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Polyamory Ch. 10: Living Together

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The Three decide to live together.
12.4k words

Part 11 of the 27 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/07/2019
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Chapter 10

"The Lovers Move in Together"

I woke the next morning surprised to find myself in bed with two beauties. I had not intended on spending the night. I got up, my morning hardon led the way to the bathroom where I peed. I flushed, washed my hands and face and looked in the mirror. Did I ever look like I had quite a night?

I returned to the bed and watched the women sleeping soundly and thought I should dress and go home to shower and prepare to get to school. I had a 9 o'clock class on Tuesday and Thursday. I didn't mind because most days I got up early and went to the gym. I'd not make it today. It was already 7.

As I was dressing, Debra awakened, rolled over and saw me, smiled and asked, "Where you off to, lover?"

"I need to get home to get ready for school. What are your plans?"

"I've got to get to work. Can we have lunch together? We can just meet at the student center and get something there unless Gladys has something to make for lunch."

"Either sounds good to me. Ask Gladys to join us."

"OK, sweetheart. Thanks for loving me", she said reaching up and pulling me down for a kiss.

Another woman's voice said, "Don't forget me, please."

"Now that you are awake, I'll be right there."

Gladys crawled to where I was and stood on her knees stretching her beautiful body and we kissed passionately. I said, "I got to go. If I stay another second, I'll have to make love to you two."

"Our loss", replied Gladys. "See you at lunch."

"Yes, Debra knows the plan."

I went home and showered. I must have had three or four layers of cum on me. I am sure I smelled to high heaven. The shower felt good and relaxing after the near workout last night. My mind mused about the love making and I grew hard. I decided no better place than the shower to masturbate, so I did. It took a while longer than usual given how many times I had cum last night, but I did just before the hot water began to run out. I was surprised at the quantity of cum. 'Was there an allotment of cum per man, or was there an infinite supply?' I wondered. I hoped it was an infinite supply. If I was going to have two women to please, I better have plenty, especially since they both seemed to love my cock.

I dried off, dressed and walked to campus. I got a real estate magazine and looked at rental properties while I ate a pastry and drank some coffee. I circled what looked like prospective places. I sort of knew how much Gladys paid for rent and my rent. I had no idea how much Debra had for rent and utilities but most of the places I marked would fit into the budgets of Gladys and me.

Were we really going through with this? I needed to check with them and make sure they still feel the same way. It was time for class, so I went and did my lecture. It was another intro to film class so the lecture was the same as yesterday. After class, I went to my office and did some work on administrative stuff and prepared outlines for next week's classes.

We did not set a time for lunch but I figured it would be 12ish given Debra's lunch schedule so I went to the student center. Debra and Gladys weren't there yet, but one of my coeds came in and spoke to me and asked how I was doing. She then said, "I hear you're dating someone."

I almost said, 'Actually, two someones' but caught myself. "Where did you hear that?"

"Someone saw you having lunch with a woman last week and someone else saw you being cozy with a woman at the movies. Then last night the same someone saw you with two women being somewhat cozy on the bridge, if you know what I mean."

How does one deflect that kind of comment? I thought as quickly as possible not to impugn myself or be too truthful. "Well, looks are deceiving. I have been out a couple of times with a woman. What someone saw last night was just three friends bundling together and enjoying our friendship."

"Well, whatever, you look well fucked, professor."

I guess I was that. "You know I can't respond to that. Have a nice day."

She moved on. Why do students put their professors in such awkward positions? 'I looked well fucked'— Really!

Debra and Gladys walked in carrying a bag which I surmised was lunch. Gladys said, "Debra and I fixed tuna fish sandwiches and brought a bag of chips to share and a couple of snickers bars. Hope that's all right."

"Absolutely! Why don't we find a more private place to sit and talk."

They agreed and we went out on campus to a bench that was more or less apart from all other sitting areas and sat down. They laid out the food and we began to eat. I asked, "Can I re-visit something with you two?"

"Sure!" they said in near unison.

"About our conversation last night, where are you all today on that?"

Debra responded first, "I want to work on the threesome. I also want to call it 'ménage à trois' I like the sound of that better. It sounds romantic sort of." We chuckled and agreed.

