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Pool Boy Ch. 31

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Thanksgiving is for Giving, Hunter's sister Thia comes home.
14.2k words

Part 31 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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Alexis and I were sitting at the restaurant breakfast table, alone for a change. The 'Smoking Hot Five' were mostly there sitting at another table. Josie was conspicuously absent. Alexis looked over at Jan and mouthed the words, "Where's Josie?" Jan looked around and then grinned and raised her right index finger thrusting in and out of the circle created by her left thumb and index finger. Alexis grinned at Jan and nodded.

I looked at her grin and said, "What?" She explained that Josie and Dean were still upstairs fucking. I commented, "It's not like Dean to be missing breakfast."

Alexis snickered and said, "I'm sure he's eating something." I grinned and went back to my scrambled eggs, bacon and toast.

It was Saturday morning and everyone seemed to be in slow motion after the partying last night. Not many of us could legally drink but that never seemed to slow teenager down. There were some guys on the team who were legal. Alexis and I had our own private celebration last night and it had not included alcohol. We were feeling great this morning; not so for most of the others.

Everyone was chatting at their tables and there was a low level buzz, until Hannah pushed through the swinging door into the restaurant. The din slowly diminished. It got so quiet that the toaster startled some sitting close to it. I stopped chewing and watched Hannah walk stiff-legged across the room directly toward Alexis and me. I heard Alexis mutter, "Oh fuck."

Hannah walked over to our table and pulled up a chair and gingerly slid her obviously tender ass into it. She leaned in toward us and whispered, "What happened to you guys last night. You didn't call."

Alexis whispered back, "We did call. It took a little while to arrange things but we called. Ask Mindy. I talked to her when I called your room."

Hannah shushed the conversation to a halt and whispered as she looked around at everyone looking at her, "Well. Something came up." She seemed to drift away as she was obviously reminiscing about something. She pulled herself back from her reverie and said, "Everyone is staring at me. I suppose they all know what happened last night.

Alexis leaned in close and whispered, "I don't know. What happened last night?" She kept a straight face. I don't know how she did it. I couldn't. I faked choking on a mouthful of toast to hide my chuckle.

Hannah said, "Well, anyway; I was looking forward to getting it on with you guys."

Alexis said, "We were too. But, I understand. Things do come up." Hannah grinned and pushed herself out of her chair and gingerly straightened up. She left the room the same way she had come in and as soon as she was through the door, everyone started talking all at once. There were giggles and chuckles and outright laughs. Hannah had to have heard it. I kind of felt sorry for her. Hannah would be the butt of jokes (pardon the pun) for all time.

On the way out to the buses, we caught up with Mindy. Again, April was no where around. We found out from her that April had not been informed of the party last night. In fact, Mindy hadn't seen her since they got back from the game last night and that included this morning. Mindy told us that several of the guys wanted to call her last night. They really wanted to get into her pants and they were sure there would never be a better chance. We got on a bus wondering what April had been doing last night. We couldn't imagine her sitting in her room, all alone, watching TV when there was a celebration going on. Alexis reminded Mindy about the video and Mindy raised her hand with the seemingly perpetually attached cell phone and made a few clicks. Before she lowered her cell phone, Alexis' got a text tone. It read, 'Not sndg this to any1 Ls. Kp on the dwn lo. K?" Alexis grinned at Mindy and we went to separate parts of the bus. We sat with Alexis' friends and Mindy went further back to sit with the other Cheerleaders. Neither Hannah nor April was present. Neither were Josie and Dean. I got off the bus and checked the other one. They weren't there either.

The buses were loaded and still no Hannah or April and no Dean or Josie. Our bus driver had just slid into his seat when both Hannah and April burst through the Lobby door of the Hotel. April was moving faster that Hannah, who was still hobbled. Both were obviously pissed off. April stopped short, spun around and stepped quickly back at Hannah with her finger jabbing at her face. Hannah was brought up short by April's actions. They were both yelling at the other. April spun quickly and headed for the bus again leaving Hannah in her wake. We couldn't hear any of their argument.

