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Radish Man


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Luke gently bit on my nipple, and I screamed out my name as my climax cascaded over me. My thighs tightened, my cunt contracted around him, and I clutched his head to my chest as waves of pleasure rocked my body.

As the last of it ebbed away, I released my grip on him and planted a kiss on his forehead.

'Oh, baby, that was good,' he whispered. 'You want to cum again?'

'No, I won't be able to, not yet. Maybe in a little while.'

'I'll make sure I don't cum, then,' he said. He lifted my hips a little. 'Roll onto your back for me.'

I held the base of the condom so it stayed in position as I pulled myself off. I rolled onto my back, legs spread, and waited for Luke.

My lover laid on his side and traced a hand over my chest. 'Beautiful,' he murmured, squeezing a breast, and lowering his head so he could lick the nipple. 'Fuck. You should hear yourself moan. The bloke next door must be rock hard.'

'Hopefully he's asleep.'

'For his sake, I hope he's awake. There's nothing better than listening to a woman moaning.'

As if to prove his point, Luke rolled on top of me and slid his prick inside my cunt. I groaned involuntarily and reached for his biceps. I didn't want him going anywhere.

'That's what I mean,' Luke said. 'Those sounds you make.'

I made more of those sounds as he began to thrust. In, out, in, out. It was wonderful. I loved feeling that nice, hard dick of his pistoning in and out of me. Sweat began to drip down his sandy-haired chest and onto my breasts, and the veins on his arms that became more and more prominent the longer he fucked me.

He stopped after a while and asked if I wanted to get back in the spa.

'Sure,' I replied. 'Is there something you want?'

'I want to watch you get yourself off using the jets.'

We went to the spa and I turned the jets back on. I climbed in. The water was tepid and it made my skin goosepimple and my nipples harden.

'Don't laugh at me,' I warned Luke.

'I won't,' he promised me, reaching down and giving his cock a few short, sharp tugs. 'Show me.'

I spread my pussy lips and positioned myself so that the force of the jets was against my clit. Almost immediately blood filled my little button. This was an age-old favourite of mine, something I used to do whenever I travelled for work.

Luke stood next to the spa, wanking, as I used the spa to tease myself. I darted closer and then further away from the jets. I played with my breasts. I shoved my fingers into my soaking cunt to give myself the penetration I needed, then moved my pussy-slicked digits over my clit.

'I'm going to come soon,' I said desperately, pleadingly.

'You sound so despondent.'

'It's bestial,' I confessed, teasing myself. I was very close. 'It's not like fucking, where I have a man to grab onto. It's degrading.'

'No, it's incredible. Show me,' he urged. 'Show me.'

I whimpered anxiously as my second orgasm of the night approached. My fingers dove into my cunt, then over my clit. I moved closer and closer to the jet until I was almost touching it. The pressure of the water was driving me crazy. I slid a finger over myself to put an end to one type of craziness, and in doing so, turned myself into an unrestrained, uninhibited mish mash of depravity. Water splashed everywhere as I screamed out another orgasm, my fingers pressed hard against my cunt and my thighs clenched tight against each other. At one point I lost my balance and half fell into the water, but I didn't bother righting myself. I was too focussed on my climax.

Luke leapt into the water and held me, his hands gripping me under my arms. He was behind me and I tilted my head back, my face flushed and my hand still in my pussy. I gave my clit a firm rub to signify it was all over, but my body had other ideas, and a new, unexpected orgasm crashed over me. This time Luke held onto me, keeping me above water as I fucked my hand.

My fingers were cramped and even submerged I could feel how wet my cunt was. I was spent, entirely spent.

Luke seemed to realise I was done for, and picked me up, positioning me over the edge of the tub, so that my arse was in the air. Before I could protest, his mouth was on my tight puckered hole and his fingers were jammed into my snatch. Gone was the restraint of earlier in the evening, and in its place was a wilder desire, something he'd obviously wanted to do but hadn't felt comfortable requesting.

The wet sound of his fingers in my pussy competed with the noise of the jets. Luke began to groan and moan, and all of a sudden, he pulled back, turned me around, and sat me on the seat in the spa. I'd barely found my position before he presented me with his cock. He'd taken the condom off and was wanking himself furiously.

