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Quarantined Due to Futa Virus Ch. 05

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I infected both my mom and best friend.
7.6k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 05/07/2024
Created 10/11/2022
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It's all my fault. Lyla just couldn't stop blaming herself no matter what she did. When the FUTA virus first broke out, her mom had voluntarily gone into quarantine and forbidden her from leaving the house. However, less than a week into the self imposed lockdown, Lyla had gotten an invitation from friends for an underground party and she had snuck out to attend. Less than 24 hours after getting back from the party she had shown signs of infection.

"Why did mom have to get infected too? It's not fair for her to suffer for my acting out." Lyla muttered to herself as she slowly rubbed at her enormous 16 inch cock. She was completely naked in her room but not out of choice, piles of cum stained and drenched clothes surrounded the laundry hamper leaving her nothing to wear.

"Fuck, why are mom's tits so sexy?" Lyla rubbed a little faster at her cock while caressing her own D cup breasts. Her mom had been much more conscientious about laundry, and while she wasn't walking around nude, an exercise bra and panties didn't do much to hide her new extremely curvy figure. The image of her mom's bouncing tits and springy ass appeared every time Lyla closed her eyes.

"Fuck, why does this feel so good? I shouldn't have these." Lyla moved her hands from her tits to her golf ball sized testes. They had dropped down a couple days ago and ever since then her cum production had exponentially increased. Both her daily, and per orgasm, amount of cum were quite copious.

"Fuck, fuck, I'm cumming again!" Sensing the impending orgasm, Lyla lay back on her bed, her blazing red hair pooling around her, and closed her eyes in bliss.

"Hey, Lyla. Are you doing ok up here?" A sudden voice interrupted Lyla's near orgasm, and her unlocked bedroom window opened from the outside.

Already in the midst of cumming, Lyla opened her eyes in surprise and looked toward the window, accidentally firing off a blast of cum straight in her best friend Molly's face. Absolutely coating her face and plastering her thick glasses with hot sticky cum.

"Molly! Are you alright!?" Lyla jumped off the bed and rushed over to her friend in a panic. She didn't want to be responsible for infecting her friend,in addition to her mom.

"I- I think so?" Molly took her glasses off and began wiping them on her shirt. She smacked her tongue a few times, trying to figure out the taste of some cum that had flown in her mouth. "What's this awesome taste? It's better than anything I've ever had!" She ecstatically began licking around her face, and then used her fingers to shovel it into her mouth like it was an errant slice of cake.

When Molly's glasses were mostly clean, or at least usable, she put the glasses back on and took a look around the room. "Um, Lyla? Not that I'm complaining, but why are you nude? And what just flew in my mouth? Also, can I have some more of whatever it was?"

"Molly, that was my cum! I'm infected with the FUTA virus. What the fuck are you doing here? Do you want to grow a dick and be a freak like me!?" Lyla grabbed her friend's shoulders in an attempt to convince her of the severity of the situation, before pulling her in for a hug. Despite her concern over Molly's health, she had missed her friend and really wanted a hug. What she didn't realize however, was that the hug brought the tip of her still hard 16 inch cock up against Molly's lips.

"I've missed you so much, Molly. My phone got soaked in cum last week, and there's no one here to talk to except mom. Not even the neighbors come close to the house due to us being infected. And... And... Molly? Are you sucking my dick?" Lyla pushed her friend back from the hug and realized she hadn't been imagining the feeling, there was a loud popping sound as Molly's lips were disengaged from the throbbing rod.

"C'mon! That cum that shot into my mouth before was really freakin' good! Just a little bit more, even the precum is tasty! If you aren't gonna get dressed then at least let me keep sucking you off." Molly desperately tried to resume sucking Lyla's cock. Caught off guard, Lyla let go of her friend who immediately returned to her former task, with a face like she was enjoying the world's best milkshake.

Lyla looked around her room to find a single piece of clothing to wear, but seeing that even the walls and a few corners of the ceiling were soaked in cum, she gave up the search before it even began.

"Alright, but let's sit down on the bed." Lyla made a mental effort, and lowered her hands from the futile task of hiding her breasts and dick, and made her way to a semi dry portion of the bed to sit down. Molly walked awkwardly behind her, never releasing the dick from her mouth.

"So why did you come here?" Lyla asked. "Weren't you worried about getting infected?"

