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Pool Boy Ch. 16


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The Spa had a steam room and separate men's and women's saunas. These were accessed from the men's and women's locker room. No one was around. I was interested in the steam room so I stripped down and put my clothes in a locker. I didn't have a key to lock it but I didn't think there would be a theft in this Hotel. I closed the locker and found a pile of clean folded towels and took one. I could hear the roar of the steam jets and I followed the noise threw the hallways. I pulled open the glass door and stepped in. I couldn't see a thing. I turned and closed the door. I walked slowly through the cloud of steam as I had no idea how large this room was. I put my hands out at arm's length searching for a wall. The jets shut off and the only sound was that of dripping water that had condensed on the ceiling. I found the tiled sitting area and spread my towel and sat down on it. I breathed deeply to inhale the humid air. Perspiration burst from my pores.

I heard the steam room door open and shut and I could hear two distinct female voices making their way through the steam cloud. The steam jets burst on again and I couldn't hear anything else. I was trying to see through the fog looking for the two women. I was naked so I stood up and wrapped the towel around my waist as I sat back down. Suddenly, from out of the cloud, a hand hit me in the face. Over the sound of the jets I heard a woman say, "I'm so sorry. I can't see a thing." I took her hand and guided her to the tiled bench. They sat down beside me and she apologized again. I couldn't see either of them. The jets stopped and it was totally quiet again. The women started talking between them again. Then the one sitting beside me introduced herself as "Roni" and she introduced her friend as "Mae". I told them my name and hands came out of the fog and we all shook.

Roni said, "You're up early. This is the first time we have seen anyone in here this time of day." I told her I'd been up an hour and was looking for something to do and I wandered in here. The fog started to clear and I could just make out the woman, Roni sitting a foot to my left. I still couldn't see Mae. We talked and I learned that Roni and Mae had flown in the same day as Alexis and I for a week's stay. I told them we were leaving on Tuesday afternoon. Mae piped up that four days was not enough time to appreciate Las Vegas. The steam clear some more and I know could make out the figure of Mae sitting a foot to the other side of Roni.

I looked over at them and realized that Roni had been the woman who had given me her card yesterday at the pool. She was Emma's age, around forty. I couldn't make out any details of Mae but I assumed she was the other woman at the pool. They were both very attractive for middle aged women. They obviously took care of themselves and they had probably had some plastic surgery. Both Roni and Mae had towels wrapped across their more than ample chests.

The fog cleared further and I heard Mae whisper to Roni that I was the guy they had flirted with at the pool and had given their cards. I watched Roni look at me. She seemed a little confused and Mae said, "You know the young really hunky guy with the young gorgeous woman in the cabana. Yesterday afternoon. Jesus Roni is your memory that bad?" I smiled to myself. Roni looked at me again and suddenly she remembered. Roni leaned way over toward her friend and they whispered back and forth. I couldn't make out any of it. The steam jets came back on again and the fog bank quickly became as thick as before. I sensed more than saw or felt someone move in front of me and sit down beside me on the opposite side from Roni. At first I just thought it was a third person joining us. I couldn't see a thing.

I felt a hand move up my thigh and then another hand ran up my other thigh. Now I knew who was where so I decided to see where they were going to go with this. Mae pulled on the towel and released the tuck at my waist. The towel was no longer covering anything and it fell off to each side. It was obvious where these two sexy ladies were going and my cock surged up in anticipation. I was going to let them do anything they wanted. This scene made me think of Olivia and Sophia and my cock jumped even harder. The jets turned off again but before the fog cleared, Roni had her fingers wrapped around my cock. She said, "Jesus Christ Mae. His cock is so fat I can't get my fingers around it. She tightened her grip and started jerking me off. Mae's hand came in and she wrapped her fingers around it above Roni's hand.

Mae said, "Jesus Roni. You weren't kidding. This thing is enormous. I leaned back to enjoy this. The fog was clearing and I could now see both Roni and Mae on their knees to either side of me as they coordinated their hands to stoke my cock from tip to balls. Mae then bent her head down and sucked on my balls as Roni made several attempts to push her lips over my glans. She made it after a couple of attempts and she just held it between her lips. Her tongue flagellated the underside of the velvet head where it is most sensitive. The fog cleared some more and I could see that neither of them had their towel on anymore. Their tits were massive. Even bigger than Emma's. Not a big as Olivia. For Forty years old they both had terrific bodies and they knew it.

