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Pixie by the Sea

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Pixie makes an adventurous young man's dreams come true.
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Bill's reception would have been boring if Adam weren't there. Pixie wasn't very interested in her financial advisor's new partner. She was interested in Bill's nephew, and from the way Adam's head turned to follow her Pixie guessed the interest was mutual.

Pixie waited until Clara—Bill's wife—stopped to talk to Adam, and she broke in as if he weren't there. "Is having a new partner going to change your life?" she asked.

"I hope Bill won't have to work so many late nights," Clara said. She touched Adam's shoulder and said, "This is our nephew, Adam. He was at our New Years Eve party, but I don't think you met."

"We didn't get to talk." Pixie said. She extended her hand and added, "I'm Pixie Tyler." Adam's hand was big and rough, and it swallowed Pixie's. His blue eyes sparked when he smiled down at her, and Pixie had a sudden urge to get into his shirt. She wanted to touch his chest and squeeze his biceps.

Adam's eyes traveled from the honey-colored hair that curved in above Pixie's shoulders, down the line of her throat, and to the open neck of her blouse. "I remember you," he said, and Pixie was pleased.

They talked politely until Clara hurried off. Pixie gestured to the hors d'oeuvre tray behind Adam and said, "It looks like you're trying to make a meal out of those roll-ups."

Adam was embarrassed. "That's what's for dinner tonight," he said.

Pixie laughed. "Clara told me that you're taking a break from school, living in their guest house, and looking for adventure," she said. "How's that going?"

"Not too good," Adam said. "Things are a lot more expensive than I thought they'd be. I haven't been able to go anywhere."

Pixie slipped her hand into the crook of Adam's elbow and squeezed herself close. "I tell you what," she said. "I'll take you for a real dinner, and we can talk."

Adam could have said no, but the invitation to dinner outweighed his questions about what Mrs. Tyler might want. And there was something about her—something that made him think of sex.

They found a dark booth in the back of a noisy restaurant. An hour later Pixie pushed the remains of her salad to the side and read the bill while Adam finished the last of his steak. She straightened her back and waited for Adam's eyes to undress her again then she touched his hand and asked, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

Adam squirmed on the upholstery and said, "Not right now." He looked down at his empty plate while Pixie handed her credit card to the server. When he looked up again he asked, "Mrs. Tyler, why did you do this? Why are we here?"

Pixie leaned her elbows on the table, "It's Pixie," she said. "I wanted to know more about you. What I learned is that you're a horny and slightly confused young man who can't keep his eyes out of my blouse or off my butt." She could see Adam blush, even in the dim restaurant light.

"Be shy if you want, but I like the way you look at me." Pixie said, "You're what, nineteen? You're what I need." She signed the tab, put her card away and kneaded Adam's thigh. "Let's get out of here," she said, "And you can have some of what you've been gawking at."

A cold March wind whipped through the parking lot, but that wasn't the only thing that made them hurry to Pixie's car. They closed the doors and met in the middle. Adam leaned over her, and when Pixie offered her lips he took her mouth. He pushed his hand into her coat and then into her blouse. Her tongue was warm and wet, her breasts were soft handfuls, and her hot breath brushed his cheeks.

Pixie pushed Adam away to calm herself. He fell back into his seat while she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

She looked out at the parking lot's frozen piles of snow. "I'm getting out of here early in the morning, so we can't finish this now," she said. "I have a condo at Panama City Beach." She reached into Adam's crotch to the hard bulge she knew she'd find there. "All you have to do is get yourself there. You can stay with me, and probably you'll get laid. There's your adventure."


Pixie walked the beach almost alone. She had the gulls to keep her company. The families had packed their coolers and hauled their kids home long before. The couples stayed a little longer, but they disappeared before dinner time. The sun was about to sink behind the puffy clouds that gathered above the horizon, but for now its light was still warm and golden.

She splashed through the waves as they washed around her feet, and then pulled her husband's old dress shirt close around her. He'd been gone for four years now, but she still hadn't found anything better to wear over her bikini.

And why was she wearing a bikini? For Adam, of course. It was no surprise when her phone rang. She shielded the screen from the light to check the number. It was just a habit. She knew it would be Adam.

"My phone thinks I'll be there in fifteen minutes," Adam said. His adventure began two days earlier. He borrowed a car from his mother and money from his uncle. He drove all day and slept in the car at night.