The bus driver had started to close the folding doors and April jammed her arm between them and forced them open. She quickly stepped up the two steps and made her way down the aisle and sat down beside Mindy. Everyone was looking at her. Her face was beet-red. If she had been a cartoon character, there would have been steam coming out of her ears. Hannah stepped up on the first step of the bus and winced. I grinned at Alexis. Hannah sat in the seat behind the driver as he pulled the doors shut and shifted the big bus into gear.

I stood up and was about to tell the driver we were still missing someone, when there was a loud bang on the driver's side window. The driver was startled and slammed the brakes on as he turned to see Dean's big, beefy palm on the glass. He slid open the doors. Dean and Josie ran around the front and up into the bus. They were both huffing and puffing. Jan got out of her seat and moved across the aisle to sit beside Yu-Gin and Josie and Dean slid into her vacated seat. Josie's face was red with embarrassment. She mumbled something about 'losing track of time'. She wouldn't make any eye contact with anyone.

We all settled back for the ride to the airport. I was expecting to hear nothing but conversations about last night in Hannah's room but nothing was said about it; at least not within our earshot.

The flight home was uneventful. Alexis and I behaved and slept most of the way. Hannah never came near.

At the airport, after collecting our baggage, there was a pretty impressive entourage of fans gathered outside the main entrance where our buses were waiting. I must have shook fifty hands and my back hurt from so many slaps. Even though everyone was there to celebrate our Championship, Alexis was the main attraction. The fans were chanting, "Smoking Hot Five... Smoking Hot Five." Alexis was embarrassed. The other members were sucking up the admiration. Nina grabbed her massive tits in her hands and bounced them up and down with one going up while the other came down. The crowd went nuts.

The Coach allowed some leeway to the fans that had gone out of their way to meet us at the airport but then herded everyone onto the buses. At the Field House there were more fans and we had to go through the gauntlet to get off the buses. I was pumping more hands and getting more back-slaps. Nina treated her fans to more tit-juggling to their delight. Alexis tucked herself in behind me to avoid as much of the crowd as she could.

We walked to the car and Alexis slid behind the wheel. I had forgotten that Alexis' friends had no other way to get to their dorms. Josie called shotgun and slid into the front passenger seat. Yu-Gin jumped in the back seat and slid to the middle position. Jan could have easily taken the seat next to Yu-Gin but she was obviously waiting to see where I was going to sit. Nina jumped past Jan and took the seat next to Yu-Gin. Jan looked at me and said, "Well, there are two of us for one seat."

I smiled at her obvious reference to Yu-Gin's ride home the other night. I said, "Well, I either sit on your lap or you sit on mine."

Jan grinned and opted for the latter. There wouldn't be a repeat of the Yu-Gin ride though because: one, it was daylight and two, Jan was wearing pants. Regardless, Jan used every single pot-hole, bump and turn to grind her ass on my cock. She thought she was being discreet but everyone in the car knew what she was doing and my cock didn't disappoint her.

Alexis dropped them all off and I stayed in the backseat, "Home James." I leaned forward and snuck my left hand around the back of the front seat near the center pillar and grabbed her left tit. She squealed and elbowed my hand away. I came right back and she just let me caress her tit to my heart's content as she drove.

I carried our bags in and dumped them on the kitchen floor. It was early afternoon on a Saturday and I suggested going out for Pizza. She was all in on that. We piled back in the Subaru with me behind the wheel. I was backing out of our slot when a big Mercedes SUV pulled in to our parking lot and pulled up beside me. I looked to see who it was. We had no one living here that drove a car like that and it wasn't Emma or Olivia.

It was Rachel, 'Mitch's' mother. She waved at us as she pushed the gear lever into park. I put the Subaru in park, opened the door and stepped out. I waved to her with my soft casted hand. Rachel walked around the back of her car and we stood at the rear between our cars as Alexis came around to see what was going on.

Rachel said, "I hope I'm not interrupting any plans. I wanted to talk to you."

Alexis said, "We were just going out to get a Pizza. Would you like to join us?"

"How about if I take you guys out to a really great Bar-B-Q joint? The locals keep it a secret from the college crowd," Rachel said with a laugh. It was a strained laugh and it lasted no longer than a second. Alexis looked at me and I nodded. Rachel smiles and motioned with her hands for us to get in the back seat. She moved to the driver's seat and drove us across town to a hole-in-the-wall restaurant that I couldn't imagine anyone as classy as she would even know about.