Mae nudged Roni and said that she wanted a go and Roni tilted her head from side to side forcing her lips off. Mae did a better job as she stretched her lips on and kept right on going. She gagged about half way down and then pulled back but not off. Roni continued jerking me off in coordination with Mae's mouth. Mae was doing a hell of a job and I could feel my cock harden even more in her mouth. Mae pulled back and then off and said, "Roni. He is going to cum. What do you want to do?"

I spoke up and said, "How about a threesome. Neither of them spoke up so I continued, "I'll lie down on my back and one of you can fuck my cock and I'll tongue fuck the other." As much as they appeared to be worldly and aggressive it became clear that these women were in Las Vegas for just such an encounter which they probably spent a long time talking and fantasizing about but had never done.

Now I wanted to give these ladies their fantasy. I changed my plan and guided both of their heads down on each side of my cock and they began tongue lashing the length of my cock. Mae upped the ante when she started fondling my balls. They were slurping up and down the shaft from both sides. Roni dropped her mouth to my balls and Mae pushed her mouth back on my cock. She was giving me one hell of a blowjob and my cum was boiling in my balls. My balls pulled up tight. Roni felt the pull and she released my scrotum. Mae knew I was about to cum and she ramped up her attack.

The first salvo blasted into Mae's mouth and shot right into her throat. She gagged and started coughing. She struggled to get her mouth off the head as the second long rope of cum surged into her mouth. She was completely overwhelmed. Her eyes went wide and when she finally got her lips off the head, cum came flooding out from between her lips. She even blew a huge cum-bubble out her nose which set Roni off. She was laughing so hard she didn't notice that Mae had grabbed my cock and aimed it at her. The third, fourth and fifth shots blew all over Roni's face and tits leaving her sputtering too. Mae cleared her throat and started laughing too.

The final two shots more or less drooled out of the 'eye' and down over Mae's hand. She released my cock and began licking cum off her hand. Roni was scooping cum from her tits and face with her fingers and licked them clean. My cock remained as hard as before and both women were astonished that I wasn't going soft after my orgasm. I offered both of my hands to them and pulled them off their knees. I lay back on the tile bench. They weren't sure what I was doing so I maneuvered Mae so her knees straddled my hips with my cock pressed under her and then she got it.

She lifted herself up and guided my cock into her pussy. She sat down slowly groaning hard the whole way down. I then maneuvered Roni around so her knees were on either side of my head facing away from Mae. I wanted to watch her tits while I ate her pussy out. She got it too and adjusted her position so my lips were on her pussy. I flicked my tongue on her clitoris and her torso shot forward and snapped back. She groaned out, "OHH FFUUCCKK. THAT'S WONDERFUL." Mae was just sitting down on my balls apparently adjusting to the girth. She put her hands on Roni's shoulders for leverage and slowly pulled herself up my shaft. She groaned loudly.

Mae made several trips up my cock before I could tell she was tiring quickly. Roni was continuously groaning as she gyrated around on my face. I had my hands on Roni's tits and she had placed her hands on top of mine guiding them where she wanted. I knew Mae wouldn't be able to continue so I started rocking my hips forward and back forcing my cock in and out of her pussy. She stopped her movements when I took over. I ramped up the pace and Mae let out a loud scream.

Mae leaned back with her hands on my knees. This change of angle and my increased pace drove Mae into an enormous orgasm. She groaned out, "OH FUCK. RONI. I'M HAVING MY FIRST ORGASM ON A COCK. OH MY GAWWWDDD." This statement drove me to increase my pace even further. I was pummeling her pussy. She pulled one hand from Roni's shoulder and pushed her hand down to her crotch. Her pussy was clamping hard on my cock. She started fingering her clitoris and erupted into another orgasm. Her entire body flailed everywhere. I couldn't hold her with Roni sitting on my face. Mae was on her own. I continued thrusting my hips up into her.

