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Pool Boy Ch. 22

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Even big city shopping can be hot.
10.8k words

Part 22 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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Dee and Jarrod had left for their Honeymoon in Paris. The wedding was a smash hit with everyone. Emma, Alexis and I spent the night in the guest bed at Dee's apartment. We were all exhausted from our combined sexual exploits so we had just crashed when we got here. Our unofficial plan was to spend the day after in the city doing whatever struck us. I knew that meant shopping, my least favorite thing to do.

The sun was just coming up after a restful sleep. I opened my eyes and squinted at the first rays of light streaming across the ceiling. My obligatory morning woody was pitching tent as I lay on my back. I stretched all my muscles from my toes to my neck and turned my head from side to side. I grabbed the headboard above me and flexed my biceps and triceps. I felt great. I hadn't slept so well in a long time.

Alexis was on her back puffing air through her lips in the opposite of a snore. She was in a deep sleep. Emma was on her side facing me. She was breathing slow and deep. I reached down under the covers and wrapped my hand around my stiff cock. I gripped it loosely and stroked it up and down a few times and then released it. I wanted to get up but I didn't want to wake my ladies. I put my hands behind my head and watched how quickly the shadows moved across the ceiling and down the wall to my left.

Emma let out a snort and rolled onto her back. I looked over to see if she was going to wake up. She snorted again and her eyes opened. She licked her lips and turned toward me. She was surprised to see me looking at her. She smiled at me and I smiled back. She whispered, "How long have you been awake?" I was about to speak but she noticed my morning woody first and whispered, "I see he's up too." I smiled.

I rolled toward Emma and whispered, "As sure as the sun comes up in the morning, so does my dick." Emma grinned and scooched herself over closer to me so she could wrap her fingers around it. I moaned from her touch. She smiled and whispered, "Wow. He's really hard." I nodded and waited to see what she was going to do with it. She gripped it hard and stroked it several times. Emma whispered, "Is Alexis awake?" I shook my head and made a noise simulating Alexis' 'puffing' noise and Emma grinned. "She's always made that funny noise," she whispered.

I waited as she maintained her grip and stroke. She just looked at me with her Cheshire cat grin on her face and then she disappeared below the sheets like a submarine sliding below the waves. I groaned hard when I felt her lips work their way onto my glans. The stroking continued until inch by inch her hand was displaced by her lips. She inch-wormed her way down the shaft until I felt my velvety crown push into her throat. I groaned and pushed my hips at her. Her displaced hand cradled my scrotum and playfully pushed my balls around. I felt and heard her chuckle around my cock as my balls were moving on their own.

Emma's didn't pull back off for the longest time. Her tongue was working the base of my cock and the feeling was amazing. I groaned again. I resisted the urge to put my hand on the back of her head. She didn't need any urging from me and she needed the freedom to pull back when she wanted.

After a few seconds, Emma pulled back to the glans ridge line and flicked her tongue on the bundle of nerves on the underside of the ridge. My hips involuntarily surged forward and she used my motion to let my cock slide all the way back down into her throat again. I quietly muttered, "Oh Jesus, Emma. You're fucking incredible." My free hand moved to the side of her head and my fingers caressed her face. When she slowly pulled back I had my fingers by her mouth and I felt her cheek concave from the suction as my wet cock slid out of her face as her tongue lashed the underside. She was using all her tricks and I was totally helpless to resist as my orgasm seemed to start in my toes. Every muscle in my body seized as Emma pushed her lips back down the shaft again. She knew I was moments away yet she kept me in her throat as she lashed my shaft with her tongue. A groan was building in my throat as my climax built higher. Emma quickly pulled me out of her throat to the ridge, took a couple of deep breaths and pushed my glans back into her throat. That was it for me. I thrust my hips at her like I was trying to drive my cock out the back of her head. She grabbed my thigh to hold herself in place. Sperm launched up my shaft and directly into her throat. She didn't attempt to pull back and most amazedly she didn't gag either. She had never done that before. No one had for that matter. I groaned hard again as the next wad of cum rocketed into her throat.

Emma took six huge shots of cum into her throat before she had to come up for air. She pulled her lips completely off my cock and coughed once. I was gasping for air. Emma's beautiful face appeared above the covers and she leaned in and kissed me on the lips. When I could breathe again, I whispered, "How the fuck did you do that?" Emma grinned and whispered, "Other than practice, a girl never reveals her secrets." I couldn't help but wonder who she may be practicing on but I wasn't about to ask.