Pixie turned back to her building and smiled as she talked. "You haven't eaten yet, have you?" Pixie asked. "I have crab legs, garlic bread and a salad for both of us."

Crab legs and garlic bread sounded good to Adam.

Pixie slipped into her high heels and checked her lines in the mirror while Adam pulled into the parking lot. He got his bag from the back seat, found the elevator, and watched its slow descent to ground level.

The elevator was empty when it arrived. He stepped in, punched the button for the top floor, and it started its ascent. For two days his cock had hardened every time he thought about Pixie. Was he too anxious to get hard now? No, he wasn't.

Adam stood in front of Pixie's door, rubbed his stubbly chin, and sniffed himself. He wasn't going to put his best foot forward. He rang the doorbell and only waited a moment before she opened the door and pulled him inside.

Pixie closed the door behind Adam, gave him a kiss on the cheek, then backed up so he could look at her. Adam dropped his bag and a grin spread on his face. "Oh man," Adam said. "You look really good."

Of course she did. "Thank you!" Pixie said. "That's so sweet of you." So what if Pixie just turned thirty-nine? Her petite five-foot frame was sleek and firm, and her well-engineered breasts were just the right size.

Pixie toured Adam around her condo—to the balcony off the living room that overlooked the gulf, the bedrooms, the dining room, and the kitchen—then she sat him at the breakfast bar while she made dinner. Adam licked his lips while he watched, and not with the salad in mind.

They were done with dinner and putting dishes away when Pixie pushed her body against Adam. His eyes dilated, and his nostrils flared. "There are two things I need you to do for me," she said, and touched his jaw. "Shower, and shave."

Adam got his bag from where he dropped it by the door and Pixie led him to her shower. She pushed his teeshirt up until he pulled it over his head, and she did what she wanted to do the first time they talked. She touched his muscular chest and squeezed his biceps. Adam was hard when Pixie left him in the shower. "Come find me when your done," she said.

Pixie finished in the kitchen while Adam cleaned up. He found her on the balcony where she watched the beach. The nearly-full moon reflected off the gulf and lit the little waves that broke over the offshore sandbar and on the beach. A few people with flashlights wandered alone or in small groups.

Adam wore just his boxer shorts when he stepped close behind Pixie. She turned around, leaned back against the balcony wall, and his eyes traced down her body. "It's getting cool out here," she said.

"Is it?" Adam asked. "It feels hot to me, or is that just you?"

Pixie laughed at Adam's recycled come-on. She tipped her mouth up under his chin, touched his jaw and said, "Much better."

Adam hesitated, then touched the bare skin at the flare of Pixie's hips. "Why do you do this?" he asked.

"This?" Pixie asked. "You mean, why do I have sex with young men?" She didn't wait for Adam's answer. She slipped her hand down into his boxer shorts and said, "I spent nine years married to Charlie. He was thirty years older than me, and we weren't married very long before he had his first heart attack. When we had sex it was planned and predictable. It was ultimately boring.

"Then Charlie died, and I wanted excitement—lots of excitement. Energetic, unpredictable young men like you give me that, but only as long as you stay energetic and unpredictable." She stroked her fingers along Adam's hardening cock and added, "You guys never last long.

"I know experience has its advantages, but I like to be surprised—and I like what you're doing right now."

Adam caught his breath when Pixie crouched in front of him and tugged his boxers down. His hard-on was thick and strong. Her hands didn't even touch each other when she wrapped them both around his shaft. She kissed the soft, smooth head above her fist, and closed her lips around him.

Pixie let Adam's cock slip over her tongue and Adam breathed her name. To him it felt like a wet dream come true. She slipped one hand along his shaft and her tongue explored him. A thrill shot through Adam's body when she took him to the back of her mouth.

Adam's irresistible instinct was to fuck Pixie's mouth. She braced herself with both forearms against his hips so she had some control, and she let him do it.

Pixie reached her limit when Adam put his hands on her head and forced his cock into her throat. She pushed his hands off her head then wrapped his cock in her hands and pumped him hard. Adam groaned and pushed back against her, then caught his breath. His cream gushed out onto Pixie's chest and her boobs.

Adam sunk to his knees when he was empty. He kissed Pixie's lips, her cheeks and her neck. He repeated, "Thank you," in her ear.

