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Pool Boy Ch. 53


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I withdrew to ease the pain but she threw her legs around my hips and locked her ankles on my ass and pulled me into her as hard as she could. I was buried to my balls as she started humping up and down my cock before I could even begin a normal fucking rhythm. So much for 'make love to me'. I stopped moving completely and after several moments of her frantic thrusting she realized that I wasn't moving so she stopped and looked down at me and said, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong. Let me make love to you. You're like a dog in heat," I whispered. She dropped her head to her pillow and giggled. She released her ankles behind me and let her legs drop beside mine. With my cock fully engaged in her pussy, I started all over again with passionate kisses being careful not to get carried away. When I thought the time was right, I started rocking my hips gently in slow half penetration strokes. Alexis' lips parted as she let a long moan escape from her throat. She lifted her hips to me to indicate that she wanted more. I gave her more and she mumbled, "Oh sweet Jesus. Amazing."

I kept a slow pace as she groaned with every penetration. I could feel my orgasm gripping at my balls as I lowered my head so I could kiss her long erect nipples. Alexis held my head in place as she continued to slowly rock her hips in opposition to mine. There was no slapping of thighs. The motion was slow and each stroke was completed with an extra firm push.

After several minutes, Alexis' eyes went wide and she muttered through a gasp for air, "Oh my gawwd Baby. Here it commmmeeessss." Her pussy was furious clenching on my cock before she finished the sentence. Her clenches pulled me over the top and I thrust my cock as deep as I could to launch my first salvo. Alexis screamed hard. I probably had pushed too hard against her cervix and she pulled back away from me. She returned quickly and we rode out the remaining surges of our orgasms.

We laid there gasping for oxygen for more than a minute trying to collect our breaths. Alexis was kissing my chin and neck and chest in between long breathes. My arms were locked straight out to avoid putting my weight on her and she had to lift her torso up to me to kiss me. After-shocks were gripping me for a couple minutes after we had finished. I could feel Alexis' pussy randomly spasm on my cock but I didn't know if she was doing that manually or not. I rolled off her and she snuggled up beside me with one leg over mine. We kissed and drifted off to sleep nose to nose and forehead to forehead.

I woke what seemed like minutes later still in the same position. I rolled onto my back and looked at the clock. We had not moved in several hours. I rolled back on my side and kissed Alexis on the lips and she rolled away to her back and minutes later she was doing her poofing snore.

Since we had been away, we didn't have much in the apartment to eat. After listening to Alexis poof for a half hour I quietly pushed myself out of bed, grabbed yesterday's clothes and carried them out to the kitchen. I turned on the Keurig for a cup of coffee and pulled my clothes on while it heated the water. The sun was up so I had overslept. I drank my coffee and then went to the van to go get some breakfast for the both of us.

When I returned, I was surprised to find Alexis sitting in the Living Room in her robe with her feet tucked up in her chair. She hadn't pulled the drapes open so it was kind of dark. Alexis sniffled as I came into the Living Room and I thought, 'Crap. She's upset with me again." I couldn't imagine what I had done this time.

I stopped where I was and said, "Babe. Are you okay?" I wanted to ask her what I had done, but I didn't.

"I just got off the phone with Linda," she said with another sniffle. I came closer and sat down on the other end of the sofa. I could see tears in her eyes. I waited for further explanation and Alexis burst out crying. I slid across the sofa to hold her to me. I was confused but at least it didn't sound like her distress was caused by me this time. She buried her face in my neck and shoulder and sobbed.

I was thinking, 'Okay. She got a call from Linda. Linda lives in Los Angeles. What the fuck was she doing calling Alexis at this time of day. I was what, four o'clock in the morning there?' Alexis' sobs subsided and she pulled away from me. Between sniffles she said, "Linda and Pia have broken up. Linda said that they had been sniping at each other ever since they agreed to get married on the beach that day. Pia complained that she felt trapped in the decision by the way the conversation went down about getting pregnant. Things escalated last night and Pia took her stuff and left an hour ago. Linda is a mess. Fuck. I'm a mess." Her face scrunched up and she burst out crying again as she burrowed her face into my shoulder again. I ran my fingers through her hair to sooth her.

