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Quarantined Due to Futa Virus Ch. 03

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My dick is bigger than my husband's!
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/11/2022
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FYI, I took a writing class. So this story has a bit more substance than normal but if you want to skip to the fun stuff then look for the paragraph break. Enjoy!

The day was a bit gray and cloudy, much like my current mood. At work we had been forced to go through training for a new virus called FUTA that was being hyped as COVID's bigger, angrier, meaner, and somehow hornier brother. So far the government hadn't taken any steps beside advising quarantining if signs of infection presented themselves, but since I worked for a hospital as a nurse we were rushing to get procedures in place. The top brass at Healthy Hospital did not want to be caught flat footed again, so they had issued reams of advice, documentation requirements, and mandatory stay at home orders if infected. All very praiseworthy efforts but it dumped all the extra work and stress in my already overworked and overstressed life.

I pulled into the driveway just as the first raindrops were starting. Remembering the panic and store rushes from a few years ago, I had stopped off at a local big box store to stock up on beans, rice, and beef. Basic staples that could be stretched out for months. Just in case government lockdowns occurred again.

"Sweetie." I called out to my husband from the driveway. "Could you help me bring in some groceries?" My husband Charles had been working from home for years and as a gym rat, or so he claimed, he could help with all the heavy bags and boxes. It took a few minutes but he eventually came outside.

"Dear, I know that I work from home. But that doesn't mean I'm free labor." Despite his protests, there was a happy smile beneath his chestnut beard. He always enjoyed showing off his muscles to anyone who would pay attention. It was adorably cute as long as he didn't try to over exert himself, and in times like this it was very useful. "What did you hunt down today?" He asked with a grin. "Steaks and pork for grilling?" He leaned down for a kiss before opening the trunk.

Once the trunk had opened, his smile vanished. Replaced by worry and concern. The last time I had stockpiled like this was in 2020. "Is it that bad?" He asked as his brow creased. I nodded wordlessly. The warnings delivered in the involuntary training meetings still echoed in my head.

According to the big wigs teaching the class. In females the virus would cause unexplained, unnatural, and weird mutations, and also an overwhelming increase in libido. In males however, the virus reacted to the Y chromosome and the mutations that would be merely uncomfortable or awkward for females, would cause a death that was incredibly painful, and sometimes incredibly drawn out.

Charles pulled me in for a bear hug like he always did when he sensed I was stressed. I nestled into his chest and took comfort in his strong and manly heartbeat for a few minutes before breaking loose.

"We should hurry and get the groceries inside before it really starts raining." I grabbed one of the lighter bags and started for the door. Leaving Charles, in all his masculinity, to get the heavier and bulkier items.

It took a few trips but we managed to get all the supplies inside before the drizzle of rain turned into a downpour. Charles got a little wet but he just shook his head like a puppy to shake off the raindrops from his curly hair and beard, then he did the same for his burly hair arms. I was just grateful he did it in the entryway and not in the living room like usual.

"So, June, will we be putting the girls in remote learning again?" He asked as he helped me put away groceries. I sighed, and thought for a moment before replying.

Our two girls, Anne and Betty, were 18 year old twins who had been delayed a year in highschool due to grades and pandemic, but mostly due to grades. Unfortunately Anne was going through a rebellious phase and was either failing or barely passing all her classes and Betty was following her older sister's example. The school had been pushing for a parent teacher meeting for months but with work and everything we hadn't found the time.

"We can't put them in remote learning yet." I said with another sigh. "The school just finished publicly celebrating a full return to classroom learning so they removed all the remote learning options, and disabled all the processes to apply for it."

"Will the kids be safe at school?"

"I don't know." I shook my head in a vain attempt to dispel my worries. "So far as the hospital knows, the disease isn't fatal to women. So me and the girls will be safe. But..." I closed my eyes tightly to prevent tears from leaking out. "If you catch it, then there is at least a ten percent chance you will die. Horribly. Painfully. There is no known cure or vaccine." The grisly training images flashed before my eyes.

