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Pool Boy Ch. 43

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Olivia visits drawn by five-on-one comment at Christmas.
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Part 43 of the 61 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/16/2015
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It was pretty cool flying home on a private jet from Houston, Texas; just Alexis and me. This was the only way to travel and I was pretty sure I'd never get the opportunity again. A cab was waiting on the tarmac when we taxied unto the Signature Airways apron. We grabbed our bags and thanked the pilots before bounding down the stairs. I wished everyone I knew could see me right then. The cab pulled up at the bottom of the stairs and the driver jumped out to take our bags. He put them in the trunk and Alexis and I got in the back. The driver already had our destination. 'Big Joe-Robbie' strikes again. He'd thought of everything.

Alexis lie across the back seat and put her head in my lap. I massaged her head, face and neck as we drove. She occasionally let out a soft moan to indicate that she was enjoying the attention. A half hour later we were dropping our bags on the floor by our bed at 'the palace'. It was good to be home and Alexis pushed herself into my arms and kissed me hard on the lips. I held her to me and collapsed us both to our bed. I didn't let her go for a long time.

I had nearly drifted off in the comfort of Alexis' body lying on top of mine when a female voice came from the kitchen, "Hello. It's me." It was Rachel. She must have been alerted that the gate opened when I got out of the taxi to enter the code on the keypad. Alexis rolled off me and went to the bathroom while I went out to greet Rachel.

As always, Rachel was dressed immaculately. Her hair and makeup were perfect. She wore her usual array of jewelry. I greeted her with a hug and a kiss on her offered cheek. I invited her to sit in the living room but she declined. She said, "You guys need to come over. I've been entertaining a friend of yours for two days. She's delightful and very beautiful. I guess she expected you two to come home directly after the Bowl game. I don't think I was home an hour when she buzzed from the gate. I told her she could wait. I didn't expect it would be two days, but I've thoroughly enjoyed her visit."

I had no clue what friend was here but I apologized to Rachel about not informing her of our changed plans. I told Rachel that I would get Alexis and we would be right over. I watched as Rachel headed down the hall toward the main house. I couldn't imagine who would have come here that was 'delightful and very beautiful'. I explained the situation to Alexis and she was as confused as me.

We went together to the main house and followed the voices down the huge front to back foyer to Rachel's Study. John, Rachel's butler, was coming through the door just as we got there. He greeted us and asked if we would like anything to drink. I asked for a beer and Alexis declined. We turned the corner and Rachel was smiling at us. Across from her sat Olivia. Her platinum blonde hair was unmistakable. She turned and smiled at us. Alexis ran across to greet her with a hug and a kiss. I waited my turn and did the same. I was going to kiss her on the cheek but Olivia turned her head and kissed me passionately on the lips. The look on Rachel's face was priceless. I apologized to Olivia for not being home when she came. Olivia raved over Rachel's hospitality and Rachel blushed slightly.

We all took our seats and John, the butler, appeared with Rachel's and Olivia's drinks and my beer. Olivia deflected all of my attempts to talk about why she had come. It must be something important for her to stay two days to wait for us. We visited for two hours before Olivia signaled that we should go. She thanked Rachel profusely. Rachel claimed it was her pleasure. They hugged and kissed and the three of us walked back to our apartment.

We sat in our living room and Olivia opened up regarding the purpose for her visit. It wasn't a conversation she wanted to have in front of Rachel. She said, "Do you remember, at Christmas, when you suggested I should come for a visit?" I sort of did but I didn't remember the details. "We were talking about how I would like five sweaty football players tending to my every desire." I did remember something like that and I guess the look on my face revealed my recollection. She grinned. "Well, it's been driving me nuts ever since you said it. I wake up at night dreaming of it. I masturbate to it. I thought if I could get here when you got back from the game you could set up something before everyone went home for vacation. I'm sure it's too late to arrange anything now, but I met Rachel and Mitch and thoroughly enjoyed our time visiting and at Rachel's insistence decided to stay until you got back just to say I was here. I miss both of you, you know?"

Alexis smiled and said, "We miss you and Sophia too. We'll be going back to the city for the month of January. I'm sure you'll be absolutely sick of us by the time we come back here. Tonight is New Year's Eve. Stay here tonight. Hunter will go into the Field House to see if any of the guys are still here. Not everyone goes home."

