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Preludes Ch. 07: Gift Wrapped

Story Info
Rachel is talked into giving a birthday present.
13.6k words

Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 02/23/2016
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Authors Note: "The Rachel Chronicles" is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel's head.

Further, the stories are written in an intended order and it is highly recommended that you read them as such. Obviously, you are free to proceed as you please and I'm grateful that you would read any of them at all. But you will get a much fuller and more rewarding picture if you follow the stories in their natural order.

At the very least I suggest reading the PROM series first if you haven't already. It is the main story from which the others are branched so things could be a little confusing (and surprises ruined) if it is skipped over.

For those of you who read Prom, welcome back! This series deals with the two months of Rachel's life that led up to where Prom began. It will hopefully provide you with some background for why certain events occurred and why Rachel may have acted in ways that she did. Overall it takes on a bit of a darker and less whimsical tone, but if you read the whole Prom series, you already understand why.

As always, I welcome and appreciate any and all feedback but understand that I am very sensitive, and if you're too harsh, I will delete everything from this site and never try to be creative again.

I'm kidding.


*All characters in this story are 18 years or older*

PREVIOUS -- Chapter 6: Good Chemistry


"Bro! It's your fucking birthday! We're definitely gonna get you some tonight. I swear, you act like such a pussy sometimes. Pick some chick out here! C'mon. There's gotta be one or two you like. We'll make it happen!"

Already a few beers deep and certainly fired up, Greg took a breath from his pep talk and glared at his friend as they leaned up against a wall in his basement. It was a Saturday night and his parents were out of town so he'd decided to take advantage of the situation and throw a little party. It was already in full swing, and as music thumped in the background, Greg shook his head with disdain.

It was his buddy Trevor's birthday and he was blowing the opportunity big time. It should be such an easy in. Trevor was decent-enough looking. He should be chatting up any number of the girls floating around and using his birthday angle as a way to get a little action. And he wasn't some nervous wallflower either. He knew what to do when it came to girls. But for whatever reason, he was just acting shy or disinterested. And it was bothering Greg possibly more than it was his friend.

Seeing Trevor's dumb grin and shake of his head, Greg sounded off again and launched a renewed verbal barrage in his direction.

"Dude. Are you being serious right now? Do you fucking need me to hold your hand and do this for you? C'mon half these chicks are sluts. Even a dork like you should be able to talk yourself into, like, a birthday handjob or something. Shit."

Greg took a deep sip from his red cup and scanned the room again, exhaling as he realized he might have been overselling the situation a bit. His eyes flicked from girl to girl as he made mental notes about how suitable a target each one was. He figured he'd start with the hottest ones and then move down if it came to that. He didn't want to hook his boy up with just some average chick. But with the way Trevor was being, he might not have a choice.

His mental note-jotting began to flow quickly as he eyes moved around:

No, she's kind of a bitch. No, she has boyfriend, doesn't she? Well, maybe she'd still-. No. Fuck that. Hmmm. She's not bad. That could be a possibil-. Oh shit, I didn't even know Kelly was here. Damn, that rack's nice. And she's not with whatshisname anymore, right? Would she-?

Greg took another swallow and pared down his list to a few initial candidates. If the fish weren't biting, he'd move to the next level down. Or maybe he could run upstairs real quick and see who was hanging out there. There was definitely some solid female talent at his school and most of it was in his house. It would just take a little effort is all. He cursed himself in mild disgust. Why was he the one doing all the work anyway? Fucking Trevor...

He gave his friend another irritated glance and jokingly slapped him on the side of the head.

"You're such a bitch. Thankfully you have me to take care of shit around here. Give me a few minutes and I'll make it happen with one of these lovely ladies."

Trevor rolled his eyes and tried to stop his friend from likely going off and embarrassing them both. But it was too late. Greg shook him away and headed across the room.