I grabbed his cock and sucked on the end, on of my hands resting on his as he continued to jerk the length. He let out a groan and seconds later, the first shot of cum hit my mouth. I tried to keep sucking but I'm a lifelong gagger, and I was soon retching and spitting up jizz into the water while he continued to ejaculate over my face and breasts.

It was dirtier sex than I'd expected. It was rough, crude, base. In short, it had been amazing.

Luke knelt down and helped me clean up. He apologised for making me gag, but I shook my head and told him there was nothing to be sorry for. I'd been as rough with him as he'd been to me. We'd both taken, used, and abused. We'd both allowed the other to violate us.

For the first time in a long time, I felt alive.

As bad as it sounds, it was at that moment that I understood why Vaughn had had an affair.


The next few weeks were filled with purpose. I saw a lawyer. He laughed at Vaughn's proposed split and quickly wrote to my husband. I think both my solicitor and I were surprised when Vaughn quickly agreed to the amended split.

Vaughn and I received an offer on the house and accepted it. There was a thirty day settlement which gave me thirty days to try to find somewhere else to live. It was hopeless. I knew it and Vaughn must have known it, too, because my ex-husband did something I wouldn't have thought him capable of; he spoke to his brother and organised for him to rent me his investment properties at a cut price rate.

I'd always had a reasonable relationship with my husband's family, but Vaughn finding a home for me just seemed incredibly... good willed. I'd thought for sure he'd sit back and watch as I surrendered Justice to a shelter and took Melody to live in a dingy shithole, particularly given that I now had a lawyer.

A week before settlement, Melody and I moved into our new home. Vaughn and I split the cost of the moving truck and the cleaners, and we reimbursed ourselves when the house sale went through. I can't tell you how relieved I was when the solicitors called to advise me settlement had been completed. It was the most massive weight off my shoulders.

Two days later, Vaughn and I reached an agreement on our financial settlement. Even after paying a lawyer, I was thirty thousand dollars ahead of where he'd thought I'd be, and while it wasn't enough money for a house deposit, my settlement would be enough for a deposit on an apartment. I put my share aside in a short term cash deposit while I considered where Melody and I might want to live once Justice had passed on, and my daughter no longer had the need or interest in a backyard.

It must have been six weeks since The Angels concert when Melody asked to go to the Farmers Market.

I thought of Luke, of the sex we'd had, and the good time I'd had with him. I'd been a little wounded he hadn't asked me for my phone number the next morning, but I'd always known he wouldn't. He'd wanted nothing more than sex and I'd been happy to give it to him. He'd been a good lover for me to have post-breakup; reassuring, confident and aggressive enough to make me feel desired and attractive. I hadn't told my girlfriends I'd gone home with him, though. I'd kept it a secret, a pleasant little memory for me to mull over whenever I was feeling down.

Melody was insistent we go to the markets, and when we arrived, she rushed straight to Radish Man's stall. Luke immediately recognised her, glanced up at me and smiled conspiratorially. I blushed and smiled back.

It was a quiet moment at Luke's stall, and Melody asked for and received a carved sweet potato. As Luke's deft fingers sculpted a face into the vegetable, I asked how Ernie's wind chime business was going.

'He got his biggest order to date last month. Twenty-four chimes,' Luke said.

I laughed. 'I shouldn't be laughing at that.'

'Me neither,' Luke agreed. 'The poor bastard's just bored witless. My sister has always earned a shitload of money, so he was the one stuck at home raising the kids. Now the kids have left and my sister's still of earning a living and flying here, there and everywhere, and Ernie's alone at home on Straddie trying to find something to do with his time.'

'He was a stay at home parent? Jeez, now I feel bad for laughing at him. That's a tough gig, especially for a bloke. At least women can make friends with other women. Not many men are stay at home Dads.'

Luke handed Melody her potato.

'Don't feel bad,' he told me. 'Even Ernie laughs at himself when he's sober. He was absolutely slaughtered at the concert.'

'Really? He didn't seem that drunk.'

'He holds it together well. I expect it's a learned skill from having attended gala dinners with my sister. Apparently they ply you with booze at those things.'

'They do,' I agreed. I reached into the purse and paid him for the potato.

'Mummy,' Melody said. 'Can we buy a wind chime?'

Luke handed me my change. He, like me, was trying to stifle a laugh.