I said, "I can check. I'd love to be a part of what you have in mind. I know some of the guys have jobs in the area for the semester break to make book money for next semester. I have a pretty good idea where they might be too. You two visit and I'll go over there now to see." Olivia's eyes lit up.

I drove over to the Field House thinking, 'Olivia must be in a really bad way to drive all the way here and sit for two days waiting for us to arrive. I hope I can arrange something for her.' Getting a few guys to participate wouldn't be an issue as long as I could find a few guys.

The Field House was empty and dark. I ran into a good friend of Dean's, a fellow lineman coming out of the shower room. I asked if anyone else was around and he told me there were several of the guys in the weight room working out and Dean was in the sauna. I headed to the sauna.

When I walked into the sauna, fully clothed, Dean looked at me and said, "What happened to you two. You weren't on the plane coming home." Dean was dripping with sweat, which is just the way Olivia would want him. I told him I'd have to explain later, that I was in kind of a hurry. I said, "Tonight is New Year's Eve and we have an old friend show up. She's incredibly gorgeous and rich and she wants to party hard, if you know what I mean. I'm trying to get another four sweaty guys for a five on one. It's on her bucket list."

Dean thought a moment and smiled as he said, "We could make it a New Year's Eve party to remember. I'd have to bring Josie. She'd kill me if I did this without her on New Year's Eve."

My mind rolled around having Josie there. She was so possessive of Dean and she could throw a wrench in the works. I said, "I don't mind having Josie there as long as her Jolly Green Jealousy Giant doesn't get in the way. Alexis will be there so it wouldn't be five guys on one woman with Josie watching. What do you think?"

Dean said, "I think she'll be okay. She can always get it on with Alexis. I'll call you if it's going to be a problem. I'll be up front with her so it's not a surprise." I agreed and wiped sweat off my brow with my shirtsleeve and we bumped fists as I left. I went to the weight room and there were several of the guys lifting or spotting. I knew some of them better than others and I asked if I could speak privately with the three I knew best and thought Olivia would like the looks of.

I explained the situation to them. It felt weird telling them the story but I could tell by the excitement in their eyes that they were in. Two of the guys were linebackers and both were as ripped me. Jamal was black, his nickname was "Spitfire" because he would rotate his hips around causing his long flaccid cock to twirl around like a propeller. Jason was white and I never saw anyone sweat more than him. The third guy was a Wide Receiver. His nickname was "Rocket". I realized at that moment that I didn't even know his real name. He was the guy that JR threw the three touchdowns to in the Bowl game. I gave them a time and place and reminded them that they were to show up as sweaty as possible. They got to teasing Jason about the sweaty requirement. They were all grins as they headed back to the Weight Room high-fiving each other. Mission accomplished. Olivia would be excited. I still prayed that Josie wouldn't be a problem. I would discuss it with Alexis.

I drove home and announced as I walked into the kitchen, "Good news. It's all setup for tonight. Olivia, you can ring in the New Year with a monster fuck-a-thon." I thought Olivia's face would crack from the size of her grin. I told them when the guys would be here and Olivia checked her watch. She looked from her wrist to me with a very lascivious look on her face and said, "We have a little time for just us."

Alexis looked at her watch and grinned as she said, "We do if we don't stand around here any longer. We girls will need enough time to look spectacular for tonight. You two go ahead. The cupboards are bare. I have to get some beer and munchies in for everyone. I'll need Rachel's or Mitch's help."

Alexis grabbed her purse and the keys to the Subaru and headed down the hall to the main house. Olivia looked at me and came in close so she could rest her hand on the crotch of my pants. "I miss this cock when you are gone."

I chuckled and said, "It's only been less than a week." I unbuttoned her cobalt blue silk blouse and pushed it over her shoulders. She let it drop to the floor. She unzipped my pants expecting my cock to push into her hand and I didn't disappoint her. I reached around her back and unsnapped her bra and she let it hang off her free hand but she wouldn't release my cock so the bra dropped down that arm and hooked over my cock like a ring-toss. I unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor. She wasn't wearing any panties. She was naked except for her high heels.

She handled my cock like she was shaking hands with it and she released my belt and my pants fell to the floor beside her skirt. As usual I was going commando too. I unbuttoned my shirt and let it fall. Olivia looked from my face down to my torso and lightly ran the fingers of her free hand over my ripped muscles. I caressed her huge breasts and rolled her erect nipples between my index fingers and thumbs. She closed her eyes and her mouth opened slightly as she moaned from my touch. Her neck and chest was flushed red. I could feel her heart pounding very fast. Her breathing became labored.