Pixie was surprised when Adam swept her up with one arm under her legs and one under her knees. He turned around and around on the balcony with her naked in his arms. Pixie buried her head against his shoulder a squealed, "Put me down! What are you doing?"

Adam stopped and kissed her face again. "I feel so good! I don't want your feet to touch the floor again," he said.

"You're silly" Pixie said and laughed. "I have things to do. Are you going to carry me around while I do them?"

That's what he did. Adam carried Pixie inside and held her while she closed the balcony door and shut the curtains. He carried her around the condo while she turned out lights and set the alarm, and he carried her to the side of her bed and held her while she pulled the bed covers back.

Adam laid Pixie in her bed, but she slipped around him and into the bathroom. "You can't carry me here." She said through the door. "Get in bed and wait for me." He listened to the musical tinkle in the toilet and to water running in the basin, and anticipation made Adam hard again.

Pixie left the bedside lamp on. She tossed the covers off from Adam, pushed him onto his back, and climbed over his thighs. "I had a lot of blanks to fill in before you got here," Pixie said and picked Adam's cock up in her hand. "Both about how you would act and how you would look. I'm happy with the way things came out."

Adam watched the fascinated expression on Pixie's face while she studied his cock. He pushed back against her touch, but he couldn't keep his hands off from her. He pulled her head down to his shoulder. He held her with his arm around her neck and reached between her legs.

Adam's fingers found their way between Pixie's pussy lips and into her slit. He cupped her fleshy mound in his hand and pushed two fingers deep into her. They came out glistening. Pixie chuckled into Adam's ear and watched him lick his fingers.

Pixie's excited breath against Adam's neck was all he could take. He sat up under her then she said, "What are you doing?" when he turned her onto her elbows and knees. Adam answered only by holding Pixie's shoulder and lifting her hips. He opened her wet slit with his fingers, held his cock in hand and pressed its sensitive head into her.

Adam held Pixie's hips while he thrust deeper and heard her catch her breath. He watched by the light from the bedside lamp and saw Pixie's little cunt stretched tight around his thick cock. He pushed, and his veined shaft slipped deep into her body.

Pixie's hands gripped at the sheets and she groaned into the pillow while he filled her. She pushed her butt up for him and pushed her knees apart. Adam's hips squeezed against Pixie and her body wrapped the whole length of his cock in wet warmth. He paused for just a moment to catch his breath and then he fucked her.

Adam ached with excitement and the head of his cock seemed to burn inside Pixie. He slapped his body against her butt at a quickening pace until Pixie's knees slipped from under her. He flattened her on the mattress and laughed in her ear while he caught his breath.

"Oh, Pixie!" he said, "You feel so damn good!" Pixie propped herself up on her elbows and laughed while he kissed her ears and nipped at her neck

"Keep going," Pixie said, and wiggled her butt from side to side.

Adam pushed himself up on his hands to look at Pixie's sleek body beneath him. Her skin gleamed under a film of sweat; he inhaled her excited scent and watched her butt squeeze under him as he started again.

Pixie pushed her hand down under her body to touch Adam's shaft where it plunged into her, then she swirled her fingers over her swollen bud. She bathed in Adam's excitement and tension gripped her muscles. She clutched at the mattress then at his arms and chanted "Don't stop."

Adam passed the point of no return. He clenched his teeth and groaned. He slammed himself into Pixie and felt his cream shoot through his burning shaft. Pixie's orgasm erupted from beneath her fingers and from around Adam's straining shaft and coursed up her spine.

Adam collapsed on Pixie's back then rolled away to let the air cool him. Pixie spread her arms and legs wide. She caught her breath then curled up beside Adam. "That was what I wanted," she said.

His arm moved to wrap her but there was no other response, so Pixie lifted her head and looked at Adam. He was asleep. "Long day, I guess," she said to herself. She pulled the covers over them both, laid her head on his arm, and slept until dawn peeked through the curtained windows.

Adam didn't wake to the sound of Pixie's shower or to her breakfast clatter in the kitchen. He woke when he had to pee, and then he found Pixie on the balcony. Her hair was tied off her shoulders, she stretched belly-down on the lounge and read in the morning sun.

"Did you sleep well?" Pixie asked. Adam dropped into the chair beside her, and she turned her head to watch. He wore his blue jeans, but he was bare-footed and bare-chested, and his hair was uncombed. She liked the look.

