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RABs Ch. 02


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I stomped my gas pedal and my Mustang in EV mode shot forward out of the gate, which immediately closed behind us. I circled the complex at a relatively slow pace and about fifty yards out. As soon as the gate closed behind me, Roy saw the Mustang and turned off the speakers. I started the speakers we'd mounted in the Mustang's trunk and although the volume had dropped noticeably, it was still very loud and still the same song.

The RABs outside of the wall turned and started to follow the Mustang as I headed away from the complex. That was the point of my slow pace. I needed to drive slowly enough to get them to follow me but quickly enough to keep enough distance between us that Sandy could get into her position. When I arrived at my target zone, the fastest 8 or 10 of them were only about fifty to sixty yards away from me. I opened the door and helped Sandy up into the large tree that we'd parked under.

"Is this how all of our dates are going to be," she asked as she kissed me before scrambling up to safety in the branches. The RABs, to our knowledge, couldn't perform complex actions like climbing so she should be relatively safe. I was also sure that even if they saw her, they simply didn't have the brain power to associate her pointing her gun at them with danger.

That was all the time I had to think as the first wave of RABs reached me. I slid over the hood of my car so the three of them would have to walk around it. That spaced them out enough that I could deal with them one on one.

The first one, a huge fat guy who foamed at the mouth and screamed at me as he approached, was dispatched easily with a two handed swing on my mace into his frontal lobe. I quickly turned to check my six and saw one of the others approaching me. His head exploded as Sandy drilled him from above.

"Don't get greedy," I heard her say through the com unit's ear piece. "Protecting your ass is my job."

* * * * * *


I was immediately up and on my feet faster than I'd ever moved before. I looked around me in the darkness and suddenly realized why. All over the complex, at incredibly loud volume, I heard Jerry's favorite God damned song. It was one of those eighties hair band songs with nothing but loud assed guitar playing and screaming. He listened to a lot of those songs but this one was the one that he always told me he'd want to have playing in his final battle.

I quickly threw on a sweat shirt and some jeans and ran out of the dorm building I'd been staying in. I couldn't believe that I had to room with all of those stupid old women, while that blond man stealer was in my house, fucking my husband.

I ran out into the streets and noticed that more than a few people were coming out of their buildings trying to figure out what was going on.

Apparently, my subconscious had forgotten that I hated Jerry. The previous day, he'd chosen that skinny blond bitch with her oversized breasts over me and I'd soon be moving to a different community for trying to kill her.

Luckily, most of the town was acting on habit instead of knowledge. Even as they herded most of the people back inside of the buildings for safety, the security team ignored me and let me through.

I made it all the way to the gate and then noticed that the music had been lowered and was coming from the other direction. I was so used to all of the action occurring at the gate that I'd gone that way out of habit myself.

"Jessie, what the hell is going on?" I screamed.

"Get back in your...wherever you're staying," he said.

"Jessie, where's Jerry?" I asked. He shook his head. "Go to the rear guard tower," he said. I took off running. The look on Jessie's face told me that something was going on. Jessie had sent Jerry and me out on scouting missions that might prove dangerous, for years. But this time he really looked worried. I really believe that was the only reason he told me what was going on. So I could have one last look at Jerry just in case.

I took off running and made it to the rear guard tower without being stopped. I climbed the ladder and saw Sven, and Roy on the walkway. In the distance, I saw Jerry's car. It was at least a hundred and fifty to two hundred yards out and the music seemed to be coming from it. All of the RABs that had been surrounding our complex were running, walking, shuffling or crawling towards the car.

My blood went cold and I started to cry as I realized what was going on.

I grabbed Sven around his throat and slapped him. "What the hell is he doing out there?' I screamed. Roy had to pull me back before I knocked the old man off of the wall.

Didn't they understand that the Mustang wasn't any kind of protection? All the RABs had to do was break the glass of the windows and then they'd drag Jerry out and bite him. I lunged for Sven again.