Molly waited until she had swallowed a full load from Lyla before disengaging from the ever hard cock. "I guess you haven't heard about it, but all of our friends who attended that party a couple weeks ago got infected. And I've been feeling a little left out, now that the group chat is mostly flirting and dick pics. So I figured I'd come visit my best friend and see how she's doing."

With a friendly smile, and a slight glasses adjustment, Molly resumed sucking off Lyla's dick like she was taking an extended sip of soda.

Lyla had to admit that it felt really good, but it was weird seeing her childhood best friend taking several inches of a cock in her mouth. What made it even weirder for Lyla was how much she was enjoying it. Molly was surprisingly talented with her tongue, and soon coaxed another load from Lyla's over productive balls.

"Well I appreciate you coming to visit, Molly. I've really missed talking to people. Like really missed it. Don't get me wrong, hanging out with mom has been nice, but she got hit hard by the virus. She was really hot before, but now, if I catch so much as a glimpse of her I cum like crazy! Is it ok for me to be turned on by my mom? I'm pretty sure she's noticed from the amount of cum I leave behind me, but how do I tell her she's way too sexy and to wear more clothes. I mean, it's only girls here in the house so what reason do I give to ask her to wear more than a stretched exercise bra and sports panties?" Lyla let all the pent up emotions and chatter that had accumulated over the past several weeks flow out of her like the loads of cum that were spurting from her cock.

After around ten minutes of non-stop, uninterrupted, gossip from Lyla that ranged from ethical questions about having a cock, to asking unanswered questions about the sex lives of their friends with their boyfriends. She finally paused from breath.

"Thanks for listening to me, Molly. I really needed to get all that out. Actually, my balls are feeling much lighter so I guess you helped me get more than just pent up chat out." Lyla chuckled at her own joke, but when her friend didn't join in the laughter, she shook her lightly by the shoulder. "Molly? Are you ok?"

It was then that Lyla noticed that her skinny best friend's belly was bulging out of her shirt, and Molly had passed out while sucking her cock!

"Molly! Molly! Wake up! Are you ok!?" Lyla panicked when she saw her friend was completely unresponsive. Although when she was lifted off her dick, Molly unconsciously kept moving her tongue. "Mom! I need help!"

"I'm in the kitchen. If you need something then come down here." Came the absent minded and slightly sing song response from downstairs

"Com'n, Molly. Let's get you downstairs." Lyla couldn't carry her friend, so she just put an arm over her shoulder to help the slightly conscious girl downstairs.


In the kitchen, Lyla's mom, Julia, was baking cookies and watching the news on TV. She knew that Lyla had been feeling depressed lately and wanted to cheer her up.

On the news, the old wise voice of Anthony Fucci (pronounced fuck-chi) was giving a report to the nation. "My fellow Americans. The FUTA virus has now impacted every major city on the continent, with millions infected and tens of millions dead. I can safely say that our efforts at containment have failed, completely and irrevocably. Our efforts at finding a cure have been deemed an impossibility by scientists around the world.

We have found that the virus is actually a mutagenic compound made for military use, that somehow combined with covid to create the FUTA virus. Making it both extremely transmissible, and so far as we can tell, making the transformations incurred permanent. This compound was in a very early experimental phase and extremely unstable, thus the mutations caused by it are going to be completely random and unpredictable, aside from the increased libido and genetalia growth.

So in summation. Aside from cosmetic surgery, these changes are permanent and are not going to be fixed with a shot, there is no cure or vaccine, and even though it's not possible to become sick with it again after the initial infection, there could be further mutations that border on the bizarre. So now that President Diben is deceased, we will now begin genetic preservation procedures with uninfected males and females in secure locations under President Hamala Karris to make sure the human race does not die out in waves of cum. Thank you, and good night."

Ignoring all further questions, the doctor let a tear fall from his eye and disconnected from the video interview.

Julia wasn't overly concerned with what the doctor had said. She was relishing feeling the energy and horniness of a teenager again, and since there were no men in her life, she didn't really care about the deaths out there. As long as the grocery deliveries came with fresh food and the occasional beer.

Maybe I'll share a root beer with Lyla and she'll cheer up." She said to herself, Julia was always looking for ways to bond with her daughter, and at first the voluntary quarantine had been fun. But once the infection had hit them, Lyla had retreated to her room and only emerged to leave sticky puddles of cum everywhere.

