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Radiance Ch. 13

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A new player stalks the group from the shadows.
6.1k words

Part 39 of the 125 part series

Updated 06/08/2024
Created 04/17/2021
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Radiance Chapter 13: Blind Love and Secret Admirers.

Ven's heart nearly leapt out of his chest when Gregory told him that he had feelings for him, the utterly adorable, gentle little human was so embaressed and was obviously fighting the urge to run away, but he stayed the course and when the words left his lips Ven's heart both exploded and melted all at the same time.

He simply couldn't remember ever feeling so happy in his life before, he threw his long arms around the slender little human and being so careful not to injure him by accident in his excitement plucked him from the ground and held him tightly against his chest, before just as he'd seen Visa and Seven do he leaned in to kiss Gregory.

It was a bit awkward what with thier size difference and well having two razor sharp horns on the side of his head but Ven managed to line himself up right so that only their lips met, no sooner had he felt the incredibly soft, warm and surprisingly plump human male lips press against his own then electric began flowing down Ven's spine like water.

In that very instant he realised exactly why humans did this, it was the most wonderful and intimate thing ever, just being so incredibly close to someone that you could actually taste their saliva on your own lips was an utterly new experience for him, that's when Gregory parted those soft plump masculine lips and utterly melted Ven's brain as well as his heart, by licking his lips with his small human tongue like he was begging him to open his mouth, so he did.

The feeling of having Gregory's little flat, wide, warm human tongue inside his mouth was utterly indescribable, the way he nervously licked at tasted Ven's long fangs before moving on to explore his own tongue was mind bending, Ven found himself coiling his own tounge around Gregory's like was trying to tie it down so he could never pull it out and it would remain in his mouth for ever.

The pair remained joined like that for a good few minutes before finally his beautiful little human lover had to break to come up for air, human lung capacity was no where near that of a claw but that was just one more thing to add to the ever growing list of things Ven loved about this delicate beautiful little male.

That's when Ven got his next shock, as he stood gazing into Gregory's beautiful eyes trying to guage whether he had done well and whether his little human was happy, there came a clapping noise that was rapidly joined by a second.

Ven turned his large horned head to find both his sister and Seven stood there watching them and clapping, he'd been so utterly lost in the embrace and kiss that he'd utterly forgot that they were even there.

"Well done you two, congratulations, now Gregory remember, claw love club meetings are every Thursday and its always bring your own claw" Seven said in a voice that carried his smile with with it through the air.

Gregory who was still blushing hard making his face got that wonderful cherry red colour smiled at his fellow human brightly, "Well it looks like I got my claw to bring but I thought meetings were on tuesdays?" he said playfully and Seven roared with laughter and clapped him on the shoulder.

"Yeah I realised one meeting a week wasn't enough, they are kinda impatient creatures at times" he said shooting Visa a playful smile before she gently cuffed him with her tail in response.

Then Seven turned to face Ven and the little snow furred human looked up at him his bright eyes shining with a inner fire, "You look after this one Ven, you think finding a human that likes claw's is hard try finding one that likes claws of their own gender, this man here is your diamond in the rough, so you love him as hard as that claw heart of yours can and you prove to him that the gigantic fucking leap of faith he just took was worth it, you hear me?" Seven said his voice filled with the same fire his eyes were.

Ven actually felt flattered by this, because not only did it show that Seven was actively trying to promote love between claws and humans but that he was showing Gregory that he was willing to stand for him and for his love for Ven, which meant that he would be willing to defend their right ot have it as well, a notion that he had never in his life ever conceived of, a human standing up for a claw's right to love a human and visa versa.

"You have nothing to fear Seven, this human is guarded now, while I draw breath nothing will ever either take him from me or harm a single strand of fur on his beautiful head" Ven said turning and very gently running his hand over Gregory's cheek, relishing the feel of his silk smooth skin as he did, suddenly he understood why the beautiful human did that thing with the knife every morning now, it kept his skin so soft it was like a claw magnet.

