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Polyamory Ch. 02: Doctor's Visit

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Debra visits doctor, learns about her body and sex.
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Part 3 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/07/2019
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"Doctor's Visit"

Next morning, I woke with incredible morning wood going on but decided not to do anything about it myself. If Debra didn't want to, no big deal. I'd make it. She showed up at 8:30 dressed as usual and began disrobing the minute she entered the house. Before I could say, "hello", she was naked not having worn any panties. "I guess we have to hurry to get to the doctors on time."

"Not really. Her office is only a couple or three blocks."

"Oh, good, come here." I was on my way as she dropped to her knees. She immediately got my cock free and began sucking it. She stopped briefly, to ask, "Is it fresh?"

"I guess", I replied, "nobody else has had it today."

"Good!" and she plunged right back on it. It was not long until I was feeling about to cum. I told her and she smiled up at me and took me back in her mouth. To my surprise, she swallowed all my cum. She learned fast or am I really her first.

When she was done, she wiped her hand across her lips, smiled at me and said, "Yum! Will you do me later?"

"You mean make you cum?"

"Yes!" she said sheepishly.

"I'll be glad to. We best get going. I washed and dried your dress last night and your underwear."

She threw her arms around me and kissed me, inserting her tongue in my mouth. This nearly virgin kisser sure had advanced a long way. She pressed her naked vulva against my hard cock covered only by my shorts and I got harder.

"When does it get soft?" she asked.

"When nothing is causing it to get hard, which with you around is never."

She smiled a sort of smirk of pride. "I do that huh?"

"Yes, you do especially when you are naked."

"I bet I can do it when I am dressed."

"We best find out or we'll be late."

She went to the kitchen where she would have seen the dress hanging when she came in if she were not too blinded by lust. I watched as she slipped it over her head and pulled it down. Her bra and panties were lying in plain sight, but she did not bother to put them on. She just buttoned up leaving three buttons undone.

Once she had it on, she sort of twirled one way and then the other, and sighed in delight. "Hank, It feels so good. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" She then sort of hugged herself, ran her hands down over her hips and exclaimed again and asked, "Do I look all right?"

"You look like a goddess." And she did. Her breasts do not need a bra for support. They are as I described small and pert and sit about as perfectly as any could. The dress fit them perfectly. Her nipples poked through the thin material and I suspected in better light her areolae would show a bit.

"Is it OK if I do not wear underwear?"

I took her in may arms, hugged her to me and kissed her. "As far as I am concerned you could go naked. I just wish everyone felt that way. Let's get going."

We started out to Maggie's which was about a quarter mile and we had only about 10 minutes. I thought we could do it no problem. So holding hands we started out.

"Oh, Hank, this feels so good. I can feel the air up my skirt, the dress caresses my body instead of binding it. I feel so much freer and I feel ... I feel like I'd like to make love to you right now."

"I feel the same way, Debra. I want you like I've never wanted anyone, but ... ."

"You have reservations, like we shouldn't be wanting to?"

"No, I don't feel that way, I know your background, or think I do and I don't want you to do something you'll regret."

"I know its a sin to want you so, but I do. Why would God make me want you so, if he doesn't want me to?"

"I came at it a bit differently than that. We have a thing we study in the Presbyterian Church; we call a 'Catechism'. It's designed to help young people learn basic principles of theology. The first question is, 'What is the chief purpose of humankind?' The answer is, 'To glorify and enjoy God forever.' I don't think we often get the beauty of that purpose."

"What do you think it means?"

"Well, the glorify bit," and we are now passing the Presbyterian Church, "in my view, does not mean what many have taken it to mean which was to obey all God's commandments, but truly celebrate God's wonderful gifts to us and to men that includes women and for women it includes men. Desire for the other is a beautiful thing and what it is about in the end is to enjoy God's gift of sexuality."

"So you think it is all right to have sex?"

"Yes and no, because sexual desire can lead us to do stupid and even dangerous things. Sex is an amazing thing and very powerful in the right circumstances, but if one becomes intensely involved with another person sexually and other things are horribly wrong, it leads us into great sorrow."

