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Private Benjamin


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He slid a finger farther down, down to the entrance to her inner self, her cunnie, her cunt, and he slipped a finger briefly up inside, into the tight wet clinging canal.

Judy's breasts rose up in defiance and arousal, her face grimacing with her struggle at self-control, her cunnie quivering with arousal as she clenched both his finger and his pen. There would be no shame in dropping her weapon now. The assault was from the front, not from behind, but she would not let the colonel down. She grasped tightly onto his finger with the muscles of her cunnie, her eyes expressing her adamant defiance and resolve, as well as her growing arousal.

The commander removed his finger from her cunt and moved back around behind her, smiling with appreciation and pride at the sight of that pen still sticking straight out. It hadn't seemed to have even dropped a centimeter. "Yes, you are well disciplined, soldier."

"Yes sir," Judy replied. "Thank you sir. Captain Lewis trained us well."

"Yes, yes," he said. "I can certainly see that." He reached out and retrieved his pen, returning it to his pocket.

The colonel then crouched down behind her, reaching out to firmly grasp hold of those soft but taut cheeks to spread them wide open, opening up to the light of his office and his eyes the puckered rose bud of the cute little private. Yes, she looked fit as a fiddle here as well. He studied her anus closely. A good commander does not miss any details.

Judy squinched her eyes shut again. She was not herself particularly enamored with anal sex. But, she would have been willing to try it, for her husband, Yale, if that's what he wanted. And, if her commander ordered her anus into action, she would certainly obey.

And, that was indeed what was on the mind of the colonel. A Thornbird's body is her weapon; her whole body and all of her holes. He softly felt, explored, and caressed her wrinkled brown hole with one finger, as his other hand kept her cheek spread open.

Judy wondered how she should best present her anus to the colonel. Should she squeeze her sphincter a few times, like she was saluting him? Or, should she just keep it perfectly still. The appropriate response was not in the field manual, so she opted to keep it perfectly still.

The colonel, having completed his inspection of the young lady's anus, said, "You never can tell where the enemy might mount an attack, soldier. What hole they might attempt to breach."

"No sir," Private Benjamin responded, a little apprehensive over what that might mean. Would the enemy really attack her there?

The colonel inserted his index finger into his mouth to get it good and wet and then, with no hesitation, no further foreplay, plunged it up into Private Benjamin's butt.

"Oh my goodness!" Judy exclaimed, instinctively lurching her butt away from the intruding finger. But then, as quickly, recovering her composure and resuming her stance, even pushing back against the colonel's finger, trying to make up for her lapse. She cursed herself. He had even given her a warning, yet she still had crumbled under the incursion. She wondered how well she would hold up under a real invasion. Of course, all soldiers do worry whether they will be able to maintain their cool, their composure, their position, while under an intrusive, penetrating assault. And, Judy hadn't actually crumbled. She had just wavered, only for a second or so. She so hoped the colonel saw it that way too.

Colonel Thornbush was a bit disappointed. Perhaps he shouldn't though. Most recruits hadn't done nearly as well as Private Benjamin had done so far into this test of her mettle, her right stuff. He shouldn't really expect her not to falter at least once or twice. Still, it would have been nice to have actually found the perfect warrior.

On the other hand, her asshole did at least feel real nice. She was awfully tight up in there, and she was gripping his finger like she had him in a strangle hold and was trying to choke him to death. There was no doubt that she could wrestle a cock pretty darned well with this sphincter.

Judy tried not to squirm or wiggle as the colonel felt around in her rectum with his thick, foraying finger. It was difficult, as it felt so intrusive, so obtrusive, so impertinent. She knew though that it was a very important test: could she maintain her presence of mind when her defenses were breached and the enemy had penetrated her asshole. She firmly planted her feet and stood her ground, but her bottom did wiggle a little bit, her cheeks flexing, her sphincter clenching. It was just so weird to have a finger stuck up her butt like this, and this was no ordinary finger.

The colonel finally stopped his digging and probing and asked, "Do you keep your weapon clean, soldier?"

"Sir?" She was at first confused by his meaning, but then quickly grasped the intimation. 'Wow,' she thought, 'the Thornbirds is one dedicated, disciplined unit. They even cleaned their rectums?' "Yes sir," she replied, albeit not so confidently. What was she supposed to say? The soldier's weapon should be immaculate, flawless, unsoiled. You don't confess to your commanding officer that the barrel is in fact potentially filled with, well, you know what.

