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Play Testers Wanted Pt. 06

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Ghost faces Mr. Fantastic and receives unlooked for help.
29.8k words

Part 6 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/29/2019
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All characters are 18 years old or older. I spent extra time editing and making sure there was a nice flow to the action and not come off as rushed. While writing this piece I had a thought. The character of Wolverine is most well-known for his adamantium claws. When he pops his claws wouldn't they be at body temperature. So, if he were to press them threateningly against someone would they feel hot. I am not sure. It is little details that sometimes catch my attention and I wonder. That was just one of them. Please feel free to vote, comment, and let me know that you are enjoying this series. LB



The ship reeked of sex. The air scrubbers were working overtime and failing. When you are cooped up in a limited space with three gorgeous women, you get into a rut, if you call fucking nonstop for hours on end. I had never had sex on a spaceship before and I'll be honest it never lost its appeal. The trio was fast asleep when the ship dropped out of hyperspace. The craft, still cloaked, placed itself in a geostationary orbit around the earth. I was seated in the pilot's chair while the girls were asleep in the captain's cabin.

"We have reached Midgard undetected." Traci declared. "Shall I wake the ladies?"

"No need," Susan purred. "Home sweet home!" She said stretching and I couldn't help but admire her beauty. She still took my breath away.

"Are you still angry with me Master?" Morya asked frowning as she sheepishly followed the Invisible Woman into the main cabin.

"I told you before," I snapped. "I am pissed. I'll get over it in time."

"Give him time," Jennifer purred as she cupped the she elf's breasts from behind forcing Morya to giggle. "In the meantime, we'll keep you in line."

"Thank you all," I said a small smile on my lips. "Now let's wash up and get dressed." I ordered and we all piled into the communal sonic showers.

Since water was precious during space flights, the Svartalfar developed an alternative to using soap and water. The concentrated sound was both invigorating and effective. My skin had that healthy glow to it. Traci chimed in and informed us that she had tied into several news satellites to learn what had transpired since we left. Most of the stories were boring but one stood out.

"The Latverian Government has closed its borders and turned away humanitarian aid for its citizens when video footage and files were leaked to the press about ongoing actions of a serial killer..."

"Off." I ordered and winced. "Doom must be fuming."

"Fuming?" Susan laughed. "He is probably pacing, screaming, and looking for a way to blame outsiders for whatever is going on."

"So, what's the plan Ghost?" Jennifer.

"Do you guys trust me?" I asked.

"I don't like the sounds of this." Jennifer muttered as we dressed.

"I need to keep you guys safe until I can resolve the Reed thing. I suspect he is suffering from toxic effects of the Negative Zone. I want to get him into the cryo tube and freeze him for a few months so that we can treat him and get him back to his old self. Despite his actions, I don't want to hurt him."

"We believe you. Why don't you want our help?" Susan asked touching on my tactics.

"When I confront him, I am going to play off that I didn't find you." I said and they knew Reed well enough to guess how he'd react.

"I see." Susan said her eyes narrowed as she thought over my strategy. "We'll stay here with Morya. She'll keep us company."

"If it helps Master," Morya declared happily. "I will do whatever he wants."

"Keep them safe and tie the teleportation circuits to one of the tubes." I asked. "I need all of your help in this."

They agreed to work together so that Mr. Fantastic could be redeemed. Despite his cold and distant behavior Susan still cared for him. They were still married and had a long relationship and history. I had Morya fly the craft within walking distance of the Wakandan embassy. I would need to speak with Princess Shuri about how effective the tank would be to help treat Reed. This would also allow the ship to recycle stale air for fresh. The craft hovered a hundred feet off the ground, I cracked an airlock and dropped from the cloaked ship. I used the same technique I had when I was ejected from the shuttle during my training days. I landed softly with barely a whisper to announce my arrival. I switched my armor to its street clothes disguise and walked up to the front gate of the embassy.

"Can we be of service?" One of the female guards addressed me.

"I would like to speak to Princess Shuri." I requested and then they asked a follow up question.

"Who should we say wishes to speak with her?" The guard asked.

"A friendly neighborhood ghost," I said and saw her recognizing me instantly.

"Oh, my goodness!" She gasped in delight. "You are 'that' Ghost!" She declared in that sexy Wakandan accent.

