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Stuck in a Predicament

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Policewoman Fixated on New Resident.
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Until that day, Nathan didn't know that Luvton even had a police department. Unfortunately, he found out in the most humiliating and embarrassing way possible.

Nathan and Ashley had moved to this small town with a population of only about 250 because it was quiet and everyone seemed to mind their own business. It worked out perfectly for him since he worked from home as a day trader. The only thing he wasn't terribly pleased with was the fact that Ashley was an airline stewardess and would sometimes be gone a week or two at a time.

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, however, and he'd found the upside was when his girlfriend was home they often made love like two desperate animals.

Nathan was twenty-nine, about to turn thirty, and prided himself on keeping his body in top physical condition. Ashley was pleased with the results and Nate didn't mind admiring himself in the mirror once in a while or indulging in some occasional solo relief.

That fateful afternoon, Nate was finishing up a run around the town. He wore as little as he could legally get away with: loose red shorts and running shoes and an mp3 player. Nobody, except the odd soccer-mom, gave him a second look though and he didn't mind. He looked good and knew it.

A few times a week, it was Nathan's habit to go into the garage after a run and climb onto the inversion table he'd set up there. It was good to stretch out his back and he'd gotten used to hanging upside down for as much as an hour as everything slowly relaxed and loosened. The fact it was close to the end of spring and quite warm in the garage helped calm his quivering muscles. After a session on the inversion table, he always felt like a new man.

Once in the house, he flipped his shoes and music player off, slid the shorts down his legs, and threw them in the hamper. Naked now, he went into the sauna-like garage, cellphone in hand. He might just call Ashley and see if she was on the ground somewhere. Even better if she was in a hotel room. If that were the case, Nate thought he might like to find out what totally inverted phone sex would be like.

Nate clamped on the inversion boots and stepped against the table then hooked the catches onto the support rod. He held the phone tightly in one hand so it wouldn't go flying across the garage as he flipped. The inversion table was perfectly balanced for his center of gravity and all he had to do was raise his arms to pivot the frame.

He knew something was wrong as he tipped the frame and heard a metallic ping! as he became suspended upside down. His hands were only inches above the concrete floor of the garage and he set the phone down so it was still within reach. Normally, all Nate would have to do to swing upright again was to put his arms by his sides and maybe pull his body up a little. This time, the frame didn't budge.

"Oh shit!" Nate gasped. He tried again, rocking his body side to side, back and forth. Something had failed in the pivot mechanism and seized and after fifteen minutes of struggling with sweat raining off his body, he couldn't budge the table at all.

It took another ten minutes of debate before he decided he was going to have to make the most embarrassing 9-1-1 call of his life. There was no alternative.

To her credit, the emergency operator was very professional when he explained that he was stuck upside down and naked in his garage on an inversion table. She'd probably heard it all, anyway, and assured him someone would be out right away.

He was glad the front door was still unlocked.

Nate had no idea how much time had passed before he heard the knock at the door.

"Luvton Police Department," came the voice. Nate felt a wave of embarrassment as he realized the voice was female.

"I'm--shit!--I'm in here!" he cried out. "In the garage."

The door opened, shut, and footsteps came through the house.

"Police Department. Sir, do you have an emergency?"

"Yes! In here. In the garage." Nate swallowed hard as he heard the knob turn on the door from the kitchen.

"Sir, are you okay? What seems to be the problem?"

In the inverted position, someone walking in on him would see nothing but the black webbing of the table and Nate's arms dangling near the floor.

"I'm stuck on this thing. If you could just tip it over I could get off."

Shiny black shoes and black pants legs appeared near his head. Nate looked up to see a hand resting on the butt of a 9-millimeter strapped around rounded hips. Farther up he saw what was either ample breasts or an illusion created by a bullet-proof vest. Looking down at him was a cute, slightly chubby face with dishwater-blonde tresses pulled back in a bun.

"Even in Mayberry, you never know what you're gonna find," the officer said. He figured her to be slightly older than he was, early thirties maybe.

Nate felt his already red face flush deeper. "Umm--haha. Yeah. Sorry about calling you out for something like this but I've tried and tried to flip upright for quite a while and finally had to call somebody. See, we're new here and I had no one else to call."