Striding confidently, Greg decided to test the waters first with a girl he knew from a few of his classes. She was sort of cute and she had huge tits. He didn't really know if she was the kind of girl who'd just hook up with some guy because it was his birthday, but there was only one way to find out.

He also realized that he did have to cut Trevor a little slack. He didn't go to Pine Valley so he likely didn't know many people at the party. Maybe that's why he was being so reluctant. Whatever. He was still a pussy.

Greg side-stepped his way through a small group of people and turned towards where his target was standing and chatting with a friend. He smiled as her generous cleavage shook cheerfully while she giggled away at something the girls were discussing. Her tits really were massive and the mental image of going to town on them made him lick his lips reflexively. Maybe she'd let Trevor titty-fuck her or something. Greg smirked again at the thought. God, he was such a good friend.

Lost in a combination of his self-congratulatory thoughts and his tunnel vision on the huge boobs he was walking towards, Greg never saw the obstacle in his path. A collision was inevitable and he cursed out loud as he absent-mindedly stumbled into someone who had just gotten off of a couch and crossed his path. Another curse escaped his lips as his right arm jostled and he felt the cold splash of his beer spill onto his skin. He brought his gaze up and was about to give the offending party a few choice words when he froze and felt his stomach flutter.


Greg stayed silent for a moment as he ran his eyes down over the exceptionally sexy girl standing in front of him. Her soft, straight hair fell just past her shoulders and was tucked tenderly behind each ear. Her expansive chest protruded out from a tight, white polo shirt with deep buttons (such buttons having been left mostly undone, offering a nice view of her high, full cleavage).

Her shirt stopped just barely at her waistline exposing a tantalizing sliver of her flat stomach when she twisted or raised her arms. Just below began a pair of dark blue, low rise jeans that showed off a hint of her hips before giving the impression that they were painted directly onto her toned, athletic legs. A pair of white flip flops encased her small feet and brightly painted toes.

Greg felt himself stir as he slowly brought his gaze back up her body and to her face. Her initial surprised reaction had faded into a playful, almost goofy, smile. Her eyes had the slightest glaze to them. She looked a little high.

Greg's expression immediately switched from annoyance to one of mock irritation. He threw his hands up as he looked over his body to assess where he had spilled.

"What the hell, Rach? Walk much?"

Rachel widened her eyes and brought her hands to her hips. "Ex-cuse me?" She giggled and rolled her eyes at him. "I just stood up and you came crashing through me like a fucking train!" Her eyes drifted over his body and she stifled a laugh.

"Awww! You spilled your beer!"

Greg followed her gaze and noticed that, indeed, he had a small dark patch on his shirt. Worse, another splash had landed on the inner thigh of his light blue jeans. He rolled his eyes at the sight. It wasn't directly over his crotch but it definitely opened the door to the implication that he'd had a "bathroom problem."

He smiled and shook his head at Rachel as she playfully pretended to wipe the spot on his shirt clean. Deciding to take advantage of the situation, he grinned and reached towards her as well. He brought his hand to the front of her tight shirt and gave her boobs a playful brush and squeeze. He laughed.

"Uh oh. Did I get any on you, too? Hmmm. All dry so far. Lemme make sure I'm thorough-."

Rachel laughed, and after letting him play for a second or two, she cut him off and swatted his probing fingers away. She shot him a playful glare and spoke through her laughter.

"Oh, wow. Thank you so much for your help. You're so considerate!" She giggled and shook her head.

"What is it with you and my boobs anyway? Is this another dress code inspection?"

Both parties exchanged knowing smiles as they recalled the day several months back when Greg had jokingly approached her at her locker and gave her boobs a casual groping under the guise of him being a dress code violation enforcer. Further, the bold move had led to Greg talking Rachel into getting on her knees for him in one of the smaller bathrooms at school. She had reluctantly submitted and had been sucking him off in a stall when a teacher had walked in and almost caught them in the act.