'Your pulse rate just shot up.' Traci whispered in my ear. 'Do I need to change my accent for you?'

As the guard called into the embassy Traci switched from an Irish accent to a Wakandan one. It worked. I preferred it to the old one. Traci didn't seem to mind altering to meet my desires and expectations not unlike Mystique. I had a brief flashback of our encounter in the bar's bathroom. The guard informed me that I would be allowed to enter the embassy. I was patted down for weapons and led by the guard to the front door. She wished me well and turned away just before we reached the front door. She was behaving oddly. I opened the door of the embassy and standing in the foyer was none other than King T'Challa. He was dressed impeccably in a dark suit.

"Welcome to the Wakandan Embassy Ghost Fire." He said with the same temperature as a frozen tundra.

"It is truly an honor to meet you King T'Challa." I said feeling like I might have to defend myself at any moment.

"Come in, let me give you the nickel tour while Shuri makes herself ready." He said and I fought the urge to shiver. "I never had the chance to thank you for risking your life when you retrieved the stolen shipment. Thank you."

"Anyone would have done the same." I said but T'Challa shook his head.

"No! I have seen the most impressive footage of your excellent tactics and skills used to devastate that vehicle. It has received many views and likes on the internet. You are quite popular. I see why she likes you." He said and his voice softened a bit. "You have proven yourself a true friend of my country."

"I am glad you feel that way your majesty." I said as Shuri made an appearance wearing a lovely black dress with hair and makeup done to perfection. "Princess, you are looking well."

"Thank you," She replied being on her best behavior in front of her brother. "What brings you here?"

"I hate to ask but I need your help. It isn't for me; it is for Reed Richards." I explained and a look passed between Shuri and T'Challa. "What?"

"Perhaps it is just coincidence." T'Challa replied without hesitation. "His behavior lately has been unpredictable. What can we do to help?"

"We brother?" Shuri asked smiling.

"Wakanda owes this young man a debt, and besides he is requesting our aid for another. Only a hero is so selfless." T'Challa stated as he defended his position.

"What's the plan?" Shuri asked giggling.

I explained my belief that Reed had been exposed to toxic levels of the Negative Zone. It was a bit frightening seeing Shuri throw herself into the problem. She walked around in a frenetic circle around us as she gestured energetically and talked about antimatter, ionizing radiation, and possible tumors. I was alarmed when she mentioned a tumor, but it did explain his behavior.

"Can you help?" I asked and she was all smiles.

"Indeed, we can," Shuri offered. "I have developed several treatments for different kinds of cancer."

"What do you have planned?" T'Challa asked and I shared my idea. "Well Shuri, what is your insight on this matter?"

We spent time brainstorming and fine tuning my strategy. I was invited to dinner but took a pass. I was anxious to try and settle things with Reed. Shuri wanted to talk alone and walked with me around the ground floor of the embassy. T'Challa smiled and headed upstairs. Shuri was silent as we passed several museum pieces not just from Wakanda but around the world as well. It seemed T'Challa was quite the collector.

"I can sit down now." She purred in my ear without warning. "I'm glad you stopped by."

"Me too. It is good to see you." I replied and then I saw it. "Where did you get that?!" I stammered as I pointed at a dark stone statuette.

"That old thing," Shuri stated. "That's been in the family for centuries." She paused and then continued. "It has a long history though. I still haven't been able to decipher those strange characters around the base."

"When you say a long history, what do you mean?" I asked as I read the Svartalfar characters decorating the statuette.

"I better ask T'Challa if he is okay with me sharing that bit of information." She said and I respected her decision. "Brother?" She said as she touched her vibranium bracelet. "Ghost wants to know the history of that ancient statuette father was so fond of."

"Indeed." His voice came over the link. "I have no problem with you sharing but let me be present though. One moment."

We waited until the King was there to observe my reactions to the story. T'Challa arrived, took the bust from its place, and carried it to the dining room. We sat as food and drinks were brought. He handed me the statue and I looked over every inch of it. The dark elven characters around the base weren't the only ones. Etched into the bottom of the statuette were numerical runes as well.

"You recognize it." T'Challa stated.

"I do indeed." I admitted. "It is clearly a Svartalfar relic." I told them and they both smiled. "What?"