Gladys replied, "I am definitely in also. I love you two and want to develop that love with you both. We have had great mutual love making and Debra and I talked this AM about you and us. We both feel we could permit the other two having sex as long as it didn't get exclusive. Then we may have to re-evaluate. Of course, you'd have to be ok with Debra and I making love without you."

"I think I'm fine with that but am not sure until we actually get there. Could we agree that if one of us comes in on the other two that we agree either we will not enter in or that it would be all right to."

The two thought for a bit. Debra said, "I'd like to try giving permission at first instead of restricting. I've spent my whole life with to many don'ts."

Gladys said, "I'm ok with that. If we start feeling differently, we can talk about it. I think that is the only way this can work is if we keep communication open."

"OK, then. If that is settled?" I paused to look and see if it was and it seemed to be, "I was looking at rental property this morning and it looks like we can get a house or a condo that will suit our needs for about what Gladys and I are paying now. How do we go about looking for a new place?"

Gladys and Debra looked at each other and shrugged. Then Gladys said, "It seems a waist for all of us to do the preliminary search. My suggestion would be that maybe, you Hank, go and see the places, make sure they aren't trashed or in need of major repair. I can deal with a little bit of painting, but I do not want to renovate."

"Me either", I laughed.

Debra interjected. "If you go this afternoon, Gladys and I can have dinner ready when you get back. How long you think it will take?"

"I have to see about getting in to see the places. It may take three or four hours just to see two or three, so I'd not be back until 7:30 or maybe 8:00. That's if I actually can see a place."

"Hank, what about our leases. Mine will be up at the end of November."

"Mine is month to month now so I just have to give 30 days."

"So we have the rest of this month and then all of November before I will not owe any rent at my place."

"I think I know your landlord. I'll bet she'll let you out, especially given the circumstances."

"I'm not sure I can share that with her."

"Oh, you don't have to. We just tell her either that you and I have fallen in love and we have decided to move in or that a couple you know has fallen in love, can't afford a place on their own and you are going to space share with us."

She thought a minute. "I think the first will work better. But we have to find a place that we can move into by November 1 or 15."

"Well we have a plan. Is it one we can be happy together with?"

Debra agreed and so did Gladys.

"One more thing. Was it all right for me to stay the night with you two?"

They both nodded enthusiastically yes.

"Then is that what you want to do until we move. I can stay ... ."

"No, Hank" interrupted Debra, "we talked this morning and agreed we wanted to ask you to spend nights with us. I think that's right, Gladys?"

"Yes, absolutely. I know this is fast, but it just feels right."

I looked at my watch and saw that it was already after 1. "I have to go. I have a class in less than an hour. I'll see you all by 8 I hope. I'll keep you informed."

We stood and kissed perhaps a bit more intimately than just friends, but I didn't care. Were they going to fire me? They had to pay extra to get me. Not very many film professors who wanted to come to this small back water college.

I ran off to my office and I presume they did likewise.


Once my class was over, I made a few contacts to see the properties. I had chosen three that seemed the best prospects and succeeded in being able to see all three. Two were stand alone properties and one a condo. The condo had a rental office so that was easy. Once I had worked things out with the agent for the other two, I made a reservation with the condo agent.

I visited all three; walked around them; got the rental agreements; and obtained an application. None restricted pets. All three met all our requirements. One had a huge kitchen, but that reduced the space for other rooms. It's living area was compromised. I took photos and texted them to the women.

I made the mistake of imagining the three of us naked and lying around in them which brought on an erection. That was not a good idea at the condo because the agent was female and she noticed my erection. She was not attractive and would never have created any sexual energy but I didn't know what she thought.

I finished about 7, so I'd be back early and texted the women and drove back. When I arrived, I found two beautiful women, naked and anxiously waiting to hear my descriptions and if I thought either of the places would work.

Before I could turn around, they were undressing me. Of course, I did not object. My cock was hard by the time they got me undressed and both took a turn stroking it. Then began asking me questions.

