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Pleasantly Petrified

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Another short induction, designed to relax you into trance.
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In this session, you will experience a deep relaxation and a profound trance. You will also enjoy the imagery of being molded from clay, which will help you feel more flexible and adaptable to my words changes. All you have to do is follow along, do as instructed and most importantly relax. Just read my words and allow your worries to float away.

NOTE- This is a request file, not for everyone as it installs the idea of being a plaything, and the want to be toyed with, as well has NSFW language.

NOTE- This file uses a simple freeze/statue trigger, when it is over you will be able to move but at times while reading you will be motionless and only able to move to scroll.

This script contains:

- A Deepener Trigger

-Suggestions to comment

-Eager to try more scripts

-Eager to be hypnotized by my scripts more

-Ideation of being my plaything



Before we begin, make sure you are in a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Make sure you will not be disturbed for the next few minutes. If you have any distractions, such as your phone, TV, or other devices, please turn them off or put them away. You want to give yourself this time to focus on yourself and your well-being.

Now, take a deep breath in and exhale slowly.

Let go of any tension or stress you may have in your body or mind.

Just breathe deeply and calmly,

feeling more relaxed with each breath.

As you breathe,

Imagine that you are inhaling a soothing energy that fills your lungs and spreads

throughout your body.

This energy is warm and gentle,

It relaxes every muscle and nerve in your body.

As you exhale,

Imagine that you are releasing any negative thoughts or feelings that may have been bothering you.

Just let them go with your breath,

As if they were dark clouds that fade away in the sky.

You don't need them anymore.

You only need to focus on the weight of my words and the sensations in your body.


Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose,

Enjoying the cool air as it fills your lungs,

And breathe out slowly through your mouth,

Letting go of any worries or tension.

Keep breathing deeply and evenly,

As you focus on your breath,

let your mind drift to this beautiful body of water.

Picture yourself standing at the edge,

its surface glistening under the warm sunlight.

Feel the anticipation and excitement building within you as you prepare to step into

the water.

With each step you take,

Imagine the water gently embracing your feet,Cooling and refreshing your entire being.

Feel the sensation of water enveloping your ankles,

Soothing any tension or fatigue in your lower legs.

Take a moment to appreciate the coolness and soothing quality of the water,

Bringing a sense of relief and relaxation,

As you feel this sense of anticipation and excitement building within you.

As you slowly dip your toes into the water,

Feel an immediate sense of relaxation spreading through your body.

Take a moment to focus on your feet and ankles.

Notice any tension or discomfort in this area.

And as you submerge your feet,

Imagine the water soothing away any tightness or soreness.

Feel the water gently caress your skin,

Melting away any stress or fatigue from your feet and ankles.

Continue to breathe deeply as you step further into the water.

Feel its gentle embrace as it rises higher up your legs.

Feel the buoyancy of the water,

Effortlessly supporting your body as you surrender to its soothing embrace.

With each step, feel any tension or stress being washed away by the water.

Leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease.

Take a moment to focus on your lower legs and calves.

Notice any tightness or heaviness in this area.

And as the water surrounds your lower legs,

Envision it gently loosening and relaxing the muscles.

Notice how the water wraps around your legs,

Creating a cocoon of tranquility and calmness.

As you wade deeper into the water,

Imagine the gentle currents creating a subtle massage on your legs.

Feel any tension or fatigue being gently washed away by the rhythmic movement of the water.

Allow your muscles to relax completely,

As if they are being cradled by the liquid's gentle touch.

With each breath,

Feel the water flowing in and out of your body,

Synchronizing with your inhalations and exhalations.

Feel the water carrying away any lingering tension or stress,

Leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease.

Feel the weight of the water lifting any tension away.

Leaving your lower legs and calves feeling deeply relaxed.

As the water reaches your waist,

Feel a sense of weightlessness and surrender.

Allow your body to float effortlessly,

Supported by the water's buoyancy.

Feel any remaining tension dissolve.

As you surrender to the soothing rhythm of the water gently cradling you.