Roni's mouth was hanging open as I tongue-fucked her as hard and fast as I could. When her pussy started pushing my tongue out I knew Roni was cumming too. Her hips flew forward and then back. I could feel her pussy spasm on my tongue. She pushed her middle finger to her pussy and I watched her strumming on her clitoris. A long low pitched groan built steadily in her throat until all the air in her lungs was expelled. She bucked around on my face for a moment before she inhaled air and yelled out, "OOOHHH MMYYY GGGAAAWWDDD. I'MMMM CUUMMINGG TOO. JESUS. FUCK."

Mae's pussy was randomly clenching on my cock. I had stopped fucking her when Roni went over the top with her orgasm. Now both of them had settled down and sat right where they were. I teased them both a little by flexing my cock in Mae and flicking my tongue on Roni's clitoris. While the steam jets were off I took the opportunity to suggest that Mae and Roni switch positions. Roni was confused as she had assumed that I had cum already until Mae said, "Jesus Hunter, you haven't cum yet."

I said, "No. I haven't. When I heard Mae scream out that this was her first cock induced orgasm, I assumed that Roni has never had one either. True?" I watched Roni slowly nod her head. She seemed embarrassed by it. "Okay. So, let's switch."

Mae said, "I'm about done. I'm a limp rag. I don't think I can do anymore."

I looked up between Roni's huge tits and said, "I guess it's just you and me babe." The jets started up again. Mae pulled herself up off my cock and stepped onto the floor. Roni pushed herself off my face and stepped on the floor beside Mae. I sat up and looking at them standing their naked beside each other, it occurred to me that they were sisters. I took Roni by the hand and maneuvered her down on her hands and knees on the floor. I stepped around behind her and got down on my knees. My cock was pointing up at a sixty degree angle and bouncing up and down as I pushed the glans to her sopping wet pussy. The steam clouds were filling in again.

Roni was anxious and she pushed her ass back and impaled herself on my cock. She yelled out, "OH FUCK THAT'S HUGE." She stopped pushing for a moment and then resumed. When my cock was buried to my balls I pulled back away from her and she groaned again. She pushed back again and I knew she was more than ready so I started fucking her hard with my finger tips curled into her hips. She was groaning. I was groaning. For five minutes I changed my attack randomly. I pulled out so only a couple inches was in her pussy and flailed my hips very fast as I fucked her with only those two inches. She was going nuts. Then without warning I slid all the way in slowly and began fucking her with full length strokes again. She was rotating her hips from side to side which changed up the angle of attack.

Roni's head was hanging down and she moved down to her elbows. Her tits were mashed into the tile floor. I felt my orgasm approaching and as my cock surged harder, Roni's pussy began clamping hard. She raised her head off her forearms as high as she could. Her mouth hung open as she was in a silent scream. Her hips fired forward and then snapped back. She gasped in air and groaned, "OHHH MMYYY GGAAWWDDD. I'MMM CCUUMMING ON HIS CCOOCCKK. FFUCCKK." I followed her huge orgasm with my own as I fired rope after rope of cum into her pussy. She screamed out again, "MAE, HONEY. HE'S CUMMINGG IN MEEE AND I'MM CUMMINGG AAGGAAINNN."

As I fired my last shot into her pussy I collapsed my torso down on Roni's back. I pushed my hands between her massive tits and the floor and gently massaged them. Her nipples were rock hard on my palms. I pulled my torso back and Roni collapsed to the floor pulling off my softening cock. Mae moved down beside Roni and cradled her head in her lap.

I suggested that we get out of there. We were all soaked from condensation and perspiration. I stood up and pulled each of them up beside me. I bent down to kiss Roni and she threw her arms around my neck and held me tight as she passionately kissed me back. Mae did the same thing. We left the steam room leaving our soaked towels behind. I walked into the Men's locker room and they went into the Ladies' locker room. I had asked them if they would join me at the juice bar. They grinned and vigorously nodded.

I showered and dressed and went to the bar and ordered three drinks to hydrate us. They appeared a few minutes later. They smiled when they saw I was there. We took our drinks to a booth and sat down. I said, "Okay you two. Spill it. You both come on like you're some kind of sex queens or something. I'm nineteen years old and I have way more experience than you." I looked from Mae to Roni for one or the other to respond. They looked at each other and then at their drinks before looking up at me.

