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Sova enters enemy territory in order to negotiate a deal.
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*This is purely a work of fiction. All characters in this story are eighteen years of age or above*

Long time lurker, first time sharing.

Thanks for checking out my first work on Lit! I've had this idea in my head for a while and finally got around to outlining and putting it down on paper. A couple of things to get out the way.

If you're not into:

- non-con/dub con

- dystopian sci-fi/fantasy

- abnormal human anatomy (omegaverse)

- slow burn

- plot focused stories

then my stuff might not be the works for you, and that's totally fine. I don't judge. If you're down with the aforementioned, welcome, hope you enjoy :)


Both males watched her with cautious eyes.

Valen and his Punisher. Sova didn't know the Punisher's name, nor did she care. She just wanted to make the deal with Valen and get out. The Punisher's presence in the room made her nervous but Sova knew she'd never be permitted to be alone with Valen. Instead, she tried to pretend he wasn't there.

Both Alphas' eyes followed her as she approached. She kept her gaze on Valen.

As Sova neared the "king" behind his desk, the Punisher stepped forward, halting her approach.

"Check her," Valen ordered flatly.

The Punisher nodded and indicated for Sova to hold out her arms. She complied but was beginning to regret wearing a blouse and skirt. It was supposed to be strategic. At least, that's what Pavoc's second had told her. The Alpha called Valen wouldn't even look her way, much less listen to what she had to say, unless she showed a little skin.

That's exactly what she had done. Only shown a little skin. Her skirt was form fitted to her figure, but still fell just above her knees. Her blouse was a simple thing, with buttons, that she'd deliberately left unbuttoned right at the crest of her breasts, revealing just enough cleavage to be enticing.

Valen's Punisher slipped his hands along the sides of her arms. Calloused fingers dragging along her skin, slow and rough. A pointless maneuver. Her blouse was short sleeved so there was no need for him to touch her like this. It was almost as if he was trying to elicit a reaction from her, the way his palms and fingers trailed along the fabric of her clothing. As if they longed to touch the skin beneath.

Sova tried to keep her breathing even, but it was difficult to do with the Punisher's proximity. From behind her, she felt him bend down, his hands dragging between her bare legs, slipping underneath her skirt, lightly grazing between her thighs.

She wasn't supposed to be affected.

Sova had been dosing herself with heat suppressants in preparation for this meeting. Her heat still wasn't due for another week, but she was in enemy territory. She wouldn't leave anything to chance.

In addition to the suppressants, Sova had been masking for over two years now. The shots were expensive as hell, even moreso than the heat suppressants, but by the gods if they didn't work.

As the Punisher's hands slipped from beneath her skirt, Sova ashamedly felt a twinge of disappointment. The Alpha's hands now roamed over her hips and waist, large fingers gripping her with unnecessary force. She turned her head to the side to say something. To tell the brute to handle her more gently.

A mistake.

She hadn't meant to, but as she turned her head to the side to scold the Alpha, something...unexpected happened.

Sova caught a whiff of the Alpha's sent.

Almost every nerve in her body was set aflame. Liquid heat surged from her fingertips straight down to her core. Sova froze, in horror, clenching her thighs together as the Punisher slid his hands along her belly, feeling for a weapon that wasn't there.

Compose yourself, you idiot, Sova scolded herself, fixing her face to remain impassive, you are being watched.

She shouldn't have been affected. She'd been masking for over two years and not once had an Alpha's scent broken her.

Though, she'd never allowed herself to be this close to one. Especially not one that smelled so... good. Like a slow burning fire in the middle of the woodlands.

Stop it, Sova commanded herself in a panic, collect yourself or you'll be killed.

Taking in a slow, shaky breath and holding it, Sova turned her head back towards Valen, who watched her oddly. Sova could hear the Punisher sniff her, his wandering hands pausing as she turned her head away from him.

One sniff.

Then another.

The break in her mask must have been a fluke, as the Alpha's intermission was short lived. Without a word, he returned to his examination.

Sova composed herself, letting out the breath she was holding in gradual relief. She plastered on the same impassive look she'd walked into the room with and ignored the droplets of slick she could feel leaking between her legs. Sova uttered a silent prayer to the gods that the mask would do its work and not alert the Alphas before her.