Thankfully Melody caught sight of one of her friends and ran over. She was only ten or so metres away, and her friends' parents caught my eye and waved at me, so I knew I could temporarily take my eyes off her.

'Where do I buy a wind chime?' I asked Luke.

'You can get one direct from Ernie. Every now and then I take a day off work and head over to Stradbroke to recharge. You should come with me. Give me your number, and I'll give you a buzz next time I decide to go over.'

I pulled my phone from my bag. 'How about I text you and you'll have my number.'

'Sure,' he agreed.

He read out his number and I sent him a text.


Luke contacted me the following Wednesday at seven am.

'I can't bear the thought of going to work today,' he announced. 'Run away for the day with me.'

'I can't take a sickie.'

'Why not?'

'I...' I trailed off. I wasn't crucially important to the team, was I? Nobody was that important. I had plenty of sick leave banked, and getting annual leave approved was like pulling teeth. There was always one excuse or another as to why I couldn't take a break. 'Why not?' I repeated. 'It sounds like a plan.'

We agreed to meet at the Cleveland Ferry Terminal at ten thirty. That give me plenty of time for a slow, casual morning. I called in sick to work. I made Melody a hot breakfast and instead of rushing her off to before school care, I dropped her off at school five minutes before the bell. She was delighted.

I went back home and carefully dressed and did my hair and makeup. Ever since my one night stand with Luke, I'd been a lot more interested in my appearance. I'd even set aside some of my divorce settlement to spend on new clothes and lingerie. For the first time in years I was feeling alive, positive, and slightly attractive to some men.

Luke was waiting for me at the terminal wearing board shorts, tee and pluggers.

'We're going for the 'surfer' look today, are we?' I teased. 'I'm beginning to think you have a persona for every occasion.'

'Parts interpreter, farmer, middle aged bloke at the pub and surfer is probably the extent of my repertoire.' He leant over and kissed my cheek. 'If anyone asks if you're my daughter, I reserve the right to be chuffed. Do we have a deal?'

'We have a deal,' I grinned.

I was wearing a white dress over a red swimsuit, and had a towel, underwear, and spare dress in a beach bag. I'd forgotten to ask if we would be swimming or not, but it was a beautiful day so I hadn't wanted to risk not taking my togs.

The ferry arrived and we got on. The journey from Cleveland to Stradbroke Island took half an hour and we spent it up the top, where we were alone, letting the wind blow over us as we admired the view.

Luke hadn't invited me out just to buy a wind chime, and I hadn't accepted because my daughter had made an off the cuff remark about wanting one. We acted like new lovers, flirting and touching and kissing one another.

His cock hardened and I traced my fingers over it through the material of his boardies. Erections are lovely things. I stroked it like a cat, touching the head and the shaft, which were easy enough to discern because he wasn't wearing anything underneath his boardies. Beneath the material it pulsed happily, tucked out of sight but there and ready for when I might want it.

I wanted to fuck him. If I could have guaranteed nobody would have come up to the top of the ferry - or at least, nobody who would be offended by a live sex show - I would have stripped us both of and screwed him senseless. Instead, I was thwarted. I grew quiet and introspective, my heart beating steadily and my pussy damp and needy.

Luke pulled me against him and I leant into his shoulder. It was a beautiful day. The perfect weather for an illicit escape with a man who wanted nothing from me but sex.

We disembarked at Dunwich where we were picked up by Ernie. It was only as we travelled down the winding road and I listened to the men's chatter that I realised exactly how drunk Ernie must've been at The Angels concert. He was much quieter and more self-deprecating sober, but still as friendly and kind.

Ernie and his wife, Karen, lived in a large two story wood house at Amity Point. It must've cost them quite a decent amount of money, if the location and size were anything to go by, and yet it was completely unpretentious. There were indeed wind chimes all over the place, as well as lanterns and garden sculptures and urns. Native trees and shrubs threatened to take over the yard, but patches had been hacked clear, and colourful pots filled with thriving, dying and dead plants were bunched together in an exotic resistance to the natural landscape.

Two dogs, one a glorified mop and the other an elderly Staffordshire missing half its teeth, came bounding up. We walked to the door, where we were greeted with an ivy covered gargoyle and a white cat with one blue eye and one brown. The interior smelt of fried fish and incense.

'Lovely day for the beach,' Ernie said. 'I'll go and get Karen. She'll be wanting a break from her current project.'