As we waited for our food, Rachel started, "First of all, let me tell you a little about myself. I'm a widow. My husband was the Chancellor of the University. It was a Governor's appointment and when he died, the Governor appointed me to take his place. The job is somewhat demanding and it takes a lot of my time to do it justice. Most of the job is social in nature and I am out at night a lot." Alexis and I looked at each other. Alexis had been nervous sitting in front of the Dean of the University. This was an even bigger deal.

Rachel continued, "When I discovered that you are both students here, I had someone in my office learn more about you. I was delighted to find out that you two are perhaps the most well-known students currently on campus. The hero football player and his fiancé fan who is a nationally recognized face." We both turned red with embarrassment. I protested the hero part and Alexis explained that she didn't want the attention and hoped it would go away when the season was over.

Rachel smiled and continued, "My investigators predicted that you both would be uncomfortable with your new found fame." She changed up the conversation and said, "I know you applied for an on-campus apartment for married couples even though you aren't married yet. I also know that you are mostly happy with your off-campus two room apartment because; well, you're just happy people." This conversation was getting a little creepy.

I put my hand on top of Rachel's hand resting on the table. "You're going somewhere with all this. What is this about?"

Our food was delivered and we spent a few minutes preparing to eat it. Rachel ignored her food and continued, "Simply put, I owe you both a debt that I could never repay for saving Mitch's life, and I'm not being melodramatic; the Police Commissioner is a family friend and he told me that the guys you stopped are definitely the guys responsible for multiple rapes and murders in the area." Tears welled up in her eyes and Alexis placed her hand on Rachel's. Alexis teared up too. Rachel wiped her eyes with a paper napkin and looked at it to see how badly she had damaged her makeup. "The Police are going to make an announcement about it tomorrow. The Chief wants you two to be on stage with him.

Alexis snatched her hand back from Rachel's. She started shaking her head vigorously and nearly yelled, "No. No way. No, I won't do it." She looked frantically at me for support, still shaking her head. "One of them is still out there, for Christ's sake. No." I was a little shocked at Alexis' reaction. I got the part about one of them still out there though. Putting us on TV would bring him right to us. Others in the restaurant were staring at us.

I said to Rachel, "Can you get us out of the Police announcement business?"

Rachel replied, "Sure. I'll call the Commissioner. No problem." Alexis settled down and Rachel continued, "That wasn't what I wanted to ask you though. I want to offer my quest quarters over my garage. It's fully furnished and very luxurious. I know you would love it. It's just off campus. I can't adequately repay you for what you've done and since I'm out a lot at night, there would be someone close by if Mitch needed something. She will be in rehab for a few weeks and she'll be in a wheelchair and I would feel better knowing someone is there that I trust; that she trusts." She stopped talking and looked hopefully at me and then Alexis and back and forth.

Alexis and I looked at each other, reading the other's facial expressions. Alexis turned to Rachel and said, "We could look at it I guess, but you don't need to do anything to repay us for anything. We're just glad that Mitch is going to be okay."

Rachel took a big bite of her food, chewed and swallowed and said, "Wonderful. This is wonderful. Can I show you now? I mean after we finish eating?" I smiled at Rachel's excitement and nodded my head. We all finished the best Bar-B-Q ribs I'd ever tasted.

Rachel drove us back across town and toward the back side of the campus. I didn't even know this neighborhood existed. I had thought the neighborhood that Emma, Olivia and Sophia lived in back home was amazing; but this was beyond my imagination. We drove up to a ten foot cast iron gate and waited for it to automatically open. She drove through and it closed behind us. She continued around a corner and standing on a rise was a huge French Chateau style home. She drove around the side of the house to the garage and stopped. It was a five bay garage. I looked up from my window and Alexis leaned across my lap to look up at the mansion. Alexis muttered, "Holy shit."

