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Preludes Ch. 02: Full-Service

Story Info
Two boys pick up Rachel at a gas station for some fun.
10.3k words

Part 3 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/23/2016
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

At the very least I suggest reading the PROM series first if you haven't already. It is the main story from which the others are branched so things could be a little confusing (and surprises ruined) if it is skipped over.

For those of you who read Prom, welcome back! This series deals with the two months of Rachel's life that led up to where Prom began. It will hopefully provide you with some background for why certain events occurred and why Rachel may have acted in ways that she did. Overall it takes on a bit of a darker and less whimsical tone, but if you read the whole Prom series, you already understand why.

As always, I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS - Chapter 1: Expectations


"I still can't believe your parents bought this for you, bro. What a spoiled fuck you are."

Austin rolled his eyes at his friend's chiding remarks as he put on his right blinker and eased into the gas station. He pulled the SUV up to a vacant pump and put it in park before turning to fire back.

"Don't hate, bitch." He grinned at Craig's annoyed expression and continued, sarcasm dripping from his tone. "Plus, it sucks on gas. I'm filling up constantly."

Craig scoffed as he reached for his door handle, running his hand along the glossy wood-grain panel for emphasis. "Oh yeah. Gas. Some serious problems you got in your life."

Austin rolled his eyes and hopped out. He ran his card through the machine and began pumping gas. Craig stepped out as well and leaned up against the door as the boys waited. Austin indicated to the price screen and grinned again sarcastically as the numbers raced by.

"See what I mean? Premium, kid. It's a killer."

Craig spat on the ground and laughed. "Fuck you and your premium. You can suck my premium coc-."

His words cut off shot as his eyes picked up on some movement in the distance. He hit Austin idly on his arm and indicated towards the gas station convenience store. A girl was coming out, holding a tall can of Arizona Iced Tea. She had on dark blue jeans and a green long-sleeved t-shirt. It was a non-descript outfit, but she was no non-descript girl. Even from across the parking lot, Craig had recognized her instantly.


Austin followed his friend's gaze and registered Rachel's presence immediately as well. The boys exchanged quick looks as their eyes widened. They were both thinking about the same thing. Craig said it first.

"Dude. Do you really think she blew Shane like he said? I mean, Shane? That motherfucker? Like, all he had to do was take her to dinner and she sucked his dick?"

Austin smirked and smiled dryly. "Bro? Are you serious? C'mon, Rachel's a huge slut. She's been here less than a year and I bet she's blown, like, ten guys in our class." He looked at his friend like he was from a different planet.

"And that crazy shit people have been saying about her and Brad lately? Where have you been?"

Craig laughed back and shook his head. "Well, yeah, I've heard that shit. But, still. Shane? Dude's an oaf. And, like, the way he said it, she texted him and asked him to leave Dan's party so she could do him. No way that's true. It can't be that easy!"

Austin didn't respond. He watched as Rachel continued to walk in their direction, seemingly right towards them. He glanced around and realized that she was heading to her own car at an adjacent pump where she'd been filling up as well. His eyes went back to her and he swallowed as her increasing closeness began to offer a better view of her body.

Her choice in clothes wasn't overly flattering, but Austin felt himself stir as he detected a slight bounce in her shirt. Rachel had been dressing pretty conservatively at school lately, much to the chagrin of her male classmates. Austin tried to picture the last time he'd seen her wear something low cut. He shivered pleasurably at the mental image. He could look at those tits all day long.

His reverie was snapped sharply as the automatic stop on the gas pump clicked in his hand. He inhaled with a start, coming back to his senses, and returned the pump to its holder. Both boys hopped back into the car, and Austin was about to start it up when Craig's words repeated in his brain.

"It can't be that easy!"

He stiffened and shot his friend and devious grin. Narrowing his eyes, he indicated out his window just as Rachel was about to pass by.

"Dude, you're right. If Shane can get it..."

Before Craig could respond, Austin lowered the window and shouted out with a warm smile.