The house I liked the most actually had a view of the river and a private backyard. As far as I could tell no neighbor could see in which meant, if we liked and I thought we would, we could spend nice days naked in the yard. The down side was that we'd be responsible for maintaining the yard. The price was good and fit within our budgets which would leave money for other things. We decided we'd try to go look together at lunch tomorrow.

Debra thought the Dean would give her some leeway for looking for a place to live. He had asked how her date had gone and she told him that we'd spent a lot of time this weekend together and that she had to move out from her parents. He, of course, knew about the altercation with her mother and had commented how nice she looked in her new clothes.

We ate dinner talking incessantly about the possibility of a new home to share and what we'd have to do to prepare to move in. Of course, Debra was sort of as clueless as I was because she'd never been involved in a move. It happened when she was a child, and she remembered nothing about it. She said their house had plain everything.

So Gladys led the way in making a list of things we'd have to do from the time we signed the lease until we moved in—measure windows, decide on rugs or carpets, measure for the furniture and come up with a plan for each room, shop, and shop and shop. The only times I could ever say I enjoyed shopping was for groceries and our adventure this weekend, but I probably enjoyed looking for dresses for all the side activities. I'd go on that adventure again in a heart beat.

I sort of just sat and listened as Gladys enthusiastically went through all the things necessary while Debra intently listened bright eyed and ready to learn. All that mattered to me was watching these two naked, beautiful women sitting facing each other, profiles to me. They had been sitting straight backed on the sofa for over an hour after dinner talking and occasionally expressing their excitement over this or that detail by sort of hopping up and down. That caused their breasts to jiggle which excited my little soldier.

Gladys said, "One thing I think we will certainly need is new sheets. Mine are so old and a new relationship requires new sheets."

Debra simply responded, "Yes!" and the two fell into a hug and a passionate kiss. My cock took the clue and jumped to attention.

They had pretty much ignored me only occasionally looking over at me and inquiring if they were boring me. I always replied, "No, I'm fine. I love hearing you two having such fun and just looking at you."

When they broke their kiss, they looked at me and noticed my cock. Debra said, "I think Hank needs some attention."

Something had apparently brought their discussion to a close. I had no idea what. However, I knew what was up when two gorgeous women began crawling like panthers towards me. I feigned disinterest and got up and pretended I was going to the kitchen. The two tackled me.

Both began kissing and stroking me over my body and I had both hands full of them. Debra kissed me passionately with her hands in my hair and beard. Gladys kissed down my torso to my cock and began to suck. After just a few minutes of that she started to mount me but then realized something and got off.

"Oh, God, I almost fucked him." Debra and I sat up wondering the problem. "I'm sorry, Debra. I was just on auto pilot. I'm so sorry," she said descending into tears. "Please forgive me."

I was lost. I had no idea what was the problem. I tried to console Gladys and wondered what I was to do about Debra. What was going on?

Debra took Gladys in her arms and caressed her saying, "It's all right. Don't worry about it. You didn't do it."

I was totally confused. Then they realized I was missing the whole thing. Gladys said, "Debra and I talked about when and how we'd do intercourse."

Debra jumped in, "Gladys told me she felt she should not have intercourse with you until I did. So we have plans for you on Friday," she said with a quite alluring smile and look in her eye. Gladys had also transformed into a happy person with a similar look.

"OK?" I said, "Spill."

Debra continued. "Gladys said that she felt I deserved to be first with you because she has had intercourse and I had not and this should be a special time for me. I can't wait but can't risk pregnancy, so I will. So we've taken a vow to wait until Friday night. Then we will both have you." She completed her words with a bit of a giddy joy and the two of them got into a bouncing hug.

"So we think we should plan a very special date on Friday to sort of celebrate our, ummm, uuhhh, engagement? I don't know what to call it."

"That works", I said, "Unless I have to have diamond rings for both of you", I laughed.

Gladys responded, "Well, sure it does. Why? Is that a problem?" and both of them exploded in laughter.

I assumed the laughter meant they were putting me on and said, "My budget will not support anything right now except bubble gum rings."

"No, silly, no rings right now", said Gladys. "Maybe later if we decide to get married. Oh, wouldn't that shock the courthouse?" she said laughing.

"I'd say we'd have to get three licenses", I laughed.