Gregory lifted his head as Ven's claws gently traced the line of his jaw and stroked his skin and he gifted him with the warmest of smiles that made Ven's heart glow, he kept having so many delisiouss and naughty thoughts about throwing the beautiful human over his shoulder before scampering off with him to find a quiet spot in the mine where he could show him just how loving and gentle a claw could really be.

A heavier footstep snapped Ven out of his beautiful day dream and his lifted his head to see his sister stood before him and for an awful moment he thought she was going to slap him and call him a bunch of vile names, but the blow never came, instead Visa stepped forward and embraced him tightly.

"I'm so glad you finally figured out who really are brother" she said softly and Ven's heart leapt in his chest.

"W-W-Wait! You knew?" he exclaimed and she brought her head up to look him right in the eye.

"You're my brother Ven, I've always known you were different to other claws, I saw the way you looked at female and male claws like they were the same to you, you had the same wanting and dreamy look in you eyes every time, it pains me to know that you had to keep this part of you hidden for so very long because of what our pack would have done if they found our you liked males and females" she said.

Ven just stood there like a statue, it was like all of his muscles had simply turned to lead, then slowly he wrapped his arms around his sister and put his head int her shoulder, "Thank you Visa, thank you for always being there for me" he said his voice choking up a bit.

Visa stroked he scales and spines on his broad back, "That's something you never have to thank me for brother, because you are just that, my brother, you have always been there for me no matter what, now its my turn and guess what we get to be there for one another as we take these first steps down a road that no claw has ever walked before, a road to human love" she said softly.

Then slowly she released him and with a last warm smile she turned and taking Seven by the hand she lead him over to their sleeping nest where she pulled him into mess of old sheets atop the two mattresses that they would be sleeping in for the night.

Ven turned to Gregory who was also watching them and he smiled down at his little human and by the gods did it feel so good to think and also say that, his human.

"About time we turned in too I think, we gotta long walk tomorrow and we'll need our rest" Ven said softly and Gregory nodded allowing him t steer him into the other nest that he had prepared for them both more in hope that the beautiful human would be brave enough to join him rather than expectance, but now, now he had everything he could have ever wanted all wrapped up in a delisiouss skin that he simply could not wait to unwrap and see with his own eyes.

Infact when Gregory took some of those infernal human coverings off to get into the bed Ven felt like he was teasing him, hinting at the beauty that remained hidden below those cloth covers, oh how he wished he could simply mate with him tonight take that final leap of pure faith and revel in the purest of joys with this beautiful human, but it simply wouldn't be right to push him like that, Ven could already see that it had taken every ounce of strength Gregory had to take that beautiful step towards him, for now that was more than enough for him, the rest would undoubtably come because as he lay down next to him he saw a look in the beautiful human's eyes that told him everything he needed to know, he saw desire.

Gregory turned and slid himself across the mattress right into Ven's waiting arms, he felt his slender body press itself against him as if trying to be as close to him as possible, he wrapped his arms around his beautiful human boy as he felt his arms wrap around him as far they would go, "I always feel so safe in your arms Ven" Gregory mumbled into his chest and ven felt him punctuate the statement wit ha kiss to the scales directly over his heart.

"And you always will be Greg, I swear it to you" Ven murrmered back.

"I love you Ven, I don't know how or why it happened, nor do I care, the only thing I care about is that I love you and you love me right back, its like a dream come true, finally i look at a guy and he looks right back at me the same way and i couldn't have picked a bigger more handsome man to fall in love with now could I?" Gregory said lifting his fur topped head to smile up at him.

Ven beamed from horn to horn right back at him, "Well I am handsome......" he said playfully and he felt Gregory laugh and gently push him before smiling back up at him.

"You bet that sexy tail of yours you are" he said playfully but there was also a sultry note to his voice as well.

"Oh so you like my tail do you? Tell me what else of mine do you like hmmm?" Ven asked teasingly smiling in delight as he saw him flush slightly.

