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Prokaryotic Love

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Greg's girlfriend has special needs. Stay hydrated.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/04/2021
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TW: This story contains scenes of seemingly dubious consent sexual activity. Also sounding (object being inserted into the urethra.) Do not worry, nobody gets hurt, everything is 100% consensual, all characters are fictious and over 18 etc etc.

rosa-blanca.ru: Monster Girl, Slime Girl, Femdom, Orgasm Denial, Sounding, Slice of Life, Urban Fantasy, Body Horror (?), Lactation, Mind Control, mommy dommy

Prokaryotic Love


The Importance of Staying Hydrated

Greg hummed softly to himself as he tipped the large, bulk sized bag over and spilled the contents into the bathtub. The thick, off white granules of salts and other minerals hissed softly as they hit the hot water rapidly filling the tubs basin, and it briefly steamed off a faint pink mist. Greg coughed and waved it away, then smiled as a gentle perfumed scent wafted up and the water began to bubble. He stirred it carefully with a stick as the tub filled, shutting the water off when the fine layer of foam threatened to reach the lip of the bath.

"There," he said to himself, dropping the stick aside on the bathroom floor. "Salts, minerals, nutrients - everything a hard-working girl needs!" He crumpled the top of the dog-food bag sized sack of bathsalts to seal it and propped it against a wall in the far corner before going back to the kitchen to fix his own meal. He most certainly did not and should not consume what was in that tub (or touch it for extended periods if the warning label was to be believed), so he needed to make sure dinner was ready before Alisson got home.

Alisson was his girlfriend. They had been going out for three years, living together for just over one. She was fun, bubbly (literally and figuratively), and Greg adored her - but she had special needs that needed to be worked around. Greg didn't mind, because she more than made it worth the effort. Plus, he only ever had to cook for himself, so that was a plus.

He was in the kitchen putting the finishing touches on his porkchops when he heard the dull heavy thumping of boots stop in the hallway outside the apartment door, and the jangling of keys. He shut off the stove and plated up his food before quickly grabbing a glass of water from the fridge dispenser, swigging it down with a palm full of supplements. Hydration and vitamins were particularly important in his relationship. At least if he wanted to be able to get into work tomorrow.

He washed his hands and went out to the living room as the door opened. In stepped a towering, 7-foot-tall figure clad in a thick hazmat suit, high hard rubber boots thumping against the floor. Greg smiled and rubbed his hands with a towel. "Hey babe, how was work?" he asked, welcoming her home.

The towering figure raised a mute, gloved hand as she closed the door behind herself, before reaching up behind her neck to breach the seal linking her hooded helmet with the rest of the suit. There was an audible pop and hiss, and a small waft of steam leaked out. "Exhausting!" replied Alisson, tipping her head back and gasping for air, moisture beading on her chin before being absorbed back into her body.

Her skin was a faint off-pastel pink, like washed out bubblegum. Just pink enough to be noticeably alien, without looking like certain adventurous cartoon characters. Her hair, currently spooled on top of her head like a bun, was an amorphous curtain of strawberry red, and she shook it out till it hung over her shoulders in a bouncy approximation of 'hair-shape'. Alisson was a PAL. Prokaryotic Ambulatory Lifeform. Or, as they were more commonly known - slimes. Greg preferred to think of her like taffy, though.

With a relieved sigh, Alisson stripped out of her suit, the large frame revealing itself to be an exaggeration of her actual size. Once she hung everything up and stepped out of her boots, she sank a good two feet, her slim pink body completely naked except for a scant bra and some briefs (and those he knew she only wore for his benefit), beads of moisture running down her body. Greg grinned, eying her appreciatively. She hated how she looked after work, but Greg loved to ogle her any time. She looked up at him with a brightening expression and skipped over, twining her arms around his neck. "Hey babe," she purred, kissing him on the chin, leaving a faint tingling mark, "How's my favorite gamete inserter?" Greg rolled his eyes and kissed her head, reaching up to lightly stroke the bouncy tendril of her hair. "Good to know you don't love me just for my genetic tissue, Allie. I'm good - rough day at work?"

"No," she sighed, leaning against him and nuzzling his cheek affectionately. Her body was warm, and soft. In many ways it felt like any other person's, just with a bit extra squish. The reality was below the surface she had no skeleton. Or organs. It was all a colony of cells, fused together around a nucleus in her deepest part. "Just tiring, it gets so hot in that suit!" Alisson was a chemical engineer. Her work required her to handle materials that might be hazardous, especially to her unique physiology. That and practical considerations necessitated the big heavy suit. "I'm so skinny now," she moped, "look at me I've lost so much weight!"