She opened her eyes and looked up at me and said, "I need your cock. Fuck me hard any way you want." I lead her down the hall to the master bedroom and pushed her back on the bed. We moved to the middle. She hadn't released my cock from the moment she took it.

Olivia looked like an angel with her platinum blonde hair spread out on the bed around her beautiful face. Her eyes glistened with moisture as a tear in each eye burst out but neither escaped the confines of her eyelids. Her lips opened to grin and her ultra-white teeth seemed to glow in the dim light of the bedroom. Her massive tits flattened slightly and the excess rolled toward her armpits. Her knees came up and her legs spread wide. Her free hand went to her sex and she spread her labia with her fingers. She was soaking wet.

I bent forward and kissed her and she sucked my lower lip between hers and bit it lightly. I trusted her and didn't try to pull back. It made me think of her wacko sister though. We kissed passionately for several moments before I pulled back and moved down to kiss her neck. She trembled and pushed her hips up at me. I kissed each nipple and flicked my tongue on them. She watched my every move and moaned every time my lips touched her skin.

I couldn't work my way down to kiss her pussy because she wouldn't release my cock. I tried to pull it away from her but she increased her grip and pulled it toward her pussy. She was insistent and I followed her lead. I moved my knees forward between her legs and she lined my cock up with the entrance to her vagina. I pushed forward and Olivia groaned hard when I pushed my knob inside. She mumbled, "Oh my God. I love this cock." I pushed in another couple inches to the fattest part of my cock and let her adjust before pushing all the way down until my balls rested on her pussy.

Olivia pushed back and I started rocking my hips to drive my cock in and out of her. Her head started rolling from side to side and she moaned constantly. After a moment she signaled that she wanted it harder and faster and I accommodated her. I was pummeling her pussy with my fatty. She let out a scream, "Jesus Christ, Yes. Fuck me harrrrrderrr." I didn't have much more to give her but I gave her what I had.

Her eyes were pointed in my direction but it didn't look like she was actually seeing anything. Her mouth had fallen open in a silent scream. Her nostrils flared as she was gasping for air. I noticed that her tits were firming and lifting as her chest muscles began to tighten. She gritted her teeth hard and seethed air in and out a few times.

Her tightening muscles moved down her body and she pressed her thighs together to squeeze mine. I continued to fuck Olivia as hard as she had requested. I was getting tired and I could feel my orgasm circling on the periphery of my consciousness. Olivia's orgasm was much closer and in another minute she heaved up her torso and every ounce of air exploded from her lungs, "UUUNNGGGGAAAAHHHHHHH." Her eyes went wide as she sucked in a huge breath of air and it too was immediately expelled in force, "UUUNNNHHGGGGAHHH." Her fingers contorted and curled under. Her legs fired out straight down the bed and then fired back to their original position. She hooked her heals across my ass and then flailed out straight again.

If I didn't know better I would have sworn that the contorted mask on her face was one of terror. She tried to sit up but then slammed her back against the bed. I felt her pussy clamping hard on my cock. I slowed my pace down. The look on her face didn't change as she seemed to build higher and higher. I knew it was just an orgasm but it was a massive one that scared me a little. Based on her undulations and the look on her face, I wasn't sure she was okay. I stopped my fucking motion and Olivia let out a blood-curdling scream, "NNNOOOOOOOO."

I interpreted her scream to mean that I wasn't to stop, so I started my rocking motion again. Air wheezed from her lungs and then another huge inhalation of air. She spoke some actual words, "Oh my fucking gawwwwddd. Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus. Oh Jesus. Incredible. Fuck." She dragged the back of her hand along her forehead. I had totally lost my orgasm with my concern for Olivia's well-being.

Her pussy continued to clench on my shaft for several more minutes as I slowly fucked her. Her clenches seemed to be milking my cock. I suddenly realized that Olivia was looking up at me. Her glassy-eyed appearance had faded and she was smiling at me. Her legs had finally come to rest with her heels hooked over my knees. Her hands were fingering my abs and obliques. I smiled down at her and pushed one last time deep into her pussy. I dropped to my elbows and kissed her passionately for more than a moment. The small portion of my weight that I allowed to rest on Olivia pressed her tits up to her chin. I bent my face lower and kissed one globe and then the other. She giggled and pulled my hips down hard with her hands.