Jerry wasn't even in the car. He was outside of the car. I snatched the binoculars from the shelf and trained them on him. Jerry was in his element. He leaped and twirled and stabbed and crushed limbs and skulls with his mace. I put the binoculars down and glared at Sven. The binoculars were picked back up and I noticed Diego had climbed up beside us.

"It was his idea," said Sven. "We needed a distraction to get the RABs away from the gate so the truck, now there are two of them, could get in safely. He won't be out there for very long, but we did need those supplies. We're running very low on meat, fuel and several other necessary supplies."

"You let him go out there alone?" I hissed. "You're all fucking cowards."

"It was his plan," said Sven. "We needed almost every other fighter at the gate, just in case any of the RABs didn't take the bait and tried to get inside the complex. If just one of those guys got in here, it would be all over for us."

"If you needed every available fighter..." began Diego.

"You said it yourself yesterday," said Sven. "You're still having trouble moving and..."

"And you sent him out there with no one to watch his back," I screamed. "Where the fuck are the shooters?"

"Dana, who do we have that can shoot that God damned far?" asked Sven.

"What about Barbie," I screamed at him. "What about his fucking girlfriend? Surely Miss Longrifle should have her ass on this wall right now."

"Dana, that isn't really possible," said Sven.

"Why the fuck not?" I asked.

He took the binoculars from Diego and handed them to me. "Look at him closely," said Sven gently. "If you look carefully, you'll notice that from time to time RABs around him are killed without him touching them. Now look up into the tree, maybe ten feet up..."

I saw her, for the first time then. Sandy was perched in the tree behind him. She had a lever action carbine and she was shooting constantly. I realized then that I truly had been replaced. When I'd been Jerry's spotter, I'd been relegated to staying some distance away from him and simply calling out over the com link when someone approached him. Sandy actually went into battle with him and simply killed anyone within his range. She was already far more suited to the job as his spotter than I had ever been.

I heard Roy then talking into his com link. "As far as I can tell, we're clear back here. They're all heading for Jerry and Sandy. Bring them in, I'll get team two ready," he said.

I noticed two guys near the ladder start to loosen up as Roy signaled them. Across the complex, the big gate swung open and a truck pulled inside. The gate stayed open and after only a few seconds and second truck came in. Jessie and his crew, including several fighters and three shooters on the wall made sure that no RABs managed to sneak in.

"Clear," someone shouted over Roy's com link. Roy fired a flare into the air. It caught the attention of a lot of the RABs near Jerry, but he continued to fight. Sandy shot several of the RABs near Jerry and he did something that stopped the music from pouring out of his car. A few seconds later, Roy again started the music at ear splitting volume out of the big speakers. Some of the RABs in the rear of the group turned towards the wall. Jerry used that opportunity to jump up into the tree and climb to the lower branches.

When the RABs close to him realized that they couldn't get to him, they lost interest. The two guys near Roy lowered themselves to the ground on ropes and ran part way to the herd of RABs. As the herd turned to chase these guys, they completely forgot about Jerry. I saw Jerry jump down from the tree and help Sandy down as well. They got into his car and circled around towards the front gate. The Mustang came in fast and silent. Jerry and Sandy were safely inside before the RABs even reached the back guard tower. The two men outside of the wall climbed back in on their ropes and we were back to the status quo with no one hurt. Between them, Jerry and Sandy had reduced the number of RABs substantially.

When the gate closed, everyone in the complex, including the trucking crews surrounded Jerry and Sandy. It was like something out of a fucking movie. She stood there holding that rifle in one hand while the other hand grasped his as if she'd never let go of it. He had that mace in one hand while the other, of course, grabbed hers. As the crowd cheered them and reached out trying to touch them, I almost heaved. It took a long time for the cheers to die down and one thing kept running through my mind. "It should have been me with him," I thought. All of those cheers and accolades should have been mine. They would have been mine if that cheating, scummy, whore hadn't stolen my husband right out from under me.

For the rest of that day, the whole fucking town talked about nothing except the wedding the following day. I was pissed. I even heard some people ask why Jerry and I hadn't had a big wedding. That made me smile until someone said that he hadn't loved me as much as he loved Sandy. They continued by saying that I was cute, but Sandy was beautiful.

