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RABs Ch. 02


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The first thing that woke us up was the sound of someone pounding on our door. I went to the door bleary eyed and sleepy and unfortunately, sporting the hardest morning wood I'd ever had in my life.

Standing on the other side of my door was Gwen Stevens. Gwen was one of the cooks.

"Hi Jerry, can you tell Elizabeth that she needs to get her ass over here. None of us knows how to finish decorating that giant cake the way she wanted it done."

Sandy walked up beside me.

"Holy shit," said Gwen. "You two slept together didn't you?"

"We didn't have sex," spat Sandy.

"Sure you didn't," said Gwen. "Anyway tell your mom..."

"We didn't" interrupted Sandy.

"You two aren't even supposed to see each other before the wedding," said Gwen.

"That's utter bullshit," said Sandy. "There's no way the two of us will ever be separated for any length of time. Shit the RABs can't separate us, so there no way some old wives superstition will."

"Whatever," said Gwen. She looked down at the rampant tent in my pants and over at the small tents atop Sandy's breasts and nodded her head. "Okay maybe you two didn't do anything. But it looks to me like you'd better, before you guys explode."

Sandy and I looked at each other and we kissed.

"That is so cute," said Gwen. "Have your mom get her ass over to the kitchen ASAP."

"Wait Gwen," said Sandy. "Seriously, Mom didn't sleep here last night. She, like everyone else in town, thinks we're just fucking non-stop."

"Okay, I'd better get a search party going then," she said. "Because none of us know where she is."

As she turned to leave, she bent over and picked up a folded piece of paper with a ribbon around it.

"Someone left you an early wedding greeting," she said, handing it to Sandy.

Sandy smiled and unfolded the paper. After reading it, her face turned ashen and her eyes filled with tears. I snatched the paper from her.

I guess I expected that someone would have paid one of our scribes to write a beautiful wedding greeting. We had scribes because although most of us could read, very few of us could actually write well.

In a very childish scrawl that I immediately recognized, Dana had written:

Hello Bitch.

This should be a very happy day for you. This should be the final dagger in my heart. Maybe it will still be. But I will not go away without taking you with me. I've snatched the old lady. I want you to come to the big tree in front of the gate as soon as you get this note. Don't take any time to plan, just come. I have no patience for waiting. If you do not come, I'll kill the old lady. Maybe I'll still kill her if you do come, but she's dead for sure if you don't. Come alone. If I see more than one person coming I'll kill her and leave the body for you.

I do want you to enjoy your last day though. You were supposed to have your little wedding today weren't you? I want you to still have that pleasure. So wear your wedding dress. It will probably have a big red stain on it before too long but wear it anyway.

I do want one more thing though. Right now I'm in a lot of pain. What I want most is to share that pain with the two people who caused it. My taking your mother was to cause pain for you. I also want Jerry to feel the pain he caused me. So I want him to watch from the wall to see what happens to you.

Your friend, Dana.

As I read the letter my mind worked over time. "Get your sniper rifle," I said.

"What?" she asked in confusion.

"Sandy, that tree is at least two hundred yards from the wall," I said. "No one except you could make that shot."

I grabbed another of my favorite swords from the rack in the weapons closet.

"I've never seen you use that sword," said Sandy. "It's different."

"It's the sword that an old actor named Wesley Snipes used in a movie called "Blade," I said. "It's a strange sword. It's almost like a combination of a Katana and a roman gladiator's sword. But we'll talk swords later. We have roaches to crush."

She picked out her sniper rifle. "Sandy did they make more than one wedding dress for you?" I asked.

"No," she said. "Why?"

"Well, do they have any other dresses like it?" I asked again.

"No, dummy it's a one of a kind. Our wedding is the first big ceremony that anyone has heard of in a long time," she said proudly.

"Shit," I said. "I'll try not to fuck it up. I need you to write a note to Dana."