Maybe if I share a couple root beers with her, she'll fuck me with her dick. Julia felt her dick begin to harden at the thought of her daughter's giant dick that seemed to be always hard. Her own cock was only 11 inches, and was soft at least half the time, but she still was affected by the increased libido described by the doctor and a dildo could only do so much for her.

"Mom! I really need help!" Lyla stumbled into the kitchen supporting her friend, whose stomach was bouncing and audibly sloshing as if she had drunk a gallon of milk. "Why couldn't you have helped me up there? Molly isn't responding! I don't know what's happening!"

With all the practice of an experienced mom, Julia ran an assessing eye over Molly. She was breathing normally, had a healthy glow, and wasn't running a fever. The only thing off about her daughter's friend was the slightly distended stomach that was barely pushing up her overly tight shirt.

"Lyla." Julia said in her serious tone. "What is Molly doing here? We're supposed to be in quarantine, young lady. Also, what were you two doing up there?" Lyla's eyes shifted uncomfortably and her exposed cock spurted a dollop of cum that splashed on the floor.

"We were just... talking." Lyla said in a hesitating voice. "More importantly, mom, what's wrong with Molly?"

"It's nothing serious. You probably don't recognize it since you're still a virgin at 19, but Molly is just riding the high of several mind blowing orgasms. Whatever 'talking' you were doing up there, she seemed to really enjoy it." Julia grinned mischievously at Lyla's fiercely blushing cheeks.

"Mom! It wasn't anything like that!" Lyla fiercely protested. "Geez! Wake up and tell her, Molly!"

Molly woke up from her happy daze after a few more attempts from Lyla to get her to deny anything happened. Unfortunately for Lyla, she did not respond the way her friend wanted.

"Lyla, can I have just a bit more of your cum?" Molly murmured. "I feel like I just had a turkey dinner but I still have room for dessert."

"Just talking huh?" Julia grinned as Lyla's whole face went beet red. "Well if you two decide to go all the way with your dick, just be sure to use the condoms I gave you for your boyfriends. Ha! I never imagined you'd be the one to use it instead of the boys. Just put Molly down in a chair and let her recover."

Getting under Molly's other arm, Julia guided her over to one of the kitchen chairs and helped her sit down. Then she returned to the kitchen to get snacks for the kids.

"Alright, Lyla. You know I'm not mad at you, but you need to tell me what happened exactly. Molly is probably infected but I need to know for sure before calling her mother." Julia put a reassuring hand on her daughter's shoulder as she passed her snacks. Somehow she could feel the warmth and passion flowing through Lyla just from the skin contact. Her own dick twitched in her panties from the mere touch.

"I-It's all my fault, mom." Lyla started crying, inconsolable at the thought of having infected her best friend. Julia pulled up a chair next to her and patted her bare back comfortingly. Letting her hand wander just a bit lower than was necessary for motherly warmth.

Over the next few minutes, Lyla told how Molly had snuck into her window and managed to somehow taste her cum, and then afterwards spent ten minutes sucking at her friend's dick like a teat.

"Well, that explains Molly's overly full state." Julia said with a sigh. "Last week on the news they were saying that the virus can be transmitted via cum so she's definitely infected. I'll call her mom and ask for some of her things to be brought over. Although, maybe she won't need that many clothes." Julia let her eyes wander over Lyla's nude form with a lighthearted grin. From the sounds emanating from her daughter's room all the time, it was perfectly clear why she wasn't wearing clothes, but being the cool mom, she wasn't going to say it out loud.

Lyla madly blushed, and tried to cover up her naughty bits. But due to the size of her dick and bust, it was a futile effort, just like always.

"Mhmm?" Molly came too more fully this time and looked at the duo questioningly. "What happened? Why am I down in the kitchen?" Before her questions could be answered though, her eyes opened wider than saucers. "Woah! Your breasts are huge Ms. Heyes! They're bigger than my head!"

Chuckling at Molly's tact, or lack thereof. Julia bounced her H cup breasts that were barely restrained by a sports bra, and enjoyed the sensation of her hands cupping the massive melons. "Thanks for noticing, Molly. I'm frankly surprised my back hasn't given out by now, but they feel amazing."

"Wait, so you got big boobs, Ms. Heyes, and Lyla got a big dick. If I got infected, would I get a big butt?" Molly's eyes flitted between mother and daughter, while unconsciously poking her own skinny butt.

"Well, do you want a big butt?" Julia asked, leaning forward so that her cleavage was on full display for the two girls.