I'd hated Sandy since I first saw her. But that morning, watching the people who had previously been my best friends or even my extended family, fawn over her and ignore me was when I decided that I needed to hurt her badly.

Even that idiot Diego was kissing her ass. He didn't seem to realize that they were treating us both like the red-headed step children. In order to do something serious, I was going to need to pull Diego's head out of his ass.

I had an idea of how to do that. It was evil, but in a way I owed the bastard one. After all, he ruined my life here, so he deserved the same treatment.

I eased my way over to garden area and found Lana. Lana was working on weeding the area around the tomato plants. I asked her if she needed help. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"You've never worked in the garden before," she said. "It's not really hard work but being down on your knees for long periods of time isn't very easy on your body."

"Well, I just needed something to do," I said. "I'm trying to get my mind off of the big wedding tomorrow. I was planning on spending the entire day with Diego but he got tired so we're taking a break." Her eyes got huge.

"Men just can't keep going for as long as we can," I said. "No matter how big they are. But you know that already don't you."

She looked everywhere but back at me. Lana, being a matronly type, was uncomfortable talking about sex.

After a few moments of pulling weeds from the ground to prevent them from choking out the plants, I exhaled loudly.

"Whew," I said. "How can you do this for so long? I need a break." I got up and headed for my dorm.

On the way there I found Diego and pulled him after me.

"What cha' doing?" I asked, smiling at him. As Diego ranted about learning the ins and outs of driving the truck and reading the map for our trip, I looked around. Lana had vanished from the garden. I was pretty sure of where she was.

"Where are you pulling me?" he asked.

"The dorms," I said saucily. "There's something else we're going to have to do to get ready for our trip."

"I'm not helping you steal anything out of that room," he said looking at me evilly. It's always the former criminals who try to be the most pious, I thought.

"We're not going to steal anything," I said, grabbing his arm again. "I have to get used to that monster between your legs, if we're going to be using it during our trip. You're going to need to stretch my little pussy out."

"But..." he said, stopping right in the middle of the street.

"But what," I asked. "Don't you like the idea of fucking me, whenever you want, as much as you want while we're on the road?"

"But uhm..." he said looking around.

"That's over," I said. "Jerry and I are no longer married. He doesn't care if you fuck me. He has Sandy now. And to tell you the truth, maybe the two of them deserve each other. They're both so into their weapons and stuff. I've just decided to let it all go and embrace my future. River Walk is a fresh start for me. I really don't fit in here anymore."

We got to my dorm and it was deserted because most of the women who lived there all had jobs. I took off my clothes slowly, trying to tease Diego and get him fully aroused. I also needed to buy myself some time. Diego was pretty useless to me in bed, so I just wanted to take the pain for just a few seconds. My timing needed to be really good though. I kept glancing through the window until I saw what I wanted to see. Then I acted.

"Come on Diego, what are you waiting for," I crooned. "'Shove that big motherfucker inside of me."

"What about foreplay and kissing?" he asked.

"No time for that," I said. "I wanna fuck."

Diego got on top of me and pushed his huge dick into my dry pussy. It felt like someone had split me open with a white-hot bar of iron. He was pulling out to ram it home a second time when the door opened up. I gyrated my hips like he was fucking the shit out of me just as Anita screamed. Diego turned around and saw her. His dick wilted immediately as she jumped at him.

She was crying and screaming and she slapped his face hard. Diego tried to ward off her blows but she was enraged. He tripped and screamed in pain suddenly. He got to his feet again, very gingerly. I could tell that the injury to his asshole was flaring up again. He'd probably torn the cut open when he fell.

Anita didn't care, she picked up a heavy bowl off the table and slammed it into Diego's head. The bowl cracked and blood dripped down his face. Diego suddenly reached back and slapped her hard, to calm her down. The big woman started crying and ran out of the room. Diego looked at me in shock.

"You saw that," he said. "She was going crazy." I nodded my head.

In less than five minutes, Anita was back. Her cheek was red and swelling from where Diego had slapped her. Sven, Jessie and several of the other men were with her.

