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Pool Boy Ch. 14

Story Info
Hunter and Alexis get away together.
14.7k words

Part 14 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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What a dilemma. I had booked four days in Las Vegas for Alexis and me to spend some alone time. We had had virtually none since she graduated. Emma was always there. Now, I absolutely love Emma and would never begrudge being with her but lately Alexis and I have had no time for just us. Now Emma's husband, Jim is home on vacation for the week and he would never approve of Alexis going away with me. I had to come up with a plan. I fell asleep working on one but nothing seemed to work. I fell into a dream of Alexis and me when we were at Dee's apartment in the city. I woke at midnight with a raging hard-on. I slowly stroked my cock as I contemplated the problem of how to get Alexis out from under her father's nose without raising any suspicions.

Suddenly, as the dream was fading away it came to me. I smiled to myself in the darkness as I jerked myself off into a wad of tissues from the box on my nightstand. I hadn't even dispose of the tissues before I fell back to sleep. When I woke to the morning sunlight the tissues were stuck to my stomach and cum had dried in the hairs on my leg. I jumped in the shower. I dressed as usual for work, made myself some peanut butter toast and went to work. I was a little ahead of schedule which was always my preference to being late.

Cleaning the two morning pools was the same-o, same-o. After a quick lunch stop I pulled into Alexis' right on time. Jim's car was not there and I breathed a sigh of relief but I didn't know how long he would be gone so I had to be cautious. I carried the equipment and buckets in two trips as usual and when I pushed through the gate on the second trip, Alexis and Emma, both fully dressed, were hurrying down the path from the house to the pool.

Alexis rushed right up to me and jumped into my arms which almost knocked us both into the pool. Emma stood back a few feet. Her eyes were red from crying. I scanned her face and arms to look for bruises but there weren't any that I could see. Holding Alexis tight to me I looked over her shoulder and asked Emma if she was alright. She nodded. I reached out to her and she came in close beside Alexis and I held them both. I asked where her husband was and she told me he was golfing with Ron and Paul. His tee time was 1:00 so we had four or five hours. I figured four hours to be safe.

I didn't waste any of that time cleaning the pool. It was crystal clear anyway. We all moved to the chairs under the umbrella and sat down. Alexis didn't want to sit in her own chair and she sat in my lap with her arms around my neck. Emma pulled her chair up close to mine. She leaned over and planted a big kiss on my lips. When she pulled away Alexis did the same.

I said, "OK. I think I have a plan to get Alexis away on Saturday and back on Tuesday without raising Jim's suspicion, but we'll need some help from Dee. I'll call her later to arrange the details. With Dee's upcoming wedding, I admit I'm assuming the wedding is still on." Emma nodded that it was. "OK. Good. Alexis is going to spend Saturday through Tuesday with Dee in the city working on the details of the wedding. I'll ask Dee to drive down here and pick her up Friday afternoon and drive her back home on Wednesday. The airport is in the city anyway so I'll pick Alexis up at Dee's early Saturday morning. The flight leaves at 8:00 AM. I'll drop her off at Dee's on Tuesday evening. The flight arrives at 6:45 PM and Dee will drive her home on Wednesday. What do you think? What will Jim say?"

Emma and Alexis smiled at each other. Emma said, "Jim won't be surprised if Alexis goes to Dee's just to get out of here. He has been a major ass-hole this week. He and Dee got into it several days ago. He was mad. He's never met Jarrod so by definition he isn't good enough for his little girl. Dee told him to go fuck himself and stormed out. We figured she had gone home because she didn't come back. We called her later that night to confirm that she was okay. She was still fuming mad. She may find someone else to give her away.

I took out my cell phone and dialed Dee. She answered with a 'hello.' I told her it was Hunter and then I explained my call and the gist of my plan. She said she was all in. We were a go.

Emma said, "We'll just tell Jim that Alexis is going to stay with Dee for a few days to work on the wedding. He'll huff and puff for a few minutes but we won't give him a vote." Dee loved it and said she would pick Alexis up Friday afternoon at 7:00 PM to avoid the rush hour. We all said our good-byes and hung up. I was feeling good about the plan but things could still go wrong. It all depended on the 'douche-bag' dad.

I went and hooked up the vacuum hose to the pool skimmer and dropped the vacuum head on the end of the long pole into the water. I walked back to my ladies who in normal times would have been dressed in nothing more than bikinis and often less than that. A heavy pall had settled over this household. It was palpable.