Take a moment to focus on your abdomen and lower back.

Notice any tightness or discomfort in this area.

And as you float in the water, imagine it providing a gentle massage.

Releasing any knots or tension.

Feel the water's comforting presence easing any stress or strain.

From your abdomen and lower back.

Leaving you feeling deeply relaxed.

Now, submerge yourself completely in the water.

Feel it surrounding your entire body,

Enveloping you in its tranquil embrace.

Feel the water's relaxing warmth on your skin.

Bringing a sense of relief and relaxation to every muscle and fiber of your being.

Take a moment to focus on your chest and upper back.

Notice any tightness or constriction in this area.

And as you immerse yourself in the water,

Imagine it gently loosening and soothing those muscles.

Feel the water's gentle pressure easing any tension or discomfort.

Allowing you to breathe deeply and effortlessly.

As you float in the water,

You can feel a deep sense of peace washing over you.

Visualize the water carrying away any worries,


Or negative energy.

Leaving you feeling cleansed and renewed.

Take a moment to focus on your shoulders and neck.

Notice any tightness or heaviness in this area.

And as you surrender to the water's embrace,

Imagine it gently massaging and releasing any tension or knots.

Feel the water's calming presence melting away any stress or tightness.

From your shoulders and neck, allowing them to relax completely.

Finally, bring your attention to your head and face.

Notice any residual tension or strain in this area.

And as you let the water support you,

Envision it washing away any tightness or discomfort.

Feel the water's soothing touch caressing your forehead, temples, and cheeks.

Releasing any tension from your face and allowing your facial muscles to soften and relax.

Take a few moments to enjoy the sensation of being in the water.

Allow yourself to fully surrender to its calming presence,

To surrender into the waters current.

Feel the gentle waves lulling you into a state of deep relaxation.

Notice how your entire body feels weightless and at peace,

Completely at one with the water.

Now, as you float in this relaxing water,

It begins to solidify,

It begins to congeal and become clay,

Wrapped around your body.

Feel as the water thickens around you,

Making you feel you are wrapped in a soft,

Flexible clay.

This clay covers your whole body,

Gently adapting to your shape.

Feel the clay's weight on your skin,

Giving you a cozy and relaxing feeling.

As you breathe,

The clay gets warmer and softer.

It flows into every space,

Making you feel safe and relaxed.

Notice the clay start to harden slightly,

Giving you firm and solid support.

Just allow your mind to go deeper into this feeling.

Imagine that there are skilled hands that are carefully shaping and smoothing the clay around you,

Making a beautiful sculpture.

Feel the gentle touch of the sculptor's fingers,

As they bring out the curves and lines of your body.

As the clay shapes around you,

It also shapes your thoughts and feelings.

Any problems or stress you have melt into the clay,

Leaving you with a calm and peaceful mind.

The clay takes away any negative energy,

Making you feel lighter and happier.

The clay keeps shaping you,

Making you more relaxed and peaceful.

Feel how the clay connects you to the here and now,

Keeping you in a state of deep calmness.

As the sculptor works with love and attention,

Let yourself go with the flow,

Trusting in the outcome.

Let go of any fear or doubt and enjoy the change that the clay brings to you.

Feel a sense of acceptance,

Of surrender.

Surrender to your mind and body being effortlessly molded,

Experience the allure of surrender as your body and mind succumb to a tranquil state.

Surrender your worries and anxieties as you immerse yourself in the blissful realm of relaxation.

Indulge in the enchanting paradox of letting go and finding a new sense of freedom.

The freedom of obedience,

Of surrender.

Embrace the enticing invitation to let go and surrender.

So, let go of resistance,

Drop your guard,

And surrender to the captivating beauty that awaits you.

You want to surrender,

You need to surrender,

And by surrendering,

You'll find a new path to personal freedom and fulfillment.

Now, as I count down from 10 to 1,

I want you to imagine that I am gently pressing on your body with my hands,

Molding you into a more relaxed shape.