"Do you think that could happen to us?"

"Debra, it can happen to anyone. My ex-wife and I had an intensely sexual relationship but failed to recognize some things about ourselves. We have two wonderful sons, which is the blessing of it. But because we did not know ourselves very well, we ended up hurting each other terribly."

"I'm sorry, Hank. It was painful?"

"Very, because we got a divorce and that hurt the boys which hurt even more than leaving her. I was ready to leave her but not be separated from the boys. It's working out, but I think the boys will always have resentments about it for some years to come. Teenagers and young people do not see much but what is right before them."

"So you don't want us to make the same mistake?"

"Yes, I don't. I understand your feelings for me and about what is happening, but I don't want you to get hurt in your first and your parents ..." I hesitated because I didn't really know where to go there. "Well, you have to deal with your parents. Being estranged from one's parents is extremely difficult no matter whether we think them wonderful or not."

"But Hank, you know, I've been thinking the last few days about them. I have always thought I loved them because I was supposed to love them. But I was reading the Bible last night before I went to sleep. I don't think I do love them. I also am not sure what love is. I think the thing I feel most about them is fear and resentment. Fear of what they may do and resentment that they have kept me so bound up for so long."

"Debra, keep that thought and we'll return to it. We are at Maggie's."

Maggie lived in a large house that for many looks like a mansion. It was built by a doctor and had a doctor's office built on to it. Because the permit to have a doctor's office was grandfathered in the ordinances, despite being in a residential community, she was allowed to have her practice here. It was set on a beautiful large lot with very large Live Oak trees shading it.

We went to the office door and entered. The waiting area was a fairly large room with chairs around the walls for patients and coffee tables and end tables with magazines of all sorts— fashion, cooking, women's sports and women's health. There were photos of the region and two diagrams of human anatomy. One was of a woman's sexual organs and the other depicted the progress from embryo to developed child ready for birth.

Debra became immediately entranced once she realized what they were. She studied the one of vagina and uterus. "That's what I look like inside?"

"As far as I know. I've never been inside a woman but that is what the doctors tell us."

"Wow! What is this?" she asked pointing to the clitoris and the labia.

"Have you never explored yourself down there?"

"No, it was forbidden to look."

"Well, I think Maggie will probably have you look. These are, as the diagram said, called labia. They are folds of flesh that protect the vagina and some women find them very sensitive and love for their lover to touch them, lick them and even lightly bite them." She squirmed and rubbed her legs together. "The little nub is sort of the penis of a woman except it is just highly sensitive and if anyone touches it, it causes pleasure."

"Wow! again. I never knew. So last night when I turned the light out, I rubbed down there and I had one of those orgasms. Is that why?"

"Very likely."

At that time, the door opened and Maggie came out, "Good morning, Hank. So good to see you. How's everything?"

"I don't know about everything," I responded as I extended first my hand and then we hugged chastely. "As for me most things are fine."

"Is this your lady friend?"

"Yes, this is Debra and, well, I sort of told you what she wants to see you for."

"Nice to meet you, Debra. You are so adorable." Debra was acting a bit shy and almost girlish in the presence of a woman she would find a bit intimidating. "Now Debra, you need not be anxious. All this is for your health and there is nothing that will be painful. I'll do my best to make it as enjoyable as possible. OK."

"OK", Debra replied quietly.

"Let's sit and talk a minute if you don't mind Hank being with us until the exam."

"NO, please," Debra responded hugging my arm to her.

"Nobody else is coming this morning, so why don't we go back to my office where we can be more comfortable." She led us into her office which is nothing like most doctors have today. It is more of a study. The room is lined with shelving which one day would have contained books of all sorts on various health related subjects. Maggie had lots of photos of her children and extended family arranged on the ones directly behind her. One portion of the shelves did have medical books, but most were used for the paper files on patients.

We sat on a comfortable love seat and Maggie sat in an arm chair facing us, not behind her desk after having offered us coffee. Debra had never drank coffee because of her religious teaching and I don't like coffee.