"What's your name, sir?"

"Nathan Walker, ma'am. If you'd just go around to the other side and pull the end over, I could get out of this."

"Yeah?" The officer's sapphire eyes crawled over his body, lingered on his exposed manhood, and crawled back down to his face. "I've seen you out jogging the streets not wearing much more than this. You probably don't remember seeing me. This town's got one squad car and I don't use it much because I don't like driving Fords. But yeah, I've seen you. Borderline indecent exposure is what I'd call it but I never minded watching you myself. Wasn't gonna say anything to you unless I got some complaints. Which I haven't."

"Well officer, I'll put on a bit more next time. Now if you'll just help me here--"

The officer squatted. Nathan read her nametag. A. Bateman.

"I don't know. I might have to see how this thing's built." She smiled. "I mean this is an odd situation and I'm not sure how to deal with it."

"It's very simple, Officer Bateman. Just pull down the other end over and--"

"I didn't mean I'd have to check out the contraption you're on, Mr. Walker," Bateman said and smiled in a way Nate didn't like.

He didn't even see her get the cuffs out and snap one side on his wrist. Before he could jerk his arm Bateman locked the other end on the tubular frame beside him.

"Hey!" Nate cried and flailed at his cuffed wrist with his free hand.

"Grip the other side of the frame!" Bateman ordered. Nate saw her hand draw out the pepper spray and aim it at his face. "I will spray you if you do not comply!"

"What the fuck?" Nate spat.

"Now, Mr. Walker!" The can of OC looked huge as the officer's finger rested on the trigger. Upside down with a face full of pepper spray was something he did not want and did as he was told. Another pair of cuffs went on his other wrist just as quickly as the first and the pepper spray disappeared back into Bateman's belt.

"What is going on? Would you please just let me up and you can arrest me on whatever kind of law I've violated."

Bateman stood and again her eyes roamed over his naked, glistening body. "What is going on is that I've seen you flaunting yourself all over our little town. I wondered just what was in those shorts and now's my chance to find out."

"Oh, my god," Nate sighed.

"So now it's just you and me in a one-cop town and I'm the cop. I know you won't say anything because let's face it, you're new in town and I've been here all my life. And, as I said, I'm a cop."

Nate felt a hand on the inside of his knee then felt it trail up his leg. "Stop it, dammit! I've got a girlfriend!"

"Who's not here at the moment," Bateman said as she slid her hand over Nate's flat abdomen.

"Look, just stop it, alright?" Nate hissed. "Uncuff me and let me off this thing. What you're doing is so inappropriate. But, as you said, my word against yours."

"Uh-huh," Bateman said absently. Nate saw she was staring very pointedly at his manhood. In the heat, his scrotum was completely relaxed, his balls covering the bottom half of his penis. The next thing he felt was her fingertips brushing his scrotum.

Nate bawled. "Hey!"

"Shut up, Mr. Walker," Bateman said and with her shoe, she bumped him lightly on the temple.

He felt her seize a testicle and roll it in her fingers. "I see you shave smooth down here. I like that. Very nice," she said.

"Thanks--I guess," Nate said under his breath.

The officer fingered his other testicle and then dragged her fingertips over his entire scrotum. Her hand drifted down and curled around his penis and squeezed.

"Okay, that's enough!" Nate said. "Let me go!"

That outburst earned him a kick in the temple. Not hard but enough to get his attention. "I said, shut up."

Nate felt Officer Bateman squeeze him and release him then squeeze him again. The touch was not unpleasant and given the fact he'd had no release in a few days, was quite nice--other than the fact the woman doing it was not Ashley, and he was handcuffed upside down in a hot garage.

"I'm curious," Bateman said as she began moving her hand up and down. "If all the blood has rushed to your head, would you still be able to get an erection?"

Nathan pulled uselessly at the handcuffs and struggled to budge the inversion table. "No! Fuck no! This is way out of line, officer. Way the fuck outta line!"

This time the shoe to his temple was harder. "Get it up, Mr. Walker."

"You're fucking crazy!" The stroking became firmer and Nathan realized he was responding.

"The sooner you comply, the sooner we can see about getting you off this thing. Until I see a hard cock, you will remain where you are."