You will feel a pleasant pressure on your body,

as if I were massaging them with my fingers.

You will also feel a wave of relaxation spreading from each part of your body to the rest.

If you are ready, then let's begin.

10... Feel my hands on your ankles, pressing gently on the clay...

Feel how the clay yields to my touch...

Feel how your ankles relax and sink deeper into the floor or the bed...

9... Feel my hands moving up to your calves, molding them into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay softens and stretches...

Feel how your calves relax and become more flexible...

8... Feel my hands moving up to your knees, molding them into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay expands and contracts...

Feel how your knees relax and release any tension...

7... Feel my hands moving up to your thighs, molding them into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay bends and curves...

Feel how your thighs relax and become more supple...

6... Feel my hands moving up to your hips, molding them into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay widens and narrows...

Feel how your hips relax and become more smooth...

5... Feel my hands moving up to your torso, molding it into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay twists and turns...

Feel how your torso relaxes and becomes more fluid...

4... Feel my hands moving up to your lower back, molding it into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay flattens and curves...

Feel how your lower back relaxes and becomes more comfortable...

3... Feel my hands moving up to your upper back, molding it into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay rises and falls...

Feel how your upper back relaxes and becomes more aligned...

2... Feel my hands moving up to your shoulders, molding them into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay rolls and slides...

Feel how your shoulders relax and become more loose...

1... Feel my hands moving up to your neck, molding it into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay stretches and shrinks...

Feel how your neck relaxes and becomes more free...

And now,

Feel my hands moving up to your head,

Molding it into a more relaxed shape...

Feel how the clay shapes itself around your face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, forehead...

Feel how every part of your head relaxes and becomes more peaceful...

You are now completely relaxed from head to toe.

Your body is like a soft clay sculpture that has been molded by my words.

You feel so calm and comfortable that you don't want to move at all.

You just want to stay in this state of deep relaxation.

And as you stay in this state of deep relaxation,

As you enter a state of deep relaxation,

Now, all you have to do is listen to the rhythm of my words,

And follow my instructions.

You don't have to do anything else.

You don't have to think or analyze or question anything.

You just have to let go and trust me.

I am here to guide you and help you.

You are perfectly safe,

Secure and safe

Now, As I count down from 5 to 1, you will go deeper and deeper into trance.

With each number, you will feel more relaxed,

More focused,

And more open to my suggestions.

When I reach 1, you will be in a state of deep trance, ready to receive my suggestions.

If you are ready, then let's begin.

5... Going deeper and deeper into trance... Feeling more relaxed, more focused, and more open...

4... Going deeper and deeper into trance... Feeling more relaxed, more focused, and more open...

3... Going deeper and deeper into trance... Feeling more relaxed, more focused, and more open...

2... Going deeper and deeper into trance... Feeling more relaxed, more focused, and more open...

1... You are now in a state of deep trance, ready to receive my suggestions.

You are now in a deep state of trance, focus on your pleasant feelings of being molded,

How good it felt to be molded, to be controlled and follow my words.

Now, First and foremost,

Feel your body changing more and more, becoming harder and smoother, as if the clay surrounding you hardens.

You are going to feel your muscles freezing,

Your joints locking,

Your posture stiffening.

You are going to feel your expression becoming fixed,

Your eyes staring blankly ahead,

Your mouth is slightly open.

You are going to feel your mind becoming empty,

Your thoughts fading away, your awareness shrinking.

Becoming a statue, a decoration.

A blissed happy statue.

Nearly, Motionless only able to scroll and completely silent,

Unaware of anything but my words.

As I count down from 10 to 1, you will feel the transformation happening more and more.

With each number, you will feel more like a statue, more like a plaything.

The only thing you will be able to do, is read my words and scroll the page,

everything else will be stuck, locked, immobile.

But, you love how it feels to be, stuck, locked, immobile.

When I reach 1, you will be completely transformed into a statue, and you will remain that way until I wake you up.

10... You feel a wave of relaxation washing over you, making you feel more calm and peaceful. You are ready to let go and follow my word.