I decided to take a shot at clearing the air and I stood up and moved my chair around to face the two of them. I pulled off my tee-shirt and then dropped my shorts. My dick was as soft as it ever gets and hung straight to the deck. Emma looked at my dick and then up at my face and said, "I don't think I have ever seen it as soft as this." Alexis reached out and hit it with the back of her hand making it swing. It started to firm up from Alexis' touch.

Emma started to move down out of her chair and then she stopped and looked at Alexis and said, "It's your honor, your Honor." Alexis laughed and pushed out of her chair and knelt in front of me. I sat back down. Alexis wrapped her hand around the mostly flaccid pole and squeezed it hard. Now it was hardening fast and in seconds I was forcing her fingers apart with the expanding girth.

Emma unbuttoned her blouse and pushed her bra up over the top of her huge tits and started mashing them with her fingers as she watched her daughter maneuvering herself to give me a blowjob. Her head tipped from side to side as she struggled to push her lips over the glans. She stopped at that point to allow her lips to adjust. She stroked the length with both hands and looked me straight in the eyes with a slight smile on her face. She was an incredibly erotic site kneeling there in front of me. I said, "Baby. Don't move a muscle. Emma, please hand me my phone."

Emma had a confused look on her face but she picked up my shorts and removed my phone and handed it to me. I motioned for Alexis to continue and she actually grinned around my cock. She knew what I was doing. I pressed the camera icon and framed Alexis' face with the head of my cock buried in her mouth with both hands working the shaft and snapped several photos. She pulled her mouth back off my cock and said, "Those had better not go anywhere or your ass is grass and I'm a lawn mower." Emma burst out laughing.

I said, "I just sent them off to a porn photo site." She removed one hand and slapped my rigid member and then lowered her mouth and lightly bit the glans. I jumped from the bite. It didn't hurt but guys are always cautious with their dicks around teeth. Alexis went back to holding my cock head in her lips as she gave me an amazing handjob. She knew all the tricks and she was using them all now.

When Alexis pushed her lips all the way down to my balls and her nose was buried in my pubic hair I snapped off a couple more pictures. Then I realized I could set this thing to take videos. It took me a few moments to figure out how. I zoomed in for a close up and let it run. Alexis knew what I was doing and this just seemed to energize her. She ramped up her blowjob for a couple minutes and then she would stop at the top and resume her handjob. Then she synchronized her hands and mouth. I was going nuts. Emma had her hands down in her pants frigging herself furiously as she watched her daughter quickly bringing me to an orgasm. She smiled when she glanced up at my face and saw the look of pure pleasure.

I was trying everything I could think of to make Alexis' blowjob/handjob last forever but I couldn't hold it back any longer. Alexis took one hand off my cock and cradled my balls. She smiled when my ball-sack pulled up tight. She was always amused my how my balls and cock reacted when my orgasm was approaching. She pulled her lips back to the ridge of the glans and her remaining hand flailed from mouth to balls as fast as could manage. She locked her eyes directly on mine to watch my facial contortions as I blasted at least eight huge shots of cum into her mouth. She didn't swallow right away and her mouth filled to overflowing. Her cheeks puffed out and her lips distended to make more room in her mouth. When that wasn't enough, her eyes went wide as she contemplated whether she should just pull off and let the rest just blow or to let the overflow just push past her lips and down my shaft. She opted for the latter.

Emma could see the dilemma Alexis was in. She pushed herself from her chair and dropped down beside Alexis and used her tongue to scoop up whatever cum was pushing past her lips and down to her chin. Alexis had continued to jack me off until Emma came in and wrapped her lips around the length of my shaft to collect whatever cum and saliva that ran down my cock. I was still video-taping all of this.

When I had shot my last salvo, cum stopped forcing from Alexis' mouth and Emma sat back to see what Alexis was going to do with the huge load in her mouth. They seemed to be communicating by telepathy because Alexis maneuvered her extended lips onto Emma's lips and pushed out half the load with her tongue. They both opened their mouths and stuck out their tongues to show me their prizes. They turned to show each other. Emma started giggling and gagged a little on her half. She swallowed immediately as Alexis hauled hers back into her mouth and swirled it around for a moment and then swallowed. Emma leaned in and kissed Alexis passionately as they swirled their tongues around in the others mouth. I clicked off the video.