The Punisher, nearly done with his inspection, moved towards her breasts. Surprisingly, he cupped them with near reverence, patting ceremoniously as he searched for a hidden weapon. Sova wasn't stupid, she would have never come to East Gate unarmed. But unless they had planned to undress her, her weapon should remain undetected.

Sova bit her tongue. Instead, focusing on the feelings of shame and disgust she felt towards herself as Valen's man touched her. Those were the only emotions she allowed to be seen. Disdain, apathy, disgust, self-containment. That was what would keep her alive in this place.

The Punisher felt the small metal case tucked into the breast pocket of her blouse, slipping his hands in to fish out the object. As he did, his fingers grazed over her nipple. Sova bit back a moan. This male was too close, his scent too tempting. He was too insidious with his fingers and hands, intentional or not.

Sova cleared her throat and stepped away from the male as the metal case containing the payment was plucked from her pocket.

Scowling, Sova spoke.

"That is not a weapon, as you can see, Punisher. I would appreciate it if you gave it back." Sova held out her hand expectantly. The Punisher looked to Valen, ignoring her demand. Valen nodded and the Punisher reluctantly placed the metal box in her hand, before stepping away, out of her point of view.

Valen was one of the younger "kings" in Teffor. The youngest out of the five crimelords who had taken over the city just over ten years ago when the world fell. He was large for an Alpha, with a face that bore wear beyond his thirty-two years.

"Why are you here, Negotiator? The last time I spoke to Pavoc, he made it very clear that I had nothing to offer him. Your presence suggests otherwise."

Sova bowed her head with the reverence Valen was due.

"My name is Sova...Sir, and I do apologize for Pavoc's...hastiness. Admittedly he did not judge the situation accurately. He has sent me here with an apology and terms for a new deal."

"Sova," Valen said slowly, tasting her name on his tongue. It was an old Teffori word that meant small bird.

The crimelord raised an eyebrow, his coal black eyes shifting towards his Punisher who was out of Sova's view. Sova refused to acknowledge the other Alpha's presence, instead stepping forward, opening the small metal case in her hand.

Sova fished out a small metallic card from the box. It was a thick, square shaped thing, heavy for its size. The center was cut out into a smaller hexagonal opening with rounded edges. A small, clear sealed container of liquid centered inside. The liquid was neon yellow, with flecks of red whisps floating within.

A hexcard.

Valen leaned forward, his focus on the hexcard in her hand. Sova held it up for a brief inspection. Light whisps of red liquid danced playfully in its neon bath, intertwining but never mixing with the other liquid. After a moment, Sova placed the card on the desk before him.

"This hexcard contains one million hexels and is locked by a blood pin. As you can see, Pavoc has already supplied his blood, both as an apology and a gesture of good faith."

Valen kept his eyes on the hex card.

"So," the crime king drawled, "what is it that Pavoc wants so badly from me that he's willing to pay one million hexels for?"

Sova took a moment before responding. She needed to seem assured of Pavoc's situation. One million hexels was already an indication that Pavoc was somewhat desperate. Anyone willing to pay that amount of hexels for something was surely not in the best of positions.

That was where she came in.

This was her moment to shine and do what she did best.


"In addition to the hex payment, Pavoc is offering one hundred healthy bodies for your factories and a full shipment of coal and aluminum in exchange for five crates of munitions."

That seemed to get the Alpha's attention, who leaned forward taking the hex card and holding it up to the moonlight filtering through the office window, examining it.

"Now, why would Pavoc want more weapons than he's due on his rotation?" Valen asked, narrowing his eyes at Sova. Despite how he tried to disguise it, Sova could hear the curiosity in his tone.

"I do not know the extent of his plans, Sir. I only do as I am told."

"As any Beta should," Valen added casually, "I assume Pavoc will eventually provide me with an explanation for this most prodigious request?"

"I was told that once you accepted, I would return to East Gate with a summary of his plans and another offer."

"Hmm," Valen said nodding, placing the hexcard down on the desk between them. His eyes flicked up to Sova, then quickly to the Punisher standing behind her. Before Sova could move, the large Alpha had an iron arm barred at her waist and a knife to her throat. A small gasp escaping her as she was jostled about.