* * * * * *


I could barely see the gate from the distance we watched from. The night before, we'd left the note on the front porch of my old house. Diego had waited for Elizabeth to leave the kitchen area. We'd both wandered through there a couple of times. The old woman really was an incredible cook. Most of the dishes they'd prepared for the wedding were simply mouth-watering. Of course, the large multi-tiered cake was her crowning achievement. The cake with all of its layers was big enough that everyone in the community would have a slice or two. It should have been my fucking cake.

I'd wondered then if they'd be able to use the cake at a funeral as well as at a wedding. It just seemed a shame to waste it.

Later on that evening, as Elizabeth left the kitchen to head to the dorm she shared with the rest of her staff, Diego hit her in the back of the head and knocked her out. He tied her up and threw her in the back of the truck with the rest of the supplies that we were allowed to take with us.

Early this morning, Jessie had checked us over and he and his men had made sure the camp was secure while they let us out of the gate.

"I really hate for things to end this way, Dana," he said. "I..."

"You're just upset that you didn't get a chance to fuck me," I said. "But at least you care that I'm leaving. So here's a going away present." I pulled my pants and my panties down and bent over so he could have a good look at my ass. I wiggled it and spread my legs so he could see my pussy from the back.

He was still in shock as I climbed into the truck beside Diego and we left.

Now a few hours later, Diego and I sat in front of the big tree. It was fitting that the bitch would die here. This was the same tree that she'd proven her ability to replace me as both my husband's spotter and as his wife, in front of. It was perfect because it was far enough away from the wall that none of those assholes could do anything about it. It also gave us the advantage that with this big a head start the only vehicle in the compound that might catch us would be Jerry's Mustang and when Sandy went down, I was sure that Jerry would be so shocked that he wouldn't react.

After he got over his shock though, he'd want blood. One of two things would happen. Either he'd load up his car and chase us, thinking that we were going to River Walk, which we weren't. Or he'd come after us and kill Diego.

I was sure that Jerry would never be able to hurt me. He'd loved me too much and too hard for too long to ever raise even his hand to me. Sure he'd cut Diego down without a thought, but Jerry would never hurt me. In the end, with Sandy gone, maybe we'd even end up together. I was sure that it would take time, but it wasn't impossible.

Even if Jerry did manage to somehow kill me, it wouldn't matter. I'd be dead without him anyway.

As we watched, the gate opened and one figure dressed in white came out. As I stared at the figure, I knew even through the wedding dress and the distance that it was definitely Sandy.

I couldn't actually see her clearly, the distance was far too great and the sun wasn't fully up. But I knew it was Sandy. I'd spent time over the past few days studying the bitch. I wondered what it was that she had that I didn't.

One of the things she had that I didn't was that little limp from when I threw her ass off of the wall. The figure coming out of the gate was trying not to but the limp was still there. There were one or two RABs in the area and someone from the wall shot them. It took them three or four shots to put them down. Sandy could have probably done it with one shot apiece. So I was sure that Sandy was the one walking towards us.

Diego held onto the leash we'd attached to the old woman's chains. "This had better work," he said.

"Shut up moron," I spat. "All you have to do is something you've wanted to do anyway."

"But I don't want to anymore," he said.

"If you don't rape Sandy, I won't write the note for Sven," I said.

"I've been thinking about this," he said. "We need to change this plan. If I fuck Sandy, Jerry will come after me. I'll be dead and even if he doesn't, there's no way I could ever go back there. I'd be stuck with you. I think plan B was better."

"Okay plan B it is," I said. "We let the old lady go and drop Sandy off in front of a big group of RABs."

Diego was such a fucking moron. When Sandy got here, I intended to start screaming about how Diego had forced me to do all of it. It had been Diego who'd knocked her mother out. I'd spent every waking moment the old lady had, pretending that I was trying to help her get free of the ropes. Diego had even come in earlier this morning and knocked her out again. This time he'd pressed a cloth filled with ether that we'd stolen from the med center against her face while I pretended to try to stop him.

Then, in front of Sandy, I'd use the knife I had strapped to my leg to try to wound or kill Diego. If everything worked, Sandy would be in my corner. That way, with both her and her mother on my side, I'd probably get to stay and as long as I was around Jerry, there'd be a chance for us to get back together. I'd wait a few months and Sandy would die in a tragic accident. I'd been doing research on guns and it wouldn't be very difficult for me to plug the barrel of her sniper rifle. She left the damned thing all over the place, since no one but her could really use it.