Greg chuckled and gave her midsection a squeeze, kissing her lightly on the corner of the mouth. "Well don't worry, you look fantastic to me. Besides, bath's ready. Hot and well mixed, just how you like it." Alisson's expression brightened considerably, and she gave him a (literally) bubbling kiss. "Wonderful! Mm, join me?" she asked, pressing against him and sliding her mostly nude body against him. Her skin was soft and damp and clung slightly to him before peeling away. He could feel her through his shirt, moisture seeping into the fabric, and wherever she touched him tingled faintly from chemical reaction. She was tasting him. Licking the salt and other things off his skin. Greg cleared his throat and shook his head. "No, no, I've got my own dinner to eat. C'mon, go take your bath, before it gets cold."

Alisson pouted and stepped back an arm's length, body slowly absorbing her underwear before dropping it unceremoniously to the floor. She winked at him and cupped a palm-sized breast, but Greg was adamant and shook his head. With an annoyed harumph, she sauntered past him to the bathroom, hips swaying. She cast a coy glance in his direction before closing the door. A few moments later, a loud audible sigh leaked out from under the door as Alisson slid into the bath - loaded with the minerals and nutrients and moisture she had lost during the day. Her dinner.

Greg chuckled at the sound of her relieved sigh and went back to the kitchen. He had his own supper to eat in the meantime. On his way, he grabbed another glass of water and an extra pill. He shouldn't take too many (zinc poisoning was a thing), but she seemed riled up and he knew better than to tempt fate. Hydration and vitamins, that was the secret sauce.

He ate alone, watching a bit of TV while he listened to the loud sighs and slurping noises coming from the bathroom. She would be drinking in the water of the bath as well as the salts and other nutrition in the bath-mix. Together, it provided ALMOST everything she needed. Almost. The rest - well, that was up to Greg. Relationships were 'hard', but he was 'up' to the task. Greg sniggered to himself, downing an extra tall glass of water after he finished eating and washing up, loosening his collar in preparation. He knew what was coming.

The bathroom door open and steam wafted out, and from the cloud sauntered Alisson. She looked like a different person - whereas before she had become dehydrated and thin, her body had filled out. Her hips had widened, her breasts had swelled, and even her midsection sported a small layer of softness. She locked eyes on Greg and licked her lips, eyes rotating in their sockets. He swallowed and grinned back nervously, leaning against the sink. Her breasts bounced and her hips swayed as she strutted towards him, once taut body now jiggling slightly in a few eye-catching places, as she stared at him like a piece of meat.

"That was such a nice bath," Alisson breathed, pressing against him and picking at his shirt buttons. "Yeah well - I do mix a mean pot of instant soup," Greg quipped, feeling almost nervous despite how many times they had done this. That raw and naked hunger in her eyes always made him feel like a mouse squirming under a cat's paw. She kissed his jaw, making a pleased sound in the back of her throat, and trailed her way down his throat as she unbuttoned his shirt, tongue licking his neck as she went. Greg shuddered, flesh tingling pleasantly where her lips and tongue touched him, and he reached around her naked body to grip her by the hips. His fingers sank into soft supple flesh, digging into the ample curves of her body. Allison cooed to him and pressed her chest against his as she stripped off his shirt, flesh kissing his and spreading the tingling sensation and making him light-headed. He was already tenting his pants.

"Allie, we should go to the bedroom first," Greg panted, not wanting to swoon and fall over on the linoleum floor - again. Alisson only murmured unintelligibly and suckled on one of his bare nipples, making him shudder. He barely avoided making a squeaking noise as she bit down, and he slapped a hand down onto her ass with an open palm, growling as he made it jiggle in retaliation. Alisson yelped and winked at him, wiggling her ass back and forth beneath his hand as he groped and pinched it, fingers digging into the soft unctuous flesh with more ferocity than he would have dared with a human lover. Alisson could take it. She loved it.

Kissing her way down his chest, Alisson slowly sank to her knees, leaving a fizzing tingly track down his treasure trail. Greg panted and looked down at her with hooded eyes, hands sliding up her back to toy with her taffy-like hair as she nuzzled at his package through his jeans. Biting down softly on the lump, she toyed it with her tongue as she unsnapped the waist. With eager excitement, Greg wiggled his hips and helped her shove his pants and boxers down, exposing his needy shaft to the cool air - and her hungry touches.