Emma peeled back the bedclothes and swivel around to get out of bed. She looked back at me and whispered, "Come on. I've had my protein breakfast. Let me cook for you." I followed her quietly from the bedroom and shut the door behind me. We were both naked and didn't care.

I sat at the kitchen island while Emma cooked bacon and eggs and toast. She wore one of Dee's aprons over her naked body which I thought was prudent when you're cooking bacon. We talked about the wedding and I complimented her on her and Dee's planning abilities. I suggested she should start a Wedding Planning business. She laughed at that. She started talking about Jarrod and what a nice man he was. Her eyes got distant as she was obviously thinking hard on something. I suspected what it was and said, "You'll get your chance with Jarrod."

Her eyes snapped away from me and she smiled and sheepishly said, "It was that obvious?" I nodded. She changed the subject and started talking about Jane and Julia. She said, "Jane and I were very close when we were young. We experimented with lesbian sex. We were sure we were in love with each other. Then she turned into my pain-in-the-ass big sister. We competed for everything. She stole my boyfriends left and right. She didn't even like them. She just wanted to see if she could. I couldn't figure it out for a long time. I was at least as pretty as she was. Then I found out that she was fucking them. I was furious with her and we had a huge fight that I guess is still going on today. We've never really reconciled after all these years. She got married and moved away. She divorced within a year and moved on. She's attractive and her legs were easily spread so she didn't have any trouble finding men. She married again and divorced again. Then she decided she would try an older man with money and a daughter, Julia, from a previous marriage. That didn't last either. Somehow, she wound up with Julia in the divorce. She was legally an adult by then and she chose to go with Jane. They really are two peas in a pod." I grinned and nodded.

Emma prepared three plates and set one in front of me at the island. She walked from the kitchen and I had to chuckle at the sight of her bare ass in her apron. I poured myself a glass of milk. I figured Alexis would want one too so I poured a second glass. Emma had a cup of coffee that she'd made before anything else.

Two minutes later, Emma walked back into the kitchen pulling the apron over her head. I stared at her gorgeous breasts as she pulled herself up on the bar stool. She saw me staring and waggled them from side to side and giggled. Her nipples hardened and my cock jumped too. Right behind Emma was a naked Alexis rubbing her eyes and running her fingers through her hair. She let out a big yawn and slid up on a barstool beside me and leaned in to give me a big kiss. Her nipples were hard and my cock jumped again. I pushed the glass of milk in front of Alexis and she drank half down in one gulp. Alexis wasn't up to speed yet so I urged Emma to continue with her story.

She said, "Julia was a big problem when she was in her mid teens." She looked over at Alexis and bent low to get her attention and continued, "As most teen-age girls are these days." Alexis looked up at her mother and smiled as she shoveled a fork full of scrambled egg into her mouth and bit down on a piece of bacon. Emma continued, "She got into some legal trouble but daddy 'tons-a-bucks' bought her out of it. I don't know the particulars. She has a big trust-fund that she is probably living on now that she is over twenty-one. Jane got a ton of money in the divorce so she lives well too.

Alexis was listening but she didn't look too interested. I suspected that maybe she was a little hung-over. Her elbow was on the counter with her forehead resting in her hand as she ate. I asked if she was alright and she just nodded. I looked over at Emma and she mouthed the words 'hang-over'. I nodded and finished off my breakfast.

I thanked Emma for breakfast and stepped off the stool and kissed Alexis on the back of the neck and then came around and kissed Emma on the lips. I said, "I'm going to take a shower." I directed the statement at Alexis hoping she would want to join me. She gave no indication that she even heard me. My dick was swinging freely between my legs as I left the kitchen and walked back to the guest room. I turned on the shower and stepped to the sink to brush my teeth. Alexis appeared in the mirror. She came up behind me and ran her hands from my hips up over my abs and grabbed my pectorals. My nipples went hard as she pushed her flat stomach against my ass. I put down the toothbrush and spit the sudsy paste in the sink and turned around as her hands went to my lats. She leaned in and kissed me on each nipple and ground her sex into mine.

She stretched up to kiss me and I bent down to receive it. She said, "I love you Babe." I picked her up by the waist so we were face to face and pulled her to me with my arms around her back. She wrapped her legs around my hips and locked her ankles as she pulled her sex to mine again. My cock responded as always. In seconds, the length of the shaft was between her thighs, pushing up on her pussy with the glans sticking out behind her. She tilted her hips back which dragged her pussy along the shaft.