I loosened my knife as Sandy approached. But when she got there, I just had the weirdest feeling. Unfortunately, it was too late. Diego suddenly jumped up and ran away screaming like a little bitch.

"I'm not going anywhere near her," he screamed. "He'll kill me if I even breathe on her. Fuck this!" He dropped the old lady's chains and took off running.

I was in shock myself. I didn't know how to save the plan. Sandy suddenly hiked up her dress and ran after Diego. She didn't even slow down as she passed me. As I watched, Diego slowed down as he got near the truck. I'd forgotten about the wound to his ass. Sandy had caught him. She took off her veil and dropped the dress and I realized why she'd caught him so easily.

Sandy wasn't Sandy. It was Jerry in the dress. Diego tried to get into the truck and Jerry struck. The sword moved as quickly as lightning and with the same degree of mercy. It severed several of the large muscles in Diego's thigh. Blood gushed from the useless leg and Diego screamed and fell from the truck.

"I swear to God, this was her plan," screamed Diego, as he flopped around on the ground, writhing in pain.

"It doesn't matter," said Jerry. "You've been involved in too much shit since you got here. I should have killed you the day I caught you fucking her. You knew she was mine. But I was stupid, I let you live. So you've continued to cause problems. My weakness has led to a lot of pain for my people. You broke poor Anita's heart. You lied. You Stole. The world is better off without you. It's bad enough we have to fight the God damned RABs. We don't need to fight each other too."

He raised his sword as Diego cowered. "Ah, I can't do it," said Jerry. As Jerry turned his back and looked towards me, Diego pulled a dagger from his boot. Before he could even raise the dagger, Jerry pivoted as if he'd been expecting it and flashed the sword. Diego's head leaped from his shoulders and rolled back towards the tree.

"Shit," Jerry screamed suddenly. He ran back over near where I stood and gathered the white foamy and silky material together. "Whooh!" he said. "If I'd gotten any Diego blood on this dress, Sandy would have had my ass."

He moved over to the old lady and gently woke her. As her eyes opened, he showed her the dress. "Mom can we fix this in time to have a wedding?" he asked. She looked at him groggily then hugged him. She looked at the material and smiled. Jerry picked her up and carried her over to the truck, while I stood there in shock.

I'd expected him to kill me or at least to say something.

"What about me?" I said loudly.

Jerry picked up the dress and gently put it in the truck.

"Jerry," I screamed loudly. "What the fuck are you going to do about me, God dammit!"

He walked over to me and sighed in exasperation. He drew that sword so fast it seemed as if it simply leaped into his hand. I was scared shitless for a second. Then I looked into his eyes.

"Nothing," he said. "I'm not going to do shit."

"I know you couldn't ever hurt me, Jerry," I said. "You're really pissed at me but you still love me."

He handed me a piece of paper then and nodded his head. "I guess I do," he said. "I guess that maybe a small part of my heart will always belong to you."

"So what happens to me?" I asked. "You can't just leave me out here in the open, alone."

"The answers to your questions won't come from me," he said.

"Sven gets to decide as usual, right?" I asked.

"Read the note and look to the gate," he said over his shoulder. I really couldn't believe that he expected me to walk all the way to the gate. But at least I got to go home.

I looked at the note then. The handwriting was beautiful.


The last time we spoke, I promised you that I'd blow your fucking brains out the back of your face, didn't I?

* * * * * *


Even as I started the truck, I looked into the rear view mirror. I spotted Dana as she looked at the note and then back at the wall. The huge high velocity shell literally exploded Dana's head and left a hole big enough to stick your arm through. The shot was so powerful and so accurate that the body stood there for a second before the nervous system died. I almost threw up as I stared through the hole in the middle of the face. Then the body collapsed and the note escaped her lifeless fingers.