Alexis stood up and climbed into my lap to see the video. Emma came around behind me to watch as I replayed it. At the end, Alexis looked at me and said, "Holy Shit. That was hot. It's neat to see it from your perspective. Emma bent down and ran her tongue all around my ear and whispered, "Can you send that to me?" I thumbed several keys and nodded to her. She kissed me on the neck.

Emma went back to her chair and sat down. My cock had softened only slightly after my orgasm. Alexis noticed that her mother was eyeing it. She whispered in my ear, "Do we have enough time for mom to get some of that man-meat? It's been a very rough week for her. It would really raise her spirits." I looked at my watch and nodded.

Alexis pulled herself out of my lap and returned to her chair. She leaned over to her mother and said, "Your turn. Anything you want." I smiled at Emma and my cock jumped back up to full size and started bobbing up and down. Emma looked at Alexis and then back at me. She had the most lascivious look on her face I had ever seen. I felt like I was about to be devoured alive. I spread my knees wide and manually flexed my cock to jump even harder. Emma grabbed her tits again and was vigorously mauling them. Her nipples were as hard as nails and stuck out a half inch.

She just sat there contemplating her options and mauling her tits for 30 seconds before she pushed herself out of her chair, pushed down her slacks and thong, and assumed a doggy position on her knees and elbows. She rested her forehead on her hands. She was already panting in anticipation as I moved up behind her on my knees. She watched between her hanging tits as my cock moved up to her pussy and groaned, "UUUUNNNNGGGGG" as I pushed my glans past her labia. Her breathing was labored as she muttered, "OH MY GAWDDD. I NEEEDDD THISSS SOOOO BADDDD." She pushed back at me forcing my cock deeper. She stopped only once and I let her adjust to my girth which seemed even bigger than usual to me.

When my balls pushed up against her I immediately pulled back and started fucking her at a smooth pace. When she started pushing back to take over the pace I ramped up and started pounding my cock into her. Emma was constantly moaning, "AAAAAHHHH...OOOOHHHHH." I was groaning too. The pace was fast and after five minutes I was getting tired. I didn't slow down as I could feel Emma's body begin to quake. She screamed loudly when her orgasm crushed her. Alexis looked at me with wonder written on her face. She said, Wow. She's having a big one." I nodded and kept pummeling her. Her hips flew back and then surged forward. Her head came up off her hands and lifted as high as she could get it and then everything collapsed back in. Her pussy was trying to crush my invading steel pole.

I didn't want to cum yet. I had other plans as a surprise for her. While Emma lost control of her muscles and pulsed and spasmed all over, Alexis caught my attention. She mouthed out the words, "Make her squirt." I smiled and nodded. We must have been on the same telepathic wavelength because that was exactly my plan.

As Emma started to recover from her massive orgasm she collapsed, face first. Her ass was still in the air but she had fallen far enough to pull my dick from her. I leaned forward and kissed her ass-cheeks one at a time. She giggled and said, "Isn't this the greatest? I've got you kissing my ass now." I kissed her cheeks again and then playfully bit her right cheek. She giggled again and collapsed her entire body to the deck and turned over to look up at me. She was grinning broadly as she looked up at me. She playfully said, "Hunter, if you and Alexis don't get married, will you marry me?" I laughed and said, "Absolutely. In a heart-beat." Alexis grinned and threw me an air-kiss.

Emma put her hands behind her head so she could pull it up to look more easily at me. Her knees were up and splayed wide. Her vagina was gaped open and continued to randomly clench as her juices oozed from her and flowed down the crack of her ass to the deck. I inched forward on my knees until my bouncing cock lay along the length of her gaping pussy. I pushed my hips to slide my cock up and down her gash. She trembled every time I touched her clitoris and her pussy seemed to grab out trying to snatch my cock out of mid-air.

When my cock was completely coated in her fluids I dragged it the length of her pussy and grabbed her legs and pulled her up to my lap until her ass rested on my thighs. She didn't resist. She got the gist of my plan right away and she smiled broadly as I maneuvered her body. My cock, which was as hard as it ever got, was right at Emma's anus. Her rosebud was glistening wet from her own fluids. I pushed my own glistening tool forward very slowly until my glans was inside her sphincter. She grimaced and groaned but she was experienced and was able to relax quickly. As her grimaces stopped she looked up at me with the sultriest look on her face which told me, 'let's go'.