Debra said seriously, "Yeah, how would that work in the ceremony?"

Gladys said, "Oh, forget it. I have no idea and that is something to work on later when we've discovered the rest of this arrangement. Right now, I have something else on my mind and there it is", she said pointing at my cock. "Debra, you sit on his face and let him eat you. I'm going to lube up and let him fuck my ass. You sit so we can face each other."

Debra didn't wait for Gladys but laid me down and straddled me facing down my body. I began eating her. While Gladys was collecting the lube, Debra leaned down and took my cock, now raging hard in her mouth. Before Gladys could get back, Debra was in the throes of an orgasm and quaking and squirming on my mouth. Gladys knelt down and took her in her arms and Debra began sucking her breasts.

Gladys said, "Let me mount him, Debra, then we can continue."

I felt Debra sit up over me and I continued licking and tonguing her pussy. She tasted so good and she seemed to know just what to do to position herself just right for me to work her to the best sensations. I felt the coolness of the lube on my cock and then Gladys straddling me. She hardly paused but put my cock in position and simply sat down on it until it was fully in. Then she sighed loudly and began moving up and down and side to side. I heard her say, "Come here baby." I felt Debra move as she leaned into Gladys.

I wished I could see them but could only imagine the image of these two beauties forming a triangle, one impaled on my cock and the other my face—breasts dangling between them, and the two of them kissing. What an erotic thought? Since I knew what they looked like, I could imagine quite well.

I was concentrating, or trying to, licking and sucking Debra's pussy. It was hard but I had finally snaked a hand around to penetrate her pussy with three fingers. I also was able to massage her G-spot but could not get in place for her cervix. After a minute or two of what I was doing, I pulled my ring finger out and penetrated her ass which brought a loud moan and a seemingly shattering orgasm.

She didn't get off, but I had trouble staying with her as she thrust and quaked. I heard Gladys encouraging her and then felt her ass clinching on my cock and heard her exclaim and begin to thrust and quake also. I had never dreamt in a million years that I'd have two women on top of me in the throes of orgasm, but here I was and the thought and Gladys's clinching pussy caused my balls to erupt into her. She went crazy, saying, "Oh, Debra, he's cumming. It feels so gooood. Oh, thank you, Jesus. Oh, Debra, you should feel it. Oh, Debra, it's so much, so much. You'll love it."

Maybe 45 to 60 seconds later the two women fell off of me into an embrace, kissing and fondling one another. Then Debra rose up and turned to 69 Gladys but instead of going for her pussy, she went to her ass and began lapping up my cum as it oozed out. I went and moved into them wrapping my arms around them and fondling what I could. Gladys shifted so she could get at my cock and began licking and sucking it to clean my cum off.

I had never known women craved cum so much as these two seemed to. Nevertheless, this sight led my cock to recover quickly, at least it got hard, not sure if there was a recovery of cum. Once Gladys and I were clean, we lay there just caressing each other.

Then Gladys began lubing up Debra for another run and then me. Debra took the same place straddling me as Gladys had and more slowly than Gladys, she took my cock into her. I was fully expecting Gladys to come sit on my face for a pussy lashing but instead she laid back against the sofa, watched and masturbated.

That is to me one of the most erotic things a woman can do and she is so beautiful doing it. As she began moving herself toward orgasm, she worked both hands on her pussy. With one she had penetrated her pussy and was pumping it slowly in and out. With the other she was rubbing her clit and occasionally running her fingers down between her labia and her thigh. Her breasts were swelling and nipples hardening. Because her hands were busy on her pussy, her arms were pressing her breasts together.

Meanwhile, Debra had gotten the hang of this ass fucking routine and was moving up and down at a leisurely pace, moaning every time she descended and my cock buried deep within her. Her small breasts looked very firm and her nipples very hard and extended. As she moved, her breasts barely jiggled. She sat erect over my cock, so that her breasts were lifted high and erect. Her head was leaning back and she appeared to me as a goddess.

I reached up to fondle her breasts and after a bit of that, asked her to lie forward so I could suck them. She did and almost as soon as I touched them with my lips, she orgasmed. Then Gladys did so and I had two women in the throes of thrusting and squirming in view.

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