"Well, let's just take a look." The colonel flipped his finger out, making a sharp popping noise like one can do with a finger popping out of the cheek of one's mouth.

Judy felt an urge, an impulse, to apologize, as it felt and sounded like she might have farted, but she actually hadn't. It was the colonel who had induced the immodest noise.

The colonel inspected his finger, and nodded his head. Yes, the girl was a natural. "Very good, soldier, very good."

Private Benjamin beamed with pride. "Thank-you sir!" She couldn't wait to tell Captain Lewis how well she had done. She would be so proud of her, as would daddy.

"Alright then, soldier, for your last trial, keep your feet firmly planted, lean over and place your hands on the edge of my desk."

"Yes sir," Private Benjamin responded. She was relieved to hear that his evaluation, his inspection, was almost over, particularly as she felt that up until this point she had done pretty darned good. There had been a couple of setbacks, a couple of slips, but nobody gets through an obstacle course without at least one or two minor imperfections. She grabbed the edge of the colonel's desk, keeping her feet where they are.

It was a difficult position as the desk was a bit of distance away. And, it did not escape her attention that this new parade position was quite suggestive, to say the least, as her bottom was now well thrust out, as if it was asking for an assault.

The colonel though did help her out. "Here, soldier, that looks a might uncomfortable," although very pleasant to observe. "You can step out of your panties."

"Thank you, sir," Private Benjamin responded. That was awfully considerate of the colonel. She stepped out of her panties, as the colonel had suggested. "And, here," he said, grasping her thighs to have her move her feet up closer to the desk, and then pressing against the back of her knees to get her to bend her legs more, and then pulling on her waist to have her position her bottom as far back as possible, and then spreading her thighs out wider, providing ample space in between her feet and legs.

It was a much more comfortable position, sort of, but also now even much more suggestive, if not openly and explicitly obscene. She was now crouching down a bit, her legs spread out, and thrusting her butt out like a true bitch in heat. This was a parade position that she had not been previously taught. It was a position though that wasn't entirely unknown to her. "Is this correct, sir?"

"Excellent, private," the colonel replied. "Excellent emplacement soldier, outstanding posture. You are now ready for battle."

"Thank you, sir." Private Benjamin smiled in appreciation.

The colonel stepped up behind her, unzipped his slacks, removed his stiff hard cock, and got into attack position. He placed the head of his dick against the young lady's warm, soft slit.

This time Private Benjamin did not flinch. She knew what was positioning itself at her cunnie. She had felt quite a few of them back there before. This was finally an army field exercise with which she was very familiar and well prepared. She even lifted up her bottom a bit higher, making it easier for the colonel to slip his cock up inside.

The colonel had no real difficulty in getting his gun holstered. This girl was tight, but comfortably so, and certainly very helpfully moist and slick. It appears he had indeed successfully softened his target in advance of his assault. Yes, this soldier appeared to be the perfect armament for the Fighting Thornbirds, a living embodiment of their motto, their creed: "My body, my weapon." He shoved his cock deep up into the soldier's slippery tight cunt.

Nor was Private Benjamin disappointed in her colonel's weapon. She could size a man up by his dick, measure his mettle by the feel of his cock in her pussy, and this colonel was indeed quite the man. She wondered what it would be like to swallow his sword. "My goodness, sir," she gasped, "Are all colonel's this large?"

It was perhaps just lame flattery, but even if it was the colonel was pleased with her spunk, her moxie, her pluck. He began to thrust his weapon, his sword, his bludgeon, in and out of her wet cunt.

Judy lurched with each charge, each piercing stab of the colonel's thick, stout, stiff cock, thrusting up deep into her cunt. It's said that size doesn't matter, but at the moment there was nothing negligible or inconsequential about the size of this colonel's cock. Judy had never felt so filled, so packed and stuffed before, and it felt really, really good. She groaned and moaned in bestial lust, meeting his plunging with her own thrusting, matching his charge with equal retort, pounding back against him as much as he gave her, feeling that thick hard cock cramming and choking, goring and gorging her cunt. She pounded her hips back against him with fervent, feverish passion.