"I told you it wasn't a glitch." Shuri laughed as she thrust a finger into her brother's face.

"You win the wager little one. What do I owe you this time?" He chuckled.

"I want to make something special for Ghost. I want to pour myself into it to show him my affection and to create something beautiful." She stated quite emotional.

"You have my permission." He said and then turned his attention to me. "Can you tell us what it says?"

"It is the name of the figure depicted in the sculpture. It is her name and rank, Alflyse Beloved Queen of the Eastern Spires. Whether beloved was from her husband and king, or beloved of her people I can't tell." I said and then pointed to the base of the object. "These are numerical characters."

"Ooh! Really?!" Shuri lit up. "What are their values?" She asked and I told her. "Oh. My. Goodness!"

"I don't believe it." T'Challa whispered shock clearly expressed on his noble features.

I waited as they shared looks and pondered sharing with me what they knew. I turned over the statue and reexamined it. The material of the statue wasn't any terrestrial stone I recognized. Had it been carved on Svartalfheim? If so, how had it arrived on Earth? Did they know? Shuri broke the silence and took my hand in hers.

"I lied." She said as she launched into a very familiar story. "The source of our nation's wealth is the unique element vibranium. Not many outsiders know how it came to us. Before our written history the star fell from the sky. Our ancestors discovered it by accident. It was buried deep and around it the sacred herb. One of the first items discovered was the statue. It was inside the meteorite. A miner found it centuries ago and it has been a lucky charm for the royal house. If it is in fact a dark elf relic then they must have had contact with the original source of the vibranium."

"It is an impressive feat for a culture to survive for so long." T'Challa stated. "Keep it."

"What?!" I gasped in surprise. "No! It has been in your family for so long! I couldn't possibly..."


My roaming fingers found a hidden catch near the base of the statue's skull. Internal mechanisms allowed the head to tip forward revealing a hidden storage compartment. The orb shaped gem inside was dazzling in its beauty. It was the color of deepest sapphire at first but when I took it into my grasp it began to pulse and change color. I turned it over to examine it and the hues and shades ranged from blood red to clear as any diamond. I held it up to the light and looked through the jewel.

"I've never seen anything like this before. There are runes inside the gem, see!" I said handing it to Shuri.

"The statue." T'Challa demanded. "It recognized your touch."

"Gorgeous!" Shuri whispered as her gaze locked onto the gem.

"It would be the perfect decoration for the cross guard of an elegant sword." T'Challa suggested and Shuri ran with it.

"If only I had something to base the design from." The princess said her tone mocking and waiting for my input.

"Would this help?" I asked taking the dark elf dagger from my inventory.

"Ooh, it is lovely. The curves are almost feminine." She purred as I handed it to her. "Oof!" She exclaimed as she dropped the dagger and it hit the floor with a dull thud. "It is so... heavy! I can't lift it."

"No way." I said as I easily picked it up off the floor. "Perhaps a scan would do?" I suggested as I thought my dagger might have a similar enchantment to the fabled weapon Mjolnir. Could only certain people wield the dagger?

Shuri used her bracelet and performed a detailed examination of the dagger. It didn't take her long to create a working model of her version of a sword based off the knife. She kept the sweeping style and curves while adding her own flairs. I thought of something better and she stopped sketching. I asked for a non-lethal weapon, a well-balanced battle staff. Shuri latched onto that idea and kept the general dark elf flourishes and designs. As she drew, I took out the twenty vibranium arrows and gave them to her. T'Challa laughed when he saw me set them down on the table.

"Where did you get those Ghost?" He asked his eyes crinkling on the edges.

"I plucked them out of the air as the archer fired them at me." I explained and he laughed even harder.

"Damn Ghost," T'Challa cursed as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Impressive. That isn't an easy task on the best of days."

"What do you think?" Shuri asked directed the holographic drawing of the retractable battle staff. "When it is collapsed, it is easy to conceal on your person. The gem will be at the heart of the weapon. A simple touch and it will unfold to its full length and ready for combat."

"How about this?" I said and traced a few Svartalfar runes on the weapon giving it a final touch. "So?"

"I'll get on it right away. You can pay me for it when it's done." She purred and T'Challa rose and acted as if he hadn't seen or heard anything. "This is going to be gorgeous when I'm done."

