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Play Testers Wanted Pt. 21

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Booker follows the coordinates to see if his hunch is right.
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Part 21 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/29/2019
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Play Testers Wanted: Pt. 21

The Road to Sanctuary:

We put the top down and left the Numenor compound; before too long, we were on the highway. I remember hearing the story of how bad traffic was before the AI took over the burden and kept things nice and smooth. Few cars now did not possess an AI link allowing for autopilot. It maintained traffic control, removed most accidents, and kept the flow of vehicles so that while your car might slow down, it was nowhere near the past jams. Our route took us from California to Nevada and eventually to Oklahoma City. We took a break, rented a room at a nice hotel, and stretched our legs.

I did not expect to be recognized and have people flock to get my autograph. Akira let it go for a bit, but she urged me to return to the hotel when the crowd grew too large for her to handle. Instead, I embraced my fans and searched for an impromptu location to hold a Q&A session. I contacted a nearby high school with a football field for help. When I mentioned my name, they bent over backward to assist me. When I arrived at the location, people filled the seats, and the fans had also taken over the sideline. Surfer tapped into the audio equipment, using my smartwatch to utilize the loudspeakers.

"Thanks for coming," I began. The crowd cheered, hooted, and whistled. "I know this is off the cuff, but it is only fair to give back to you, the fans, for supporting me since I joined the Numenor playtesters. Thank you from the bottom of my hearts." They roared their approval. "I want this to go smoothly and not get out of hand. I will choose one person from each section to ask questions and then from these good folks on the field. If this gets rowdy or chaotic, I will have to end this. Is that okay with everyone?" The response was a resounding yes. "Okay, let us begin." I let Surfer randomly select people from each group to stand and pose their query.

"Are you single?" The first question from the first fan got everyone laughing.

"Yes. Next question."

"Are you as good with a sword out of the game as in?"

"I'd like to think so, yeah."

"Can you show us some moves?"

"I saw that one coming a mile off, here. One of your fans wanted this autographed," Akira said as she whispered in my ear and handed me the bokken, or wooden practice sword. "Go on, impress them."

"Looks like the Q&A just became a show and tell. Alright," I replied. The fans cheered as I accepted the bokken and adjusted my grip. "Form One to start with."

It was surprisingly easy to slip into that state of mind. The sword felt good in my hand, and the field fell silent as I worked through the first series of moves. When I finished, I could see they wanted more. I stripped off my shirt since I had started sweating and began form two. By the time I ended form seven, they were cheering. One of the teachers from the high school stepped onto the field and offered me a towel and a bottle of water. I thanked her, and she planted a quick peck on my cheek. I dried off and placed the towel over my shoulders.

"Who is your favorite villain?" A girl asked as the questions began again.

"Ooh, that is difficult," I replied. "If I had to choose someone to cross swords with, it would be either Darth Bane or Exar Kun."

"There are talks about the Olympics allowing lightsaber dueling this year. Have you been tapped to represent the US?"

"No. The style the committee wants is more like traditional fencing than what you see in the movies or games. I am not knocking them, but I prefer free-form combat to simply scoring with quick lunges. Next."

My words had an impact though I didn't know it then. The backlash from twenty million fans worldwide made the Olympic committee rethink the event. Since it was too close to change the rules and did not want to upset the fans, they canceled the demo. I took the heat from fans and would-be Olympians alike. Later I pleaded for the agency to rethink its decision and posted an apology online, hoping it would change their minds. After answering questions, I returned to our hotel room with Akira after an hour.

"Well, that was interesting," Akira giggled. "Who knew they'd have such a knee-jerk reaction?"

"I hadn't finished answering questions, and boom, they lose their collective shit. Welcome to the information age."

"I'm just glad they reversed it," Akira said. "A certain someone would have been hurt if they hadn't."

"Yeah, I know," I replied. There was a knock at the door, and Akira leaped to her feet and drew her weapon. "Nervous much?"

"All those people and outdoors, I guess I am paranoid," Akira said as she approached the door. "Who is it?"

"Room service, compliments of the management," the man said.

"Well, isn't that nice," I said as Akira unlocked and opened the door.

