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Promotional Provocation

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Avarice produces impetus for a loving marriage annihilation.
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Another familiar theme. This is a long story. If you prefer to avoid long tales or simply don't have time right now, please skip this. For those with adequate time and patience to continue, I placed evenly spaced chapter markers in bold for your convenience. Please forgive my preference for not breaking my stories into sequential posts. I will never write a willing cuckold story.


It began when I was in grammar school. I thought everyone saw the world the same as me and I believed it to be perfectly normal. Because of my unusual capabilities, I was finally tested by doctors after graduating high school before entering college. My diagnosis? I am a high-functioning autistic with synesthesia, something which occurs in only two to four percent of the population. My parents never believed me to be autistic growing up. They attributed my unusual skills to intelligence. Being a high-functioning autistic, I'm only mildly awkward socially. I often tend to blurt out whatever comes to my mind truthfully. I couldn't tell a lie even if it made me look bad. It's not in my constitution. I can tell a joke as well as anyone else, but not a lie.

As an adult looking back now, I learned that my condition began as number-form synesthesia. After learning the fundamentals of math, I would see numbers in various colors inside my head as I considered an equation. For example, if the teacher asked the class what two plus two was, I might see the numbers 2 + 2 in my head in red, while other numbers floated around it in various colors. I soon learned that the numbers colored in shades of green were the correct answers. By the time I reached middle school, the answers began presenting themselves to me in different forms. Sticking with two plus two as an example, instead of seeing the result 4 in green, I began seeing the word spelled out as four, but still green. It became very frustrating because long answers had to be reinterpreted to be written down in decimal or algebraic form. That notwithstanding, I received mixed grades in my mathematics classes. It was as if my brain understood the processes and calculated them in the recesses of my mind without reminding me of how I did it. Oh, I seldom had any difficulty with providing correct answers but because I was never able to show my work on how I arrived at those answers, it negatively impacted my grades and drew suspicion. On occasion, I'd even been accused of cheating or copying from others several times but was never observed by anyone doing so a single time. Though I was good at math and the sciences, I struggled horrendously with history and civics. Memorization of names, places, and historical events was not my strong suit.

The more my education was broadened, the more my version of synesthesia morphed along with it. I didn't have a perfect memory. I would have much preferred to have that gift, but we all must make the best of the gifts we are given. Mine just happens to be unusual compared to many others. In college, calculus and differential equations opened new horizons for me. As more higher-order mathematic fundamentals were introduced, I began seeing ranges of options in various shades of green so I developed a new understanding that the darker shaded answers were more correct than their brighter, more colorful counterparts. I hit my stride in statistical analysis and probabilities. Though many of my fellow students hated such courses, I fell in love with them as they perfectly formed my view of the world through my synesthesia. I developed discernment beyond surface details. I voraciously consumed as much data as I could, then processed it all in ways that others could not. Analysis became my scholastic objective.

During college, I stopped mentioning my synesthesia to anyone. The word autistic, high-functioning or not, seemed to induce others to unfairly view me as number smart but mentally defective. I was the go-to person for answers but a pariah when it came to dating. Although I was still unable to lie, I learned that there was a difference between lying and not revealing everything there is to know about me. That increased my probability of getting dates. As I changed my friend group, I became accepted by my peers as an atypical egghead with a quirky personality. During my senior year of college, I met Mary Beth Meadows in one of my classes. A vision of beauty, I saw her hit on constantly by numerous guys trying every line on her to date her. She was way out of my league, however, though I couldn't help but lust after her as did all the other guys.

I dated several other girls who I believed were more in line with my looks and social status but every time I was making out with a girl, I would close my eyes and imagine that she was Mary Beth. For some reason, such thoughts fueled my ardor. However, after three or four dates, girls would generally fade away politely. I believe they found me boring. Sure, I could recite the value of pi to the one-hundredth decimal place, but such activities do not inflate desire in a woman nor a yearning for more of my companionship. My parents had always told me that there would be someone out there for me but that she would have to be someone special to understand and get me. Fate has a way of bringing unlikely people together. I was seated alone in the campus library when she walked up to me.

"Is this seat taken?" Her melodic voice echoed in my ears.

"Er, uh, no. Be my guest, please have a seat." The object of my desire was now seated next to me and I didn't have a clue why. For a moment, I considered that she had been put up to this by her sorority to ask an ugly guy out and the girls would convene and vote to see which girl won the contest for the ugliest date. But Mary Beth was totally disarming.

"Hi, we've never been formally introduced. I'm Mary Beth Meadows."

"I know who you are, Mary Beth. I've known for quite a while now. I'm Andrew, Andrew Stevenson."

"And how would you know my name?" She coyly asked.

"I don't think that there's a red-blooded male on campus who doesn't know who you are. When the most attractive woman on campus walks into a room, every male takes notice." I affirmed as I swept my hand in a grand gesture to draw her attention to the others in the library. Every male eye was on her and here she was with me. She chuckled at my remark, recognizing its validity.

