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Queen Victoria Inn


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Bryan could only laugh. The look he got from Lorna was worth it. She had been antagonizing him since she arrived at the Vic last year. Bryan led Liz to the passenger side of the Camaro, opened the door for her and said, "your chariot awaits".

"And where have you been hiding this little jewel? I love the color!" Liz exclaimed.

"Oh, just a little something I pulled out of the garage," Bryan teased as he held Liz's hand for balance as she sat in the bucket seat. He grabbed her bag and went to hoist it to put it in the trunk. "My God, what's in here? Rocks?"

Liz giggled. "Don't tell me you've never taken a trip with a woman before. We always pack our life stories for every trip."

Bryan rubbed his shoulder. He'd have to remember that and let the bellhop take the hit next time. He slipped into the driver's seat. "We've got a few hours of driving to make it into the city. We'll keep the roof up for now, but when we get close in, I'd like to throw back the top and enjoy the lights of the city before we make it to the hotel."

"I'm fine with that," said Liz. As they pulled out of the parking lot, Liz turned to Bryan and said, "You know, you're not going to be able to save me from myself forever. I'm flattered that you thought you might ease my transition into my new job, but you don't really have to go through with it. I understand."

"Wait, what?" Bryan was confused. "Oh...you think I'm saving you? Ha! This is far from saving you. It's more like throwing you to the wolves." Liz was now the confused one.

"Let me explain," continued Bryan. "You're my plus one for Cora's wedding. I need you to stick with me and keep my ex-wife off my back. Kim and I figured that if I had a date that stuck to me like glue and showed affection toward me that Sharon wouldn't dare to confront me and cause a scene. I'm hoping to just get through these next two nights without embarrassing my niece."

"Oh...OK," Liz said. She sat quietly for a minute. "So this really is just an escorting job, huh?"

"Well, yeah I suppose," answered Bryan. "I was hoping you'd agree, there's no one else I could possibly trust to pull this off. You already know my whole story. Kim was insistent that this was the only way to keep Sharon at bay. If you don't want to do it, I could bring you back..."

"No. I understand now," said Liz. "I'll go, but I'll tell you one thing. If that woman pisses me off, I'm going to charge you double!"

"Deal," said Bryan. "She'll be at both events. The rehearsal dinner shouldn't be much of a problem, we won't be sitting near each other at all and we can skedaddle right after dessert. The wedding reception is a different story, there won't be much I can do to keep her out of our faces if she attempts to confront us. Other than that the rest of the time is ours. You know I'd love it if you would spend time with me, but you aren't required to. The contract only covers accommodations and the escorting at the dinner and reception."

"Got it," said Liz. "Guess we'll just see what plays out". Liz thought that although the events with Sharon would probably be stressful, spending some time with Bryan in the city would be an easy start to her new job. "I'll do my best to keep her off your tail, Bryan. So what's the story we need to tell? Am I a lonely heiress? A movie starlet? An old lost love?"

"Hmmm...interesting choices, but I think I'll go with something a little closer to the truth," said Bryan. "How about, we've just met last week while I was working on a job. I had a little mishap and you tended to my wounds. Since then we've spent some time together and things just clicked."

"Oh. So It's the old 'Florence Nightingale' ruse. I guess I can roll with that," said Liz. She sat quietly for a few minutes, going over this scenario in her mind. "Did you really mean that?" she said.

"Mean what?" said Bryan.

"That last part, you know...that 'things just clicked'," said Liz.

Bryan glanced back at Liz with a knowing look. "I think you know exactly how much I meant that last part," he said. Liz felt a warm blush cover her body. Goosebumps raised up on her skin. This man could get to her like no other she had ever met.

Bryan hit the gas as they cruised down the scenic highway. It was bright and sunny. The miles unraveled before them, with one beautiful vista after another appearing after every curve. Both Bryan and Liz were really enjoying the ride, as well as getting out of Hanover for a spell. They stopped for a break and a quick bite at a local farmer's market. Bryan went up to pay for their snacks and drinks. "Lucky you," said the old farmer behind the register.

Bryan looked up quizzically. "Fast car and a beautiful woman. I'm jealous!" grumbled the old man. Bryan just grinned in response and dropped a fiver in the tip jar.