They'd dodged the bullet but Rachel had been forced to endure a bit more embarrassment as she'd been late to class and it had turned out that her English teacher had been the one to walk in on her just moments earlier. She had spent the rest of the class period unable to concentrate as she'd excitedly run through the fresh memories of how he had been just a few feet away, blissfully ignorant of the fact that one of his students was kneeling in front of another boy with only a thin stall door separating them.

She'd thought of how her teacher had actually been using the urinal so his penis had been out, basically a few feet from her face. She wasn't attracted to him but she'd had a few dreams about sucking his dick after that. She thought about it all the time now when she was in his class. It was a good way to pass the time now that she no longer had to worry about chatting idly with what had previously been her best friend in the next desk.

Rachel found that if she kept her eyes straight ahead on her teacher and fantasized about him or any number of other things, that it helped her not to feel the daggers Rebecca would periodically shoot her direction from a few feet away. It had been several weeks since their falling out, and while Rachel still felt the pain every day, she had become adept at burying it and distracting herself with other thoughts. And activities.

Greg smiled at Rachel's teasing words and gave her boobs one final rub before retracting his hand. For a few months after that day in the bathroom, Greg had habitually pestered her about giving him another go. She had held firm for a while, repeatedly informing him that she was not going to be late to class and get in trouble again all for the ridiculous reason that she was busy blowing him somewhere.

But finally one day he had caught her in a weak moment and with plenty of time before her next class. She'd submitted to his persistence and had again gone with him to the bathroom. However, they hadn't been as fortunate this time and they'd found the bathroom to be occupied. After awkwardly standing around and waiting for a few minutes, Rachel had declared that she was not going to be late to something again and she'd called the whole thing off.

In a panic, Greg had hastily talked her into switching locations and had hurriedly ushered her off to the bottom of a seldom-used stairwell. Rachel had again submitted with annoyance, but more bad luck had struck as just as she'd had her fingers working to undo the button on his pants, a small group of students began walking down the stairs from above them.

The pair quickly moved to act casual and they received only a few curious glances as the group had passed. But by then it had been too late. Greg had made a final protest but Rachel wasn't hearing it. The clock had been ticking and she'd apologetically left him in the stairwell and managed to get to class without first being on her knees.

In the following weeks, he had teased her about how she "owed him" and had made a few more attempts. But the timing had never been right and it had never happened. Then he (like everyone else in the school) had heard of her blowup with Rebecca. He'd heard that Rachel had fucked Rebecca's ex-boyfriend and blown some other guy at the same time. Or something like that. It had been all over school.

Rachel hadn't seemed to deny anything, and for a while, she'd been quieter and more distant from everyone as the rumors spun wildly. But more had weeks passed and she now appeared to be more like her old self again. Greg had noticed her dressing a lot more provocatively lately, which was a fucking gift as far as he was concerned. And he'd begun to hear new rumors about her "friendliness" ramping up again. A friend of his from the football team apparently had gotten her to suck his dick after taking her out for dinner. And there was more. Greg didn't know how much of it was true, but he'd decided, in light of the stories, to resume his efforts towards her as well. And now, here she was.

But he sighed as he thought about what he was doing. He was supposed to be getting Trevor a nice little birthday hookup gift. He felt his stomach tighten as he pictured Rachel blowing his friend. Shit. It would be a helluva goddamned gift for sure. Would she do it? He smirked as he took in her glassy expression.

God, she looked hot. His eyes narrowed with irritation as he considered again his own lustful desires. He wanted to get with her. Forget his friend, he should just do it. He'd wanted it for a while now. That time in the bathroom had been heaven. And that time in the stairwell-. Greg shook his head and scrunched up his face as the internal battle raged.

Rachel had been staring at him the entire him and she cocked her head curiously as she took in his pained expression. He looked angry or confused or something. What the hell was he doing? She snapped her fingers playfully and spoke with a giggle.

"Hey! Earth to Greg! What is wrong with you?"

Her words jolted Greg from his thoughts and he brought his gaze back to her face. He sighed and almost felt a bit of nausea over what he was about to do. Fucking Trevor. He better be grateful!