I whispered into her ear, "Call Linda back tomorrow. Give her a chance to calm down. Call Pia to get her side."

Without pulling back she spoke into my shoulder, "I don't have Pia's cell phone number. I always called Linda's phone."

"Let things cool off. They're made for each other. They'll be okay," I mumbled into her hair. Alexis nodded and pulled her face off my shoulder, sniffled, wiped her face with the back of her hand and gave me a pained smile. I returned her smile and cradled her tear streaked, red eyed, bed-headed face in my hands and kissed her gently on the lips. She kissed me back and threw her arms around my neck and hugged me hard. My hands went to her back and I held her to me.

She muttered, "I don't know what I would do if you walked out with your stuff."

I tried to lighten the mood and responded, "I don't have any stuff." I immediately knew that was the wrong thing to say as Alexis burst out crying again. I said, "I'm sorry Babe. I didn't mean it that way. I love you desperately." I hugged her to me as I thought, 'What an idiot I am.'

Alexis recovered quickly and said, "I know you do. So do I." She kissed my ear and then pulled back and kissed me on the lips. I kissed her too. She pulled back further and said, "Did you bring me some breakfast? I'm starving." I stood up and pulled her up beside me. I guided her to the kitchen and the paper bag sitting on the breakfast nook table. I guided her into a chair and pulled a couple plates out of the cabinet and utensils from the drawer. She pulled open the bag and inhaled. A smile came to her face as she pulled the contents out on the table.

I had bought a full breakfast consisting of pancakes, sausage and bacon, hash-browns and orange juice for myself and a yogurt and fruit cup for Alexis. She looked at my breakfast and said, "Let's share." I watched her shovel pancakes with maple syrup into her mouth like she hadn't eaten in a week. Then she noticed me looking at her and she giggled as she realized what she must look like. She pushed what remained of the pancakes toward me and pulled the cover off the fruit cup. Without looking up at me, she said, "Sorry Baby. I guess I was hungrier than I thought." We finished breakfast and dumped the containers in the trash. Alexis' mood was kind of subdued for a while.

Classes started again after spring break and I was fully engaged in studying. Alexis continued with her three classes per week. I started noticing her drawing pad and pencils. I snuck a peak at her drawings when I got a chance. She was touchy about me looking at them. Many were of my face or her hands. She had a self portrait that she must have drawn from looking in a mirror. It was fantastic. All of her drawings were fantastic. I refrained from telling her because then she would know that I had opened her pad to look at them. I did suggest that she should take some art classes and try painting or pastels.

One day I came home from classes and found Alexis in an unused bedroom setting up an easel. She ordered me out and sternly warned me not to come in the bedroom again. I mostly adhered to this directive.

Alexis was spending a lot of time at Dee's and Jarrod's house in the city working with Dee and her mother to get our wedding planned. She spent many nights staying there and I clattered around the 'Palace' alone. I missed her desperately and when she came home we would rattle the windows from our passionate groans and screams.

She would bring things home, like choices for the announcements and invitations. I had no eye for that kind of stuff and it seemed that even if I made a choice she would over ride me which was fine with me. It got so that I'd pick the lamest choice just so could stare at me and shake her head and pick something else. I'm pretty sure that she started adding stupid things just to see it I would choose them. In the end, we both knew it was a game. The invitations were sent out and I couldn't believe how quickly the RSVPs came in. Even though money was no issue, we kept the list small. We didn't get a single decline other than Dee and Jarrod. The invitations had detailed the destination wedding and the fact that they would all travel by private jet. We didn't want to frig around with bringing gifts home, so the invitations had 'No wedding presents allowed' in bold letters at the bottom of the embossed card. Who could decline an invitation like that?

Alexis had called Linda every day to check on their status but nothing had changed. Since we didn't have to accommodate Pia and Linda's needs anymore, we had contemplated changing the date to later in the summer to accommodate Dee's pregnancy but neither she nor Jarrod would hear of it.

Emma talked to the wedding planner at the resort nearly every day. Many of the finer touches that Emma and Alexis decided on weren't available on the island so Emma made arrangements to have them flown in. The phrase, 'Money is no object' became a familiar refrain and I choked every time I heard it. I still couldn't get used to the fact that my inherent frugality was such a big part of me. I was fighting though it with Alexis and Emma's help. I just didn't want to know what anything cost and they gleefully accommodated me.