Roni spoke up, "Mae and I are sisters. We were both virgins when we married two brothers who were very wealthy. They are twenty years older than us. In younger years we had sex with our husbands and never realized that our sex lives were anything other than normal. It's been years since either of us has had sex with our husbands. We figured it was us and they just didn't find us attractive anymore. We've maintained our figures and had some enhancements trying to make ourselves attractive to them again. Nothing worked though. Mae and I talked a lot about our circumstances. We discovered somewhere along the way that we could give ourselves orgasms with our fingers. We've never had one with our husbands. We came to realize that our husbands just used us to get themselves off until they moved on to secretaries or prostitutes or whoever."

Mae broke in to continue the explanation, "Every year we come here with intensions to flirt and have sex with somebody that we like the looks of. Things never work out. Today was our fantasy with you. It was worth the wait. We can go back home now with smiles on our faces. We've finally had an orgasm while fucking a cock and wow. Thank you Hunter. We'll never forget this or you." I looked at Roni as she smiled and nodded.

I smiled and leaned over the table and kissed each of them tenderly. I thought to myself, 'I seem to attract women in need. From Olivia to Sophia to Emma to Roni and Mae. All in the same boat.' I stood up and said, "I'd better go. My girlfriend was asleep when I left. I'm sure she is wondering what happened to me."

Mae asked, "Will you tell her about this?" I nodded. She frowned figuring that nothing good could come from that. "I'm so sorry if it causes problems between you two."

I kissed her again and said, "It won't. Knowing her she'll want the four of us to hook up for an encore." Mae and Roni laughed. I noticed that look pass between them. We headed back to the elevator and I followed them in. I pushed the floor number for my suite and they looked up at me. They didn't punch any other number which confused me a little. I assumed they didn't want me to know which floor they were on. The elevator rose to my floor and I figured that as soon as I stepped out they would push the number for their floor. I turned around expecting to say good-bye but they stepped out behind me. I headed to my left toward my suite and so did they. I heard the door lock click behind me and the door to the suite right next door to mine opened. They said good-bye and watched as I stuck my key in the door next door. They grinned at me and stepped into their suite.

Alexis was sitting in one of the chairs in her robe looking at the newspaper. She looked up and said, "You've been gone a long time what's up?" She could see that my hair was wet. "Did you go swimming or something?" I sat down across from her on the sofa.

I said, "I've just had an Olivia and Sophia encounter in the steam room." Alexis looked over the top of the newspaper and her facial expression told me she wanted more information. "Two middle-aged rich women. They're sisters, married to abusive rich husbands twenty years their senior. They come here every year looking for men to have sex with. They gave me their cards after the cabana scene yesterday. Neither of them had ever had an orgasm during intercourse."

Alexis folded the paper and set it on the coffee table. She said, "I'll bet those are the two women I told you about that stopped by our chairs yesterday to gawk at your dick sticking out of your speedo." She smiled and said, "They tracked you down and scammed you for sex didn't they."

I responded, "I don't think so. The steam was so thick you couldn't see a foot in front of you. One did recognize me as the guy they gave their cards to at the pool. The other didn't remember me at all. It's possible but I don't think so."

Alexis said, "Well I certainly hope you didn't send them home again without a vaginal orgasm. Do you know what room they're in? From what I remember they were pretty smoking hot babes."

I looked at her and said, "You are incorrigible. No I didn't send they home without an orgasm and wait for it; they're in the suite next door." Alexis' eyes lit up. I said, "Babe, I'm sure that neither of them has ever been with a woman; not even each other. They don't have much experience with any kind of sex." Her eyes gazed off to the living room windows. She was mulling something over in her mind and I would bet that I knew what it was.

When Alexis' came out of her reverie she just smiled at me and came over to sit in my lap and she put her arms around my neck and kissed me hard. She pushed her tongue past my lips and dueled with mine. I knew she wanted to see if she could taste them on my tongue. She pulled back and smacked her tongue around her lips and said, "Yumm."

I asked her what she wanted to do on our last full day in Vegas. We were flying out at three o'clock tomorrow. She responded that she didn't have any set plans in mind except she wanted to go to the Stewardess' house party and that would have to be tonight. I agreed. She got out of my lap and strutted toward the bedroom as she let her robe drop to the floor before she got there. She wiggled her ass and then looked over her shoulder and wagged her finger for me to follow her. I stood up and dropped my shorts and underwear. I kicked off my sandals and stripped off my shirt and walked naked toward the bedroom.

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