The sun began to set as they reached the outskirts of the city. Bryan pulled over and retracted the convertible top. They slowly cruised down the main street on the way to the hotel. The bright lights of the stores and buildings were a wonderful array of colors. People stared at the Camaro as they drove past. Liz just laughed as guy after guy would literally break their necks following the Camaro down the street. She looked up at Bryan. He was enjoying the feeling of being the envy of those he rode past as he felt the rumble of the Camaro's engine through the steering wheel and driving gloves.

They finally pulled up in front of the hotel. "Well, we're here," Bryan said as he jumped out of the driver's seat. "Hold on one second." Bryan flipped the switch to bring the soft top of the Camaro back into place. He also popped the trunk and motioned for the bellhop. He was in no hurry to wrestle Liz's bag again. He'd leave that to the poor kid who drew the short straw. "Park her in a safe spot for me," he said to the valet as he handed him the keys and a nice tip. He walked back to Liz's side of the car.

"This way m'lady," Bryan said as he opened her door and reached out with his left hand. Liz placed her hand in his and stepped out of the car. They followed the bellhop to the front desk. "Reservation for Thompson", Bryan told the front desk clerk.

"Yes sir," the clerk replied. "Part of the wedding party, I see. You have two rooms on the 8th floor."

"Two rooms?" Liz asked.

"Well, I didn't want to take the liberty of assuming you'd be content to sleep in my room," Bryan said. "Just wanted to be gentlemanly about this. We'll both need to clean up after our trip before dinner tonight. After all, you're doing me a big favor, it's the least I could do to make sure you're comfortable."

Liz felt a pang of disappointment, but quickly put on a front. "Well, your snoring IS atrocious," she said. Bryan could only roll his eyes. The two rooms were just across the hall from each other.

"Meet you out here at 7:30?" said Bryan. "Dinner is here in the hotel's restaurant. Casual Elegant they tell me...whatever that is."

"I'm sure a big man like you can figure it out," said Liz. "7:30 it is," and each retreated to their respective rooms.


Liz checked herself in the mirror. She had teased up her hair a bit and added a burette, letting just a few curls drape down her neck. The little black dress she picked up when shopping with Bonnie filled the bill for the evening. She added her black lace thigh high stockings and black high heels. Some small silver earrings and a costume black pearl bracelet completed the ensemble. "I hope I can make a good impression," she thought. She left her room just as Bryan was leaving his. Her first thought was he looked good enough to eat. It was the first time she had seen him anything other than his work clothes or the casual wear on the boat. "Sharp," she said to him.

"You look stunning, as usual. Love the way you've done up your hair and I love that dress on you," Bryan said as he offered his arm to her. "Ready to earn your keep?"

"I suppose so," said Liz. "I hope your family and friends accept me. Otherwise I'm going to feel like a fish out of water."

"Don't be nervous," Bryan whispered to her as they entered the elevator. "Just follow my lead. They all really care for me, so if I look happy then they'll be relaxed as well."

"Do you really think Sharon will hold her tongue tonight?" asked Liz.

"I think so," replied Bryan. "Kim tells me she's seated so far away from us tonight that there won't be any interaction."

The elevator reached the dining room floor and signaled the opening doors with a high pitched bell. "Well, here goes nothing," thought Liz. They strolled arm in arm through the crowded restaurant and into the reserved dining room at the rear.

Kim noticed their entrance and quickly waved to Bryan. "Over here Bryan," she called over the din of the guests. Bryan escorted Liz to the long banquet table.

Cora jumped up and screamed in excitement as she threw her arms over her Uncle's head. "Uncle Bryan, I'm so thrilled you made it," she said. She gave him an exuberant warm hug. "It means SO much to me for you to be here!"

Bryan hugged her back. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," he said. Kim just rolled her eyes.

"And who is this lovely lady you've brought with you tonight? asked Cora as she bounced over to give Liz a hug.

"This enchanting beauty is Liz, Liz Marshall. I picked her up hitchhiking on the side of the road on the drive up. She was already dressed so I figured I could bring her in with me," Bryan said with a grin. Liz just slapped him. Bryan faked being deeply hurt.

"So nice to meet you Cora!" said Liz. "Bryan has told me all about how proud he is of you. I hear you're about to collar a fine upstanding young man!"

"I sure am!" replied Cora. "This is my handsome husband-to-be, Will Stephens."

Will stood up and gave Liz a quick hug and peck on the cheek. "Would you mind telling me what street that you were hitchhiking on? I somehow missed the street that was lined with beautiful women like yourself looking for a ride." kidded Will. Cora elbowed him in the ribs.

