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Pool Party


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Ian returned to his seat. Every guy was looking at him and every gal was looking at the guys. Everybody agreed it was time for more drinks.

Round four paired Jay with Emmy and Jill with Jon. Jill had the honors. "Jon, I want you to let the women fondle you the way they did with Ian."

Jon thought that was a capital idea. By the time he had completed the circuit of the women, his cock had been kissed five times and licked once.

Jay had to make a decision with Emmy. He knew she was the shy woman in the group but the way she was participating gave him some freedom to go another step. "Emmy," he said, "I dare you to let any of the men who want to fondle your breasts the way Russ fondled Eve's breasts. I'm last."

Emmy didn't hesitate. She presented herself to each of the men and they handled her with respect and pleasure. When she stood in front of Jon, he followed the same pattern except, when he was finished, he leaned forward and kissed each nipple.

The minute Emmy returned to her seat everyone eagerly drew another card. Jay ended up paired with Eve, his wife, so everyone drew another card. Jon was paired with Jill and Ginny with Ian. Before Jon could issue a dare, Jill spoke up. "I think we should change the game. I mean, we still determine pairs as we have been but instead of dares I suggest we do the seven minute challenge instead."

"Seven minute challenge?" questioned Russ.

"Something we used to do in college. Chosen pairs spend seven minutes alone together in a closed room away from the others," explained Jill.

"And what happens during those seven minutes?" asked Russ.

"Whatever," said Jill. "The couples decide after they get in the room."

"And how do the rest of us know what happened?" Russ persisted.

"You don't. They don't have to tell and you can't ask," explained Jill.

"Time for another drink," suggested Russ.

While everyone was mingling in the kitchen getting new drinks, I heard bits of conversation that included questions like "Only seven minutes?" and "What can you do in seven minutes?"

Jill took the opportunity during the break to look outside. "Hey guys," she said loudly to be heard over the background voices. "It's stopped raining and the stars are out. I vote we move the party back to the pool."

"Capital idea," agreed Ian.

"Where's my suit?" asked Emmy.

"Are you kidding?" asked Ginny.

"Duh," agreed Emmy. "What was I thinking? Screw the suit."

"Excellent choice of words," responded Ginny as she headed for the pool with drink in hand.

Soon everyone was in or sitting near the pool, the seven minute challenge temporarily forgotten. The water was cold after the rain and Jill was circulating and encouraging everyone to keep the noise down so we didn't disturb or arouse the neighbors. I was sitting on the edge of the pool at the far end watching the foreplay and extended nipples on the women. Ginny dog paddled up to me, her floating breasts leading the way.

"Hey, mister. Slide down in here with me," Ginny suggested.

I slid into the pool, my feet firmly on the bottom in the four feet of water and leaning against the side of the pool. Ginny slithered up to me, turned and floated on her back with her legs on either side of me. "Hold my back so I don't sink," she asked.

In this position, Ginny could move toward me until our genitals met and then move back. She did this several times. "I'm going to fuck you tonight," she declared.

Caught off guard but hardly surprised, I answered her. "Really? Here?"

"Really. Here or elsewhere, it doesn't really matter," Ginny replied.

"What does Russ have to say about that?" I asked.

"Why don't we ask him?" she responded. "Hey, Russ. Can you come over here for a minute," she called.

Russ walked over and squatted by the edge of the pool. It was difficult not to notice the relative positions of Ginny's and my bodies. "What's up?" he asked.

"I'm going to fuck Nik tonight. Are you okay with that?" Ginny asked as if it was a common question.

"Sure," said Russ. "Just don't make a scene or upset anyone."

"Russ," I spoke up. "I think she's serious. Do you know what you just agreed to?"

"Of course," Russ answered. "Ginny's always serious about things like that. I'm good with it as long as no one gets hurt or it creates problems."

"I'm glad that's settled," said Ginny as Russ walked away.

"I'm more concerned about how Jill would feel than I am about Russ," I stated.

"Why don't we ask her?" Ginny said. "Jill, do you have a moment," she called.

Jill came over and squatted where Russ had been.

"I'm going to fuck your husband," Ginny stated.

"That's nice," said Jill.

"Jill, she's serious," I said.

"Are you serious too?" Jill asked me.

"How could I not be serious about Ginny fucking me?"

"Then you both should have fun. Can I watch?" asked Jill.