"Definitely. It's what all the guys, and the girls, talk about. That and boob size, but I'm too skinny to support anything bigger than I already have." Molly looked down disparagingly at her body. It was extremely skinny, not to the point of malnutrition, but anything larger than A cups would seem out of place.

"Well if you want a bigger butt, then you'll need a little meat on your bones, and Lyla's cum isn't gonna cut it." Seeing that both Lyla and Molly's eyes were still laser focused on her tits, Julia got an idea. And with a grin like a cheshire cat, she pulled a tit out of her bra. "Maybe I could help. My tits started leaking milk a couple hours ago and it's very nutritious and it's guaranteed to give you a bigger ass. Just look at Lyla!"

Lyla choked on the water she was drinking, sending her into a coughing fit. "Mom! Put your tits away!"

"What? Why?" Julia said in a teasing voice. "You have your tits out, and your dick, and your ass. And you do have a really nice ass. You got it from me. Besides, your dick doesn't seem to mind me having my tits out." Sure enough, Lyla's dick had started dripping a steady stream of precum the instant the tit was revealed.

"Ok! I'll do it!" Molly stood up from her chair.

"Molly!? What are you doing?" Lyla asked.

"Um, Molly, what are you gonna do?" Julia asked, her grin faltering a bit.

"I'm gonna drink from your tits, Ms. Heyes." Molly tilted her head slightly. "Didn't you just say that I could get a bigger ass from drinking your breast milk?"

Realizing that her teasing bluff was being called, Julia looked for an escape. But before she could say anything else, or even put her dripping tit back in her bra, Molly grabbed the exposed breast and began to suck just as eagerly as she had sucked Lyla's dick earlier.

"What the fuck are you doing, Molly! That's my mom!" Lyla grabbed her friend's arm and dragged her off. Letting a surprising amount of milk to spill down from Julia's breast onto the table. "Why are you drinking from my mom's tits?!"

"Because she offered it? I also wanted to see if her milk tasted as good as your cum, and it does! It's like, the best tasting milk ever! You should try it!" Molly went in for a second taste, but was restrained by her friend.

"Stop it! It's too weird! I'm not gonna let you drink my mom's boob milk and I'm not gonna try it either!"

"Why not, Lyla?" Julia teased. "It's not like it's the first time you've drank from my tits."

"Ugh! Mom!! That was when I was a baby! Com'n, Molly, let's go back upstairs!" Lyla grabbed her friend's wrist and dragged her back up to her room.

Hearing the door slam, Julia let out a frustrated sigh and tossed her sports bra in the sink. For some reason, the stimulation of Molly sucking on her tit, had caused the breast that had been covered to start leaking excessively, half soaking the bra.

"Shit. That was my last clean one. Now I have to do the laundry again. Maybe I can convince Lyla to let me do hers too, her room is starting to smell."

Standing up to put away the snacks, Julia felt the air against her fully erect 11" dick that was sticking up out of her panties. "And now I'm really horny. It never rains unless it pours. First I need to call Molly's mom, then I can take care of this."

Grabbing her cell phone from its charging port. Julia dialed up Molly's mom. She only got the secretary though, so she left a message and then moved to the couch for some fun time.

"Let's see, which one do I want to use today." Julia opened the bottom drawer in the center table in the living room and looked over her large collection of dildos. Due to the outbreak, toys to be used on dicks had sold out months ago with several years worth of backorders. So she had been forced to just use a hand for her dick and a dildo for her pussy.

Sitting down on the couch, she kicked off her panties and let her dripping pussy breath for a bit before stuffing the biggest dildo she had inside. "Fuck, that feels good." She began imagining her daughter's dick entering her quivering pussy. "Fuck yes, fuck me, Lyla. Go deeper!" Unfortunately the dildo was already as deep as it could go, and left her feeling mostly unsatisfied in that part. So she shifted her fantasies and attention to her dick. "Yes, Molly, keep sucking, just like that. Fuck, yes, that feels good!"

Relishing her fantasies, Julia lost track of time and was on the verge of orgasming when the doorbell rang. Then rang again, and again and again and again. In an annoying cacophony that eventually brought her back to earth.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming. Fuck! I was so close to cumming!" Julia took out the dildo and carelessly threw it on the couch before heading to the door. Completely forgetting that she was still nude, and ignoring her twitching cock on the verge of releasing its load.

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