Rachel chuckled at Alexis' comment and got out. We got out too but we couldn't take our eyes off the house. Rachel walked to a door in the middle of the garage bays and unlocked it and pushed it in. We stepped into the garage behind her. The caverness area must have been a hundred feet by fifty feet. Three of the five bays were filled with stunning antique automobiles. Rachel pointed at the furthest one and said, "That's a 1931 Packard, Ninth Series, Model 840 Convertible. The one in the middle is a 1939 Bugatti, Type 57C by Vanvooren." She pointed at the one right next to us and continued, "This was my husband's favorite, a 1936 Delahaye 135 Competition Disappearing Top Convertible, Figoni-Falaschi." She laughed and said, "I know, that was all a mouth full. I don't know why I have remembered all that. My husband was a fanatic collector. I got rid of most of them when he died but I just couldn't bring myself to sell these." I was awe-struck as I gazed wide-eyed at the gleaming paint, chrome, wood and leather. The clicking of high heels on concrete told me I was being left behind so I tore my gaze away and hurried to catch up with them.

The stairway was nothing special but when we hit the top landing, my eyes bugged for the second time. The living space above the garage was palatial. When Rachel told us we could stay above her garage we were thinking a small little apartment comparable to what we had now. My attention had piqued when she said it was luxurious. I was not ready for this. Rachel walked us through the mirror-finished marble floored chef's-kitchen with double-ovens and a big island with a half-dozen bar-stools. Off to the side was a breakfast nook that looked out on the pool (which was closed for the season). The dining room was elegantly decorated with Mahogany furniture. The living room was unbelievable. There were two separate sitting areas, one for conversation and one for viewing the 75 inch flat-screen TV. It looked like no one had ever sat on the furniture. One entire wall of glass could be pushed into a partition to expand the room outside with all weather furniture beside the pool. There were five bedrooms with king-sized beds in each. Each had its own huge, marble everywhere, bathroom with walk-in shower and separate soaker tub. They were spectacular.

Alexis and I both were just rotating around on our heels scanning the details of each room. Rachel was grinning as she knew we were impressed. Rachel said, "So what do you think? You would be doing me a favor if you accept my offer." Alexis looked at me. She was so excited and I knew that we were both on the same page. I nodded at her and she leaped into my arms and nearly broke my neck hugging me.

Alexis spun around to Rachel and said, "Oh my God. I don't believe this place. We accept your offer and we'll take good care of Mitch." Rachel burst into a wide grin and crushed her ample chest into Alexis in a big tight hug and then she did the same to me but a little harder and a little longer. Alexis grinned at Rachel and then at me.

Rachel said, "You make yourselves comfortable for a moment. I have some quick business to take care of and then I'll take you back to your apartment. I'll arrange to have your things packed and shipped over here. You won't need to do a thing. She turned and went down a tiled hallway to the rest of her house.

When Rachel was gone I said to Alexis, "What's the deal with the extra long and hard hugs? She did it at the hospital when we first met her and again now."

Alexis giggled and said, "At the hospital she whispered to me when she hugged me, "What a hunk". I agreed. Then she told me that I was quote-unquote, absolutely gorgeous." She curtsied as her face blushed. "This time Rachel whispered, "It's going to be nice having a young, virile, hunky guy around the house." She watched me blush. "I have a sneaky feeling that there is more to Miss Rachel than meets the eye." I nodded and we wandered through the numerous rooms again just taking it all in.

Fifteen minutes later, Rachel returned and said, "Something has come up and I'm going to have to attend to it and it will be a while. So, pick one of the cars in the garage and drive yourselves home. I'll have someone on my staff pick it up tomorrow. The keys are on the wall in front of each car. The remote garage door opener and gate opener is on the visor. I'm so glad this has worked out for all of us." She turned and headed down the hallway again.

Downstairs in the garage, the choice of which car to take shouldn't have been a big deal. They were all spectacular; but we argued over which one to take. I made a command decision and grabbed the keys in front of the Packard and pulled open the passenger door and offered my hand to help Alexis step up into the huge automobile. The convertible top was down and I prayed that it wouldn't rain because I had no idea of how to raise it. Alexis pushed the remote and we backed out of the garage. Alexis closed the garage door and I worked the clutch and accelerator a little to get the feel of the gears.

We couldn't help it. We didn't go directly back to the apartment. We went by Jan's dorm to pick her up and we all drove over to Josie, Yu-Gin and Nina's dorm to pick them up. We drove around town enjoying all the gawks and finger-pointing. It was chilly but we didn't mind. One group of guys spotted us and didn't care anything about the Packard. They started yelling "Hey look, it's the Smoking Hot Five. Hey Nina give us a shake."

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