"Rachel! What's up, girl?"

Rachel whirled around with a start at the call of her name. She immediately recognized the two boys looking at her from inside a gorgeous black Mercedes SUV. Austin and Craig went to school with her. They'd had one or two classes together and she'd also seen them out at parties several times.

She'd never hooked up with either of them but Austin had had a girlfriend for most of the year. In fact, she'd heard they'd just broken up recently. She was also pretty sure they both played football. Well, she knew Austin did anyway. He was their quarterback. Everyone knew him. She approached the driver side window and smiled warmly.

"Hey guys! Gassing up? Big plans tonight?"

It was a Saturday and approaching evening time. She figured they were headed to a party or something.

Austin shrugged. "Eh, not really. There's a few things going on. Might roll by something. What about you? Haven't seen you out much."

Rachel swallowed at the comment. He was right. She hadn't been out at all. It had been exactly three weeks since the night she'd hooked up with Brad and started the nightmare that had been her life ever since. The only times she'd ventured out of her house after school had led to even worse experiences and feelings. Not wanting to let her thoughts go there, she smiled as best she could and replied.

"Yeah. Just been busy lately."

Austin pouted and shook his head. "Well, you've been missed. What are you up to tonight?"

Rachel took a sip from her can and shrugged. "Not much. Just going to hang out with a friend I haven't seen in a little while. Low key."

Craig leaned in and spoke playfully. "Borrrr-ring!"

Rachel giggled and responded defensively. "I know, I know! I'm a loser. Like I said, I haven't done anything the past few weeks."

Austin swallowed and decided to test the waters. "Well, we heard Shane took you out on a nice date last week."

Rachel's body locked up as her grin faded. That was what she hadn't wanted to think about. Shane. What a fucked up night that had been. He'd shyly asked her to dinner the previous Friday and taken her to a nice sushi place across town. It had seemingly been exactly what Rachel had needed while she was drowning in the depths of her depression over Rebecca and what she'd done.

But the evening had taken a sharp turn when immediately after dinner, Shane had driven her to a popular hookup spot and asked her for a blowjob. She'd freaked out at the suggestion and unloaded harshly onto him. She'd just had so much pent up emotion and the idea that the "date" she'd just enjoyed had been yet another ploy from yet another guy to get some head had flipped a switch inside her. Shane had not taken it well and he'd angrily returned her to her house without so much as a word.

And then, things had gotten worse.

For some unexplainable reason, Rachel had felt guilty about ripping into Shane and she'd also felt like maybe she'd owed him for taking her to dinner. So she'd texted him and asked him to come back to the same spot and meet her. She'd gotten back in his truck, and much to his delight, given him exactly what he'd wanted. Worse, she'd found herself apologizing for her earlier behavior. It had been a confusing, deflating experience but the night hadn't ended there.

As she was leaving to go back home, Matt had texted her to see if she'd come over. Desperate for some human interaction after her mechanical hookup with Shane, she'd agreed. She'd gone to his house and they'd gotten high and watched part of a movie before Matt had gently guided her to his lap. She'd known it was coming and that it was why she was there, so she hadn't fought it at all. She sucked his dick for the second time since their awful threesome with Brad and left before the movie had even ended.

And now that she was standing at the gas station having heard Austin intimate that he and Craig knew all about her night with Shane, Rachel felt her stomach twist. She looked back at them both for a few seconds while doing her best to compose herself. She smiled and took another sip from her drink as she played innocent.

"Yeah, we went to Masioto. I love that place."

The boys exchanged a quick glance as Austin cleared his throat and grinned. "Yeah, I heard that was only part of your date though."

Rachel set her jaw and rolled her eyes. "Oh? Well, I don't know what you heard but-. Whatever. Anyway, like I said I'm going to see a friend so-."

Austin jumped in quickly to keep her on the line. "Wait, wait. C'mon. That sounds lame. Why don't you come hang out for a little while?"

