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Porn Site CEO

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Woman gets a job as a CEO of a porn site.
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"No! In fact let me rephrase that, hell fucking no!" Kathryn stated, figuratively and literally putting her foot down behind her modern desk.

"It's a good idea. You have a whirlwind of bad publicity heading your way and this would be a good way to head it off at the pass." A young and swish PR man argued, his smile barely fading at the onslaught of abuse heading his way.

"So that's it, nevermind the new revenue streams, the increased profitability and the prospect of a heavy return on investment when we sell next year, some paper gets ahold of me calling our employees whores, which they are by the way..."

"We're sticking with adult entertainers." The PR man interrupted.

"Oh there's plenty of sticking on a porn set." Kathryn yelled. "Despite everything the board wants to remove me because of some bad PR. They put me in charge of a porn website empire, how worried about my reputation can they be?"

Kathryn was on the cusp of a dream, she had worked consultancy gig after consultancy gig before landing her dream job as a wandering CEO with an investment group. Basic business plan would be that they would buy a company, make it worth more over a five year period and then sell it off to keep investment dividends high. Kathryn's first installment was as a CEO for a tech company that owned a clutch of different porn websites.

At first Kathryn was happy, a round of layoffs, a smooth business model and some cunning employment decisions had her on course for her first assignment being a roaring success, if she made this gig stick, a six figure salary (at least) would be a given for the rest of her life.

But one day a member of the press managed to catch Kathryn in an unguarded moment at a bar, summarising her job as a "white collar pimp, laying off whores and selling the memories of their cunts." It wasn't front page news but it was going to be a scandal and when the employees found out they would make life very difficult for her, which is why the board sent her a PR guru to head it off at the pass.

"I just think this proposal is your best option." The PR guru restated.

"Undercover boss? That's your plan. In case you haven't noticed this isn't some ditzy restaurant chain where I can show up, wear a hairnet for a couple of days, cry on cue, then tell the camera how much I learned before leaving to shower off the smell of poverty. We are running a porn empire, undercover boss means me tying my hair in pigtails and pretending to be 20 years younger while someone shoves a cock up my ass!" The PR guru had to admit she had a certain way with words.

"You wouldn't need to be in front of a camera, we were thinking, lighting, filming, maybe some hair and makeup..."

"Suppose I could be a fluffer while I'm at it?" Kathryn spat, collapsing into her chair, there was an awkward silence broken by the phone ringing.

"Hello?" Kathryn answered.

"Hello Kathryn, how's my favourite money-spinner?" Came the friendly and undoubtedly posh voice of the board representative.

"Not great, this PR guru you sent wants to pimp me out." Kathryn answered.

"I'm sure there's more to it than that, you need to be on board with Wesley, he knows what he is doing and the board trusts his judgement. Put me on speakerphone." The posh voice ordered. "Wesley you honey-dripper what's this I hear about you wanting Kathryn on a street corner?"

"Nothing so vulgar, I managed to get legal on delaying the publication but they won't have long, so I reached out to some friends who run an undercover boss program and they think we could do some good work making Kathryn relatable. She wouldn't be staring in the movies just helping on set." Wesley explained.

"Hmm, sounds pretty reasonable to me, what's wrong with that Kathryn?"

"It's just not very..." Kathryn began, trying to find a politeness she had not expressed since before she was married.

"OK, I know what you mean, and you are free to make your own decisions, but the board sent Wesley, he has high stock whereas you are fighting termination. It would not look very good for you to be fighting his recommendations." Wesley gave a supportive smile while Kathryn tried to think of a way to kill him and get away with it.


"So that's the situation, tomorrow I will be on a film set, helping get the lighting right on a hairy man's ass bobbing in front of a camera." Kathryn explained, climbing into bed.

"Sounds horrible." Her husband Gerald agreed, barely looking up from his book on world war two history.

"It was, one word from the boss and I had to spend the next hour getting niceness pointers from someone who looks like they breastfed right through university." Kathryn used her fingers to make pretend glasses on her face, even though Wesley didn't wear glasses, and put on a mousy voice nowhere near Wesley's "remember to be humble, if you're rude to poor people it won't resonate. You are undercover so act like you need the job, if you get fired it would be disastrous so just let everyone walk all over you"

"I'm sure they won't take the piss, you are a formidable woman." Gerald distractedly opined.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Kathryn snapped.