Charles wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed the top of my head. One of the benefits of having a tall husband. "It will be alright, June." He said in a husky voice. "If you or one of the girls get sick then I can hole up in my office. And if I get sick," he let a bit of humor slip in, "then I will have my sexy nurse keep me alive."

The warmth of his hug, and the soft laughter in his voice seemed to wash my cares away. And soon, I was chuckling alongside him. I lifted my head for a kiss, and had my nose pleasantly tickled by his thick mustache as he indulged me.

"Thanks sweetie." I smiled as he broke off the kiss. "We made it through COVID, and I'm sure we will make it through this as well."

I should have knocked on wood to prevent jinxing myself. But foolishly I neglected to do so. A mistake I never made again.

"MOM! Mom! Come up here! I need you! NOW!" The panicked cry from Betty came from upstairs. Something about the tone of her voice set off alarm bells in my head, and must have done the same for Charles judging by how fast he ran off to help his baby girl. Since Betty preferred her privacy and had never called for me like that before, unlike her sister, I went into battle hardened nurse mode and steeled myself for whatever her issue was.

At the top of the stairs, I found Charles anxiously pacing outside Betty's room. "She said that it's a 'girl problem' that only you can help with. She won't even tell me what it is!"

The melodramatic look of despair on his face at his inability to help his family made me chuckle inside, but I didn't let anything show on the outside. "Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure it's nothing too serious." I stood on tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "Go finish your work for today. I'll make you bratwurst for dinner if you finish in time."

"Boiled in beer and grilled?" He asked. His face brightened ever so slightly.

"Only if you go do your work now."

"Well, alright. But if there's anything either of you two need then just yell out for me." a slightly mollified Charles shuffled down the hall to his office, continually looking over his shoulder to see if I needed help yet or had changed my mind. Smiling while holding back laughter at his silliness, I shooed him into his office and then gently knocked on Betty's door.

"Betty? Are you ok in there?"

"...Is dad gone?" Came the tremulous reply.

"Yes. He's in his office and won't come out until dinner time." I raised my voice a little, just in case her father was listening from behind his office door. "Can I come in?"

The only response I got was the door unlocking, and the thumping of her scrambling to do something. Probably hiding stuff that would've been forced to scold her over. I didn't personally care if she had some stuff she wasn't supposed to, but as a parent I had an obligation to scold her.

I slowly opened the door. The room was a bit of a mess but not too bad. Bed was unmade, clothes were thrown everywhere, and piles of books surrounded an already packed bookshelf. A normal teenage nerd's room.

Betty was sitting at her desk, holding a blanket up around her neck like she was hiding something. She had turned the monitor off on her computer, but I could still hear the porn audio blasting from her headset, I tactfully ignored it. Her normally pale cheeks were flushed and her breathing was heavy, but I knew from experience that she didn't look feverish, something else was up.

"Hey, you sounded a bit nervous before. Are you alright?" I used my gentle mom voice because her trembling body told me that something had really scared her. However I didn't get a response until I had closed and locked the door behind me. "What's wrong honey? Don't be scared. You won't get into any trouble, I promise." I figured she had been scammed or gotten a virus on her computer viewing dodgy websites so I wanted her to spit out whatever the issue was quickly so I could get dinner going.

"M-mom, is this normal? I-I don't remember anything about this from sex-ed."

No shit. I thought to myself. The sex-ed course had been taught by the prude Mrs. Dullivan, who thought that even the Amish were too free living and easy going regarding sex.

Betty had slowly removed the blanket while I was thinking and once it was completely off I turned on my 'nurse vision' to see what the problem was.

Shoulders and arms, skinny and could probably use a bit more muscle. Breasts, a solid B cup with no visible lumps or discolorations. Stomach, very flat, some extra dessert wouldn't go amiss to keep her at a healthy weight. Groin area, pretty and pink pussy with no blood or anything weird aside from a twitching 3 inch dick. Her legs... Wait a second. A DICK!?!?! I was pretty sure my daughter had not been born with a dick!

"Oh fuck." I softly murmured. Growing a dick was stage two of the FUTA virus, and usually only manifested after two or three days of being infected. This meant that the entire family, and everyone at her school had been exposed to the new virus. "Oh fuck."