Greg was already hard - how could he not be, even without what he was fairly sure were endorphins and pheromones leaking out of her kisses - and his dick flopped out to hang heavy under its own weight, bobbing up and down like a fishing pole. Alisson gave an excited mewl and kissed the underside, sucking on the sensitive hood of skin, making him shiver and his tip drool. With a soft moan, she lapped her tongue luxuriously along the underside, her long tongue reaching all the way down to his ball-sack to brush and cup his swollen orbs. In the years since they'd become lovers, he couldn't remember a time they didn't feel full anymore, and he could swear that they - along with his penis - had subtly grown in size over time, though he had never measured himself before to really give him a frame of reference to prove it. Besides, he wasn't sure he wanted to know - no sense ruining a good thing.

Greg leaned his head back and moaned, the feeling of Alisson's tongue and her plump soft lips working magic along his shaft overwhelming him. Her lips wrapped around his crown and noisily suckled away the precum, and she made him gasp as her tongue slithered and twined around his length like a serpent seeking heat. He could only groan and squeeze her hair tendrils, feeling them wrap around his digits and wrist, as she sucked his swollen cock into her mouth and down her throat like she didn't even need to breath. Which, really, she didn't. Not through her 'mouth' anyway.

"Fuucck," Greg oathed, grabbing Alisson's head and shoving his cock down as deep as it could go, hilting himself into her mouth with an audible squelch. She didn't complain, only moaned and swallowed around him, her tongue splitting into multiple slithering tendrils that swirled around every inch of sensitive skin and made him go cross-eyed. His jaw sagged open and his eyelids fluttered as he frantically fucked her mouth. He could feel her soft hands cupping his nuts, gently massaging and coaxing them, making him relax, letting that heat in his core build and build until he was about to-

Cum. Greg arched his hips and came. Or tried to. Allison's mouth clamped down, a soft tight vacuum, and her tongues wrapped around the base of his shaft and the sack of his testicles like a noose. He bucked and gurgled, spurting a bead of pre but his orgasm was choked off at the root. He snarled in lustful pleasure and frustration as his denied dick pulsed angrily inside her throat. Alisson looked up at him coquettishly - her eyes now sported heart-shaped pupils that pulsed slowly at him. Greg whimpered.

Alisson slid her mouth off his throbbing, trembling organ with a pop. "We should go to the bedroom first," she echoed teasingly, licking her lips with her now re-fused tongue and standing up. She leaned close to him and groped his dick, whispering in his ear. "Follow me, lover boy," she cooed, giving him a stroke that nearly made him come again. She turned and sauntered off to the bedroom, ass swaying back and forth temptingly. Greg caught his breath and hurried after her, a bull baited into the charge.

Alisson skipped into the bedroom giggling mischievously, the rapid thumping of Greg's feet behind her as he all but ran her down. With a frustrated snarl he grabbed her and spun her around, kissing her demandingly on the lips. She moaned into their kiss, reaching down to caress his angrily throbbing cock even as he grabbed hold of her body and hungrily groped it, squeezing her breasts in his palm and pinching her nipple in his fingers. Alisson let out a soft cry and tilted back onto the bed, crawling into the mattress and spreading her legs, reaching between her thighs to stroke her moist and puffy pussy with an inviting purr.

Eyes wide and near frantic, Greg scrambled onto the bed and between her legs, grabbing her ankles and hefting them up over his shoulders. Alisson let out a delighted squeak and stretched out languidly for him, squirming her hips to help him line up as he desperately angled himself into position. With an exultant groan he thrust into her, hips colliding with hers with a loud SMACK as he shoved himself into her moist dungeon in a single thrust.

Inside was hot, and mind searingly tight. Her insides twisted and writhed around him, massaging his length like lapping tongues, and gently sucking on every inch of him like a dozen mouths. Greg snarled like a wounded animal and leaned over her, grinding himself as deeply into her as he could go, hips trembling from the overwhelming sensation of being buried inside the pussy she had made for him. She was a slime, after all. The humanoid form was a convenience.

