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Power... Girl?

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The Woman of Tomorrow won't take no for an answer.
4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/21/2022
Created 07/15/2013
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This is completely inspired by an excellent picture from the incredibly talented InCase, who is almost single-handedly responsible for getting me into this particular kink.

"Well" I thought idly as I felt the smoke finally start to reach my lungs, "That's that then" I'd been lying on the floor of my apartment for about 10 minutes now, the heat slowly increasing. In hindsight sleeping till 2 in the afternoon probably isn't that good an idea, but I never thought it would actually kill me. The fire alarm in the corridor had long since given up and I could tell that the inferno was still intense over there- the door handle was roasting hot. Unfortunately the window didn't offer a better choice- it was double glazed and wouldn't open more than a foot, and even if I did manage to smash through I probably didn't stand a great chance on surviving a ten story fall.

That thought actually revitalized me to action. Fuck it, I'd rather spend my life being fed through a tube than die now- at least I could still watch TV right? I looked around for something sufficiently heavy to start trying to bust out, and settled on my speakers. Struggling to my feet I cracked open the window to let some air in and maybe give me enough breath to attempt survival. But the sound that greeted my ears as I did so was enough to make me collapse again. Those sadistic bastards out there were cheering. Cheering! Defeated I slumped down and waited for the smoke to take me. Maybe this wasn't so bad- at least I wouldn't burn to death.

No sooner had I thought that than the door to my crappy apartment was burst off its hinges and a fireball came racing across the room towards me. I flinched and tried to shield my face with my hands, but no flaming death came. I opened my eyes, and standing in the doorway having inhaled my certain doom was Power Girl! She casually spat a much reduced fireball into the corridor and strode into the room, smiling and extending a hand.

"Sorry sir, you're the last one in the building. I don't know how much lead there is in this room, but I couldn't see or hear you till you opened that window. Wanna get out of here?" I nodded dumbly and took her hand, and she lifted me effortlessly, supporting me with one arm. With the other she casually slid a hand into my wall, pulling a huge chunk of it into the room and making an improvised doorway. Without any ceremony she stepped out onto the air, and flew us across the block and deposited me on a roof facing the blaze. "The firefighters should be able to handle everything from here, and there's no risk of anyone dying now. How're you doing?"

"I'm..." I started, trying to gather my thoughts. Without meaning to I felt tears rising up, not from the smoke but real tears. "I'm awful! Every shitty thing I own is in that shitty apartment, and I know I should be grateful and happy to be here but that crap was my life!" I covered my eyes, embarrassed at my outburst and lack of gratitude.

"Hey, don't cry" Power Girl said, sitting beside me. "You don't need any of that stuff, and I'm sure you'll get somewhere to stay while you get back on your feet." I sniffed and looked over at her. In person she was much more stunning than in news clips, and the soot and sweat on her made her look even better. There were scorch marks all over her normally perfectly white costume, and she smiled at me as I wiped my eyes. Without meaning to, without any conscious thought at all except about how intense it felt to be sitting next to her, our heads close together, I leaned across to kiss her. To my shock she didn't resist, and I pulled back almost immediately, ashamed of my pathetic outburst and now being a creep to the woman I owed my life to.

"I am so sorry" I said, rising. "I'm truly grateful for you saving my life, and I'll never forget it, but I'm sorry for that". I turned to head towards the door to the stairwell, and she was standing there, smiling.

"Don't be" She said breathily and stepped towards me, kissing me deeply again. Her tongue gently parted my lips and then teeth, flicking into my mouth for a brief second before she broke the kiss again. "I think I can find somewhere we can get you washed up and stay for the night" Her smile had lost the beatific quality it had earlier, and there was a hunger to her voice. I was honestly in such shock that all that did was make me even more turned on, and I reached to her to kiss her. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around her, kissing her deeply and I felt a rush of wind on my face. When I opened my eyes we were still in the same pose, but now instead of it being the middle of the afternoon it was closer to sunset. I panicked and broke the kiss, and looked around. We were floating a few feet in the air above a balcony, open glass doors leading to a gorgeous studio apartment. "I prefer this coast" was all she said in explanation of what I'm sure was a look of panic from me.