The colonel was indeed impressed. He had never mounted a filly as frisky, as spirited, as eager as this one. This was one lustful, lewd, libidinous lass. It was clear that she will be an outstanding Thornbird. He leaned over and reached around beneath her, one hand firmly grasping a soft round tit, the other pinching her stiff clitoral nub.

"Colonel," Judy gasped. She had never felt so thoroughly, wonderfully and truly fucked before, or at least not for quite a long time. And, she was being fucked by a truly powerful man, a warrior, a leader, a Thornbird. "Fuck me, Colonel!" she loudly squealed. "Fuck my cunt so hard!"

And he obeyed the private's order, driving his cock faster and faster, harder and harder into her cunt, slamming his abdomen against her ass, the room filling with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh, cock sluicing in and out of a tightly, slippery, sloshing cunt.

"Fuck!" Judy gasped, feeling her orgasm suddenly sweep through her body, her head feeling faint, her entire body twitching and shivering in paroxysm shudders.

"Take my load, soldier," the colonel gasped, "I'm about to release all barrels."

"Please sir," Judy gasped through her trembling, fitful orgasm, "Let me please, could I please." She struggled to find the words, her body, her mind, were so wracked by her climactic waves, "have the honor, the privilege, of receiving it," she let her face fall onto the desk, too weak too hold it up, "your load, on my face" She wondered if she was asking too much. She was, after all, just a private. Perhaps a reward such as that would be reserved for at least a commissioned officer.

"As you wish, soldier," the colonel replied. He did feel it was perhaps presumptive of her. Soldiers do not ask to receive medals. They earn them. Private Benjamin wasn't even yet a Thornbird, but he could see that she was a very special and deserving recruit.

He pulled his cock from her clenching, quivering cunt, wrenching it free in a sloppy, noisy, lewd slush. "Assume the position," he gasped, feeling unable to hold himself back any longer.

Private Benjamin quickly reversed herself, dropped down onto her knees before the colonel, tilted her head back, and looked up at him with those large, innocent blue eyes, fluttering lashes, perky nose, rosy dimpled cheeks, and pouting lips, to say, "I just love the smell of a man's cum in the morning sir. Flood me, sir, with your hot, sticky, manly napalm."

And, so he did, releasing volley after volley of thick, sticky white Thornbird gism. The colonel was fully loaded, and he did not hold back, expelling his entire ordnance in twitching, jerking explosions onto Judy's cheeks, nose, lips, and eyes, thoroughly covering the private's face in a showering steamy manly gruel. Virtually every inch, every centimeter, every nook and cranny, every ridge, curve, and valley, every cute dimple, filled with his thick cream.

When he was done he paused to admire the full extent of his bombardment, his cannonade, his showering salvo of slippery, sloppy semen. Yes, he had done a pretty good job, fully engulfing and immersing the target, but then no less would be expected of Thornbird's commanding officer.

He offered his handkerchief to the young lady as he helped her to her feet. But, Private Benjamin declined. She wanted to further enjoy the pleasure of her commander's expression of trust, honor, and respect, to taste the cum on her lips, to smell the cum dripping from her nose, to feel it sliding down her rosy cheeks.

When she was at her feet she wrapped her arms around him, around his thick barrel chest, and hugged him.

He gently laid a hand on her naked back, another on her little naked bum. Some soldiers do need reassurance. Combat can be difficult.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judy's mission would be undercover, and she was quite excited about it, as well as considerably apprehensive. She would be operating alone. She would have hoped that she would be accompanied by a more experienced combat veteran, perhaps even Colonel Thornbush, but once she learned the details of her mission it was evident that she would have to go solo, despite the fact that she was a complete virgin when it came to actual combat.

She kept reminding herself that she was now a Thornbird, that she had been carefully selected and thoroughly trained for this mission by Colonel Thornbush himself. As he said, she was "the best of the best of the best." If he did not have full confidence in her skills, her aptitude, her training, and her body, he would not have placed her in harm's way.

Colonel Thornbush had indeed spent a number of additional sessions with Benjamin. There were quite a few holds, tactics, and maneuvers with which Colonel Thornbush felt Benjamin should become fully abreast. If there is one thing about being a soldier, it was drill, drill, drill. And Judy was indeed fully drilled by the end of her training.

When Colonel Thornbush felt that Benjamin was adequately prepared and combat ready, he provided her with the details of her mission, and with a promotion duly fitting such an important responsibility.