"Literally and metaphorically nobody fucks you." He clarified.

"Are you going to be mopey again because my imminent professional Kamikaze has been keeping my mind off getting your dick wet."

"It's just we haven't had sex since your 40th birthday, and that was two months ago." He pleaded, running his hand down her body, "how am I supposed to feel, you making adequate use of the home gym to keep your body toned, hair and makeup perfect every day, powerful and sexy all at once, tits that any woman would..."

"This isn't helping your chances Gerald, just go downstairs and have a wank, I have a very stressful day ahead of me tomorrow." Kathryn stated, lowering her sleep mask onto her eyes.


When Kathryn pictured a porn set she thought it would be some house with a spacious enough sofa and plenty of washing facilities, instead her first job was at a male strip club during the day when it wasn't in use. Cameras followed her reactions as she put up blackout blinds and listened to staff stories while being given a crash course in the finer points of being a backup boom microphone operator.

The premise of the piece was simple, a bachelorette party goes to a strip club, a couple of men strip and the future bride gets carried away and fucks one of them in front of her friends in the middle of the club. Classic stark realism from the porn industry. The director of this pornographic Citizen Kane was a large greasy man called Mike, who was considered the rudest person in the company right up until Kathryn was put in charge.

"Strippers stand by! Where are the rest of my bachelorettes?" He ordered through a megaphone he clearly didn't need.

"I'm afraid that's all of them." A production assistant noted.

"Fucking budget cuts. Right, you, you, you and you, welcome to showbiz, you'll all get fifty bucks, just stand there and act happy for your friend's pussy." Mike had pointed at four women he thought were non-essential and wearing the right sort of clothes. One of those was Kathryn. She was about to object when one of the other women picked out beat her to the punch.

"I'm here for hair and makeup, I'm not going to be in a porn movie." She objected.

"Well in the spirit of our recent cost-cutting initiative, you're fired, leave my set and don't expect a paycheck." Mike stated showing her the door. Kathryn was about to leave with her when she thought how that would look to the board, directly disobeying Wesley's advice, and decided to stay.

"Hey, you. Ms. Tall, dark and scowling. Come here." Kathryn swallowed her pride and plastered on a smile as she approached the director. "Alright, you're the oldest here by at least ten years, how would you like to be the bride's mom? Don't answer because it wasn't a question, go over there and look disgusted by all the cocks your darling daughter is about to take." Kathryn, still in shock over how she was being talked to just nodded and went to sit in the group.

The music flared up and the group cheered and began downing shots of water for the opening scene. The bride was a professional, gushing about how perfect her future husband is and how much fun she was going to have in her last night of freedom with her friends. She even rolled with treating Kathryn as her mother which made Kathryn feel more at ease not playing one of the silly girls who were her friends. The silly girls also played their part, telling 'Stacey' how lucky she was and alluding to a surprise she was going to receive from the male strip club, Kathryn didn't need three guesses.

Then the lighting changed and three buff men began their routine taking off their clothes to reveal their muscular bodies and large bulges sticking out of their posing pouches. The girls cheered and before long they were all dancing with the men. Kathryn's sudden recast as the bride's mother helped her continue to be more distant and not debase herself like the other girls.

There was a cut while the lighting and staging was rearranged for the next section of the movie.

"Right, so Stacey, you're going to be here on the sofa, so overwhelmed that you peel away the posing pouch to see stripper number one's erect penis. Mommy, you stand in the background, classic porn bystander behaviour; react, get angry, disgusted, embarrassed but don't actually do anything to stop your daughter playfully sucking this guy's cock. Then the other two strippers come along and strip down Stacey, and then just do whatever feels natural. Stacey's friends, stay dancing with the other two strippers until they come over then also go into porn bystander mode, only be more supportive than mommy here." Mike laid out the whole plan then then retreated to behind the camera.