We were getting together for Alexis' birthday at Dee and Jarrod's house. It was supposed to be a surprise party but I was pretty sure that Alexis had figured it out. On one of those days when I was home and Alexis was out shopping I went into the banned third bedroom and flipped through her drawing pad again. I was struck at how good she was. She had a large pencil portrait drawing of Emma, Dee and herself. She must have drawn them from photographs. It wasn't just technically accurate. There was an unmistakable sense of emotion and an essence that brought them to life. She was working on something on the easel in pastels. I stood back and tried to figure out what it was but she hadn't completed enough to tell. I went back to stare at the drawing in her pad again.

She was going to kill me, but I carefully pulled the drawing of the three of them out of the pad and rolled it up and pushed it into one of her drawing tubes. When Alexis got home I told her I had to go out for a minute. We kissed and I snuck the tube down the stairs to the van. I drove to a photo and frame shop in town. I unrolled the drawing and the placed it on the counter. I middle aged woman behind the counter gushed at how wonderful the drawing was. I explained that I wanted to frame it and then I was back in the choice mode again. The woman must have had a hundred different frames to show me and many more that she didn't show me. Of course the one frame that I kept coming back to was in the 'she didn't show me' pile. Finally, I pointed behind her at the frame that I liked. She turned to look and then turned back to me and said, "That is a very expensive frame. I doubt if you could afford it." I totally understood where her statement was coming from. I was obviously a student at the University and what twenty year old kid could afford expensive stuff.

I ignored her statement and said, "I'll take that frame." She looked back at it again and explained how that frame would have to be custom made for the drawing. "Can it be ready for Friday?" She looked at me and frowned. She explained that Friday would be a tall order so I said, "What would it cost extra to have it ready for Friday?" She thought a moment and gave me a price. I handed her a credit card and signed the receipt.

As promised, the framed drawing was ready when I went back. She showed me and I broke into a huge grin when I saw it. I thought, 'She'll kill me but afterward, I'm sure she will be pleased.' The lady wrapped it in classy birthday paper and put a huge bow on the front. I stored the package in a storage bin in the van.

Emma called that night to tell Alexis that she had to come 'home' tomorrow to decide on some last minute details because they had to be ordered way in advance to get them to the resort. Her call was a ruse to get us there for the birthday party. I was pretty sure Alexis saw through Emma's overplayed acting job but she agreed to drive down to the city tomorrow for the weekend. She had a slight smile on her face as she hung up. She cuddled up to me while I was holding my textbook and told me she had more stuff to do with her mother and had to drive back to the city tomorrow. I set my book in my lap and kissed her forehead. "Do you mind if I come with you? I haven't seen your family for a while."

Alexis looked up at me and grinned, "I'd like that. You can get away from those books for a weekend can't you? Mom said that she misses you." She giggled and put her hand in my lap under the book and continued, "She really misses this," as she squeezed my cock through my pants. She got the reaction she was hoping for and then both hands were under my book unzipping and unbuckling my pants. I lifted the book and placed it on the end table and laid my head back against the sofa. I groaned hard when Alexis gripped the base of my cock and kissed my glans. I looked down and she was looking up at my face as she twirled her tongue around the ridge of the glans and then worked her lips on and slowly pushed them down my shaft. Her eyes were grinning at my reaction. She pushed my glans into her throat and immediately started a throat-job. My head dropped back against the back of the sofa and I groaned hard again. I could never survive Alexis' throat-job for long.

She knew that too and she came up my shaft and wrapped both sets of fingers around it. She pushed a large quantity of saliva that followed my cock out of her throat onto my glans and rubbed it in. She was counter-rotating her hands as she gazed up at me with just the knob on her lips. She was sucking hard on it and her cheeks sucked in and out with her motion. She grinned up at me as she pulled back and let my glans slide out of her mouth. Her hands picked up the pace and her mouth went back on the glans and she dislodged her hands with her lips as she pushed my cock back into her throat. I muttered, "Jesus Christ," as she descended and my head rocked back against the sofa again. I could hear her muffled giggle as her lips pushed into my pubic hair.