Rachel felt herself tingle and she raised an inquisitive eyebrow. She smirked. " 'Hang out for a little while'? What does that mean? I told you I'm not going to any parties-."

Craig leaned forward again and jumped in. "No, no. You're right. That shit is weak. No, just come hang out with us. Like, the three of us. We'll have some fun. Like you and Shane did."

Rachel tingled further as she looked back at the two grinning faces in front of her.

"Ah. That kind of fun, huh?" She laughed and took another sip. "Sorry boys. Maybe some other time. I'm meeting someone-."

Austin raised an eyebrow. "When are you meeting them?"

"In, like, fifteen minutes. Look, I can't right now. It's just not a good ti-."

Austin waved her off. "So you'll be a few minutes late. Did you have to be there at a specific time?"

Rachel felt her pulse start to quicken as the intensity of the situation picked up. "What? Well, no, but-. Oh my God! You guys are really serious here? You want me to just hop in with you and-."

She stopped before she actually said it. But they all knew. She swallowed at their bright smiles as she considered what they were asking her to do for them. She looked back out of the window and racked her brain to think of some way to wiggle out before things heated up too much.

"We can't do this right now. What about my car? What, am I supposed to just leave it here?"

Austin shrugged as he sensed her weakening. "That's no problem. Look, just follow me. I know a good place we can go and chill for a minute. You won't hardly be late at all." He winked.

"I promise."

Rachel took a deep breath and looked over both of their faces. Was she actually going to do this? She had plans right now and even that was beside the point. These two boys had just run into her at a gas station and that was all it would take to talk her into-. She stood up tall and took another nervous sip from her can. Like an out of body experience, she felt herself nodding her head in disbelief as the words slipped out.

"Okay. Fine. But look, quick right? I really do have plans."

Austin and Craig swallowed in unison at Rachel's white flag. It had been that easy. Both boys felt their pants tighten as they considered what was coming up for them. Austin shook away the haze and grinned widely.

"Of course. No problem at all. Just follow me."

Rachel nodded again blankly and turned to walk back towards her car. Her fingers felt numb and her legs shook with confusing excitement. What the hell had she just agreed to? Was she really-? She suddenly felt like a prostitute. She had been called over to the car, propositioned, and now was getting ready to follow them somewhere so she could suck their dicks.

She shivered again. Plural. God, she was really going to do both of them? It wasn't like she hadn't done something similar in the past but this was just so entirely casual. They had rolled up to the gas station to fill up their tank and now they were going to get blowjobs, too. That easy.

Rachel trembled again as she watched Austin's Mercedes pull ahead in front of her. She took her foot off of the brake and began to follow. Nervous excitement snaked through her senses and her mind raced. She realized that she could turn down a different road at any moment. She had complete control over her actions. If she wanted to call it off and head to her friend's house instead, all she had to do was turn the wheel.

But she didn't. Whether it was out of a strange sense of obligation (like since they knew she'd done Shane that it was only fair for her to agree to do them too) or her own twisted arousal, she gripped her wheel tightly and followed their every turn. She was definitely going to be late now. Maybe that was what made it more exciting...

Finally, Austin pulled into an empty, rural parking lot and stopped near the far corner. A gravel road (blocked by an old rusty gate) extended from the area and appeared to lead off towards some trees. Rachel pulled up next to him and looked around confused. There was no one nearby, but they were still out in the open. Rachel had given head in some less than inconspicuous locations in her time but she hoped this wasn't the "good place" that Austin had been speaking of.

She rolled her window down to ask what was up but Austin anticipated her question and beat her to the punch.

"Hey. Just leave your car and hop in with us. It's just a dirt road from here and I don't want you getting your little Honda stuck if it's wet."

Rachel narrowed her eyes and looked again at the rusty gate. Did he mean down that way? The gate was old but it was definitely locked. She didn't understand.

Austin sensed her confusion and smiled. "Trust me. Just hop in." He winked at her. "C'mon. I know you dig my ride."