I never quite discerned what Karen did, except that it earned her a lot of money and involved marketing and a lot of flexibility. She was tall and lean like her brother, with streaked blonde hair and a handsome face, and she had his same, easy-going nature.

Karen shook my hand warmly, as if she were pleased I was here, but she declined the offer to join us at the beach. She was in the midst of a campaign project and didn't want to leave it while her creative juices were flowing.

Ernie, Luke and I got back in the car and drove not to a local beach but to a quieter, more deserted one. There were no lifesavers and no shark nets, but there was nearly no one else around, either. We laid out our towels, applied sunscreen, and went for a swim.

While we were in the water, Luke started to get frisky with me. I tried to fob him off at first, because he was doing it directly in front of Ernie, but our host seemed unbothered, and so I started to relent. I let Luke kiss me, hug me, and rub my back and bottom.

I turned to the beach. We were all alone, the three of us on a deserted patch of paradise on a weekday morning. Luke's hands were at the straps of my bathers, pulling them down. Ernie was talking to us about a new bar that had opened up on the island. He didn't seem offended by his brother-in-law's actions.

'Is anyone likely to come by?' I asked Ernie.

He shook his head. 'No. If you want to swim naked, go for your life. We'll see anyone approaching long before they have a chance to realise you're nude.'

I took off my togs and carried them over to the edge of the water. Both men stared at me with undisguised interest.

'Am I the only one who's getting their kit off?' I teased.

The men took that as a challenge. Boardshorts were removed. The three of us were now naked on the beach, swimming in the shallows, talking and laughing.

Luke was getting seriously horny. His hard on was pressing into my rear and he couldn't keep his mouth and hands off my body. I was responding in turn, excited but ashamed at how publicly I was letting him seduce me.

Luke carried me to the edge of the water, where it ran just a few inches deep at most, and sat us both down.

'No birth control?' Luke guessed.

It was as if he had to remember who I was. Maybe he did. There had likely been other women in between the concert and now.

'No,' I replied.

'I'll pull out before I cum,' he promised me.

We began to kiss, to grope and fondle. Ernie continued to sit alongside us, watching curiously, but at no point touching us or commenting. I glanced at the wind chime maker and saw his prick, hard and engorged with blood, and wondered if he'd start to masturbate or if he'd want me to satisfy him.

I laid Luke on his back, in the sand, and climbed on top. I love being on top. I loved having a full view of a deserted beach and fucking him in front of his brother-in-law. Nothing was hidden from Ernie. He saw my tits bouncing, he saw Luke's cock being alternately swallowed up and released by my snatch, and he saw the expression on both Luke's and my face.

It wasn't embarrassing; it was amazing. Either man could have asked me to do anything, anything at all, and I would have done it. I was so aroused I didn't care whose prick it was that was inside me, so long as I was full of cock.

Ernie was masturbating, pulling on his prick while keeping his eyes glued on me. I massaged my breasts as I continued to fuck Luke, all too aware of my impending climax.

'She's going to go,' Luke remarked to Ernie.

'I know,' Ernie agreed. 'I can't wait. Her moaning is driving me crazy. I can't hold myself off much longer.'

'Fuck,' I hissed. 'Oh fuck.'

I came hard and shamelessly. I heard Ernie started to come just as I finished my orgasm, and saw white goo coat his fingers and groin as he groaned and wanked himself.

Luke wasn't immune to the eroticism. He pumped me up and down a few times, then flung me to the side and furiously masturbated himself to climax. Eddie paid only cursory attention to Luke's actions. Straight. Both men were straight. But not into sharing, I guessed. Luke had fucked me only for Ernie's entertainment, and judging by Ernie's reaction it was far from the first time he'd seen his brother-in-law screw a woman.

The tide was coming in. Luke and Erne's semen was washed out to sea. My own togs nearly got caught up in the waves, but Ernie rescued them for me.

'My hero,' I grinned, blushing faintly.

He gave me a mock bow. 'M'lady.'

It was funny, silly, light-hearted joking around. Once upon a time, in my younger years, I would have viewed the scene in disgust. A thirty-eight year old woman with cellulite and stretch marks and a miscellany of other imperfections frolicking about a beach with two men in their late fifties. Fucking one of the men and not caring if the other saw her orgasm face.

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