"Now Debra, I understand you have lived a very sheltered life and not been instructed regarding your physiology, is that correct?"

"Yes, we were not permitted to even look at ourselves."

"So have you?"

"Oh, God no", Debra responded somewhat as if she'd be punished had she.

"Unless you object, I think we should have you look today. Is that all right?"

Debra looked at me as if for permission. I said, "Debra I am just here for you. This is your appointment, so you do what you feel comfortable doing."

She took a deep breath, "This is all very new to me. Until Hank asked me to lunch, I hadn't had anything like the feelings I have had since. In the last three or four days, my world has changed and I want things I never even knew much about."

"So, is that a yes?" Debra nodded yes. "OK, so in a bit we'll do that. But right now, let's talk a bit. Debra, your anatomy and mine, despite external appearance, are nearly identical. They are a wonderful gift from God. Besides making it possible to have children, the woman's anatomy holds a closely avoided secret. We have an organ that is for nothing but pleasure. There is no other species or gender other than mammal females that have this organ. I'll try to show you about it in the physical part. Hank said you were from a very conservative Christian background so this may be hard to believe, but what we call the clitoris, let me show you, is for no purpose but pleasure." She opened a notebook with photos, xrays or MRI's, I don't know the difference.

"Let's begin here. Almost all women know they have a clitoris, it is the only part we can see easily. We also have the vagina, I know you are sort of aware of that because of your monthly periods. Then there is the cervix which is the opening for the uterus. Most of the time it is a small doughnut shaped ring at the end of your vagina that opens into the uterus.

"The vagina", she continued, "is where the man inserts his penis. You have muscles around it that make it possible for you to squeeze his penis. If you orgasm during intercourse, your muscles will contract spontaneously. Have you had orgasms?"

"Yes, since our lunch, quite a few."

"Good, you know what one is then. When you have one all sorts of things happen spontaneously in your body. Something many women and men do not know is that the clitoris is not just that little nub on the outside. There is a large mass of tissue that surrounds the vagina and is also quite sensitive. This nut like part here just inside the vagina is referred to as the G-spot. Stimulating it along with the clitoris will result in stronger orgasms or one may just stimulate it for a very pleasant orgasm. If you combine that with stimulating the cervix, it can be next to an overwhelming orgasm.

"The orgasm in a woman has no purpose but pleasure whereas a man has to have an orgasm to expel his semen so the woman can be impregnated, a woman can be impregnated without ever having an orgasm and sadly too many have lived their lives that way.

"So there is a question here for those of us who are religious, why did God give us an organ that was meant solely for pleasure if He did not mean us to have pleasure? The answer is that God did not mean sex to be just about having babies but about two or more people enjoying the experience of sexual pleasure. Does this all make sense so far?"

"I think so. It's a lot given I knew very little of this until today. I was taught my periods were part of being able to have babies. Mom said that they were something to be thankful for because it meant we could give a man a child."

Maggie sat there a minute in silence and I squeezed Debra's hand. "Debra, I do not wish to contradict your mother and believe she is saying to you things she seriously believes and doing her best to be a good mother, but I believe she is wrong about that. Your period does indicate your body is doing what it is designed to do which is produce an ovum, or egg, that passes to the uterus once a month and if it is not impregnated by a sperm, will automatically be expelled. Because your uterus must be prepared in case the ovum is impregnated, it builds up the blood that will be a part of the protective environment for the embryo to develop. When you have your period, you are expelling that material. I'll give you something to read so you can make more sense of this later.

"Now so we finish this short tour of the female anatomy, your ovaries are here and they are attached to the uterus and once a month one or both of your ovaries releases an ovum that travels to the uterus. The sperm come through the cervix and fertilize the egg if you should have intercourse and not be protected against pregnancy."

"I sure don't want to get pregnant", Debra said emphatically.

"I'm sure you don't. It would be quite inconvenient at this time. I'll give you a prescription for birth control pills and I have a sample I can give you for the first month. That is, if you want them."

"Yes, I do. I really want to do it with Hank."