She dropped me on the balcony without any ceremony, her eyes glowing red with lust. I've got to admit that my dick was harder than it had ever been and straining against my jeans. Even as I turned she stepped in close to my and kissed me deeply, sucking all the breath out of my body. Sure, she had basically no breasts, but apart from that her body was truly perfect. I'd never been with anyone close to as hot as her in my entire life, and not only did she clearly want me but she was barely able to control herself. Still taking the lead she put one hand over my crotch and squeezed- I'm sure she was being gentle but she was in complete control. Without lifting me again or even pushing me she manoeuvred us through the glass door and into her house, not so much directing me as moving while holding me and giving me no real option. Once inside she withdrew slightly, giving me a chance to breathe again, and grinned at me. Her eyes were still flashing red, and there was a slight increase in the glow from them and her head blurred for an instant. Almost immediately, my clothes fell off my body, having been cut by her vision perfectly.

"Getting undressed takes too long when you're awareness is as increased as mine" she said hurriedly and stepped in to kiss me again, and there was a blur and I found myself in a pleasant, sizeable bathroom with her turning taps. Immediately a huge amount of water started spraying from the entire ceiling, and she disappeared again into a blur around me. I felt every inch of my body being scrubbed vigorously, the sensation making my already straining cock even harder. Almost as soon as she started she stopped, and ended the water flow. A tower appeared from nowhere, and just as energetically as earlier I was scrubbed to cleanliness. I felt strange- every inch of my had been cleaned thoroughly- looking down my nails and body hair had been trimmed, my teeth brushed, even my ass felt slightly tender at the cleaning. Now at normal pace we kissed again, and she led me through the door and back into the main living room.

The brief cleaning hadn't done anything to restrain her lust, and she quickly got things started, grasping my cock with both hands and squeezing gently. I realised now that she was flying a few inches off the floor rather than standing on tip toes, so we were at nearly the same height. She I was barely able to keep myself upright as she firmly worked my shaft, and I moaned with lust into her mouth as she kissed me again. Forgetting who I was with, I reached both arms around her and tried to lift her to carry her over to the sofa. She giggled and let me, putting her arms around my neck and managing to not make it look condescending. Once we got to the sofa however she slipped easily out of my grasp and pushed me down, so I was sitting with her standing over me. The hole in her costume had slid down slightly, and her nipples were just visible peeking out of the bottom.

"Now, there's something that nearly no one knows about me that could be kind of a dealbreaker here, but I'm sure a confident, secure guy like you won't have any issue" she said as she started undressing, slipping her outfit off her shoulders and revealing her tiny breasts. Even for someone that could have done it with superspeed she was taking her time, teasing me as she rolled the costume down her body. Once it reached her waste she bent over and kissed me, then removed the last of her suit. I reached a hand out to cup her perfectly shaped ass and pull her down, but she didn't yield. Confused, I opened my eyes and got the second biggest surprise of my life. Sitting between Powergirl's legs, where perhaps the most sought after piece of pussy in the whole world should have been, was a dick! It was tiny and soft, with no hair and a pair of marble sized balls, but it was definitely there. Looking up she hadn't lost any of her confidence or lust. "I hope this won't be an issue for you then?" she said, already leaning in to kiss me again. I moved my lips up to meet hers instinctively, and she broke the kiss after 30 seconds.

I bit back a hundred rejections, excuses or polite refusals and thought about this logically. She hadn't gotten any less hot or horny in the last minute, she was physically the most perfect specimen of womanhood in the world aside from this, and I really wasn't thinking with my head at this point anyway. "Only problem is that I thought you liked me, this doesn't exactly seem as excited as you were claiming to be" As soon as I said it she squealed with delight and pushed me back down onto the sofa, lying atop me. Our penises touched, and mine jumped at the contact; the heat being given off by her little clit was intense and it was almost like an electric shock. It was the first cock other than my own I'd ever touched, and I redoubled the intensity of the kiss in response. She seemed to be just as aroused by it as I was, and I felt a stirring in her penis as we explored each other's bodies with our hands and mouths. With my left hand I cupped one perfect cheek and, made bold by the fact that I was clearly just as desired here as desiring, slipped my middle finger down her cleft and gently rubbed around her rosebud. She moaned and ground into me causing me to gasp as our dicks were pushed into each other. Now I had clear approval I decided to go for it, and started to push my finger inside her. Her hole yielded to the pressure and she gasped, then nibbled my ear lobe as I continued my exploration.