Private First Class Benjamin was delighted. She would be going to Paris! Perhaps her army recruiter had not misled her after all.

Her mission was to retrieve a top secret document currently in the possession of a Mr. Bing Russell. Intelligence was reporting that he was about to hand the material over to his Russian contact. There was very little time. Judy would have to act fast, and decisively.

Private First Class Benjamin was perfect for this mission, at least physically, given her uncanny resemblance to the actress, Goldie Hawn. Bing Russell was a reasonably normal man, but he did have one minor peccadillo: he had this unusual interest in, or more like a fixation and preoccupation with, the real Goldie Hawn. His apartment was plastered with posters, pictures, and souvenirs from various movies and television appearances. His most treasured position was one of her Laugh-In miniskirts that he had purchased on eBay. One might doubt that Goldie had actually worn it on the show, but it did come with a certificate of authenticity, and that couldn't be faked, could it? In any case, it went without saying that no other soldier was better suited to gain Bing's trust, infiltrate his apartment, and retrieve the top secret documents, than Private First Class Benjamin.

Judy's resemblance to Goldie was frankly uncanny, with her large, innocent, round, sparkly blue eyes, long fluttering eye lashes, dimpled broad smile, red rouged cheeks, and the very high-pitched feminine voice. She even had down to a tee the elfish giggle. All that was missing was the habit of biting her lower lip whenever she was being flirtatiously and gaily confused, which was most of the time. Judy worked with Colonel Thornbush to perfect that additional endearing mannerism.

Judy was placed in a charming apartment in Paris, right over a bakery. It had a hot plate, running warm and cold water, and all the croissants she could eat. Most importantly, it was right next to the objective of her mission: Mr. Bing Russell. They even had adjoining balconies.

It wouldn't seem difficult for Judy to attract his attention, but she wasn't taking any chances. Besides, she didn't have much time.

On her first evening she came out onto the balcony wearing only a bikini, her body painted with punchy phrases, pithy wordplay, and drawings. There was the Golden Gate Bridge traversing her breasts, "peek-a-boo" was written across her thigh (first part below, second part above the waistband of her bikini), "love it or leave it" across her tummy, "danger, curves ahead" across her left breast, "fly me" across her right breast (along with an airplane), "sports" on her right bicep, and a man in a parachute down her right side.

As her CD played 'Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I got love in my tummy,' by Ohio Express, Judy was dancing, doing the Swim, the Jerk, the Watusi, the Monkey, the Frug, and the Pony.

Bing was at first drawn by the music or more accurately annoyed. He was going to ask this person to turn it down, if not turn it off, but was instantly mesmerized by the sight. He thought he must be hallucinating. He looked at his watch. He didn't know why he did that. He just wanted to check that he was still alive, that he could still perceive reality accurately.

He didn't say anything. He just watched. It was like he had been transplanted back in time or, perhaps more accurately, was viewing a hologram. Which was less realistic? He didn't know. Yet, either of those weren't real. What was real was that Goldie Hawn, from Laugh-In, was dancing on the balcony of the apartment next door. And, boy, did she look so terribly hot.

He immediately got hard, and slid back a bit, to the side, peeking around from the divider that provided a bit of privacy for the two balconies. He didn't want this very gorgeous girl to notice him as he so thoroughly enjoyed fully noticing her. Her dancing was silly, of course, but that's also what made her all the more endearing, all the more curious and enticing.

Plus, this girl's bikini was considerably more provocative than the ones Goldie had worn on the show, which were themselves rather skimpy. The bottom did not fully cover her bottom, exposing the soft white cups of her lower buttocks, and the beginning of that delightfully enticing fanny crack at the top. Yes, he didn't ever see that on Laugh-In. And, when the girl turned to face him, the top appeared to be even less effective in the traditional purpose of an article of clothing. The cups appeared to be little more than straps. Certainly the straps widened as they traversed each breast, but they did little more than that. Could you even wear this thing on a beach? Actually, in France you certainly could, although you really shouldn't play volleyball or anything like that, and you definitely shouldn't be dancing the Monkey, as the girl's tits kept popping out of the straps, a full white little titty briefly coming into view, jiggling like a little bowl of white creamy jelly. As soon as a titty appeared she would slip the strap back over the nipple but the swinging, bobbling boobies never stayed hidden for long. They just kept popping, wiggling, and peaking out. Bing's dick surged hard in his pants.


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