I rolled off to Olivia's left expecting that my still rigid cock would pull out when I did. Olivia had other ideas and she hung on to me and rolled right over on top of me. My cock was still imbedded in her. I could feel her vaginal juices flowing down over my balls.

She dropped her face and kissed my erect nipples and kneaded my pectoral muscles. Then she looked up and she had a wicked little grin on her face as she started gyrating her hips around and up and down effectively renewing the fucking motion on my cock. Her tits were crushed under her and she pushed her torso up to allow them to move to a more comfortable position. She said, "You didn't cum yet so now I have to go get it." I flexed my cock and she groaned and continued, "Oh you are a bad boy aren't you?" She manually clenched her vaginal muscles in retaliation.

She fucked me until she couldn't sustain her hip rocking motion any more. I could tell she was close to another orgasm and I wanted to give that to her. I began rocking my hips up and down and a minute later she groaned into another climax that was nowhere near as intense as the first one. She mumbled, "Oh my gawwdd. I'm cumming again. Jesus."

This orgasm rolled through her quickly and she pulled herself off my cock, backed down my body on her hands and knees and stretched her lips over my velvety crown. After a moment or two she was sucking about two-thirds of my cock into her mouth. She couldn't deep-throat but Olivia's blow-jobs were always to die for.

Olivia's head was bobbing up and down on my cock when Alexis walked in and sat down on edge of the bed. She said, "I figured you guys would be done by now." She noticed the juices running down Olivia's thighs and she bent forward and pushed her face into Olivia's sex from behind. Olivia jumped from the initial contact but she never came off my cock. When she realized it was Alexis sucking on her pussy, she spread her legs wider to grant unfettered access.

Olivia's blow-job was having its affect as I could feel my balls tighten and that familiar feeling wash over me. In another minute, I was shooting long ropes of cum into Olivia's mouth. She started swallowing immediately and never lost a drop. She didn't swallow the last shot. She turned around with cheeks bulging and shared her load with Alexis who accepted it willingly.

We all cuddled up together with Olivia on one side and Alexis on the other. Olivia's left tit rested on my chest and Alexis caressed the flesh and tweaked the nipple. Olivia grinned over at Alexis and then came up on one elbow and leaned across my chest to kiss her. Then we all settled back again to collect our breaths.

Olivia pushed herself away and got to the floor and went to the bathroom. I took the opportunity to tell Alexis the details of the guys coming over. I told her I was concerned about Dean bringing Josie. She had been getting more and more possessive of Dean lately. I was hoping you could have a word with her if she becomes a problem. Alexis didn't think there would be a problem at all. She wished that I had told her earlier because she had invited Mitch over so she would have someone to do too. So, now it would be five guys on Olivia and Alexis, Josie and Mitch to entertain themselves. It sounded like a plan but you know what happens to plans.

I heard Olivia start the shower and I got up to join her. Olivia was all business in the shower. She was on a mission and she was now only thinking of getting ready for tonight. She let me lather her all up and she even let me molest her volleyball size tits a little but she was washing her hair and she made no move to lather me or my cock up. It was no problem but it was unusual for Olivia. I finished up washing myself and rinsing off. I stepped out and left Olivia to finish up herself. I dried off and pulled my robe on.

Alexis was in the kitchen preparing the snack bowls and covering them with plastic wrap so they wouldn't get stale. I pulled a beer from the refrigerator and sat down at the breakfast nook table. I said, "So, you invited Mitch tonight. Does that include Rachel too?"

Alexis responded, "I asked her when we were at the store getting the beer. I wouldn't be surprised if Rachel comes though. You know her; she just shows up at the most inopportune time." I smiled because she was correct. Rachel seemed to be able to smell sex from anywhere in this massive mansion and innocently appear.

Olivia appeared dressed in a robe with a towel wrapped around her head and asked if there was a spare bedroom she could use to get ready. She was carrying a small bag that I assumed contained her makeup. Alexis told her to use the last bedroom on the left. It had a dressing table in the walk-in closet. Olivia turned around and headed in the other direction. She had an hour and half to get her makeup and hair done. I chuckled when I thought, 'It'll take only minutes to mess it all up." Alexis and I went back to the master bedroom and Alexis started getting ready too. I pulled on a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt. I was already ready. I lay out on the bed for a quick nap.

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