At the call of action, Kathryn bolted to the floor to watch the stripper finish his routine with Stacey and then the beginnings of Stacey getting carried away. The actress playfully moved aside the posing pouch and Kathryn saw the largest cock she'd ever seen spring out of its confines.

Despite being in charge for over a year Kathryn had never sampled the selection of products her company offered. At best she felt eroticism was a distraction but at worse it was uncouth, not done in the polite society she was desperate to become a part of. The camera crew all agreed she must have been a great actor to have a face that so perfectly conveyed shock and disgust, but with a hint of lust.

She covered her mouth in shock as the actress began taking that huge cock into her mouth, her neck bulging as he violated her throat with his animalistic lust.

"'Scuse me mom." One of the strippers announced, firmly guiding Kathryn to one side by the shoulders and letting his hands subtly trace down her arms before getting to work stripping Stacey. This stripper, as well as being a measure above the requisite beefyness for a stripper, had flawless black skin that had been perfectly oiled. Everything from who he was to how he treated Kathryn was like nothing Kathryn had experienced before. A little tinge of envy sprung up inside of her as he began to peel away Stacey's clothes.

"Hey mom, how's it feel seeing your little girl choking on a cock?" One of the strippers asked Kathryn, who opted to stay in a state of quiet shock as the actress began to moan.

"Sorry mom, I can't resist their cocks, they're so good. Don't tell my husband." Stacey pleaded before going back to sucking dick, using her hands to part her cheeks and get her wet pussy ready for the huge penis the second stripper had just freed from it's pouch. The third stripper was a bit shorter than the other two and a bit of a loose end, he mainly hung around groping, playing with himself and generally acting attracted to Stacey as she was taken by both sides. He looked out among the cheering crowd and saw Kathryn still incapacitated with shock and decided to have a little fun.

"So mom, feeling envious?" He asked, putting his arm around Kathryn. She looked down and saw his hard cock looking back up at her, the smallest of the three she had seen today but still whole inches larger than what Gerald was packing. "Or are you the kind of family that shares?" He took Kathryn's hand and guided it on to his penis, where it rested for a second before Kathryn came back to herself and quickly pushed him away, taking a seat behind her to be more inconspicuous.

"Don't be like that with my mom, I need your cock up here too." Stacey yelled, saving the day by shuffling her body so she was bouncing on a big black cock while sucking and jerking two strippers over her face.

The director called for a switch in position and the black stripper used the opportunity to continue the trend of teasing mom.

"Hey mom, could you do me a favour and tell me if my dick smells of your daughter?" He asked, walking right up to the chair and straddling himself across Kathryn's lap, jerking his cock less than an inch from her face. Kathryn did not resist as much as she would have thought, meekly pushing at his thighs. "Can't mommy give this big boy a little kiss before he goes to bed?" He joked. And then to everyone's surprise, especially Kathryn's, she leaned forward and gave his helmet the subtlest of kisses, before more forcefully pushing him away.

Eventually in an act of professional coordination all three strippers came at the same time, one giving Stacey a creampie while the others covered her face in their cum. Kathryn was burning inside and was happy to hear the director call cut so she could get out of this situation.

"Alright!" Said her cameraman for undercover boss, "great footage, now all we need is for you to give a quick interview to the director and we'll be off." There were so many things Kathryn would rather be doing but swallowed her pride, walked up to Mike and gently cleared her throat.

"Listen lady, if you want to be paid more than the extras because you gave the cock a small peck you should have read the contract I forged your signature on." Mike dismissed.

"Oh it's not that, I'm doing a documentary of the behind the scenes on porn sets and I just wanted to have a quick chat." Mike saw the camera behind her and decided it would be fun.

"What the heck, so this gig is the best gig in the world for me, I am damn good at my job and my job is watching girl after girl get plowed right in front of me." Mike began with Wildian charm.

"So what part of the job is most difficult?" Kathryn asked hoping to get something small that she could improve and then point to at the end of her experience.

"For me, nothing. Most directors, their most common problem is they don't know what to do with the talent. They just think get a pretty girl and make sure the camera is at a good angle when they have sex. You'd be lucky to crack a thousand views per dollar with that philosophy. Me, I can see what's in front of me and immediately tell you what situations they should be in to get the most clicks." He gushed.