"Getting a bit ahead of ourselves aren't we?" she whispered into my ear, and I could hear a smile in her voice. She pulled away from me, sitting up on my thighs, and that's when I saw the effect our making out had had on her. Her previously tiny and cute cock had grown, such that it was unrecognizable. I didn't have a tape measure to hand, but like most guys I've measured myself before- more than once to tell the truth, as one of life's eternal optimists. I'm just over 5 and a half inches long, and maybe 5 around. While soft she had been less than 2 inches long and maybe 3 or 4 around? Now there wasn't a cute little dicklet, or clit staring at me. No, there was a monster cock, long and threatening bobbing proudly in the air before her. "I mean, it certainly doesn't look like you're the man in the relationship from where I'm sitting"

"Wait, I'm not really sure if" I started to no avail, as she had already pinned both my arms above my head with one of hers, while she casually parted my legs with her own. There was of course no noticeable effort from this, but it was still terrifying to realise how vulnerable I was before her.

"Can't be very good for your sense of masculinity" she said as she spat onto her cock, which was already slick with pre-cum. "I mean you've been overpowered by a tiny girl, and to add insult to injury her cock dwarfs yours" she rubbed herself against my worryingly still hard dick to emphasize her point. Hers had looked thin earlier but I realised now that was an illusion from its length- it was about half as long again as mine and noticeably thicker "If it makes you feel better my spit is superspit and perfect lube, this won't hurt a bit."

"Really?" I asked, incredulously. Everyone's seen superheroes flying around these days, but that's one power I struggled to believe in.

"No" She replied, grinning. "Try to relax" With that she took one hand and rubbed her head down the length of my shaft, before lining up against my hole. It felt slick and hot, and she pushed forward. Unsurprisingly, my flesh parted easily before her, and I gasped in agony at the intrusion. It felt hot and itchy, and there was clearly no room for it. Still she persisted, steadily feeding my defenceless ass her cock. I cried out in pain and she leaned in and kissed me, silencing me. In a panic and not realising how futile it was I struggled against the twin invasions of my ass and mouth, and I felt a tightening in my chest as she sucked the air out of my body. Then there was only blackness.

I regained consciousness rapidly, but without a full sense of what was happening to me. I was lying down with a weight on me and a significant pain coming up from my ass. Whatever was on top of me was slowly rubbing the length of my dick, and combined with what felt like a massage directly onto my prostate I was pretty close to cumming. Without realising it my breathing had gone from deep gasping breaths to rapid, shallow pants, until I opened my eyes. Gazing down at me was a manic face, two burning eyes staring at me in lust, with sweat dripping down her forehead as she groaned. She grinned at me and kissed me once on the cheek without slowing her pace.

"Welcome back sleeping beauty" she said. "Looks like you're the perfect girl- prudish and proper in public but a whore once I've got you alone. Pity it took you passing out to rea- ahhh!" She cried out in pleasure as I tried to take control of the situation, wrapping my legs around her and pulling her in deeply. Truth be told it wasn't an entirely selfless action, and I had to suppress my own vocalization at the sensation of her full length rubbing against my prostate. I'd already realised that my fastest way out of this was to get her off as fast as possible, and pray that she'd be less of a rapist while post coital. "Now that just isn't fair at all, I think you're forgetting who holds the cards here." With that she pulled out entirely, a less pleasant sensation than going in. I looked up at her meekly as she eyed me, and a grin formed on her face again. It's funny, every image of her she has this serene, stern look like a statue of a Greek goddess- that kind of Athena vibe. But since she's gotten me alone all I've seen is looks that are better suited to a villain- like that Harley Quinn in Gotham, or her weird little sidekick the Joker.

