, and then just drove back to the park, finished my workout and didn't think much more about it.
I was doing surprisingly well at my job despite the fact that I wasn't working hours as long as the rest of the junior associates and had a less impressive law school resume. One reason was because the specific work that I was doing; I seemed to have a knack for preparing SBA license applications, and applications for other Federal Government divisions, and unlike some other attorneys found it interesting rather than boring. Another reason was because I hadn't found any suitable female companionship despite looking. Most of my interactions with women were at the health club I joined and unfortunately all of the women there that I was attracted to were married. I made friends, but no romance was in the cards.
There was one fly in the ointment at work; one of the senior associates by the name of Jeremiah Johnson (who actually was proud that he was named after the main character in the 1972 film by that name, the first Western ever to be accepted at the Cannes Film Festival) was an unmitigated asshole. He tried to interrupt my work for several partners on the license applications by "assigning" me menial tasks to help him and that I never got any credit for. After about two weeks of that shit I confronted him.
I should tell you that I am not confrontation-adverse; actually the opposite is sometimes and one of my failings.
"Sorry, JJ," I said when he tried to give me another menial assignment -- I found that he hated to be called "JJ;" "I've got enough on my plate for several licenses for partners and I don't have time for your tedious tasks."
"You should be working harder, Shacklee; your billable hours aren't up to snuff with your associate class," he snickered.
"That's not for you to say. The partners I work with are happy with my work and it is only because I have a lighter schedule that I can respond quickly to what they want done," I calmly replied.
JJ went on a tirade for another few minutes before I had enough. I stood up, got right in his face and snarled "I don't take orders from you dipshit; beat it. Go complain to management like the pussy that you are if you want but I'm not your fucking errand boy!"
He turned completely red and stormed out as he delivered a few F-bombs. Knowing that the pussy would go to management I pre-empted his strike by going to the three partners that I was preparing the license applications for, lied a little about how I was only able to do them on a timely basis because I wasn't swamped with the shit that JJ wanted me to do, and got their support. One of the partners, John McKenzie, is the son of one of the two founders of Austin McKenzie and a real stand-up guy. He went to management and demanded that JJ stop trying to assign me shit work.
I suffered no adverse consequences for my little dust-up with JJ except that he and some of his senior associate buddies didn't like me. I could give a shit; if people like JJ ever became management I would be long gone from the firm anyhow.
The firm's first firm-wide event since I had started was a Saturday barbeque. While it was likely a command performance even if it hadn't been I would have wanted to go since there were a number of people at the firm that I knew only tangentially but wanted to get to know better.
Imagine my surprise when one of the first people I saw there was Brenda Johnson. She came up to me with a smile and said "I thought for sure that you were in the medical profession given the expert way that you treated my little boo-boos," she chuckled.
"Hi -- Brenda, isn't it?" I responded with my own smile. Even though I definitely remembered who she was I thought it best to pretend to be unsure. "Do you work for Austin McKenzie?"
"No, I sell real estate; my husband Jeremiah is an attorney here," she replied.
I never had made the connection of their last names being "Johnson" since it is the 2nd most common surname in the US, with 655 people per 100,000 having that surname.
That caused me to chuckle.
"What's so funny she asked," in a friendly rather than snide way.
"I'm your husband's least favorite person at Austin McKenzie," I chortled.
"Well then let's not talk about him," she chuckled back.
"OK; let me ask you this, then. What are your passions in life besides selling real estate and jogging in parks; and what are your deepest darkest fears?" I inquired with a grin.
"Wow -- aren't you the brazen one," she laughed.
We proceeded to have a really enjoyable light conversation for the next fifteen minutes or so -- thankfully she never answered my question about her deepest darkest fears. Then Joan, one of her friends and the wife of one of the partners, came up to us and said that she needed two more people for a volleyball team to challenge the group hogging the outdoor court. Brenda and I were game, so we joined Joan.
I found out several things during the next few friendly but competitive volleyball sets: Brenda is an excellent athlete; Joan tries hard but isn't very athletic; most of the people at the firm who played were friendly; JJ is an even bigger asshole than I thought. One thing that I already knew but confirmed is that Brenda is HOT (all caps).