As the body settled boneless-like on the ground, the paper gently fluttered down and landed atop it. Both settled not far from where Diego's also lifeless eyes stared. I drove the truck towards the wall and noticed then that the gate was open. I knew why instantly. The wall around the compound was no longer surrounded by RABs.

It was a good day for a wedding after all. Sandy met me at the gate and threw her arms and legs around me. I smiled at her. Her mom jumped down from the truck in a frenzy. "You two, get away from each other. You're not supposed to see each other before the wedding." She yelled. "Shit, I have to make a hell of a lot of frosting."

Sandy looked at me.

"I'm sorry," she said.

"For what?" I asked. "I knew she had to go. The two of us could never be happy with her around. She'd just gone crazy. I knew I'd never be able to do it. You had to."

"But I hated her," she said. "I swear to you, that I'll give you something in your life to replace her."

I just laughed. "You already have, dummy" I said. But I could tell from the look in her eyes that Sandy had other plans.

Nine months and one day later, our daughter, Dana was born.

The end.

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buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny4 months ago

The one issue that I can't reconcile in this story is why if she was so in love with her husband Jerry, why didn't she consider getting pregnant by him? She immediately jumped to getting pregnant by a dangerous stranger she hadn't said more than 50 words to. She never even broached the subject with Jerry, but immediately decided to make him a true cuckold by letting him raise this scallywags kid? To do that to a guy she knew to be exceptionally lethal and unforgiving? All for a another guy who wasn't even smooth? She said it herself he wasn't really good at anything. He didn't even make having a huge dong work for him. Clueless.

Reader2021Reader20216 months ago


Great story!

Thx U

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Fun exciting read. I cld read a lot more of this. This seems like an idear that cld be made into a scifi novel? thanks for writing and sharing. rk

UncleGrahamUncleGraham9 months ago

The world is constantly changing. People, not so much.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Once I got over the horror of an EV Mustang - yeah yeah, I know it had to be for the story to work - I can’t understand Dana behaving so far out of character… then why Jerry just accepted Diego’s BS during the meeting… so many questions

Alvares1414Alvares1414about 1 year ago

Great story overall

I do have a certain gripe sometimes, and that is true in this instance too, whereby the wives in these LW/revenge stories do something that is so ridiculously out of character for them that by the end of the stories they've devolved into completely different people. Yes, I suppose they could be attempting to fix, but end up just compounding upon their own mistakes, but sometimes, even with StangStar's stories, they go completely insane

The one saving grace in Dana's case I guess is that we didn't really get to know her well enough. The one thing you were supposed to be sure of was her love for Jerry, but that alone would've prevented her from doing what she did, and by the end she became a vicious, scheming attempted murdered

That aside, the story was a good read and holds your attention from start to finish. The characters were well fleshed-out, even if I didn't necessarily understand where they (i.e. DANA) were going, and the karma of the ending made it even sweeter. We need more protagonists like Jerry in these LW stories!

SDN1955SDN1955about 1 year ago

I enjoyed the story. Given the category of the story, that Dana was a goner was pretty much a foregone conclusion, but I was hoping Diego was going to do something heroic, but it was not to be. Personally, I would have rather seen Dana and Diego turned to RAB’s, but that’s just me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"Looks like we're going to need another Idiot Dana", So should ALL Stupid "Dana's" perish.

ErotFanErotFanalmost 2 years ago

Didn't much like the ending and looking back on the story the characters' behaviors seemed inconsistent. Perhaps more time should have been spent in developing the changes. I found Dana to be a sympathetic character for most of the story and would have preferred a reconciliation.

drycreeksdrycreeksalmost 2 years ago

Geeze dude ur awesome loved it wish thete was more. Great job enjoyed n appreciated it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Fun story , thanks for this .

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I see the anon below is a dedicated consumer of misinformation. He probably thinks the virus had a natural origin and that its creation wasn't funded at least in part by the US NAIAD and other agencies by laundering money through third parties. As for "throttling", isn't he a brave keyboard warrior? How precious.

Next time try commenting on the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


You imbecilic, anti-vax boomer fuck, I swear to god, you better be glad we can’t throttle cunts through our screens…

RimmerdalRimmerdalabout 4 years ago
Great story.