It was physically painful to make the decision not to go after Rachel himself but he realized he'd be seeing her in school on Monday anyway. He'd have plenty of opportunities to talk her into something again. Tonight was his friend's only chance. He knew it was the good thing to do but he still couldn't believe it. He cursed Trevor's name under his breath again. He better be REALLY grateful...

"Shit, my bad. You know those dress code violations always throw me for a minute." He brought his gaze squarely to her plentiful cleavage and almost whimpered. Clearing his throat, he smiled and spoke again. "Anyway, I was actually looking for you. I wanted to introduce you to someone." He grinned at her and indicated back across the room.

Rachel eyed him suspiciously. She would've bet her last dollar that he'd been about to say something to try to get her to suck his dick. Such requests had been pretty much the entire theme of their conversations ever since that day in the bathroom. She hadn't heard from him in a while, but she'd always been under the assumption that he'd be back at some point. If anything, it might only have been her "busy schedule" lately that had prevented another rendezvous.

To say that Rachel had been being quite friendly these days would've been an understatement. She'd been filling her painful void with hookups whenever she could and she'd actually begun to turn a corner with her ability to cope with the pain. Deep in her stomach, the same paralyzing sadness and feelings of isolation were just as present as ever, but she'd pushed them down and covered over them. She'd begun to slowly build a wall between herself and the darkness and each flighty, sexual encounter she had laid a new brick.

As it was, Rachel had been feeling pretty good that evening. She'd only had a few drinks but she'd also smoked some pot and her mood had become light and breezy. When Greg had bumped into her, and the ensuing groping session occurred, she'd actually begun mentally preparing herself for his inevitable full-court press to get her back on her knees. And even stranger, she had considered that she just might go ahead and do it. A small part of her kind of liked Greg and his outgoing demeanor. So if he had begun his sales pitch, she hadn't even intended to put up a fight.

But now that he had thrown her a curve, she was a little unsure. He wanted to introduce her to someone? Rachel had been "introduced" to a friend of a friend several times before and it had usually been for the same purpose and led to the same end. In fact, such a situation was how her whole twisted saga with Matt had started that night that Brad had introduced them. She bit her lip at the thought of Matt and a shiver ran through her body.

She was now regularly hooking up with him, pretty much whenever he contacted her. She was even having sex with him. As it turned out, that crazy "one time" thing in his basement that afternoon hadn't been so "one time" after all. He'd fucked her again a few times, including earlier that week. Rachel swallowed as the memory snaked a confusing jolt between her legs.

It had actually been one of the rare occasions that his house hadn't been unoccupied. He had texted her towards the end of the school day to see if she wanted to come over right afterwards. Rachel had been having a particularly bad day dealing with the Rebecca situation and it was usually when she was feeling low that she found herself almost wanting to see Matt.

She had agreed and had driven to his house immediately after school, but he'd been waiting for her in his driveway and he'd explained that his parents were actually home. With his trademark casualness, he'd told her to leave her car and he'd drive them somewhere. Rachel hadn't argued and she'd sat quietly in the passenger seat, her hands folded in her lap, as Matt drove them off to some secluded wooded area a few minutes from his house. He had even pulled his tuck down a rugged dirt path. They truly were in the middle of nowhere.

When they'd finally parked, Rachel had discarded her shirt and gone to work sucking his dick almost immediately. When she felt low like she was, she found herself funneling her bad thoughts into what she was doing and using them to fuel her mental escape. This heightened focus usually led to a more intense experience for whoever was enjoying her work. And Matt had certainly become the main beneficiary of such a directed enthusiasm.

Her tits out and her hair back, she'd gone about pleasuring him with acute intensity. The squeaks and whimpers ricocheted through the cab as she'd bobbed away into his lap and licked and sucked generously all over him. Their isolated location had helped to free her further and Matt's muttered curses had confirmed the quality of the job.

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