We had two very friendly sets against two other teams, which we won, before JJ was on the opposite side in the third set. He apparently noticed Brenda and I yukking it up on the court, and it irritated him. One of the rules was no hard spiking. Of course JJ immediately violated that. He was mostly trying to spike the ball into me, but I was a much superior athlete and blocked his first four attempts. On the fifth attempt he hit Joan in the head.
I attended to Joan while Brenda reamed JJ out. Despite what would likely be a bruise Joan was anxious to continue, so we did. However, on match point my basic instincts came through. I spiked the ball as hard as I could, smashing into JJ's face so hard that it knocked him down.
"Sorry, JJ," I said with a fake look of concern as I went to the other side of the net and offered my hand to help him up.
"Fuck you," was his response.
The situation would have been awkward but just then a chow bell rang and everyone was summoned to eat.
Brenda was not too pleased with JJ and started walking to the chow line with me. I mumbled "Sorry," to her.
With a diabolical grin she mumbled back "For what -- he deserved it," and then smiled.
JJ came running up, grabbed Brenda's arm and said "Let's get a table."
Brenda looked at me and sighed and went with him. I heard him say to her "Don't associate with that asshole." I couldn't hear her response, but it didn't look conciliatory.
I ate at a table with Joan, her husband, John McKenzie and his wife, and three secretaries. It was very pleasant indeed with lots of humor, and no business talk.
After our meals had somewhat digested the HR manager, who was in charge of activities including getting a bounce house for the kids of firm personnel, arranged for some old-fashioned fun competitions. The middle aged kids had a spoon and egg race, all ages had sack races and three legged races. I was just an enthusiastic spectator until the piggy back race.
I was surprised to see JJ pairing up with Alice, a female paralegal who I knew only tangentially. There was a tug at my arm. "Be my horsey and let's beat my husband and the tart," Brenda said smiling at me.
"Why is he teaming up with Alice?" I asked.
"Because he's pissed that I associated with you earlier. Now let's pull his chain," Brenda said with a grin.
"What fun!" I chuckled.
Brenda insisted that we line up right next to JJ and Alice in the six team event. Since I was by far the most physically fit person in the firm we won easily crossing the finish line at least ten yards ahead of JJ and Alice. JJ was none too pleased as Brenda and I each received a gag gift for our victory.
As I left after a fun day it appeared to me that JJ and Brenda were arguing as they went to their car. I felt sorry for Brenda, however I hoped that she'd give JJ holy hell.
Things proceeded fairly normally for the next couple of months. I saw Brenda at the park where we first met two more times. Once we jogged together (although it wasn't much of a workout for me, except for my eyeballs that is) and had lunch at a nearby deli afterward. We never mentioned JJ. It seemed that Brenda liked me, although neither of us was flirting in any way.
I was still having problems in the romance department, although I did have a couple of decent, but certainly not earth-shattering, one night stands.
It was a Sunday early afternoon, shortly after I had showered after a strength training session, when I got a call on my cell. There was no caller ID. I usually don't answer such calls, but for some reason did answer this one with "Brian Shacklee."
"Hi Brian; this is Brenda. Do you have a little free time today? There's something I want to talk to you about."
I was taken aback slightly, but of course wasn't going to say "No" so I replied "Uh...sure. Do you want to meet someplace and when?"
"Can I come over to your apartment in fifteen minutes or so?"
"Sure -- do you have the exact address?" I responded.
"I know the general area but not the exact street address or apartment number," she retorted, so I gave it to her.
I had no clue what she wanted to talk about, but I made sure that I had some white wine, orange juice, and seltzer, in the refrigerator.
Brenda arrived sixteen minutes after her call -- not that I was keeping track. She accepted my offer of a glass of white wine while I sipped from a seltzer can. After a few minutes of talking about the day, what she had been doing, and my apartment complex, she gulped down the rest of her wine and got a serious look on her face.
"Brian; I came here for a specific reason. I want revenge sex."
Unfortunately when she said that I had just started to sip some seltzer, and it came spitting out. I quickly recovered and said "Uh...I don't understand, Brenda."
"Jeremiah is having an affair with that tart Alice from your office. I want revenge sex and I can't think of any person I'd rather have it with than you. You're a sexy guy and Jeremiah hates you and you hate him,
so you're the ideal candidate."
She didn't play fair when she said that; she moved her creamy thighs apart to display her panty less pussy. I started sweating.