"Time to re-establish the status quo I think" she said, and lifted my hips just off the sofa, before spinning me round, my hips still elevated but my head pushed into the sofa. As I raised my head I felt her rubbing her cock down my crack and against my hole again, making her attentions abundantly clear. There was a rush of air and suddenly we were surrounded by half a dozen mirrors of various sizes, apparently acquired from various rooms in the apartment and propped at various angles for a panoramic view. From here her girldick looked even bigger than earlier, and it was getting harder and harder to fully view the person preparing to cornhole me as female. "Thought you'd want to know exactly how this would look to a theoretical outside observer if I, say, made you do this in the middle of the street with a hundred people watching it and filming it on their phones" she said matter-of-factly. "There's absolutely nothing they'd be able to do but watch- does that make your little dick harder? It's only out of a sense of affection and chivalry that I'm not making your deflowering a public spectacle darling." Again she pulled back, lined up and surged forward, and again I yelped. This time was easier and less painful, and it took all the presence of mind I had left to deepen my cry into something purely caused by pain, rather than the sound of someone that is starting to enjoy the feeling of flesh rubbing a certain spot inside them.

This time she bottomed out immediately, then started grinding slowly rather than giving deep thrusts. At first I expected this to pretty much nullify the pleasant sensation earlier, but if anything it intensified it- slowly at first, but I could feel that the peak of this was going to be much more intense than earlier. Then, to add insult to injury, she reached underneath with one hand around the base of my own cock and gripped it, firmly. Unconsciously I bucked, trying to fuck her hand to get off, but her reflexes and grip meant that all that happened was the pressure was maintained and I was left with a rapidly approaching, extremely emasculating orgasm that owed more to what was behind me than in front. Somehow she sensed (x-ray vision? Super hearing?) my imminent climax and applied just slightly more pressure with her hand, cutting off the crest but not the sensation. I gritted my teeth and struggled, but finally gave in, and moaned, loudly at the sensation. "Does my bitch want to cum?" she asked, apparently oblivious to my display.

"Please, just let me cum!". I made no attempt to conceal my desperation

"What will you do if I let you have this bitch?" she replied, unmoved.


"You'll do anything? Believe me, I may have only been around for 18 years but in that time I've gone through thousands of lifetimes of awareness, and I've developed some pretty strange tastes. You want to be subjected to that for one measly orgasm?" To emphasise her point she put her other hand on my shoulder and pulled me up, snaking her hand down so it was barely tickling the head of my cock. Her voice had lost its flatness, and there was an eager quality to it.

"Please, anything. I'll be your bitch, just let me have this"

Her hand reached up to my chest and pulled me in tight, and her fingers idly played with my nipple. "You're going to be a more depraved whore than this planet has seen. My people had millennia to perfect their desires and the only thing left of that species to act on them is me- you just volunteered to sate every one of them. Worst of all, everyone everywhere is going to congratulate you on this. You're going to be the luckiest guy in the world as far as anyone knows- guys will line up to shake your hand and stare in envy while my cum is churning in your guts. All because you couldn't say no to getting your rocks off here" With that she did three very, very unfair things. She reached down with her free hand and slid an additional slender finger into me, she kissed deeply into my neck hard enough for me to already feel the bruise, and she released just enough pressure on my cock to let me finish. Then, as a final act of sadism, stroked firmly with both her hands- 1 in my ass, one on my cock. Of course she wasn't content to do this normally, and take it from me- superspeed is a hell of a power but open to some serious abuse.

I think my scream was audible by people without super hearing on the other side of the planet as I came explosively over the sofa. My orgasm lasted for a good 5 seconds, but it felt like an eternity of sensation, the feeling on my cock so good it was almost painful. She didn't seem to be having a bad time either, and I felt her shaft swell slightly inside me, and she held it there for about a minute before pulling out and letting her leak onto the sofa. I collapsed in our shared cum, unable to move or think, and shivered. I turned around to see her staring at me, and though she was smiling it looked more like genuine affection than the crazed lust of earlier. There also seemed to be just theslightest hint of something almost unrecognizable in her eyes- either guilt, or maybe even nervousness. Looking down her body her dick had shrunk rapidly to its previous apparently harmless state, and there was a sheen of sweat over her body. Both our bodies in fact.


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