I kissed her passionately and then said, "I love you too." Her lips opened and she planted them over my mouth and sucked my lower lip between her teeth. She gently bit on it with just enough force to hold it there. She breathed out a groan and released my lip and immediately went back for more. With her arms locked around my neck, her head tilted from side to side as she feverishly attacked my lips. I could feel her hard nipples pressing against my chest.

My passion was ramping up to match hers and we were both groaning as our mouths hungrily seeked each other's lips. She was grinding her pussy along the shaft of my cock. She had no interest in maneuvering my cock inside her pussy; at least not at the moment. We were a groaning mass of sexual heat as she writhed around in my arms.

I was ready to explode so I turned around and sat her ass down on the counter. I pulled my cock out from under her. She immediately released her arms from my neck and grabbed my bouncing cock and guided the glans to her pussy. She was unbelievably wet and the head slipped in without resistance. Alexis dropped her head down on my chest and groaned hard. She grabbed my hips and pulled me to her and my cock slid all the way in until my balls bottomed out on the counter-top. She threw her arms around my neck again and pulled herself off the counter and slammed her hips hard to drive my cock into her depths. She groaned hard again as her head tipped back away from me. Her mouth hung loose as she gasped for oxygen. She began constantly moaning, "OOHHH OOOHHH OHHH" with each thrust of my cock. I was driving my cock with hip thrusts and she was rocking her hips to modify the angle of attack.

I turned us around again and pinned her against the wall as I furiously pummeled her pussy with my granite hard cock. Her "OOHH OHHs" changed to her muttering, "FUCK. FUCK. OH MY GAWWWWDDD. OH MY GAAWWWDDD." She flopped her head forward so her forehead rested on my chest. Her arms fell from my neck to hang limply at her sides. It was all on me now. I was getting tired too but Alexis was showing her tell tale signs of a pending orgasm so I ramped up the rate with shallower penetrations of the thickest part of my cock. She groaned out, "OH FUCK." Then she sat up straight and pulled her tits in to my chest again and screamed, "OH GAWWDDD. I'MMM CCCUUUMMINNNGGG. JESUS CHRIST. FUCK. YES. YES. YESSSSSS."

Her legs flew off my ass and straightened toward the floor and then flexed up against my side. She was screaming and screaming as she writhed in my arms pinned against the wall. Her head crashed into my chest again as she gasped for air. I had heard this all before and I kept right on fucking her as hard and fast as I could. Emma appeared beside me with a concerned look on her face. When she saw what was going on she broke into a grin. She said, "Wow. She's having a big one." She stepped back out of the way and watched.

Alexis moaned into my chest, "OH MY GAWD." She appeared to be coming down as her breathing had crested and then started to slow. I wanted to cum now so I kept right on fucking her hard. Suddenly, Alexis' shoulders snapped back away from me taking her head and tits with them. She screamed out, "OH FUCK. HERE COMES ANOTHER ONE. OHHH JESUS." Her torso snapped forward again and she threw her arms around my back and held on tight. Her legs flailed and locked around my hips and then released again. Her pussy was going nuts clamping on my cock. Emma was grinning as she marveled at Alexis flailing through a second orgasm.

My orgasm was imminent now and Alexis knew it. She screamed out again, "YES. YESSSS. GIVE IT TO MEEEEEE." She willed herself to fuck her hips into me and I groaned hard with each thrust of my hips as I launched shot after shot of cum into her pussy. She continued to clench her pussy on my cock all the way through my last salvo and beyond.

I was exhausted and I turned us around again and set her ass on the counter. She leaned back against the steam shrouded mirror as she continued to gasp for air. Her chest heaved with each breath. I was gasping too. I was soaked with sweat as the humidity had sky-rocketed from the hot water spraying in the shower.

Emma came up behind me and lightly rested her hands on my hips and pulled her body against my back. Her fingers traced over my abs and locked together on my stomach. She was breathing heavily just from watching us. She tilted her hips toward me but she was too short to hit anything. She kissed my back several times and moaned from her own desire. She dropped her hands down into my crotch and wrapped her fingers around the short length of my sticky cock that wasn't imbedded in Alexis' pussy.