"Maybe next time," said Ginny.

"Okay," said Jill and she walked away.

I was trying to parse Ginny's 'Maybe next time' statement and Jill wanting to 'watch' when she bumped her pussy against my now hard erection. She rubbed her labia along my cock and I could feel the heat from her opening.

"That's the outside," said Ginny. "Would you like to feel what it's like on the inside?"

"Seems to be inevitable," I thought. "Sure," I said.

Ginny pushed her legs on the side of the pool and moved back. "Push you cock down a little so I can slide it inside me," she requested.

I used one hand to hold her up and the other to do as she requested. "Yeah. Right there. Hold it until I get settled. Good. You can let go now."

I could feel the head of my erection nestled in the base of her opening. I put my hand back on her hip and Ginny slid toward me until I was fully engaged inside her. I could pull her forward, sinking further inside her as I did and she would push off the wall of the pool with her feet to slide away from me. We cycled like that for several minutes. Ginny shifted around until her legs were up alongside my arms pointing at the stars. If I let her go, she'd fall backwards into the water and probably drown. I could slide deeper into her in that position and we continued to fuck for several more minutes.

"This is the strangest position I've ever fucked in," commented Ginny.

"A first for me too," I quipped.

"I'm going to have an orgasm," she stated matter of factly. "Don't you dare cum before I do," she added.

A dozen strokes later, she moaned, "Fuck. It's happening. Pick up the pace."

We began to move vigorously. "FUCK," said Ginny.

"Try to keep it down," I suggested.

"Fuck," she repeated. I could feel her vaginal muscles tightening and squeezing my erection. Suddenly, she half sat up in the water and pushed furiously against my hips. She put her arm in her mouth to suppress her vocal sounds and came on my erection. If anyone was watching, the thrashing around in the water was a dead giveaway.

She relaxed as she recovered from her orgasm. She released my erection and I came hard inside her. "Oh, God. That's feels so good," she moaned.

A moment later, Ginny was standing in front of me in the pool with her arms around my neck, her cold breasts and rock hard nipples pressing into my chest and kissing me. "Thanks. That was wonderful," she told me.

"I came inside you. I'm not sure that was a good idea," I said.

"Not usually but it's okay tonight," she assured me.

The cold water and the rapidly cooling air began to take a toll on the group and we filed back inside. Jill handed out towels to share and we dried ourselves and others before returning to the living room. We sat in the same seats. "Where were we?" asked Winnie.

"About to start the seven minute challenge," reminded Jill.

"Right," agreed Winnie. "If I remember correctly, it was Jon and you and Ginny and Ian."

"You remember correctly," confirmed Jill. "There are two bedrooms. Why don't we take our seven minutes at the same time? That way things will move along more quickly."

No one had a problem with Jill's suggestion. Jill took Jon's hand and let him to the master bedroom. Ginny and Ian followed and headed for the guest room. "What should be do while we wait?" asked Eve.

"My tits are cold," said Kay. "Any volunteers to warm them up?"

I raised my hand. Kay came over to me and sat on my lap. I cupped her left breast with my right hand. "That feels good. I wish my breasts were larger," Kay whispered.

"Your breasts are perfect," I told her. "Nothing to reduce their sensitivity. I love them just as they are," I added.

To prove my point, I rubbed her nipple between my thumb and forefinger. Kay squirmed on my lap, confirming my earlier thought about a connection between Kay's nipples and her vagina. Kay leaned over and kissed me. My hand slid from her breast to between her legs. Kay parted her legs enough to allow me to verify her heated condition.

A short while later, Ginny and Ian emerged from the guest bedroom. "You're early," said Emmy.

"Ian's quick," said Ginny.

I noticed Ian no longer had an erection.

Jon and Jill returned soon after. Jon was still erect but his cock seemed a deeper shade of pink as if it had been lovingly massaged.

Time to draw again," said Jill as she sat down.

The next round paired me with Eve and Jill with Hal. This time I claimed the master bedroom.

Eve is a remarkably attractive woman. She has model's quality, B sized breasts and I quickly reconfirmed my earlier assumption about their symmetry. She is also an incredible kisser. I determined that she had a connection between her lips and her genitals so I kissed her again. She opened her mouth and our tongues danced as she pulled me toward the side of the bed. Eve fell back on the bed and spread her legs. I slipped inside her as we continued to kiss, a kiss broken for just a brief second as she sighed when I pushed completely inside her against her cervix.