"What's not to like? But I suppose if I had to choose, you have awesome legs, they just seem to go on forever" Gregory said and Ven murred softly in his chest.

"Flattery will get you everywhere my beautiful human, do go on" Ven prodded gently.

Gregory smiled shyly, "I will if you tell me what you like about me first" he said playfully and Ven grinned, oh his little human was getting a little bold now was he? Alright then.

"Well you have that super soft fur on you head that just begs me to run my claws through it, you have skin that feels like silk and utterly glows when I embaress you which only make me want to do it more because you look utterly delisiouss in red, you look so tender and sensitive like my lightest touch would make you shiver and writhe in my claws and you have the cutest little rear end I've ever seen, makes my mouth water just thinking about it and before you ask, yes I think about it, a lot" Ven said playfully, getting exactly the reaction he hoped for when Gregory flushed deeply.

"Well I err ummm, t-t-thank you, n-no one's ever said anything like that to me before, y-y-you really like my bum?" he said making Ven''s heart shiver along with his whole body at the beauty of it all.

He nodded his head, "It looks like a juicy apple that just begs me to take a bite" Ven said trying his best to do a sultry voice, he heard Gregory gasp and shiver lightly in his arms, it seems his words had really struck a nerve in his beautiful little human.

"I-I-I like yours too" he said softly and Ven saw an instant opurtunity.

"Oh? And what do you like about it exactly?" he asked smiling as he saw Gregory's flush deepen, at this rate he wasn't going to have any blood left for his internal organs, it was all going to be in his skin trying to escape.

"How it looks like it was carved, it looks so strong and exotic a-a-and I like the way your tail swishes when you walk, its like your teasing me by repeatedly hiding it" Gregory confessed after taking a deep breath before hand.

Ven felt a deep rumbly purr rise up in his chest and he very slowly leaned down and lifted his human's chin with the tip of his claw so that he was looking right into his eyes, "When we get the chance to be alone my sweet human boy I may very well show it to you, if you're a good human boy that is, would you like that, your big, handsome, strong claw boy lifting his tail and showing you what he's got hidden underneath it?' he purred in the most sultry voice he could muster, but in truth inside he was shaking like a leaf, he'd never said anything like that to anyone before.

Gregory's breath seemed to catch in his chest and Ven felt him shiver in his arms and he decided to push his advantage a little, "Oh you like the thought of that do you me sweet little deslisious human boy? The thought of your big strong claw lifting his tail for you and showing you what sweet treats he's got hidden under it all for you?" he said gently stroking Gregory's cheek with his claw along with his slender back.

His little human shivered and squirmed a little in his arms, it seemed like Ven's words were arousing him and he felt his heart beat speeding up enough that he could feel it through his coverings against his scaly chest, he also smelt a deep musky scent coming from his little human that seemed to fog his head with every breath.

"Y-Y-Yes, oh god I want that, I want that so much" Gregory stammered in the cutest way Ven could have ever imagined, it was like he was discovering this side of himself for the very first time, seeing himself in a competly new light.

"Then it shall be yours my sweet little human boy, all you have to do is be a good human for your big claw, and he'll give you all the sweetest claw treats you human heart could ever want" Ven said in a deep husky voice, his own arousal was burning through him like fire, it was taking littraly all of his strength to stop his maleness from emerging from his hidden pouch and trying to worm itself into his human's coverings in search of its new burrow.

Every fibre of his being wanted to tear the coverings from Gregory's body and to take him right there and then, but he knew right in the centre of his heart that would be totally the wrong play, he would scare his beautiful human boy half to death and after something like that he would most likely never talk to Ven again, let alone let him anywhere near him, no he had to make his beautiful human's first time something special, something magical, something that proved to him that he could give him everything his heart had ever dared to dream of and so much more, he had to show him that he was no animal, that he was his equal lover, that he was Gregory's claw and to Gregory only he belonged.