"I see your beau has been spending too much time with your Uncle," Liz said to Cora. Bryan beamed, taking it as a compliment.

Bryan leaned in to give his sister-in-law a kiss. "Kim, I know you briefly met Liz the other day," said Bryan. "But I was remiss in not giving you a proper introduction. Kim, this special person is Liz Marshall...Liz this is Kim, my sister-in-law." They each leaned in and greeted each other with a hug.

"Kim, Bryan has told me about your late husband Craig," said Liz. "My condolences to you. But I have to say that you've certainly raised quite the beautiful daughter. You must be very proud."

"Oh...thank you so much," replied Kim. "I really am proud, this is one of the happiest days of my life!"

Liz leaned up to Kim's ear and whispered, "I guess I have you to thank for lighting a fire under Bryan and getting him to ask me on this date. But, I know I have a job to do for the next couple of nights." Liz started to look around before saying under her breath so that only Kim could hear, "So, where IS the old chum bucket anyway?"

Kim let out a loud quick laugh before she could cover her mouth. Luckily, the surrounding guests were all engrossed in their own conversations and weren't able to overhear Liz's question. "She's all the way over at the end of the table down there next to the kitchen, but don't look. She's been staring at you since the minute you and Bryan made your grand entrance. I think her date is the guy in the wheelchair at the end of the table. He looks to be a million years old. Don't think he can hear a damn thing as he keeps yelling at Sharon to repeat everything."

"Ok thanks, I'll sneak a peek later" said Liz. "And Kim, I'll do the best I can to keep the 'chum' from hitting the fan."

Kim nodded with a big smile on her face. She really liked this girl. Kim had arranged the seating so that the bride and groom were in the middle of the long table, with Kim and Will's parents directly across from them. Bryan and Liz sat just next to Kim and Cora. The various other relatives and close friends radiating out from there.

Sharon was relegated to the 'old folks home' side of the table. She was stuck listening to the various descriptions of aches, pains and hospital stays of each of those around her. She hadn't heard that Bryan was seeing anyone and was deeply disappointed that she couldn't find anyone who knew who this woman was. She could tell, however, that this woman was young, vibrant and quite striking. She also knew that Bryan was beaming with her on his hip. This infuriated her even more, and she vowed to find out just who this woman was.

The diners were all called to attention as Kim and then Will's parents delivered their speeches. All Liz could think about, as she watched the young couple blush and giggle at the bad jokes emanating from their parents, was that she'd hope they would fare far better in their relationship than she had in any of hers. Her thoughts and her gaze then turned to Bryan. The smile was wide on his face and he beamed with pride as he watched his niece look upon Will with such love. It was a pride no different than that of a loving parent. Liz felt as if she was peering into another corner of Bryan's heart.

The dinner commenced and the wine flowed. The food was wonderful and the conversation was interesting and easy. When asked how they had met, Bryan regaled the group about how he was viciously thrown from the ladder by a tremendous shock and then the next thing he knew, Liz had rushed to his aid and began to treat his wound. He related how he was in such a daze that when he looked up at Liz, all he could see was a beautiful green eyed angel caring for him. His audience even gasped a bit when he showed the still evident scar on his arm. Liz noticed that he conveniently left out the fact that the accident in question happened at the Queen Victoria. She also noticed that he left out the part about Lorna's boobs too.

What seemed like all too soon, dinner and dessert was over. The bride and groom got up to walk around and thank each of the guests as some of them started to take their leave. Sharon quickly grabbed her date Walter's wheelchair and left the room right after Cora acknowledged their presence.

Bryan, Liz, Kim and Will's parents continued to celebrate and were enjoying some port wine together. It had been a while since Bryan really had anything in his life to celebrate and even though the evening seemed like it had moved quickly, it had been several hours since they had arrived. Liz noticed that Bryan was beginning to slur his words. He had lost all track of how much he had to drink that night. The effects were starting to show. Liz felt it was time to take Bryan back up to his room before he had much more to drink.

Liz was having quite a bit of trouble convincing Bryan it was time to leave. She tugged and pulled on his arm but he just wouldn't get up. His alcohol induced haze was making him oblivious to Liz's coaxing. Finally, Liz reached down under the table cloth and just grabbed Bryan's crotch. Bryan jumped, his eyes widening, and he just turned and stared at Liz. "Well, now that I have your attention, I think it's time we headed upstairs," said Liz. Bryan could only nod in agreement. Bryan and Liz said their goodbyes and headed toward the elevator.