"Oh, I almost forgot. I brought a few things for you to examine in your free time." I stated and T'Challa stopped in his tracks looking over his shoulder. "I picked these up recently." I told her as I set down the dark elf weaponry and armor, I had plundered from the Negative Zone. "And a container of sand I brought back from Svartalfheim. I discovered a minute quantity of Vibranium inside the sand. Though, I thought you might enjoy studying dark elf technology... MMMMM!"

Shuri took me in her arms and kissed me fiercely. I heard T'Challa mutter something in Wakandan that I would only learn later that translated to welcome to the family. I kissed her back and we both came up for air eventually gasping and blushing. I believe it was that show of raw passion that won over T'Challa.

"A kingly gift," the Black Panther uttered with all the awe and reverence he could muster.

"Wait until you see the Mark III armor, I build for you, yes brother?" Shuri growled excitedly.

"I believe that both of us will benefit from your gift Ghost Fire." T'Challa replied.

"You will indeed my King." Shuri stated lowering her head. "You say the sand contains Vibranium and it came from your home. It further adds to the mystery and connection between the meteorite and the dark elves. What did you want me to do with the sand besides analyze it?"

"I thought you might let your artistic side out. Perhaps a glass sculpture or the like. I leave it to you." I suggested and she kissed me again. "I wish I could stay, but I have a hero to capture."

I thanked them and left the embassy. T'Challa offered me one of the embassy's cars to drive me wherever I wanted to go. It was time to deal with Mr. Fantastic. I needed to make amends. I had the driver take me to May's house so I could have a place where I could meditate and ready myself for one hell of a fight. I knew Reed wasn't going to go down easy. The chauffer parked the limo and came around to open the door for me. I stepped out and she bowed holding out a business card for me to take.

"The King wishes you to know that our services are yours should you need us." She declared and then stood up straight. "My number is on the back if you want to go out dancing... or something."

"I love to dance." I said and she blushed. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck Ghost man." She purred.

I watched her sashay back to the driver's side. I waved as the car pulled away. When I turned to knock on the front door it was already open, and a smiling May stood in the doorway.

"I'm sorry I didn't call ahead. I'm on a bit of a tight schedule." I explained and she gestured for me to come in.

"Is that the Ghost I hear?" Mary Jane Watson hollered from the kitchen. "Just the man I wanted to see."

'Your pulse just jumped again.' Traci informed me with a sexy lilt in her voice. 'You really are insatiable.'

MJ was wearing a slick looking business suit with a bright red power tie. She informed me that she happened to stop by and see if Peter was still in town. When I asked her about the suit, she did a slow turn and gleefully stated that she had just landed anchorperson at one of the news stations. That's when she asked about an on-air interview. I felt my mouth go dry and she laughed.

"Or I could just interview you here and send it to be published online as a podcast." She offered and how could I say no. "You have no idea how popular you are now. After stopping Mordo you are the talk of the city."

"After the interview I need some down time. I have something important to put to rest." I said and looked at May. "I thought here would be a great place to center myself. If..."

"I am thrilled you feel comfortable enough to see this as a safe place." May wiped away a few tears as she spoke. "My home is yours... my bed is yours too... if you need it. For sleeping of course."

"Of course," MJ laughed. "I still haven't thanked you for saving me." She stated turning serious. "I hated what I did... and Natasha is bragging that she already thanked you a few times."

"UM... shit! Tell you what. I need to get this thing settled." I stammered as MJ moved close. "Oh, damn your eyes are so green!" My voice nearly a whisper now as she slipped her arms around my neck.

The kiss was soft and gentle. My hands settled onto her hips and held her. My eyes shut on their own as the kiss deepened. Her ass cheeks had their own gravitational pull as my hands seemed to move of their own accord and cup them. MJ moaned into my mouth as I gave her ass a little squeeze.

"Damn, I needed to do that." She gasped as I opened my eyes. "Come back safe and I'll show you a few things I learned from a Chinese contortionist a few years back."

"I am so coming back and wrecking you!" I blurted out as she slipped from my grasp and left me standing there shaking.

May was sipping her drink grinning mischievously. If I smoked, I would have lit up after that kiss. MJ produced a digital recorder from her purse and batted her eyelashes at me. We settled around the kitchen table as she set down a piece of paper covered in her scrawl.


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