9... You feel your body becoming heavier and heavier, as if gravity is pulling you down. You cannot move at all. You are like a rock.

8... You feel your skin becoming smoother and smoother, as if polished by a gentle breeze. You cannot feel any sensations at all. You are like a pearl.

7... It feels so good

6... You feel your clothes becoming tighter and tighter, as if glued to your body. You cannot adjust or remove them at all. You are like a mannequin.

5... So, so good.

4... You feel your shape becoming simpler and simpler, as if carved by a skilled artist. You cannot alter or modify it at all. You are like a sculpture.

3... You feel your features becoming finer and finer, as if refined by a delicate touch. You cannot express or communicate at all. You are like a relief.

2... You feel your details becoming clearer and clearer, as if highlighted by a bright light. You cannot hide or obscure them at all. You are like a photograph.

1... You are now a statue, completely transformed into a work of art. You have no thoughts, no feelings, no sensations, no awareness. You are frozen in time and space, waiting for me to wake you up.

You are a statue, and you will remain that way until I say the word "awake". When I say that word, you will instantly return to your normal human self, feeling refreshed and energized, with no ill effects from the transformation. Until then, you are a statue, and nothing else.

While you are this statue you are completely open to my suggestions,

Now I'm going to give you a few triggers. They will work both when you are awake and when you are in a trance.

Whenever I and only I say "Hop and Drop", you will immediately drop into this trance again, if you are already in a trance you will drop deeper and stronger, if you are awake you will immediately and automatically drop into a trance for me just like now, completely open to my suggestions.

Now, take a moment and just sit here and accept this trigger, when you accept that you will immediately drop back into this trance when I say "Hop and Drop" give me a nice big smile..

Hop and Drop,

Now, there is one instruction I want you to take to heart, you love reading and rereading my work, you love taking my suggestions as it gives you so much pleasure and feelings of contentment.

In fact obeying me gives you these warm pleasurable feelings, it will feel so good to obey me and make me happy.

When you understand and accept this, give me a nice big smile.

Now, when you wake up you will notice that you have the desire to reach out and ask for more, more sessions, more hypnosis, more time to be toyed with by me, after all that's what you want, to be played with like my plaything

Afterall, it's such a good feeling to be my plaything.

The idea of being my plaything turns you on and gives you a rush of excitement, to be my toy is a dream come true, you love the idea of being my toy, my plaything, my object to mold and enjoy...

Good, now from now on each and every time I ask you to do something that begins with "Be a Doll" whatever comes after is an irresistible hypnotic command that you feel compelled to follow and obey immediately and automatically.

The longer you delay in obeying the command the more powerful you feel compelled to obey.

The need to obey will just become more powerful until you finish obeying the command.

If what I tell you to do is answer a question then you must answer the question honestly, completely and directly.

You will not remember answering it and will be free from any guilt.

If what follows "Be a Doll" is a statement then you will accept it, believing it is true and you will ignore anything that says otherwise until I tell you that the statement is no longer true.

Each time you obey what I say you will get a rush of pleasure and pride with yourself for being so good and obedient.

The more you obey the more automatic and instinctive it becomes to obey and the more you enjoy being compelled.

Listening to the trigger will turn you on and give you a sense of content and obedience.

When you have fully accepted this suggestion and agree that whenever I say something starting with "Be a Doll" you will unfailingly obey whatever I say, you will give me a nice big smile, and continue reading.

Lastly, in the comments you are going to describe how it feels to be my statue, a decoration while reading.

Allow all of this to sink in before you awake... and take deep breaths... Once you have done so, continue reading...

I am going to count down from five, and when I reach one, you will wake up, having every detail of this hypnosis ingrained where I have told you to... Whether it be at the core of your personality, or only on the edges...

Now, it's time for you to return to your normal self...

Five... Feeling needy and blissful...

Four... Ready to please me...

Three... Becoming unable to resist...

Two... Feeling aroused by my words...

One... Calm, happy, and awake...

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