Alexis was leaning back against the mirror. Her head lolled from side to side as her hands rested on the counter-top. She let her legs fall and straddle mine. Slowly, she started to recover and her breathing slowed. She could feel Emma's fingers on my cock as they touched against her blood engorged clitoris with each attempted stroke. She jumped slightly each time.

I kept my cock buried in Alexis' pussy as I watched her recover. When she noticed that I was watching her, she smiled up at me and threw me an air-kiss. I completely blocked her view of Emma behind me. All she could see was another set of forearms and hands on my cock. She giggled and said, "You have another set of hands all of a sudden. Their sole purpose seems to be to jerk yourself off. Now that's handy." Emma lifted one hand off my cock and waved it at Alexis.

I pulled my cock from her pussy and Emma immediately started stroking the full length of my now semi-hard cock. She wanted desperately to get me back up again but she was losing ground as it continued to deflate. Alexis pulled one leg up and slid off the counter. She reached into the shower and shut the water off. Then she moved in behind Emma and reached around her front and cradled her tits in her hands. Her nipples were rock hard. She ran her hands down her flat stomach to her pussy and commented on how wet she was. Emma just moaned in response.

Alexis then heard a loud banging on the front door. She said, "Fuck. Who could be here at this time of morning?" She went to the Foyer and peered through the spy-hole. She was still naked and cum was drooling down her leg from her pussy. It was Jane and Julia. She thought, "Who the fuck told them they would be here today?" Jane stepped forward and banged her fist on the door again and then stepped back again. Alexis stepped back from the spy-hole and contemplated not opening the door. Alexis relented and grabbed the door knob just as another round of banging started. She yanked open the door and stood behind it as she poked her head around the door to look at her Aunt and Cousin.

Jane didn't wait to be invited in, which caught Alexis off guard. Jane pushed the door into Alexis, forcing her back and she and Julia stepped into the Foyer. They were startled to see Alexis standing behind the open door in the nude. Jane said, "I'm sorry dear. Did we wake you?" Then she saw cum drooling down Alexis' leg from her sopping wet pussy. She smiled and said, "I can see you weren't asleep. I hope we didn't interrupt anything." Julia was gawking at Alexis' body as her face and neck reddened.

Alexis was pissed with Jane's attitude and said, "Why are you here? No one knew we would be here today."

Jane ignored Alexis and turned to walk into the living room. Julia didn't move as she couldn't take her eyes off Alexis. Jane sat down on the sofa, crossed her legs and said, "Your mother told me yesterday. Take it up with her." Alexis slammed the door to accent her anger and stomped past Julia toward the bedrooms. Julia watched her every move and when Alexis was out of sight, she went into the living room and sat in a chair.

Alexis stomped back into the bedroom and into the bathroom. The fog had cleared but I could almost see the steam coming from Alexis' ears. She was pissed. I was sitting on the edge of the counter with Emma on her knees sucking furiously on my cock. Alexis hardly even noticed. She loudly said, "Mom? What the fuck were you thinking telling Jane we would be here today?" She stomped her bare foot on the tile and continued, "God damn it."

Emma wanted so bad to ignore Alexis' tirade and keep on sucking my cock. It did feel great and she was making considerable progress. She reluctantly pulled her lips off my cock and turned her head to face Alexis. I had never seen Emma angry but she was now and the look on her face even scared me. Alexis recognized the look and she took a step back into the bedroom. Emma stood and in almost a whisper that belied the look on her face said to me, "Excuse me Hunter."

Alexis had moved back another step into the bedroom as if to make room for 'Hurricane Emma'. Emma spun away from me and quickly moved toward Alexis. Alexis' angry face disappeared in a heartbeat and was replaced by a look of fear as Emma moved right up into her face. Emma is several inches shorter than Alexis but she was more than imposing as she pushed her face up as close as she could and with a clenched jaw and pointing finger said, "Don't you ever speak to me like that again, missy. You treat me with the respect I deserve."

Emma's eyes were snapping with anger and Alexis cowered back and dropped her eyes to the floor. Her lower lip started to quiver and tears exploded from her eyes. She moved a long step toward Emma and threw her arms around her neck and leaned her face into the crook of her neck and started bawling. Emma was still pissed and she was slow to respond but she softened and put her arms around Alexis' waist and held her tight. Through the sobs, Alexis blubbered out, "I'm sorry Mom. I'm so so sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me lately." Tears poured from Alexis' eyes and ran down her cheeks to Emma's neck and then down over her chest. Emma held her and soothed her until the tears stopped.

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