The hulking figure burst into the room, and the door slammed into Akira, knocking her back and off-balance. He was six feet five and heavily muscled. Despite his bulk, the assassin moved with great agility. Luckily I still had the bokken the fan had given me. I shoulder rolled and came up with the weapon in my hand. I blocked the expertly aimed knife thrust and responded with a palm strike to my opponent's nose. Cartilage shattered under the assault, but it barely slowed him down. He produced a second knife, and I went on the defensive. The blades whistled as they cut through the air and only instinct and long hours of training saved me before Akira recovered and joined the conflict. She switched to her dagger since firing her pistol would have killed the assailant and me. The assassin rolled away and put a wall at his back to avoid a fight on two fronts. Akira and I staggered our attacks to try and throw him off his game, but this guy was professional and well-trained. While I landed a few solid strikes and Akira left shallow cuts, his speed and accuracy were undiminished.

"Goddamn it," the voice cursed from the open door. "I told you to wait for me."

Akira spun to face the second assassin. The first had been tall and stocky, but this guy was only six feet and thin and wiry. If anything, he was faster than his partner. Akira's decades of training saved her from a quick end and turned the tables. I faced the brute, and he abandoned his knives for grappling. If he got his hands around my neck, it was over. I didn't doubt he could easily crush my windpipe. My new strategy was to use my speed, but the area didn't lend me much maneuvering room. The confines favored my opponent. I managed to land a solid strike on his chest and discovered a new problem.

"Fuck, that hurt," I cursed as my fist struck something hard beneath his skin. "This fucker has got some sort of subdermal armor."

"Go for joints or his eyes," Akira suggested as she managed to cut the second assassin along his right arm. I was too busy to see him switch the knife to his left hand and continue undiminished.

"They warned us that you were highly trained," the first assassin laughed. "Pity the others won't get a chance to test you. Your life ends here and now."

Surfer silently informed me that the assassin was not protecting his abdomen and relied on his armor to shield it.

'If you can produce enough force, you can drive that same armor against his ribs and crush his heart.'

'Allow me,' Left offered. 'I will tell you when I am ready.'

'Ready, ready for what?'

'You'll see,' he replied.

I tried to keep the killer at bay while Left fell strangely silent. My worst fear came true. I misjudged one of his strikes, and his right hand wrapped around my throat. He squeezed slowly, and his vice-like grip forced me to hold my breath and tighten my neck muscles to slow the inevitable. He brought his face close so he could watch the life leave me.

"Just another mark," he laughed. "No one special, just another John Doe for a pauper's grave."

'Ready,' Left announced. 'Booker? Aw shit! I got you.'

I blacked out. The last sound to reach my ears was the assassin's laughter. I awoke gasping for air and coughing while the hired killer lay beside me, lifeless but showing no injury besides the broken nose. Akira rushed to my side, having just dispatched her foe a moment before. After Akira was confident I would live, she called for a clean-up crew. The helicopter arrived fifteen minutes later, the Silent Shadows sprung into action, and after an hour, the scene had been scrubbed clean. Akira and I settled down to munch on a large pepperoni pizza and mutely took in what had happened.

"That makes the second attempt," Akira said with a clinical tone to her voice.

"Just eight more to go," I replied. "I don't feel so shaken up."

"You were defending yourself. How did you do that?" Akira asked.

"Do what?" I asked. "I blacked out at the end."

"That flash of light, it was silvery green."

"Left?" I asked, but he didn't respond immediately. "Hey, are you okay?"

'I am here, barely,' Left whispered silently. 'That took a lot out of my reserves.'

"Thank you for saving my life." Left was too weak to respond. "Rest."

"I have heard stories about Left," Akira said. "Forgive me for being blunt. Many of them depict him as less than generous."

"I guess even an ancient Hyperborean wizard can change his ways. I need a long hot bath," I said.

"I'll go run the water. I ensured this room had a huge bathtub."

We settled into the tub and sat opposite one another. Akira's sigh of relief made me giggle. I closed my eyes to take in the water's heat and relax. The bathroom was relatively quiet. The inconsistent drip from the faucet caught my attention. Akira's soft, steady breathing followed this. Then the gentle buzzing sound reminded me of white noise or the velvety rumble of thunder. What was that?

"Do you hear that?"

"Can you be more specific?"

"Well, it is reminiscent of a distant thunderstorm."

Akira cocked her head a bit and listened. "Nope. I don't hear anything. Maybe it is a touch of tinnitus."