Greg began to thrust in and out of her like a jackhammer, his mind fixed on his denied orgasm. Alisson moaned and writhed underneath him, legs folded up into a mating press by his grip on her ankles, pussy suckling on him almost as needly as the soft, thick lips of her vagina wrapped around him and sucked like a second mouth. The flesh was hot and sticky and clinging to him, making his eyes water with pleasure. Internally, a thin tendril swirled around the tip of his dick, and Greg felt a second fold of 'something' wrap around his swollen crown. It sealed just beneath the sensitive ridges of his tip, and then that wriggling little tendril teased itself into the open and drooling eye of his cock. Greg jerked in surprise and spasmed, but Alisson quickly wrapped her legs around his back and locked him in place, moaning wantonly. He felt the tendril slide down the inside of his penis, making him squirm and gasp as strange nerve endings lit up and the slippery appendage swelled to plug his urethra with its tickling presence.

"A-Allie!" Greg gurgled in surprise, bucking but unable to get loose. Alisson continued to rock her hips back up into him, fucking herself on his dick and moaning as her insides churned and milked around him. Back arching, he went to cum, and was again stymied - this time by the worming squirming thing down inside of him teasing the base of his cock and sliding in and out of him in a rhythm alternating against the suckling of Alisson's vagina. "Babe PLEASE!" he begged, pounding against her frantically, making her mewl in pleasure as his dick bloated inside of her.

"Shh Shh Shh, gotta be careful with the extraction," Alisson panted, licking her lips, her heart shaped eyes flashing at him hypnotically. She stroked Greg's face soothingly and drew his head down to her bosom, pressing a nipple against his mouth. Inside, she clamped down on him and rolled, milking him even as her ankles locked around his back making it impossible for him to pull out or move much. He hunched against her urgently, gasping around her teat until he finally bit down, suckling at her breast with desperate abandon. Alisson cried out, tightening her fingers into his hair as he bit down onto her hard, a small squirt of lightly sweet fluid that reminded Greg of Gatorade.

"Oh fuck- good boy~" she praised, stroking his hair and milking him stronger in approval. Greg flopped against her and suckled, thoughts shaking and breaking apart as he drank down the fluid. The slippery little tendril continued to lap and pump the inside of his dick even as the soft caressing flesh of her womanhood massaged his length and the inner fold sucked on his crown. He felt like he was bulging, growing. His nuts were painfully stuffed, and his dick felt like it was bloated monstrously inside of her. Had he been capable of thinking, he would have worried about what it must look like - purple and swollen out of proportion, taut skin barely able to contain the arousal filling it from inside. He jerked with another blocked orgasm, mind swimming.

With terrifying strength that belied her soft appearance, Alisson twisted their hips and flung her body around, rolling Greg beneath her so she could straddle him. Her nipple popped from his mouth letting a trickle of light pink fluid dribble over his face. "A-ahh, I can feel you brewing for me, so much inside," she purred, licking her lips. Her eyes pulsed at him in hypnotic intervals as she rolled her hips, her insides like a milking machine that worked him over. Greg gasped and whimpered, gripping her hips and thighs tightly, finger sinking into the flesh that seemed to swallow him. "B-babe... please... I..."

"What, sweetie?" Alisson whispered, leaning over him, her breasts draped over his face. Greg groaned, penis twitching inside of her. "C-call out...sick... work...for me..." he managed to choke out, rubbing her thighs in his palms. Alisson's eyelids fluttered, feeling him surrender to her absolutely, and fed her opposite nipple into his mouth. "Of course, baby," she purred, trickling her mystery drink into his mouth as she rolled her hips faster and redoubled her internal flexing. "Just leave everything to me."

Greg felt another orgasm well up inside of him, but this time something shifted inside of him. He felt the tendril down inside of his penis contort, and when he went to gush instead of blocking him it drank up his issue like a straw. Alisson shuddered on top of him, surface rippling as she drew out his cum, her body absorbing the genetic material in it. It leaked out like a flood strained to a trickle, and inside her plush torso her core glowed softly as it absorbed the semen. Greg moaned as he came and came, powerful release gripping him as his pent up cum was finally tapped and slowly but inexorably drawn out by Alisson's body. Whatever was coming from her breasts leaked down his throat, making him feel sluggish but refreshed, and his orgasm stretched on from mere moments into seconds into minutes as his balls shrank up against his body. Finally, the last four orgasms worth of cum slowly slurped out of him, he sank back into the mattress panting for breath, Alisson's slippery pink breasts draped over his face. He was still rock hard.


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