"There he is," whined Anita. "When I came into the room, he was in the process of raping Dana and..."

"Oh, he didn't rape me," I said. "...Like he never raped you, Anita. We were fucking. You came in and interrupted us and then started trying to hurt him."

"But he's a man," said Jessie. "There's no reason for him to ever hit a woman."

"He's been wounded already," I said. "He reopened the cut that Jerry gave him while he was trying to get away from Anita. She'd already slapped him several times when he fell and tore his ass again. Then she broke that bowl over his head. The blood is still dripping from it. All he did was to slap her once to get her off of him. It was purely self-defense and he did it with an open hand."

From living with these people for most of my life I played them like a cheap fiddle. All of my impassioned pleas were for Diego's benefit. I knew that Anita was upset because the fat bitch was in love with Diego. It had been her defense of Diego that had convinced Sven that Diego should stay with us. For Anita, walking in after being told by Lana that I was having sex with Diego, had broken her heart. She'd reacted the way she had because she was so jealous she could barely control herself.

Sven seeing Anita upset was enraged himself. Anita was Sven's daughter and he loved her. Jessie, a very large man as well, although married, had always been a little bit in love with Anita, so I knew that if he came, he'd be very angry too. I looked at the ground as if I was embarrassed about being caught.

"I don't know what happened to you, Dana," said Sven. "But I know now, why Jerry was so upset with you. He loved you with all of his heart. You just can't seem to control yourself when it comes to this man. As for you Diego, perhaps I was hasty in my judgment. Maybe River Walk IS the place for you after all."

"But..." said Diego.

"I also think that I can get Jerry and Sandy to give you two enough of a distraction that you two could leave first thing in the morning, before the wedding," said Sven. "The two of you should probably pack your things tonight. You don't need as much preparation or planning since neither of you will be coming back. Just take the truck and supplies as my parting gift to you. I'll say goodbye now, just in case I don't see you again."

"Don't we have to be tattooed and stuff before we leave?" I asked innocently.

"You don't have to ever worry about us recognizing you if you come back here," he said nastily. "I'll always remember the two of you. And Jerry will remember you long after I'm dead." He left slamming the door on his way out.

"I'm ruined," cried Diego. "I was trying so hard to fit in and now I can't come back either. I had it all. I was earning a place here. I even had a woman who liked me. I had the perfect life. And it's gone. It was all a mistake."

"Welcome to the fucking club," I spat. "Quit whining. Be a man."

He looked at me suddenly. I was sitting there on the bed smiling at him. "You planned this," he said.

"Took ya a while to figure that out didn't it?" I said. "And I'll write Sven a letter telling him that, if you play ball with me. You can have your cozy little life back, but you have to do a couple of things that you might not like doing anymore."

"I'm not going to rape anyone or steal anything," he said.

"Please," I said. "You're acting like a drug addict that got clean and then became a preacher. You have to think about what you want. And if what you want is to be back between Anita's fat thighs you'd better be ready to jump when I say so."

* * * * * *


The night before our wedding was painful for both Sandy and me. We slept together for the first time. But when I say slept, I really mean slept. It was extremely hard. Sandy came to my bed wearing next to nothing.

"I don't want to ever sleep without you again," she said. As she eased under the covers with me, her soft skin brushed against me. I wrapped my arms around her and she moaned. Her nipples were like small tents, rising above the material of her silky T-shirt. She wore nothing under it.

"Sandy," I whined.

"This is all about willpower," she said. "I want you just as badly, probably more. If you want me tonight instead of tomorrow no one would ever know except us."

She pulled our faces together and kissed me deeply. Her tongue tasted as sweet as any candy I'd ever sampled. Before I knew it we were dry humping each other like the world depended on it.

But that was all we did. We both wanted the next day to be something really special. It was why we'd waited for so long.

We fell asleep wrapped in each other's loving arms and dreamed wonderful dreams about our lives together. I guess it just served to show that even in a world that had been torn apart by tragedy, with humanity barely surviving, true love would find a way.

Unfortunately, we awoke to find that the world was still the shitty place we'd both come to know.

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