"You're funny and different from all the other guys on campus and that's what attracted me to you, Andrew. There's something about you. I can't quite put my finger on it but it will come to me in time. To help me along, why don't you tell me something about yourself to see if that triggers what's been twinging in the back of my mind? I already know that you're one of the smartest guys around. Everyone says that about you but that's not it. No, there's something else," she inferred as she tapped her finger on her chin pensively.

I was shocked that this girl, who was a 12 on a zero to ten scale, was showing an interest of any kind in me. I had no idea what to say to her or tell her about me that might remotely be of interest to her. Knowing that she was totally out of my league and that I would never be worthy of dating such a beautiful vixen, I decided to blurt out the truth. I had nothing to lose anyway.

"I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for me to say, Mary Beth, so here's the low-down on me. Not everyone knows this about me so I'm hoping that after we part ways today, you'll keep this to yourself. I'm a high-functioning autistic. It is both my strength and my weakness. It's my strength in that it explains where my math and analysis skills come from and my weakness in that my social skills leave something to be desired. Most girls find me boring after a few dates. Is that what you wanted to know?" I asked halfheartedly.

She looked stunned for a few moments as she searched my eyes. Then she reached for me and openly pulled me into a tight hug in front of everyone in the library. She pulled back and gave me the brightest angelic smile I had ever seen.

"That's it! I knew there was something familiar about you and you hit the nail right on the head!" She exclaimed.

"How so?"

"I have a twelve-year-old sister, Marnie who is also autistic, though she's much lower on the spectrum than you. I wouldn't change a thing about her. She is the single most loving and giving person that I know. She has taught me so much about the beauty and value of all people. She trusts implicitly even when someone violates that trust. I love her so much and would do anything in my power to help her succeed in life. I can sense some of Marnie's attributes in you now that I think about it. That's what I couldn't put my finger on. That fact alone places you high on my radar. I understand completely about your social skills issue and that would never be a problem with me. I have also learned that it's best to be completely open, honest, and direct with special people like you and Marnie. So, I have to ask you, Andrew, do you have a girlfriend right now?" I shook my head, no.

"Great. Would you like to meet me on Friday evening at 6 at the Chinese Emporium Restaurant? It's only two blocks off campus."

"I know the place, Mary Beth; I don't like Chinese food but I like pizza." She chuckled at my honesty.

"I already like you a lot, Andrew. Most guys would lie and say they liked Chinese even if they hated it, just to go out with me. You're a breath of fresh air with your candor. It just so happens that I love pizza as well. Can you meet me at the Pizza Shop instead at the same time?" I smiled and nodded my head, yes.

"It's a date then. I'll see you in class tomorrow, Andrew," and she brazenly hugged me again. I eagerly reciprocated and she was gone as quickly as she had arrived.

That was the beginning of my relationship with Mary Beth Meadows. We had a grand time every time we were together. She told me that I was the most interesting person she had ever met. She was amazed at my analytical insights and we never lacked for conversation. I tried to learn everything I could about this beautiful goddess. She reminded me a lot of actress Sydney Sweeney, flaunting an incredible physique with a body size of 36-24-36 inches (92-61-92 cm). She measures a perfectly proportioned 5 feet and 3 inches tall, (161 centimeters) at 125 lbs. (57 kg.). I knew that I was the luckiest man alive to be in her life. She constantly turned down other guys who tried to pick her up right in front of me. She just blew them off and made me the center of her attention.

On our fourth date, she took me to her home to meet her family. Marnie took to me right away and stuck by my side all evening like glue. She must have felt me a kindred spirit. I looked at her hand-drawn sketches. They were amazingly detailed. Mary Beth had not told me how artistically talented her sister was. She captured astonishing musculature and body shapes in all of her animal drawings without any formal training. Her parents took to me right away and seemed to signal their seal of approval of me to Mary Beth.

I loved making out with her but allowed her to determine the level of intimacy that she wished to pursue with me. I was nervous about driving her away by being too pushy and to make matters even scarier, I was a virgin. Sure, I had watched a lot of porn in my day, a lot of it. But seeing and doing are two different things. As the end of our school year neared, she asked me to get a hotel room and we spent an entire Saturday learning to come together as lovers. It was evident that she was not a virgin but I didn't hold that against her. She patiently guided me into my role and praised my performance. By Saturday afternoon, I considered myself an experienced lover with room for improvement. We both wanted to please the other equally. It was the most wonderful experience of my entire life. That day as we chatted between our lovemaking sessions, I explained my synesthesia to her to the best of my ability. She was fascinated by it, having heard of synesthesia before but she had never met anyone with the syndrome.

My parents, too, loved Mary Beth to death and privately commended me on being able to land such a beauty who comfortably embraced my quirks and blended with me in every way. A week before graduation, I asked her to marry me. To my amazement, she welcomed the opportunity to become my wife. Her parents insisted on six months for nuptial planning and we decided on a December wedding date. That gave us six months to find jobs and a place to live. We made all of our important decisions together which we both loved.