Maggie smiled at her and then at me and said, "Well, Debra, I've never done it with Hank, but if you are going to do it, he's the best candidate I can think of for you to do it with. He's certainly a very thoughtful man and I am sure he will see to your pleasure."

Debra blushed about as red as I've ever seen anyone. "That is a new idea for me. I have always been taught that intercourse was all about the man's pleasure, but you are saying I should have pleasure also."

Maggie smiled and said, "Debra, my dear, I would throw a man right out that did not see to it that I had orgasms while we were having sex. My husband is a very good lover. He always sees to me first and last. If Hank doesn't do that for you, come let me know and I'll have a talk with him."

"Now, I'll probably reiterate this but once you begin the pills you cannot have intercourse without using a condom or diaphragm for 7 days. Is that clear?"

"Oh, my!" exclaimed Debra.

"What?" we both said in response.

"I don't think I can wait 7 days. I want it so badly." She covered her face and sort of stomped her feet. "I can't believe I said that. I'm sorry."

Maggie touched her knee and said, "That's all right, Debra. I think if I were in your shoes, I'd be the same way. By the time I was your age I had already had sex several hundred times and masturbated millions. I had a hard time keeping my hands off myself."

"Really! You did that. Masturbated I mean?"

"Yes, that is as natural as eating, sleeping, breathing. Enjoy it. I'll give you something to help you. But lets go to the examining room. Hank why don't you stay here. I see you brought a book."

I never go anywhere much without a book to read. "Yes, I do. I'll be fine. You girls go have fun."

They left the room and I read for about 45 minutes before they returned. Maggie said, "The good news is that Debra is in perfect shape. In fact, she is better than good, but I'll let her tell you. You two go and have fun. I'll see you at church tomorrow, Hank?"

"I thought I might go. You know me, not the pastor's favorite parishioner."

"Oh, I think you are up there pretty far. We know you are good as gold and she'll get you engaged more in the future I bet."

Debra looked at Maggie and then me as if in shock. "Your minister is a woman?"

We responded in unison, "Yes!"

"Wow!" she replied as if in awe.

I told Maggie I'd pay for the office visit and she said not to worry, she'd write it off as her good deed for the month. I insisted. "Oh, Hank, pass it on. Consider it a first date gift," and chuckled.

We said our goodbyes which included another hug that was a bit tighter from my part because of her generosity. Then Maggie hugged Debra. At first Debra tensed as if it frightened her. Then she relaxed into it and began crying. Maggie just held here as if somehow she understood.

Once Debra settled down and the tears and sobs resided, they released the hug and Debra said, "Thank you, Dr. Maggie, you've been so kind and generous with your time. I don't know how I can repay you."

"Your payment will be a good and joyful sex life and life in general. Don't forget, you have to take the pill everyday. No cheating."

"OK, I won't. Thank you so much", Debra said hugging Maggie quickly and we left and walked down the sidewalk.

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BigDee44BigDee44almost 2 years ago

Um, how is she going to hide the pills from her mother?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Want a story or stroke material?

For me, I want a STORY. This one is telling a story and I like and appreciate that. Sometimes stories start off slow but they build and improve, the same way that life starts off slow and builds.

Some people can't stand the process and want to read the last page of a book to see how it ends, without taking the journey of the story. How sad that the enjoyment of the story is less important than having completed it in a timely manner. Think of watching Star Wars (or pick any movie of your choice) but only the first and last 5 minutes of the movie, without the content in-between. I don't think that movie would be very good to watch.

I've come into this store with 26 chapters already written. Will there be more? Hopefully, as I enjoy long stories and exploring the characters.

Take care and thanks for the stories you have and hopefully will continue to provide. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Shaping up nicely

I know that some Lit readers might not appreciate the slow burn nature of a tale like this, but I consider its pace is just about right. The discussion of how screwy some religious beliefs can get people is interesting. With Debra learning to question everything she has ever been taught, it is definitely becoming a nicely reflective piece to read.

All I can say, is keep up the good work and I look forward to the next chapter with interest.

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Devir Ginator

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