I inched my steel rod forward slowly and stopped whenever Emma's facial contortion told me to. Her sphincter was crushing my cock and it felt incredible. After some time I bottomed out in her bowels. She was thrashing her head from side to side. Alexis slid off her chair and cradled her mother's head in her lap so she wouldn't hurt herself. It also gave Emma a good view of my cock as I slowly pulled back from her. More juices were flowing from her pussy and flowing down to her anus.

I fucked her ass to her obvious delight for a few minutes and then it was time for the next phase. I pushed my middle finger into Emma's pussy and moved it around until I found her 'spot'. From her previous vaginal fucking and orgasm, the spongy spot along the roof of her vagina just under her pubic bone was obvious and I started working my finger back and forth on it. Emma was going nuts. I had stopped fucking her ass as I concentrated on the 'G-Spot' but she didn't seem to mind or even notice. Her entire consciousness was focused on my ministrations of the 'spot'. Her breathing had become very ragged as she would forcefully expel air and then gasp in a lungful. Her hips were beginning to spasm as she tried to find the most optimal position. She knew what she liked and just where to get it.

Both of Emma's hands shot down to her crotch. One hand spread her labia away from my invading finger and the other hand went to work on her clitoris. All four fingers were stroking up and down the length of her pussy as she separated her middle and ring fingers to slide past my finger buried to between the second and third knuckle. Then she pulled er finger tips up above mine and flailed her four fingers sideways across her clitoris. Alexis held on to her head as it thrashed from side to side. Another orgasm was crashing over her like a tidal wave and I wondered if she would squirt or not. It didn't always happen.

I could feel my finger moving on my cock through the thin membrane separating her cavities. I started a steady fucking motion which elicited a loud scream from Emma, "YYYYYUUUNNNNGGGG. OOOOHHHH MMYYY FFFUCCCKINNGGG GGGAAAWWWDDD. III'MMM GGGOOOINGGG TOOO CCCUMMM. OHHH JJJEESSSUSSSS."

I had found the rhythm between my cock and my finger and I picked up the pace. Alexis started tweaking her mother's nipples. There wasn't much else she could do. Emma was strumming her clitoris from side to side with her fingertips. I was finger fucking her pussy and cock fucking her ass. Everything was covered.

Without warning I could feel the pressure in Emma's pussy start to increase as did the pressure from her sphincter. I had to slow my anal attack but I maintained my pussy attack until clear liquid started gushing past me finger. Her fingers were flying on her clitoris. When I pulled my hand back I got a fire hose of 'squirt' up my chest to my face. Alexis had a shocked look on her face that must have mirrored my own. Emma's mouth hung open as a continuous stream of "OH FUCKs" came forth in a deep husky voice that I had never heard from her before.

The stream of liquid was constant for several seconds. It changed from a thin steam to a wide spray depending on how Emma pulled with her fingers. I had stopped fucking Emma's ass when she started squirting but as she was soaking me from head to toe I started pushing my cock into her hard. This action elicited more screams from Emma as her legs tried to wrap around behind me to pull me in deeper. There was no deeper. I was giving her everything I had. Her initial squirt lasted twenty seconds before it subsided. Then it was followed by a succession of less powerful squirts that lasted five seconds or so. Every one was enough to soak me again.

I had been concentrating so much on making Emma squirt I had forgot about my own orgasm but it would not be ignored any longer. My balls scrunched up tight to my body and my cock surged even harder and Emma let out a blood curdling scream as my ball emptied in long power rockets of cum into Emma's bowel. She was humping hard with her hips as her orgasm was just starting to wane. I thought I might cum into Emma forever as I must have spewed ten or more ropes into her. She and I groaned through every one of them.

When I was done I manually flexed my hard cock a few times. Emma groaned with pleasure and then she responded by manually clamping down hard with her sphincter. She got the better end of this competition as I groaned in some pain. She grinned up at me and said, "Touché." I laughed. I loved this woman. Almost as much as I loved her daughter.

I slowly withdrew my spent cock. The softening made it easier and less painful for Emma. She savored every second though. Once disengaged from the hot, tight glove of her bowels, I moved back and sat back in my chair. My cock hung mostly limp. Alexis scooched out from under Emma's head and crawled toward me on her hands and knees like a stalking tiger and sucked my spent cock into her mouth. She had no regard for where my cock had been seconds earlier. She sucked and licked it until it was clean. Then she kissed the glans as she stared up into my eyes. Then she lathed around her lips with her tongue and said, "Yum. You guys taste good." I personally thought that was an exaggeration but whatever.

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