No guns, she noticed. If Valen intended on killing her here, he wanted it to be quiet. Perhaps that was something she could use.

Valen stood and walked around to the front of his desk. It was there Sova realized just how large both of these men actually were. Though Valen wore a black button up shirt, Sova could see the large muscles threatening to tear through the expensive fabric. It would take nothing for him to snap her neck with his bare hands.

Though she hadn't gotten a proper look at the Punisher, she could feel how big he was. Her head flush to his chest, Sova's attempts to wriggle from his grip were futile. The Punisher pressed the knife to her throat, right at the junction where her head met her neck.

She stilled.

"I could say 'fuck Pavoc', kill you, and keep the hexcard for myself," Valen said calmly, reaching behind him to grab the hexcard from off the desk.

Sova could hear her heartbeat pounding in her ears but held her resolve.

"You could, but you'd never be able to withdraw the funds. That card not only has a blood pin but is also encrypted with a pincode. It's useless unless you know it. In addition, it's on a withdrawal timer. If the funds are not transferred within three days, they return to Pavoc's accounts."

That had been why Pavoc felt comfortable sending her to East Gate without an escort. For one thing, it was less conspicuous. Second, even if anything had happened to her, no one would be able to access the hex credit inside without the pin.

"Fair enough," Valen acknowledged, nodding to himself, "but what's to stop me from torturing you for the pin, then killing you? Pavoc would have such a hard time finding another Negotiator as pretty as you."

At those words, Sova felt the tip of the knife leave her neck and graze across her cheek. She could feel her skin opening as the Punisher dragged the tip of the blade lightly across her face. The coppery scent of her blood tinged the air.

"I wonder if the little bird bleeds as pretty as she looks," the Punisher said with a deep, wanting tone. Sova felt his words vibrating from his chest to the back of her skull like a low hungered growl. She could feel the violent energy rippling off him. She could smell his savage intent. This Alpha wanted the chance to torture her.

Sova didn't doubt that Valen would let his Punisher do just that, if only to send Pavoc a message. These males, these Alphas, were dangerous. If she didn't play their game just right, she would end up dead. Sova licked her lips, tasting a bit of blood that had run down her cheek.

"I'm sure you'd be successful in torturing the code out of me if I knew it. However, Pavoc didn't entrust me with that information. All you would do is end up with a dead negotiator, an inaccessible hexcard, a broken deal, and Pavoc's ire."

Sova dared to look Valen in the eye as she spoke. It went against her every instinct, but this was how she worked. This was how she negotiated.

She challenged.

Valen didn't break their eye contact, instead searching her eyes for a break in her confidence. Attempting to call her bluff. It was a gamble, for sure. Sova could have been lying about not knowing the code and to be certain, he could have his Punisher find out. A million hex was a tempting offer, even for one of the five crime kings.

Valen was far more intelligent than the other crimelords gave him credit for, however, Sova had known this. He had to be to have taken over the East Gate during the Fell at just twenty-two. Valen knew that risking Pavoc's anger would be a bigger detriment to him in the long run. Besides, he needed those extra bodies to work the factories if the rumors were true.

It had been Sova's idea for Pavoc not to give her the pin. Despite Pavoc's investment in training her, she would break under torture. Sova had seen what Pavoc's Punishers could do. No one, Beta, Omega, or even Alpha could withstand that kind of torment. In the end, they broke. They all did eventually.

"Once the deal is accepted, I am to go back to North Gate. Once Pavoc can confirm that I am alive in his territory, you will receive a messenger with the pin code. I will return again sometime soon after to negotiate the second part of the agreement."

Valen appeared to consider this. Sova's heart thundered in her chest so forcefully and loud she was certain the two Alphas could hear it. Once again, she was negotiating with her own life...for Pavoc. There was a good chance that Valen would reject Pavoc's offer. There was an even bigger one that he'd accept and kill her anyway. She hadn't planned for the latter option.

"Why has Pavoc come to me with this? Why not Mirabax or Sin Ardaal?"

There was that intellect Sova had heard about. Of course, Pavoc had wanted approach the others first. Pavoc had initially wanted to bring a deal to Mirabax who controlled Far Gate. It had taken much convincing, but he had finally conceded into approaching Pavoc first. Logistically, it would've made more sense to go to the others, whose territories were in better positions. Sova knew however, that Valen controlled the factories and thus the production of essential items like weaponry. Sova knew that if another war was to come, it was best to be on the side that was better armed.