With her degree, Mary Beth became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She landed a job at a local school working with adolescent students with a starting salary of $88,500.00 annually. Her love for Marnie induced her to seek employment where she could work with special needs students. It was a perfect fit for her and I was so very proud of her landing that opportunity.

As for me, my degree focus was in Applied Statistics and Data Analytics. Most graduates with my degree opted for financial securities analyst jobs. I wasn't interested in securities owing to their volatility. I was more interested in becoming an Investment Analyst for a firm that bought and sold whole companies instead of stocks or futures. I interviewed at over a dozen firms and was offered employment at two of them. They just weren't the right fit for me. One of my professors contacted me saying he had recommended me to Higgins Investments, Inc. A former student worked in HR there and said they were looking to hire an entry-level analyst. I thanked him profusely for the recommendation and arrived early for my interview. Don Sharpe was their lead analyst and he grilled me exhaustively.

"Mr. Stevenson..."

"Andrew, please, sir."

"Thank you. Andrew, I want to say that very few people actually surprise me but you are such a person. From my digging around in your brain for the past hour along with my attempts to fluster you, you've provided cogent responses that I can only attribute to some kind of natural or gut instinct. I must say that your logic, though impeccable, caught me off guard. You have a unique way of looking at things that leads me to believe that we just might be able to mold you into the type of analyst we need to help the company continue to make the best-informed decisions with the highest degree of success. We buy and sell companies and also engage in mergers. I'd like to offer you an entry-level analyst position in our mergers and acquisitions division with a starting salary of $96,280.00 annually."

I was over the moon with excitement and accepted the offer immediately. My salary coupled with Mary Beth's put us as a couple realizing $184,780.00 annually. It was a respectable embarkation on a life with the most beautiful woman in the world doing the kind of work I'd always dreamed of. Life couldn't be better. Mary Beth and I carefully chose a starter house for us with aspirations to grow into a larger, more luxurious home eventually. I would have been happy living in a cardboard box with her as long as we were together but I loved her too much not to want to give her the best of everything that we could afford.

I became Don's right-hand man. Mergers & Acquisitions consisted of four departments. Don is a Vice President of Higgins Investments over Prospectus Forecasts and I am his sole assistant. Bill Spencer is a Vice President of Prospect Evaluations (Bean counters), with ten CPAs under him. Terry Whiteside is a Vice President of the Legal Department with a horde of legal staff, and Henry Stubblefield is a Vice President over Negotiations and Closings (The dealmakers), consisting of seven power brokers. He informed me that there were two other Vice Presidents of Higgins Investments but informed me that they weren't a part of Mergers & Acquisitions.

I'd been told that the man I replaced had made too many bad calls and brought no value to the table for all of his efforts. I hoped that I wouldn't follow in his footsteps. Don shared with me that he'd had a personal 60% success rate. The company was making money but Don shared with me that CEO Ben Higgins was hoping that he would get better at cherry-picking opportunities to enhance the bottom line. He confided that he expected that it would take me at least a year to get my legs under me before I could even think about offering any viable recommendations for potential mergers or companies ripe for investment. It impressed me that they were looking down the road at long-term potential. I suddenly realized that I needed to add another color to my analyses. In addition to the snapshot opportunities that exist at the moment, I need to consider how conditions may materially evolve into smart investments that have better upside potential than all other candidates.

I noticed that my work computer was a standard desktop model with mediocre performance. I advised Don that in order to maximize my potential fruitfulness to the company, I needed a very high-performance model similar to the ones I had access to in college. Unable to think of any reason to shoot down my reasoning, he gave me carte blanche to order anything I needed. I provided him with the make, model, specifications, and best price wholesaler to purchase it from. Ten days later, I had the new system up and running. Four large array monitors overtook my desk as I began the process of absorbing as much online information as I could find to target specific companies for either merger or to become an additional profit center. Two weeks later, I handed Don a list of six companies for his review. He was amused at my naivety.

"Andrew, there's no way in hell that you could produce one valid recommendation in such a short time, let alone six." He chuckled some more as he reviewed the single piece of paper I handed him.

"Where's your research, son? All I see here is a list of six names. If there was anything of substance about any of these companies you just handed me, you should have a ream of paper documentation to back up your research on each one. This? This is a pie-in-the-sky, hail-Mary, shot-in-the-dark. Is this a joke?"

"No sir. I give you my word, those are my best recommendations. I suggested one that I earmarked for a merger and the other five are slated for acquisition. Once they've been purchased, you can then decide to either break them up and sell them off for a profit or hold them longer term for a return on investment. They're suitable candidates either way."

Don Sharpe smiled at me condescendingly. "Andrew, you're young and gung-ho. I get it. You want to make a good impression on me that you have something to contribute. But I can categorically state that there's no way in hell that you can derive such conclusions in the brief time you've been with Higgins Investments, Inc. Especially since you have nothing to show to back up your recommendations. How in the hell do you expect me to take you seriously when you pull shit like this on me?"

I was seriously hurt by his poor assessment of my hard work and it showed on my face. "Don, I realize that you don't know me well so you have no foundational basis to trust my assessments. May I ask a big favor of you?"

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