There is no COVID-19. It is SARSCorona-2. A lab created modified form of SARSCorona which has been around for years. Read the back of a can of Lysol spray. Take your vitamins and get plenty of C.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Mercy has........

....... sometimes two sides, one is to ease pain, heartache and loss; while the other leads to suffering more I unbearable pain and loss.

In the case of Dana’s Character, no matter the gender, was a danger to not herself but anyone or anything. This is the kind of person who Would throw you under the bus before you even knew it happened. Being so selfish, self centered, completely untrustworthy and who you can never turn your back on, because they would stab you in back so long as their needs and wants were met; this would cover the majority of “Millennials” and what ever follows that generation. Sadly the remainder are actually decent people who know and understand loyalty, being self reliant with integrity who will Watch your back but are the minority.

With how Dana was dealt with, to quick again wrath and justice, would of been to give her minor flesh wound in the lower leg and not killled; let the RAB’s deal with likes of her in that world, would of have been completely justified.

Great characters and would like more content, 5 Stars !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Great story

Just feels little strange reading this now with all that's happening with Covid-19.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Now That's A Serious

Burn the bitch story. This time the happy couple both have really big solid brass balls. Sandy's sniper rifle sounds an awful lot like a Barrett considering the range and damage. I do have to admit like a lot of the other comments I didn't care for the idea of naming the baby Dana. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Fun! Fun! Fun!

Probably doesn't belong in LW but what a kick to read,

Mauser45Mauser45almost 6 years ago
Now THAT'S how you end a story!

The two of them (Dana and Diego) got what they deserved! Jerry finally found a woman he could count on

Five stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

"They would have been mine if that cheating, scummy, whore hadn't stolen my husband right out from under me"

No, you whore. That would have been yours if YOU hadn't fucked Diego, scheming to have his bastard and trick your husband into raising it with you. What a crock.

But seriously....why did they name their daughter Dana? It would've been a five...but that was a gross betrayal of everything Jerry and Sandy had built together

WhoGivesAShitWhoGivesAShitover 6 years ago
Extremely creative

Yes, the zombie scenario is overplayed. But putting a LW story in the middle?

Seriously, it reeks of The Road Warrior, with Max in the fast car and the gang replaced by zombies... then throw in a clueless cheating bitch.

Regardless it’s a fun read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
They named their daughter fucking Dana?

Fucking really? 1* ending. Your characters are all (as usual) a bunch of horrible cunts...but this one's new

KalamainKalamainalmost 7 years ago
Loved it.

Ok... I have to admit that I really liked this one (And ch-01). I liked that it was set in "another world" and so you could get away with a fair few things.

I didn't like that fact that, in a twisted way, Dana was actually just a victim of bad choices she couldn't get away from. I don't think she actually meant to hurt anyone and in all other respects Sandy was actually as much of a bad seed as Diego was.

Having said that... 5 stars... Would read again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
You had me with you all the way, until the last FUCKING line!

Why in the fuck do your characters name their kids after whores? That's some stupid shit! It seems if over time you've grown some in your outlook on things (i.e. race). It's like you'd never been around blacks and had no real experience with them because you would say some irritating and stupid assed shit in some of your earlier stories (ex: an interracial couple being shocking to see, a a black guy acting a certain way, the descriptions of ALL of the black chicks in your stories). Dude, where the fuck do you live, 1920? So, I figured you were some older white dude because you referenced a lot of old films, music and tv shows (ex: Larry, Curly, Moe & Shemp- only old heads or die hard oldies fans remember Shemp). Then I thought that you must be a chick because why else would you paint these dudes in your stories as such pussies! That seemed like some heavily fueled estrogen laced shit leeching through. Then the chicks who won in the end agreed for their kids to be named after the whore that came before them. No woman in the history of fucking EVER would name her kid after a bitch that they hated! So I was back to the thought that you were a dude. I was wrong on all counts. You're a robot, that explains everything!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great story. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Imho, the last comment by nony-mouse is inappropriate and needs deletion. Political comments poorly disquised as comments don't belong on LW.

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