"Pavoc feels that the ties between our Gates have become...unnecessarily strained. He wants to build a more solidified alliance between us, since we are such close neighbors. He hopes this agreement will forge a new future for you and him, and for Teffor."

Sova chose her words carefully. She wanted Valen to speculate as to the nature of Pavoc's plans but not give them away outright. From what she'd learned of the Alpha, he was just as ambitious and bloodthirsty as he was smart. He would be wary but was likely not to turn her down.

Valen didn't say anything, instead choosing to mull over her words in silence. After what felt like an eternity, Valen's eyes shifted upwards to the male that still held her at knifepoint. Sova didn't understand, but felt an unspoken conversation happen between them, his eyes shifting from her back to his Punisher's several times.

Finally, Valen nodded and Sova felt the knife at her throat disappear, the proximity of the Punisher dissipating, leaving her with an odd chill. Despite how roughly he'd grabbed her, his retreat from her space was swift and gentle.

Valen held up the hexcard, taking his thumb and rubbing it against the bottom right corner. The smell of blood wafted lightly in the air as a single droplet dripped from his thumb. In the center of the hexcard, a bright, fresh whisp of red whirled in the neon liquid, mixing with the blood that was already present.

"You can tell Pavoc that I accept this deal, for now. I'll expect those bodies within the week."

Sova nodded, tracing her fingers over the flecks of dried blood at her cheek.

"When you return, Negotiator, if I don't like the terms of the second part of your master's deal, tell him he can expect to have you returned to him in pieces for wasting my time."

Sova nodded once again, bowing her head in submission at the threat. Without another word, she turned around, finding the office door already opened by the Punisher, and left.


"What do you think, Kaz?" Valen turned to him, twiddling the hexcard betwixt his fingers.

Kaz, looked outside the window of Valen's office, watching the little woman walk hurriedly from the building. She was a small thing, even for a Beta.

"I don't trust Pavoc," was Kaz's only reply.

"Neither do I, but he is planning something. If he's going to make a move on one of the others, it's better to be with him than against him."

Kaz nodded, frowning as he watched the Negotiator, Sova, cross the street and head towards Central East Station.

"What's wrong?" Valen asked, noting his Punisher's demeanor.

"The Negotiator. Something is off with her. Her smell is...odd."

Valen turned to look out the window, following Kaz's eyes as he watched the Beta walk hastily to the next street.

"You think she's lying?"

Kaz honestly didn't know. He suspected it.

His entire being itched for him to find out.

Sova's scent had shifted several times during her and Valen's conversation. Usually, a subtle shift in scent was a prime indicator of duplicity.


His sense of smell was keener than most Alphas, which was what made him such an effective Punisher. But having never met Pavoc's Negotiator before, he had no baseline to go off of.

She was hiding something. Of that he was certain.

"Permission to track her," Kaz said suddenly, his body tensing as he recalled the odd scent.

"Tell me your suspicions, Kaz," Valen commanded, his tone turning direct, alpha.

"The female is hiding something. Pavoc is untrustworthy, we know this. I suspect that she will be complicit in whatever he is planning, willingly or not. She knows something. Her scent is...strange and shifted too much,"

Valen nodded, his gaze turning back to the street below them.

"Follow her, then. And if she makes any stops between here and North Gate, extract everything you can from her. Then send Pavoc her pretty little head."

With that, Kaz smiled.


The Silver Line was crowded for this time of night. Sova slipped between the throngs of people holding on to the railings of the subway car. She found a small unoccupied space at the corner and leaned against the wall near the door. A male sat on the bench seat just to her right, a beta. From his dirtied appearance, Sova surmised he'd just finished working in one of the refineries.

His soot covered eyes met hers and Sova thought for a moment that he'd offer her his seat. Instead, he looked to her cut cheek, then her upper echelon clothing, regarding her with a scowl and angling himself away from her.

Sova didn't mind standing, though her feet ached from the long walk from Valen's office to Central East Station. She could've taken a tram to the station, but she had wanted to get a layout of East Gate, as Pavoc had commanded.


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