"So if you..."

"Honey I'm not finished with my thoughts, this is keen industry insight you're getting here." He interrupted in a way that made Kathryn make a mental note to fire him once this is all over. "So yeah, take you for example. You turn up on a set as an actress for some amateur director he'll think 'older lady, pretty hot, let's get her acting the step-mom and hope she gets accidentally retweeted by a senator.' Whereas if you turned up on my casting couch, I'd leverage the fact you are a bit posh, and yeah you're hot but you're not stunning so if you're coming to me it means you need the work and are willing to do more. Title would be 'rich bitch Karen fucked and humiliated' I'd have you stiff some waiter on a tip and wanna complain to the manager, then when you get to the kitchen all the staff take turns on you before forcing you waitress naked. That would get you tens of thousands of clicks per dollar."

"I'm not sure how to respond to that." Kathryn honestly replied.


Kathryn's mind swirled with her experiences as she sat in her car in the driveway.

"I kissed that stripper's cock." She moaned to herself. "I didn't have to but I did, why? And why can I not stop thinking about being put in that silly scenario that odious Mike said he would do to me? It's just the stress, it has to be, I've had a stressful few weeks and I'm focussing on getting through this ordeal and getting back on top." Kathryn got out of the car and walked back into her house, trying to calm herself down.

"So how's my little pornstar?" Gerald jokingly asked as she walked through the door.

"Go fuck yourself Gerald." Kathryn stated storming straight to bed.


For the next couple of days Kathryn's greatest indignity was the amount of manual labour she had to do. Her arms ached from holding up a boom for large amounts of time and she swore once this was all over she would go bankrupt paying manual labourers before she ever unloaded another truck.

For the film crew following Kathryn around it was all going according to formula, but with the added titillation of it being the porn industry they were sure this would get some great press and attract a nice wide audience. At one point they even captured a candid chat between Kathryn and a porn star still naked after shooting a scene. Sure they were going to give the censor a migraine but they were really relishing the awkwardness of the fish out of water boss in front of one of her naked employees.

"How much longer do I have to do this for?" Kathryn whined over the phone to the director.

"We got about a week more shooting, a couple weeks for editing and then a few follow-up shots." He replied. Kathryn groaned, not only was she stuck doing this another week, it wouldn't even be the end of it once she was done.

"I will give you a thousand dollars for every day you shave off filming time." Kathryn pleaded.

"Sorry Kathryn, you're the one who needs her image fixing, to do that we have to do this properly." The director replied, leaving Kathryn to hang up with a few less than polite words. Dejected she trundled back into the house where they were filing the next movie, shuddering to see Mike in the directors chair.

"Alright listen up, today we're doing porn product placement, I'm not sure which asshole on the corporate ladder thought this was a good idea but I hate them." Kathryn swallowed a stone in her throat, it was her idea. "So we got this new edgy card game, girls are going to play it, stripping off an item of clothing for every lost round, then when Kandi here loses she has to sit on the sybian being whipped and taunted by her friends until she cums. So places people time is money." The actresses took their places and Kathryn got ready for another arm-numbing session of boom operating (which would probably be just as pointless as every other time as the sound department had been throwing out her sub-standard recordings in favour of the camera mic.),

"Why do I only have three girls? It's a four player game. You, PA. Find which bitch didn't turn up and make sure she never works in the industry again." Mike cradled his head in his hands before looking up and locking eyes with Kathryn. "Hey I remember you, you wanna reprise your role as mom of pornstar again? And before you answer I'll just remind you that your answer is either yes or a letter of resignation."

Kathryn froze, she couldn't possibly get back in front of the camera. She remembered last time, and although she had confidently convinced herself her strange mood last time was just stress, she still didn't want to test the theory. She looked to Mike, then to the camera crew following her around and let out a deep sigh as she dropped the boom mic.

"Alright, quick rewrite, the three of you are hanging out, mom comes in with drinks for her daughter Kandi and her uni friends. Then you talk about the awesome game you just bought and agree to play for 'the usual stakes'. Boom, you notice it's four players, you two decide to call in Kandi's mom to play. Only after the first round does she find out she's playing a strip game." Mike explained.

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