"Uh...Brenda; you're obviously a sexy woman who any hetero guy would love to take to bed; but despite the fact that I dislike your husband I wouldn't feel right about having sex with a married woman."
I cursed my cock for coming to life as I said that.
"Don't you think that he gave up the right for me to observe my vows when he broke them by fucking that tart Alice?"
"Uh...I can see why you'd be angry, I would be too...but how do you know that he's having sex with her, and what about divorce?"
She reached into her purse, pulled out a five by seven inch envelope, got up, walked over to me, sat on my lap (hard to do comfortably considering the state of my cock) and opened up the envelope. She took out five color photos and showed them to me one-by-one. "These were taken in our bedroom, the bed that I sleep on, two different days when I was working on a Saturday."
They did show JJ fucking Alice. In one photo where he was doing her doggy I was surprised by how prodigious her tits were. Unfortunately all that did was make my cock harder, and me more uncomfortable.
"Uh...I see that you're right; but...but...why don' just...divorce him?" I stammered.
"I have to get my ducks in a row financially before I pull the plug. I have a few big commissions on the horizon that I can't afford to jeopardize and a few other things in the works, and Jeremiah's mother Esther is the owner of the real estate agency that I work for. I can't afford to rock the boat by filing for divorce until about six months from now. In the meantime I have a hard time having sex with the cheating bastard, I'm horny, and I want revenge," she said.
With that she tossed the photos and envelope away and laid a kiss on my lips while she moved her right thigh, which was resting on my enlarging cock, back and forth. I was starting to go into sensory overload and thought that I might spontaneously ejaculate.
Before I went off the deep end I was able to gather my wits about me, stood up while lifting her off my lap and setting her down on her feet. Staring into Brenda's enchanting emerald green eyes I was close to ripping her dress off but again caught myself.
"I'm sorry Brenda; you're the sexiest woman that I know and I like your personality too, but I just can't do it. I simply can't have sex with a married woman..." my words trailed off after that. Sweat was dripping from my forehead and my underarms were soaked.
I expected Brenda to be pissed. Instead she got this wicked little smile on her face. "OK, Brian, I can't believe that you'd pass this up," she said while moving her hands up and down the sides of her body, "but I'm not about to beg and it does show that you're a moral guy. However, let's talk some more -- without me sitting on your engorged cock," she chuckled.
"Uh...OK," I stammered, "but you can't sit with your legs apart," I whined. She laughed at that and then sat down with her legs closed and her dress over her knees.
"All right, if you won't fuck me now how about when I file for divorce. Will you fuck me then?"
I wiped the sweat from my brow. Everyone had different views on what the ideal female form is like; from what I'd seen of Brenda's body for my tastes she had an ideal female form. Therefore the only honest answer to her question was "It would likely be the highlight of my life, so hell yes!"
She smiled at that, and then continued. "Good; now even though you refuse revenge sex with me you can help me get revenge on Jeremiah another way; and give you some fun at the same time."
"What's that?" I asked, truly curious.
"By fucking Alice of course."
That set me back. I think that I involuntarily exclaimed "Whoa...."
Brenda chuckled at my reaction. She got up, picked up the five photos she had shown me, and put in my hand the one showing JJ fucking Alice doggy. "Even though I hate the slut I must admit that she had a pleasurable set of ta-tas, and a nice ass too -- don't you think?"
I guess that I nodded my head in affirmance because she went on. "You fucking Alice would drive Jeremiah crazy, and make me happy at the same time."
I broke away from staring at the photo of what was definitely a pleasurable set of ta-tas. "What makes you think that I could get her to fuck me?"
"Several things; one, she's a slut; two, you're better looking than Jeremiah; three, he can't be with her as much as she wants because he has a ball-and-chain -- as he refers to me -- holding him back; and four, I overheard her at the firm barbeque telling one of her friends that she thought that you were really sexy."
Brenda and I sat staring at each other for a long time. My mind was going through scenarios. While I would never want a long term relationship with Alice because she was cheating with a married man, there was no reason that I wouldn't enjoy sex with her. Also, if Brenda was really going to file for divorce in six months I wanted to stake my claim first because she was -- despite the fact that she was five years older than I am -- the best prospect for a long term romance of anyone I had ever met in my life.