"Perhaps," I agreed.

The vibration was low enough to be missed during the day. At night or when my surroundings were tranquil, it manifested unceasingly. What was the source of this sound? The volume and pitch never changed no matter what direction I turned my head. Distance also was not a factor. Wherever we went, I could hear it. Left whispered something ominous before he fell into a silent healing coma. It begins. What the hell did that mean? My well-honed patience paid off as I placed his cryptic message for later perusal. The buzzing became a series of musical notes when I tried to clear my thoughts. I hummed them to see how they sounded. The longer I hummed it, the less annoying the background noise became. The humming evolved into me singing the tune loud enough for Akira to hear it.

"I know that song."

"It is the noise I told you about, not a bad little tune."

"I learned it as a child in the temple. We use it to meditate, treat injuries, or focus our minds before a conflict."

"Why am I hearing it now?"

"The Eldest Sister tells the story of the sleeping dragon, mightiest of his kindred, and he will awaken at some point in an unknown future."

"Let sleeping dragons lie," I joked.

Akira shifted and leaned against me; instinctively, my arm went around her waist. When she chuckled softly, I asked what was so funny. Akira replied that I protected the bodyguard with a simple gesture. It began with another simple action as my hand slid between her legs and gently teased her. Akira's moan let me know that I should continue. My free hand cupped her breast and caressed her shamelessly. When Akira began rising, I halted her with a few soothing words.

"Relax. Enjoy. Let me have this."

She wiggled her ass and spread her legs for easier access. I told her about my first clumsy attempts as a lover when I was younger.

"My first kiss was a nightmare. Our heads collided, and I nearly chipped the girl's tooth. Don't laugh; dental insurance is terrible in the US. I guess we all fumble at that age."

"No, I have always been a gifted partner," Akira bragged. "I studied at the feet of some of the continent's most gifted courtesans and assassins. Europe was an excellent place to learn sexcraft. Older men are so trusting and eager to show an inexperienced girl what and how to perform a myriad of naughty sexual favors. I accomplished my first kills with barely a whimper from the target. Though, you never forget your first slit throat. The dramatic way the blood sprays and fills the air with a coppery scent as the man lies gurgling as he perishes. Of course, it takes a long hot shower with plenty of body wash and shampoo to get the blood out. Don't stop; I was nearly there."

"Let's dry off and bring things to the next level."

"Booker, did the arrival of the assassins bring up old memories?"

"Yeah, I suppose they did. It leaves a mark when you see your life flash before your eyes. I guess I was feeling nostalgic. You wanna fuck?"

"Mmm, I thought you'd never ask."

We dried off, munched on cold pizza, and then with Akira's permission, made some sensual suggestions. My bodyguard leaned against the tall glass window looking out over the city. Akira bent at the waist with her ass aimed at the bed where I sat and began her performance.

"Do you like what you see, mister?" She asked as her hand snaked between her legs and gently parted her labia. "I am soaked thinking about your 'hard cock' inside me. My snug little pussy remembers it so well and aches for more. Ooh, look at you, is my dirty talk getting to you? I hope so. I want to make your dreams come true. Watch me."

Akira's fingers slid between her pussy lips as she played with herself. The more she rubbed, the slicker she became. All the while, she moaned and ground her hips in the air. Akira raised her hand and opened her fingers to show how her fluids formed glistening strings between her digits, which is when her finger crooked in my direction.

"Get over here and fuck me."

Who was I to refuse an invitation like that? I approached her slowly, knelt behind her, and buried my face between her ass cheeks.

"Oh, that tongue of yours, I missed you so much. Do what you will; I am your plaything."

I was too busy eating her out to respond. My fingers dug into her firm cheeks and pulled them apart. I lapped at her slit and tongued her asshole to see which got the more visceral reaction. At the moment, they were neck and neck. So with a liberal application of her pussy juices to my fingers, I invaded her backside with my index and middle fingers into Akira's ass. Meanwhile, my tongue performed a pincer maneuver on the second front and buried itself deep in her slit. My bodyguard's reaction was priceless, and for a moment there, I saw beneath her frigid analytical exterior.