His head throbbing from being upside down so long, Nate decided the sooner the better. There was no choice, really. Ashley would never know. He hoped.

"Very good, Mr. Walker," Bateman said as he felt himself lengthen and swell in her grip. "Oh, very nice!"

In a few seconds, he was completely hard, veins standing along the length of his shaft, the head resembling a swollen plum. He usually curved gently up toward the ceiling when erect but upside down his cock lay mostly along his abdomen.

The officer released him and stepped back. "Absolutely gorgeous!" she moaned softly. "I wish I had a picture of that."

"Okay, I did as you asked. Now, will you please let me go?"

Bateman stared down at him and slowly slid her nightstick out of its holster. She stepped toward him again and slid the black wooden rod down the inside of his thigh until the unyielding mass of it rested against his right testicle. He felt his erection subsiding.

"I hear balls don't take well to hard blows from a nightstick," Bateman said. "That's what they told us during POST certification." She tapped the stick on the testicle sending a small, dull ache into Nate's groin. "Think we should find out?"

"God, please no!" Nate whimpered.

Bateman tapped the other testicle and slid the blunt end of the stick along the bottom of his somewhat- deflated penis then around to the top. She bounced his cock off the ebony wood a couple of times.

"If you say another word before I'm finished, I will use your nuts to practice my swings, got it, Mr. Walker?"

Nate felt defeated and humiliated. "Yes, officer. Not another word."

She slid the smooth rod across his scrotum, his balls slipping past it then dropped the stick back into its holster and gripped him again. With her other hand, she tugged his balls up and away from his swelling shaft, and soon Nate was fully erect again.

Nate silently apologized to Ashley even though under the circumstances she probably wouldn't hold this against him. He was helpless and in the hands of a sick, twisted cop. There was nothing he could do, nobody to tell and nobody to believe him. Except maybe Ashley. But he could never tell her.

Something else he could never tell his girlfriend, though: Officer Bateman's touch felt pretty fucking good at the moment.

"Such a beautiful body," Bateman whispered. "Such a beautiful cock. Hard as my nightstick." She released him again, stepped back, and walked around him admiring his erect manhood and glistening body.

She resumed masturbating him and this time did not stop until he was moving toward orgasm. She must have noticed the rising tension in his body or the increased hardness of his penis in her hand because she stopped and held him.

"Not yet," she said. "If you ejaculate on me I will consider that as assault and you will be under arrest."

She stroked him to the edge again and only a supreme effort of will kept him from orgasming. Even so, a clear drop of precum leaked from the tip of his cock and dripped somewhere above his navel.

"Wow," Bateman said as another drop formed. "You are so fucking close. I think another three or four strokes would do it, don't you?"

She was right.

"But not yet," the officer said and released him again and stepped away. This time, she pulled out a radio and Nate was thankful it wasn't any of the other nasty things she carried on her belt.

Bateman raised the radio to her mouth. "Rescue, 101. Copy?"

A voice crackled from the speaker. "Yeah, Amber. Go ahead."

"Ten seventy-eight at my twenty. Signal forty-three."


Nate had no idea what Bateman had just told whoever was on the other end of her radio.

She resumed masturbating him again. "Don't worry, Nate. May I call you Nate?"

"Whatever," Nate grumbled.

"I'll let you cum in just a few minutes then we'll see about getting you down, okay?"

Off in the distance, Nate heard a siren but didn't make the connection that it had anything to do with his situation. There was a cop here already, even if it was one that was stroking him toward the brink of orgasm again.

Bateman got him close and this time a string of precum formed making a line down to his chest. She released him, cocked her head, and listened. The siren was louder.

"Hmm, they're getting close. I think it's about time we wrap it up here, don't you?"

When she resumed stroking him, she did not stop. His head began to pound, his body convulsing slightly as his cock grew hard as stone in the officer's hand. He was right at the edge.

The siren was loud now then suddenly cut off.

"Well, that's good timing. Rescue's already in your driveway, Nate. Time to finish up." Nate didn't really process what she said because Bateman stood to one side and began stroking him mercilessly.

His body went rigid as he ejaculated a thick, pearly stream down his stomach and chest. He cried out as Bateman lifted his pulsing penis slightly so that the next stream caught him under the chin. Three more ropes of semen blasted out coating his chest and neck and running into his hair and ears.