"I guess," Adam said. "I don't remember it. I must have gone out like a light." He sat forward to touch Pixie's shoulder, stroked his hand down her bare back like he was petting a cat, and caressed her naked butt. She wasn't wearing a thing. He liked the look. "Do you always sunbathe like this?" he asked and adjusted his growing hard-on.

"I don't like tan lines," Pixie answered. She turned over and shielded her eyes from the sun so she could watch Adam's expression. "Are you hungry?" she asked. Adam's eyes fixed on her freshly-shaved pussy. He reached down and lifted Pixie's knee, so she cooperated and gave him a better view.

"I will be," Adam said. He grinned and added, "I'm a little distracted right now." His fingers slipped up her thigh. "Why do you shave it?" he asked, and touched her soft flesh.

"I always have," she said. "Well, since middle school anyway. I was a cheerleader; there was a game when I did handstand splits at center court and had a sort of epiphany; I realized that every boy in the gym was staring straight at my crotch.

"I knew the cheerleader uniforms wouldn't show them anything, but I got excited imagining that boys could see me, and I made it presentable down there." Pixie watched Adam lick his lips and asked, "Do you like it?"

Adam barely looked up to answer, "Yes. Yes I do." He slipped to his knees beside Pixie. He kissed her lips. He kissed her nipples. He kissed the soft skin inside her thigh. She lifted her legs apart and he inhaled her feminine scent. Adam wanted to drown in Pixie. He pushed his tongue into her slit to taste her nectar, and his nose squeezed hard against her so he couldn't breath. He pushed his hands under her butt and lifted her to his mouth.

"Here," Pixie said and used a hold on Adam's hair to tug his lips up to the soft mound around her button. "Suck all of it," she said, "And don't stop."

Adam's mouth was full of Pixie when his tongue finally found her trigger. He knew what she wanted from the way she suddenly twisted in his grip. His tongue worked over and along her hood and she stopped breathing but in gasps. He felt her fingers knot in his hair and her thighs close around his head.

Pixie was blinded by her orgasm. She bucked in Adam's grip and groaned through clenched teeth while she came. She collapsed when the spasms released her and watched a gull soaring against the bright blue sky overhead.

Pixie had to push Adam out from between her legs, but then she sat up to kiss his face and tasted herself on his lips, "You're a quick learner," she said. "Stop that, or we won't last long." She reached to feel his hard-on through his jeans and asked, "Why don't you get this out?"

Adam climbed to his knees, opened his belt, and pushed his jeans down until his hard-on jumped up. He didn't bother to take the jeans off. Pixie turned her back to him, and he lifted her hips and settled her on her knees. He leaned over Pixie and opened her with his fingers then took his cock in hand.

Pixie gripped the back of the lounge and tossed her head against Adam's shoulder when he pushed the head of his cock into her. He paused for just a blink of an eye then filled Pixie's cunt in one long thrust.

Adam kissed Pixie's shoulders and inhaled her scent of sweat and suntan lotion then he slammed against her pretty butt. Pixie collapsed to her elbows and tried to catch her breath. Adam's repeated thrusts shoved her up the back of the lounge. He wrapped her shoulders in his arms and bellowed at the sky when he came. His thrusts slowed and he laughed in Pixie's ear.

"I think we're lucky the neighbors aren't here," Pixie said, "Otherwise we'd have a lot of attention right now." She pushed Adam back and turned to sit down on the lounge again with her legs around Adam's hips.

"Can we do this all day?" Adam asked. He had a hopeful tone to his voice, and Pixie laughed.

"No," she said. She looked at the clock and added, "I have time to get you something for breakfast then I'm going to the gym. You can come if you want. I have a contractor scheduled to work on the shower in the front bedroom. He should be here after lunch. You might want to go to the beach or something."

The beach was never crowded. Adam kept himself busy by entertaining two energetic kids from Memphis, but the beach seemed empty after their mom packed them up and left. He waded in knee-deep water, looked up at Pixie's condo, and found her on the balcony.

Pixie waved as if she knew he was looking, and Adam took it as a signal to go back. He found his towel, his phone, and the suntan lotion, and he climbed up the beach. He tapped on Pixie's door and heard her say, "Just a second." He didn't have to wait long.

She closed the door behind him and pulled him to her room while she talked. "I've been stuck here all afternoon," Pixie said. "So I'm taking you out to dinner. I washed the clothes you wore yesterday. They should be fine."

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