I was going to blow and Alexis knew it too. She pulled my cock out of her throat and locked her lips on the ridge and went to work with her hands again. We watched each other as cum boiled out of my balls and screamed up my shaft into her waiting mouth. She swallowed several shots as they arrived but she had enough experience with my orgasms to know how many shots she could hold in her mouth. She always pushed the limit though and her eyes went wide as she approached it. I was done and Alexis pulled her lips back off my cock and then let some cum drool from her mouth and down over her chin. She smiled at me and more cum pushed out on her lips. She didn't show me like she often does. She just stared into my eyes as she made a show of gulping her gooey load down.

Left over cum was on her lower lip and chin and she stretched up to kiss me. I was expecting it and I kissed her gooey lips in spite of my distaste for cum. She knew cum was there and she giggled as she pushed her gooey tongue between my lips. I had grown accustomed to her antics and I had long since decided that I was okay with the taste of my own cum on her tongue but I still drew the line at tasting other guys cum on her tongue.

The drive to the city in our new tricked out Mercedes Van was reminiscent of our past trips in the old working van. We had a great time singing to oldies songs which were easier to sing along with because the lyrics were understandable and less offensive than current songs. As usual, we sounded like two bellowing elephants but we had a blast.

The trip was over in a flash as we passed through the guard gate to Dee's community and in minutes we were pulling in to Dee's cobblestone driveway. Dee and Jarrod were both standing at the front door waiting to greet us. Dee was standing facing Jarrod with his hand around the small of her back. Her baby-belly was on prominent display. She had one hand resting on her bump. I hadn't seen either of them since before we went on our Caribbean vacation. Dee was smiling and she had a radiant glow. She was more beautiful than I had ever seen her. She had less than three months to delivery.

I told Dee how beautiful she looked and that pregnancy suited her. She just shrugged off the compliment with a guffaw and stretched up to kiss me. She waddled back into the house and Jarrod grabbed up our one suitcase and set it aside. Dee and Alexis were gabbing a mile-a-minute. One would have sworn that they hadn't seen each other in months. Jarrod offered me a beer and I accepted.

We went into his library and sat down with our beers. Jarrod said, "Alexis has been here several times recently and she and Dee can still gab non-stop. I don't know what they find to talk about. Put Emma in the mix and my head spins." I burst out laughing and choked on my beer. I barely avoided the embarrassment of blowing beer out of my nose. We talked about nothing important for more than an hour before Emma made an appearance. I stood and greeted her and she pushed her body hard against me as we kissed and hugged each other. I saw Jarrod grin as Emma rocked her hips forward to grind her pelvis on my cock. Our lips parted and she grinned lasciviously as she felt my cock respond to her pressure. I smiled back at her and we separated.

Emma bent down and kissed Jarrod on the cheek and said, "I love having my family together." Then she looked back at me and said, "Do you think Alexis knows what this is about?" I smiled and nodded my head. Emma frowned and continued, "I was afraid that I poured it on a little thick last night." I smiled again and nodded. Emma muttered, "Shit," and we all laughed.

Emma sat down beside me and whispered, "What did you get her for her birthday?" She smiled as she waited for my answer.

"You'll have to wait and see. It's in the van. I'll have to sneak it in later. I'm either going to be a dead-man or a hero. I suspect the former is more likely. You'll love it though." Emma's face broke into a mask of curiosity as she contemplated what my gift could be. Jarrod handed me another beer and a mixed drink for Emma, who smiled and accepted it. I asked her how the wedding planning was going and that started a landslide of Emma babbling non-stop about the details. At one point I glanced past her to a grinning Jarrod. He was more disinterested than I was.

After a wonderful meal and more women talk as Jarrod and I sat there listening, I excused myself from the table and collected the birthday gift from the van and returned to the table after leaning it against a wall in the living room. Dee and Emma collected dinner plates and disappeared into the kitchen. Alexis jumped up to help but Dee ordered her to sit back down. Several minutes later Dee and Emma walked into the dining room carrying a beautiful cake with many candles lit as they started the Happy Birthday song. Jarrod and I joined them as Alexis just grinned, her face reddened with embarrassment.

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