"Wow! That was quite a load there, Nate," Bateman said. Semen dripped off his body to join the constellation of sweat droplets on the concrete. The release left him gasping and he was near passing out from being upside down so long.

Bateman squatted and pulled a handcuff key out of her breast pocket. She plunged the key into the cuffs in a rapid-fire sequence releasing first his wrists then the ends locked around the inversion table frame. The cuffs slid silently back into her belt and she walked toward the garage door.

"Hey! You're supposed to let me go now. I think I'm gonna pass out." Nate breathed.

"I'm gonna leave rescue up to these guys," Bateman said and punched the button to raise the garage door. "They're the professionals when it comes to getting people out of jams."

The light blinded him but he saw the flashing red strobes of a rescue vehicle. Bateman joined two figures and as Nate felt semen still dripping from both his body and penis, he realized the officer had just exposed him in his predicament to the entire street if they chose to look.

He didn't know the two houses immediately across from his were vacant nor did it occur to him his neighbors had "real jobs", as Ashley liked to joke since everyone else had to leave their houses during the day to go to work.

"Oh god!" Nathan cried in humiliation and utter embarrassment.

"So I found this gentleman like this," he heard Officer Bateman say, "and I figured I'd let you guys deal with him. Seems he likes to indulge in a little self-abuse while hanging on one of those inversion things."

Nate wanted to scream that the woman was lying. But who are they going to believe?

"Semen everywhere," she went on. "That is one nasty asshole in there so make sure you glove up."

"Thanks, Amber," one of the rescue people said. It sounded to Nate like another female.

When they came into the garage, Nate saw the voice belonged to a young brunette in her early twenties. She was joined by a much older man and he watched them make a point of slipping on gloves before they came near. Bateman caught his eye and smiled wickedly at him as she watched the proceedings.

"Are you hurt, sir?" the young woman asked him.

"I've already checked him out, Lynn," Bateman interjected. "He's perfectly fine."

That, Nate thought, was the truth. She had checked him out in more ways than one.

"I'd thought I'd seen it all," the older man said as he examined the inversion frame.

Lynn, for her part, tried not to notice Nate's still mostly erect penis as it dripped the last of his load across his stomach.

At that moment, Nathan Walker would have been happy to have died from embarrassment as they worked around his cum-coated body.

There was no good way to wrap up a situation like that. The fireman, his name turned out to be Joe, found a bolt that had come loose in the pivot and wedged sideways when Nate rotated the frame upside down. He would have never gotten free without help.

Lynn threw a blanket from the rescue unit across him as Joe used his multitool to force the bolt to the center. Bateman pulled down on the frame and they stood Nate on his feet again. The world dimmed, came back and dimmed again.

"Take it easy, son," Joe said. "Let the blood redistribute."

Lynn knelt and unbuckled the inversion boots. "Feet's pale." She pushed a nailbed, watched it blanch and come back again. "You'll be okay though. Might be some bruising from the boots."

"If I were you, Mr. Walker, I don't think I'd be getting on one of those things again," Bateman said smiling knowingly. "Certainly not if you intend to indulge in a little self-gratification."

Nate wanted to say something but only stared at the woman as his vision cleared up.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?" Lynn asked him.

Nate was embarrassed to notice that semen was soaking through their blanket and forming spots around his chest and abdomen. He shook his head.

"You sure?"


"Okay," she said. "If you feel strange in any way, headaches, vomiting, feet turning gray, anything, go to the ER."


"Need your blanket back, Lynn?" Bateman called as the two rescuers walked back to their unit.

"No, Amber," Lynn said noticeably picking up her pace. "He can keep it."

Bateman smiled at him, "You can keep it, she said." Then the only cop in Luvton walked out of the garage door leaving him standing draped only in the blue blanket.

Nate could hear her whistling a tune on the way out to her car.

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AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Well, too bad Amber did not use her nightstick in his ass while she masturbated him. Or tapped his nuts a few times before making him cum? Lynn and Joe will have something to say around that small town and Nate will be afraid to show his face. Whenever Nate and his girlfriend go around town there will be some giggles. Oh, I wonder what fantastic tales will be coming next!

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