We lost track of the time and were interrupted by a gentle knock on the door.

"Shit, we need more time," moaned Eve.

"We certainly do," I agreed, "but this isn't it."

"I want to spend hours with you," Eve suggested. "We need to find a way," she asserted.

"The sooner the better," I agreed. I helped her off the bed and we joined the others.

Jill and Hal had already settled in their seats. Jill looked pleased and Hal looked happy. Jill later told me she had spent the entire seven minutes orally pleasing Hal and he had ejaculated over the carpet in the bedroom.

Over the next two hours, we had another two dozen pairings with seven-minute challenges. Everyone had at least one, maybe two, challenges. I have no idea how many orgasms were experienced but the number had to be significant. By one in the morning everyone except Jay and Eve has gathered their meager clothing and headed home. I think Jay had hinted that they should leave but Eve was resistant.

Jill and I were in the kitchen catching up on the cleanup while Jay and Eve were alone in the living room engaged in conversation. "Eve wants to stay all night," Jill said.

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah. I think she wants to fuck you ... again," Jill suggested.

"You're probably right," I agreed. "It was good but incomplete," I told her.

"I guessed as much," Jill commented.

"How about you and Jay?" I asked. "You spent some time alone with him."

"I did. He's a real gentleman. It took me a long time to pin him down."

"You mean, you on top," I asked for clarification.

"Yes and we didn't have time for much else. It was incomplete to use your description."

"So, what do we do?" I asked.

"I'm okay with them staying if that's what they want," said Jill.



"Separate bedrooms?"


A few minutes later, Eve and Jay wandered into the kitchen. Eve looked at Jay and then at Jill. "Jill," she said. "Tonight was the most fantastic party we've ever attended. We had an awesome time but we both feel as if the night isn't over. We'd like to have breakfast with you in the morning."

Jill smiled. "Is that your way of asking if you and Jay could spend the night?"

"We would if it's okay with you and Nik."

"I don't have a problem. How about you, Nik?" Jill asked.

"I'm good," I said.

"Then it's settled," agreed Jill. "Let me change the sheets in the bedrooms and you can have the guest room."

"Oh," said a disappointed Eve.

"I was talking to Nik," said Jill.

"Oh. I'm embarrassed," admitted Eve. "Let me help with the beds."

The women left to be domestic. Jay and I sat at the kitchen table. Jay looked at me. "This is somewhat uncomfortable for me."

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'm sitting here with the husband of the woman I'd like to spend the night with and it seems somehow normal."

"Are you uncomfortable knowing that your wife will be spending the night with that same husband?" I asked.

"I don't know what I am. We've never done anything like this before," Jay admitted.

"You shouldn't do it if you think anything could go wrong between you and Eve," I suggested.

"Oh, we've talked about it for months. It's just that suddenly here we are."

"I promise I'll take good care of Eve," I offered.

"I don't doubt that at all. I'll treat Jill the same," Jay committed.

We sat in silence until the ladies returned. They joined us at the table. "This feels so natural to me," said Eve. "I want to thank you again for being so open and accepting of us."

"Does your feeling have anything to do with the fact that none of us has put on any clothing yet?" asked Jill.

Eve looked at herself as if she was suddenly aware of her nakedness. She laughed. "I forgot I was naked. It feels so comfortable, so perfect. I've never even sat at my own kitchen table naked."

"Maybe you should sometime," suggested Jill.

"If you and Nik will join us," said Eve.

"That's a possibility," offered Jill. "Meantime, I think it's bed time."

I kissed Jill goodnight and patted her firmly on the ass. Jay did something similar with Eve. Eve led me to the guest room and closed the door. "I didn't think it would be this soon when I said something earlier," said Eve.

"Neither did I but here we are. Where do you want to start?" I asked.

"I already know the finish. I think we should start at the beginning."

Eve came to me and kissed me on the lips. Our tongues danced with each other as I ran my fingers down her spine to the dimple between her cheeks and back up to the nape of her neck. I could feel her body quiver as my fingers made the journey.

Eve's hand slipped between us and she gripped my erection. She pushed me back a step and kneeled in front of me. She gingerly held my cock in both hands. "Where has this fellow been this evening?" she asked.

"A couple of places," I answered.

"Besides me and Ginny?" she asked.