"I-I-I will I swear it, I'll be so good for you" Gregory stammered softly making Ven's heart leap with joy, he leaned down and lifted Gregory's chin, then with a little maneuvering he kissed him full on the mouth sliding his tounge into his mouth this time, letting his long tounge fill it and explore ever single inch, before extracting it and watching his human pant softly.

"I know you will my beautiful one, I know you will, now come, let me be your pillow tonight, this chest of mine is useful for more than just looking good, so lay your pretty head down and let your claw cuddle you to sleep" he said playful and wit that he rolled his sweet human atop him and wrapped him up tightly in his love.


With the creatures finally asleep she could finally move, slowly she unwound the screws that held the vent covering in place and with a bit of work caught it before it fell and caused a whole lot of noise that would wake them back up.

She was going to have to be extra careful here as the two small things were protected by claws, she had seen these things many times, viscous things that could kill her with a single swipe of those razor sharp claws of theirs, though these ones seemed different to all the ones she'd seen before, these ones talked.

With the vent cover out of the way she dropped down silently into the centre of the room being careful not to let her long tail slap down lest it rattle and wake them all up, she rose up to her full height after steadying herself and looked around the room, her eyes were perfectly adapted to the darkness letting her see everything in perfect detail.

She had deployed her camoflauge before she'd dropped to ensure that even if she did wake one of the claws up she would be invisible to them but these things were never to be underestimated, she had seen just one of these things cut through an entire pack of her feral breathern like they were made of paper before now and she would not make the same mistake as they.

She moved silently over to the first pair, the claw was female and she was holding a male human in her arms against her chest, the pair were sleeping soundly, the sound of their breathing seemed to have syncronised into one single deep breath that they shared between them, she had overheard the two humans talking in the other room before they had reentered this one, it seemed the female claw had somehow taken the male human as her mate, though how such a thing was possible she did not know.

Humans were pretty but they were bad, they hurt and killed everything they saw, they especially seemed to dislike her kind though why she also did not know, it pained her that everything she did know she had actually learned from humans, smart humans in white coats that liked poking things with needles, that liked hurting to see if things hurt and how much they hurt.

But they weren't the only types of humans, she had seen quite a few types since her escape, the ones dressed in odd clothes made of leather with skulls and bones on them that liked killing and stealing from other humans.

The ones that wore metal suits like the one that the human the female claw held had come in that liked killing anything they didn't like.

Humans that lived in big groups in things they called towns, infact she had tried to hide in one of these towns when she had first escaped, she'd thought that maybe it would be a good way to get food, that maybe just maybe one or two of the humans might actually be kind and may help her, but she'd swiftly found out that that was a bad idea.

She subconsciously rubbed her shoulder where a large puckered scar still sat hidden beneath her fur its twin on the back of her shoulder, she still remembered the burning hot pain like it had happened only seconds ago, if it hadn't been for her camoflauge ability she would have never got out of there alive.

She leaned over the pair to get a good look at the male, she felt her heart thump hard in her chest, he was pretty, why did he have to be pretty?

His head was covered in snow white fur and his features looked delicate and handsome, the female claw held him tightly against her chest with his head resting between the swells there and she found herself looking down at her own chest in jealousy, thankfully she could easily see through her own camoflauge unlike everyone else who would see her as nothing more than a shimmer and that was only if she moved, if she remained still like she was now she was nothing but clear air.

Her own chest swells were raised up out of her fur, not exactly small but nowhere near the size of the female claw, which was even more annoying given that she seemed to only be a half foot taller than her at seven and a half feet to her seven feet, they were both certinally bigger than the human that the female claw clutched protectively.

She tasted the air with her incredibly sensitive tounge and her senses were flooded with a barrage of scents, the most powerful of which were the pheromones coming from both of them, they were utterly covered in the others scent and it was so powerful that it seemed to merge into one, mixing and melding together.

As soft sigh drew her attention and she turned her head to look at the other pair, two males by the looks of things, a male claw and a male human, it puzzled her why they were together, she padded silently over to them and leaned in close to look tasting the air again.


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