I stopped teasing her, stood, and gave her what she wanted. I teased her a bit longer by using the tip of my erection before thrusting deep into her. We both groaned as my length penetrated slowly to her core. For an instant, I could see her targets being so engrossed with her beauty and sensuality that they let their guard down. How many of them got this far, and how many perished before she climaxed? Akira wasn't the enemy. Now time to enjoy our time together.

"Balls deep achievement received, now fuck me senseless."

I leaned forward, using my body weight to force Akira's tits to press against the cold, unyielding glass window. As I thrust against her, the window smooshed her breasts and forced her to utter a soft grunt each time. Akira knew when to push back and when to relent. Her warm wet heat enveloped me and gave me such pleasure to almost make me forget the attack from earlier today. I grabbed Akira by the hair and pulled her into a blistering kiss as our first climax built quickly, and it would be the first of many that night. I picked up speed when I felt her legs begin to quiver.

"What did I miss?" Left asked as he awoke a minute before my orgasm. "Hoo boy, that was a close one. How could you fuck such a fine filly without me?"

"Not now, Left," Akira growled.

The ancient Atlantean sorcerer was wise enough to fall silent and enjoy the ride. The last moments were fast, intense, and unforgettable. When we climaxed together, I got full marks from Left even though I wasn't asking for his opinion. I learned later that Left was able to channel sexual energy into a healing force that sped up his recovery. By the time midnight rolled around, all three of us were ready to sleep. So, under the watchful eye of the other Silent Shadows, Akira and I slept peacefully until dawn.

The dragon song accompanied me into my dreams. Once more, I shared Left's memories and stood upon the battlefield of forgotten epochs of history where the Atlanteans ruled the Earth and their ever-expanding empire seemed unstoppable. However, this time, as Left performed his spells and enchantments, I heard it and knew the source of the music. The ley lines coursed with unfathomable power, and as one drew close, you could listen to the rhythmic pulsations in the form of the draconic melody.

"The dragon lines are awakening!"

I woke with those words upon my lips. The promise of a new age was on the horizon. What would it mean for the majority of humanity? How would they react to its return? When I opened my eyes, she was not in bed. A naked Akira looked out over the city from the room's balcony, so I moved behind her and held her close. I closed my eyes and processed whether or not the dream was anything more than a nocturnal vision.

"Nick and I were lovers for years," she said, her voice weak and uncertain. "He knew something bad was on the horizon. I think he knew he was going to die."

"I am sure he was a gentle partner," I said, and she laughed. "Oh?"

"You and Nick are similar," she growled. "You both like treating women like we are indestructible sex machines... god love you."

"I can be gentle when I want," I said as she ground against me.

"Yeah, right," she laughed as she reached between us, took aim, and I pushed my hips forward slowly. "Damn, I have missed you."

"What do you think we'll find?" I asked as I moved gently. She clenched around me as she let out a sensual yet thoughtful grunt. "Satellite shows nothing there."

"Then... oh god, yes... we'll pick up a small two-person tent, camp there, and fuck like bunnies for a few days." She said as she grabbed the balcony's railing and walked her feet back until her spine was horizontal. "The time for gentle is over." Surfer managed to keep hotel security from calling the police and tipped them generously. Akira's screams echoed against the nearby office buildings. I grabbed a fistful of her long ebony mane and pulled her head up. "I swear to god, if you make a clucking sound, I will kick your ass. I am not that kind of girl."

"If I tell you that you are my bitch what would you say?" I asked as I pulled back and paused.

"Unn..." she hesitated, fighting the urge to submit. I slammed my hips forward, and she shrieked as she climaxed.

"It is okay. I would never demean you that way." I said as she recovered.

"Unless I asked real nice." She gasped as her entire body shivered. "Damn... did I mention how much I missed you?"

"I am just getting started. Doc says the changes are complete. After everything, I need to let out some steam." I told her as I snatched her off her feet, walked to the balcony's edge, and fucked her standing up. "Hell of a view." Akira just grunted each time I hit deep. "I can do this all morning, young lady."

"I hope so. I give up. Surrender. Capitulate." She whimpered as my cock swelled inside of her. "Cum inside of me, Master, please, Booker... I need it."

I thought my stamina in-game was impressive. It felt like I was stronger outside the damn game. We stopped before seven only because I was becoming dehydrated. We also shared a nice hot bath and two pitchers of ice-cold water.

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