As they walked, Bryan became more and more woozy. He was beginning to have trouble walking on his own. The port wine was really kicking in. Liz put herself under his arm and practically dragged him into the elevator. By the time they reached the eighth floor, Bryan was out of it. He kept slurring, "You're so pretty!" And would try to hold Liz's face. Liz frisked him for his room key and found it in his jacket pocket. She hoisted Bryan upright against the wall and held him there with one hand while opening the door with the other. It was a struggle, but she finally managed to drag him into his room and get him to fall back on the bed. Liz wrestled him out of his jacket and slipped off his shoes, but not before Bryan yelled out, "You're so GODDAMNED PRETTY!"

Liz exited Bryan's room and walked across the hall to hers. As she entered, she had to laugh at Bryan's outbursts. She resolved to add "Drag your drunk ass to bed" as an item in her Menu. She'd have to see if she could add that into tonight's bill. This escorting stuff was harder than it looks.


Bryan awoke late the next morning with a pounding headache. He sat up and tried to shake off the fuzziness. He realized he was still in his dress shirt and slacks. He looked over and saw his jacket carefully draped over a chair. His thoughts drifted to the night before. He remembered that everything was going so well. Dinner and dessert were fabulous. He and Liz were having a great time. He remembered opening the bottle of port but not much after that. How did he even get back to the hotel room? He'd hoped to God that he didn't make a drunken scene last night. He rushed to the phone and dialed Liz's room.

"Hello," said Liz.

"Morning Liz, I think," said Bryan.

"Oh, it's still morning, barely," retorted Liz. "I hope you were able to sleep off all that wine you drank last night."

"Oh no," said Bryan. "I hope I didn't make a scene last night. I lost track of how much I had. That last bottle hit me like a ton of bricks."

"Tell me about it," said Liz. "Lucky for you, I dragged you out of there before you tried to wear any lampshades on your head."

"Oh man, thanks, I owe you one," Bryan said sheepishly.

"Don't worry," teased Liz. "It will be reflected on your final bill."

"Great," Bryan said disingenuously. "Tell you what, I'll make it up to you. Let's get some lunch and go and walk the shops down Main Street. Maybe I can buy you a little something you might like."

Normally Liz would protest, but she felt like she did earn a little bobble or something considering the sweat equity she put in last night. "OK, deal Mr. Thompson. But you need to watch your liquor tonight. I'm not going through that again."

"I hear you," said Bryan. "I'll come knock on your door at about 12:30. See you then," and then Bryan hung up the phone. Well, it looks like he dodged a bullet. Hopefully he could smooth things over with Liz this afternoon.


Liz and Bryan exited the hotel hand in hand. They were both quite hungry, so the first stop was a nearby cafe with outdoor seating. It was a pleasant afternoon to enjoy some lunch, but Bryan was more interested in finding out just how bad he had acted last night. "So, I hope I didn't do anything stupid last night," he said as the light lunch was served.

"No. The hardest part was just getting you up and headed to the hotel room," said Liz. "But I finally got you to leave and we headed out to the lobby." She wasn't going to reveal HOW she had gotten his attention if he didn't remember it by now. At least that way she could avoid a little of her own embarrassment. "Things just got a little harder as we got to our floor. You couldn't even stand on your own."

"Oh...boy," sighed Bryan. "I hope that was the end of it."

"Well," said Liz. "It took all my strength, but I was finally able to wrangle you into your bed. The only other thing you couldn't stop doing was commenting on my appearance every 2 minutes."

Bryan looked at her shocked. "What the hell did I say?"

"Well. Let's just say that the entire 8th floor of the Jackson Marriott knows you think I'm 'GODDD DAAAAMN PRETTY'," Liz said, slurring the last few words.

Bryan just started laughing in embarrassment. Liz joined in. Pretty soon he was laughing so hard he started to cry. Finally, Bryan added, "Well, at least I'm a truthful drunk."

They quickly finished lunch and headed down the street to the shopping area. Liz and Bryan took their time browsing the shops. Liz admired a number of dresses and a few pieces of jewelry in the windows. "What do you think of that pendant?" asked Bryan.

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