Rachel rolled her eyes at him. So cocky. But he wasn't totally wrong. It was a pretty sweet looking Benz. She sighed and gave herself a final glance in the mirror. You're really going to do this, huh Rach?

She hopped into the backseat and shut the door firmly. New-car smell flooded her nostrils, as did the sweet aroma of fresh leather. Rachel ran her fingers along the clean black seats and took a deep breath. She noticed Austin watching her through his mirror with a satisfied expression.

"It's nice, right?"

Rachel rolled her eyes once again. She didn't much care for cocky boys, but that was a bit of a paradox as it was their confidence that often got her to give in. Austin wasn't a huge asshole or anything. But he was the starting quarterback, his parents were obviously wealthy enough to buy him a $50,000 car, and he was well liked around school. So he had a certain air about him.

And while Rachel laughed to herself at his stupid comments, she felt a rush of shameful excitement over the fact that she would soon be sucking his dick in this very car he was so boastfully proud of. The thought made her wonder again what exactly the plan was. Catching his eye in the mirror, she raised a questioning brow.

Austin caught her look and hit Craig on the shoulder. "Dude, go push open the gate real quick. I'll pull through and then just shut it behind us."

Craig looked back at him with a funny expression. "Um, it's locked. How am I supposed to-?"

Austin cut him off and shook his head. "No, the lock is busted. This road just leads to a little maintenance shack for the park. No one uses it hardly ever. They just keep the lock up there for show. Trust me. I used to fuck Michelle back here all the time."

Rachel's eyes widened and she tensed up suddenly at Austin's casual reference. Michelle was his ex-girlfriend and they'd just broken up pretty recently. Rachel knew Michelle and was friendly with her in school. It had been probably a month since their breakup but she suddenly wondered if she should be messing around with Austin given that she was kind of friends with Michelle. She had enough heat on her these days due to the Brad situation. She sighed. It was too late. Craig had already gotten out of the car, and with a look of satisfied surprise, moved the gate to the side just like Austin had said. The car pulled forward and Craig closed it behind them.

Rachel's thoughts about Michelle shook from her brain as the backseat passenger door opened unexpectedly. Instead of returning to his front seat, Craig had decided to hop in back with her. She flashed him a surprised smile and he grinned brightly back at her. Austin turned back towards them suddenly and scowled.

"Dude. What are you-? No, no. Get up front. Who said you were going to go fir-?"

Craig smirked and cut his friend off. "Uh, no thank you. You were the dickhead who whined and cried when I asked if I could drive today. Made such a big deal about how I'd mess it up, like I don't know how to drive a fucking car or something. You wanted to drive? Well, drive, driver! Take us on!"

Rachel felt a tingle as Craig laughed at his own mocking tone and Austin set his jaw. His face showed clearly that he was less than thrilled with the turn of events but that he didn't want to make a scene and freak her out. She watched his eyes twitch uncomfortably but she only looked back and offered a casual shrug. It wasn't like it was up to her who went first.

Swallowing an angry sigh, Austin turned back around in his seat and put the car into gear. He started to drive down the dirt path and he gritted his teeth as he threw Craig one final barb.

"You're an asshole. You're lucky you're even here. Not like you did anything to help."

Craig laughed again, this time loudly. He scooted over towards Rachel and put his arm around her. Pulling her into a hug, he grinned back tauntingly at Austin through the mirror.

"Driver! Please be a little more careful on this bumpy road. My guest and I are a bit uncomfortable!"

Austin set his jaw and was about to fire back when Craig spoke again. This time to Rachel.

"And speaking of getting comfortable..."

Grinning purposefully, he extended a playful touch to the front of her shirt near her waist. He rubbed the soft material between his fingers and bunched it slightly as it pulled up to reveal a few inches of skin right above her jeans. Her flat stomach quivered as Craig's fingers traced downward and made contact with her flesh near her belly button.

"God, you're so fucking hot."

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