"Yes," I answered directly. "Do you want to take a shower first?"

"Not really. I love condiments. I'd love to take a shower later, however."

Eve leaned in and kissed the top of my erection. She followed up by running her tongue over my glans and then settling her lips just past the flange on my erection. I closed my eyes and slightly bent my legs for balance. Eve looked up at me. "You have your eyes closed. Don't you want to watch?"

"I can only satisfy one emotion at a time. I can either watch or feel. Right now I want to feel," I told her.

"How does this feel?" Eve asked as she slid her mouth down on my erection. I felt myself reach the back of her throat and then slip even further into her. She reversed and my erection exited her mouth.

"You have your eyes open," Eve said.

"I had to confirm what I felt," I said. "You're very talented and I'm feeling very lucky right now."

"You're welcome," Eve responded. "Close your eyes again," she added as she slipped her mouth around my cock again and it entered her throat. She swallowed several times, the rippling against my erection causing me to twitch in return.

"Oh my God," I exclaimed. "How does Jay stand this?"

"He doesn't. He doesn't know I can do it. I was planning to surprise him soon but I had to be sure I could still do it."

"Shit. Best experiment ever," I managed to say. I resisted asking her where she practiced.

"There's more," Eve said. "Just relax."

Eve expertly used her tongue and fingers. Every time she swallowed my cock I almost lost my shit. When she pushed a finger in my ass, I did. I came profusely in her mouth. She didn't gag on my cock but she almost did on my semen.

I watched as she slid her mouth off my cock. I watched as she smiled up at me and continued to stroke my glistening but softening erection. I watched as she opened her mouth to show me how full it was. I watched as she swallowed, twice. She watched me the entire time and smiled broadly after she swallowed the second time.

I helped her to her feet. I kissed her with an intensity I hadn't known I had. I held her ass in both hands as I kissed her neck. I whispered in her ear, "My turn."

"Goody. I hoped you'd say that," she responded.

Eve moved back and sat on the bed. I moved her further on the bed and turned her lengthwise. I kissed her neck, chest and then her breasts. Her nipples were hard and I ran my teeth gently over them and pulled on them with my lips. She quivered and her hips bucked as I kissed further down her body. I paused a moment at her navel and then moved further down. Eve's legs separated and she lifted them on her heels. I parted her pubic hair with my fingers and kissed through the part I made. I positioned myself between her legs and admired the beauty of her swollen labia and the pink perfectness of inner lips as I separated them with my fingers.

I gently moved the sheath of skin covering her clitoris and kissed the tiny knob I found there. I pushed her thighs higher until I could see her tight rectal sphincter. I ran my tongue around her rectum several times and used my tongue to tease its entrance. My tongue crossed her perineum slowly and slipped between her lips on the way to her clitoris. This time I sucked the tiny knob between my lips and did the same thing with my teeth I had done with her nipples.

Eve was in constant motion as I explored her body. I used my arms to hold her still while I tongued deeply into her vagina and then back to her clitoris. I slipped two fingers inside her and rubbed the spot at the root of her clitoris as I sucked on the outside. Her body shook and stiffened. Her toes curled and she bit her lips so hard I thought she would draw blood. When I pushed a finger into her rectum, her second orgasm rocked the whole bed and her cries filled the room. I hoped no one would come to check on her well-being.

I relented slightly as she recovered. My erection had also recovered. I moved my body up on hers, kissing the return path as I moved. I paused to kiss and nibble her breasts and my erection rested between her legs. Eve grabbed her legs behind her knees and pulled them up high alongside my body.

"Yes, yes," she said breathlessly. "Now. I want you inside me now," she whispered.

I slid inside her slowly until I felt the end of her vagina. I rested for a moment and then began a slow, gentle stroking inside her. She quickly found the rhythm and we fucked in perfect harmony. Neither of us was in a hurry. We increased the pace over the next ten minutes until we were rocking the bed and it began to hit the wall. Eve came, wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She kissed me with the same intensity as her orgasm.

As her second orgasm approached, I could feel the pressure building inside me. "Eve," I said softly. "I'm going to cum."

"Inside me," she said forcefully. "Inside me. If you pull out I'll kill you. We're going to do this together."

"Could you get pregnant?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah but I don't care. I want to feel your cum inside me."

Minutes later, we were thrashing on the bed together and exchanging important bodily fluids.

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