The next few days were tumultuous to say the least. After Betty grew her dick, Ann grew one shortly afterwards that was of a similar size but I hadn't seen it yet. The two girls also had their breast size increase from a petite B cup, to a more busty D cup.

Anne had wanted to go out to show off her new tits to the boys at school, but I forced her to stay home in quarantine. I didn't want to be any more responsible for the potential deaths that the virus might cause. She threw a fit, of course, and stormed off to blow off steam in the backyard pool, her sister imitated her and they've been outside most of the time.

Charles did not succumb to the virus, fortunately. But his sex drive is now through the roof and his dick, which had previously been a comfortable yet stimulating 5 inches, doubled to just over 10 inches and was also much thicker. It was like eating a footlong sub every time I gave him a blow job now!

As for myself, my breasts grew from their previously easily managed C cup, to ginormous K cup! The inevitable dick was also huge; it measured a whopping 13 inches, and nearly as thick as a soda can! Thankfully my husband didn't mind that mine was bigger than his, and there were no (metaphorical) dick swinging competitions like I had seen him get into with his friends and buddies. Also our sex life got a lot more active. From once a week if we had the energy, to once every couple hours, if not more.

After about a week we had gotten into our lock down routine, and I was in the kitchen making dinner, with Charles helping me out. The girls were outside by the pool so we were taking advantage of the private time to have a little fun, and also to have a serious discussion about them.

"I'm telling you, June. I know that lockdown is rough on all of us, but the girls have been acting way out of line. Last night when you told Anne to clean her dishes she told you to 'fuck off you horny bitch'. I know this virus has made us all hornier than normal but a girl shouldn't talk to her mother that way."

I sighed, reluctant to hash out this topic again. This was a conversation we had had many times over our marriage. Charles was the disciplinarian of the family and I'd always intercede for the kids. In the past this method had worked perfectly, I'd only need to say 'just wait until your father hears about this' and the two girls would behave. Now that the kids were teenagers though, this method had backfired completely.

"I know. But what can we do? We can't exactly spank them like you used to do when they were little."

"We can take their phones away." Came the instant reply.

"No! That would be too cruel! Their phones are their only way of connecting to their friends while we are in quarantine!"

"Sometimes a little cruelty is necessary. There are times for tenderness and times for harshness"

Charles hugged me from behind. With his arms around my waist, I felt my new dick press against my body. It felt a little weird having it in between his hands and my waist, but like an awesome husband, he didn't flinch or move his hands away from my throbbing dick.

"But taking their phones away? Can't we just ground them or something?" For some reason I gyrated a little so my dick rubbed against his hands through the fabric. I was just wearing a bathrobe since none of my old clothes fit me any more.

"Ground them? They are already stuck at home all day with no chance of leaving until a cure or vaccine is made. We need to do something more drastic." Even though I was now blatantly grinding against his hands, Charles didn't mind. He was even rubbing his own hardening dick against my ass, even though I had just given him a blow job a few hours ago. He was just wearing boxers and an undershirt, the girls had taken to spending the days outside so they wouldn't see him in that state of undress.

"I know the girls are good. I'm sure that if we just talk with them like adults then they will behave again." I reached behind me and guided my husband's stiffening cock out of his boxers.

"Talking with them will only do so much." Charles reached into my robe and took out my gigantic breasts. "They may be legally adults but there still needs to be consequences to their actions."

"Talking with them will work." I confidently stated as I guided his hands to my breasts. "If it doesn't... I'm sure it will work."

"If it doesn't, do I get to say I told you so?" Charles turned me around with a smile and undid my robe completely. I could feel his giant dick at the entrance of my pussy and my own dick squirted some precum in anticipation.

"If it doesn't work then I'll let you fuck my ass."

"It's a bet!" The prospect of getting to enjoy a normally only birthday or drunken new year treat ahead of schedule made him cum a little as he slid into my pussy.

Somehow my body, not only could take such an enormous dick, but reveled in the experience. With every inch that slid in, I had a mini orgasm until all 10 inches were in my pussy and the space between my breasts was sticky with cum.

"You know, I don't think we've gotten to fuck this much since our honeymoon." Charles' vigorous pounding brought back memories from our past. Even though back then he hadn't had such a huge dick.

"When this is all over, maybe we should take a second honeymoon. Let the girls look after themselves for a few weeks. Then we could find a secluded beach somewhere, where we can fuck as much as we want."

"That does sound nice." I said nostalgically as I rode his dick. "But no fucking on the beach! Do you know how uncomfortable it is to get sand up your ass? Or in your pussy!? If you prepare a towel, or something, then maybe I'll consider it."

"Alright. Do you think your cock will be permanent? Not that I don't like it." Charles paused with his dick still in me as he searched for the right words.

"It's just... as a guy who's had a dick all his life, I know you probably want to use yours as much as possible, and I don't think my ass could take something like that. So if the dick was permanent then we might need to get a third person involved so you could... you know... use it."

The love that always burned in me for Charles flared up at his statement. He wanted me to get the maximum pleasure from our sexual encounters, even if that meant involving someone else in our romance. I pulled him in for a deep kiss and started gyrating my hips forcefully until I felt that he had cum at least once.

"I love you, sweetie. But I don't need to use my dick when we fuck. Although, I wouldn't mind getting a blowjob from you. I'd like to find out what you see in it." I smiled mischievously at his discomfited look, and we both laughed merrily. His was slightly more forced than mine, as he glanced down at my dick that was currently spurting cum, but we were both happy.

Since I needed to tend to dinner, Charles turned me around and started fucking me from behind. It made navigating the kitchen a bit more awkward, but a lot more fun, and I'm pretty sure that no small amount of my cum got mixed in as 'seasoning'. Not that it mattered, the girls were always picky eaters at the best of times so at tonight's dinner I'd just hear a few more complaints than usual.

Glancing out the window, I saw a sight that nearly caused me to burn myself on the stove. Next to the pool, Anne was fucking her sister Betty! They must have been at it for some time because the area underneath the pool chair was stained white with fresh cum, and Betty's stomach was pretty well coated with the same substance.

Needless to say, the sight of my two daughters fucking each other rocked me to my core and I stood there speechless until dinner was nearly burned. When the smell brought me to my senses, I called the girls in for dinner.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see them hastily putting on their bikinis and rinsing off in the pool. Hopefully the filters could handle the ever increasing circles of white emanating from their dipping point.

It took a couple days for me to process what I had seen, and a couple more days after that for me to work up the courage to confront them. During that time, both Charles and I had seen and heard them making out and fucking numerous times, and since they didn't bother cleaning up after themselves they had left innumerable large puddles of cum around the house.

On the day I finally decided to talk to the kids about their actions with my husband by my side. We found both girls on the living room couch, jacking each other off while only wearing worn tank tops. They must have been going at it for a while because the cushion was absolutely soaked.

"Girls?" I softly approached them, hoping that my mere presence would get them to stop and apologize. No such luck. So I spoke again a bit louder, and with a bit of mommy forcefulness added in. "Girls!"

That seemed to do the trick. Partially. They stopped making out and groping at each other's tits at least, but they still kept jerking each other off. Charles was obscuring his eyes with his hands to try and avoid seeing anything.

"Now girls." I said." I know that this virus has made you hornier than normal. But this is no way for sisters to interact! Think of what will happen when the virus is cured! Will you be able to look each other in the eyes, knowing that you used to... Have sex with each other!?" I didn't exactly shout at them, but I was more forceful than normal.

"What do you care, bitch?" Anne instantly responded with the look of annoyance and self righteousness that every 18 year old has. "You get to have dad fuck you all day, but you won't let us out of the house to have fun with our boyfriends. It's not fair!"

"Y-yeah!" Betty attempted to parrot Anne's statement and rebellious attitude.

"Besides!" Anne added. "You don't have much room to scold us. We know you both have been peeking at us while we were making out. Admiring your daughters hot young bodies from behind the corners." She seductively caressed one of her breasts while Betty awkwardly spread her pussy lips. "Naughty mommy!"


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