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Raider and the Lost Lamp Ch. 03


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"I don't mean any offence," he explained. "But it's hard not to notice that you've got a good thing going here. And there's so much cool stuff out there that life has to offer, and I've got heaps of ideas that I've always wanted to explore. It'd just be nice if I could do it all without having to keep one eye on my bankbook all the time."

"I understand now, Jeff," Clara responded. "I do often take my background for granted. It's hard not to sometimes, as I've never known any different..."

"I can appreciate that," Jeff said with a kind smile. Clara looked him in the eye, and she began to smile too.

"Thank you for explaining it all to me, Jeff," Clara said, regaining her cheerfulness.

"Not at all, milady," Jeff said, still smiling, and finishing with an imitation of Warwick's head bowing. "I guess you'll be heading back to your room now?" he asked as he walked over to the wardrobe, undoing the cuffs of his sleeves.

"Actually, Jeff, if it's all the same to you, I'd rather not..."

"Oh?" Jeff turned around to look at Clara with a very interested expression.

"I mean..." Clara quickly responded, a little embarrassed by her gaffe. "I mean I'd like to return to the lamp. I'd like to finish reading Zhiasa's journal."

"Oh... Well, okay. Knock yourself..." Jeff quickly stopped himself, realising that telling Clara to 'knock herself out' would likely result in her involuntarily banging her head against the wall until she lapsed into a coma. "...Feel free," Jeff said, amending his previous sentence.

"Thank you, Jeff. Promise you won't let me sleep in?" she jested.

"I promise," Jeff nodded with a warm smile. "Goodnight, Lady Roft."

"Goodnight, master," Clara smiled, before exploding into a cloud of pitch-black smoke. The smoke quickly coalesced into a single narrow stream that began to snake it's way around the room. After a few seconds it dove under the bed, and was rapidly sucked into the pack carrying the lamp. The cloud/Clara gone, Jeff turned back to the wardrobe and resumed undressing, while happily whistling 'I'm in the money.'


Despite the fact that the mattress was incredibly comfortable, Jeff tossed and turned for almost two hours before drifting off to sleep that night. At first his mind was just racing with excitement, as he imagined the possibilities before him with more money than he knew what to do with, and two more wishes to go. But as drowsiness began to envelop him, his mind wandered to other thoughts - thoughts about Clara.

At first his mind's eye began ogling the image of her in that seductive evening dress. The way it clung to her body so perfectly, leaving no curve of her ideal hourglass figure to the imagination. The way it displayed her cleavage so appealingly, and how he'd glanced it a couple of times in it's full glory when they were in the games room, as she leaned over the pool table in front of him. He thought of that long cut that ran up the side of the dress, that swished over the smooth skin of her right leg as she walked, hiding nothing, but never displaying her leg all at once. Despite how highly the cut climbed, not once did Jeff see even a hint of her panties. They must have held her hips quite high, or else, Jeff thought, she was naked under that dress.

Then he thought back to that exploring outfit she had worn earlier in the day. He recalled how her (aptly named) shorts displayed her beautiful muscular thighs, almost in their entirety, and how tightly they hugged her incredibly firm-looking ass. He spent countless minutes admiring the mental picture of Clara sitting in that jeep, her lovely brown hair flailing full and freely in the wind, the bright desert sun illuminating all her splendid features, including the bare skin on the tops of her breasts. The smooth exposed skin extended only briefly, before being covered by textured grey cotton, which nonetheless curved around to outline the two attractive bulges quite nicely.

Going back further, Jeff pictured Clara in that exotic harem costume. He retrospectively marvelled at the adventurous amount of her midriff it left exposed, and recalled the provocative sight of her curvaceous waist, smooth, flat stomach and bared navel. He thought about how that silky pink top had made her firm breasts seem just a little perkier than the garments she later wore. And he pondered the mysteriously seductive effect that those thin veils flowing from her hair and back had on her appearance.

Of course it wasn't long before he remembered the erotic way she looked when they first met. With one of those perfect breasts exposed in it's entirety. Even with it's partner concealed, it looked stunning as it sat natural and free, with an average-sized areola that was a lovely pink, neither too pale nor too dark, surrounding lovely round nipple. Jeff had not forgotten the stain on her pants, either, which he had chosen to believe from the juices of her own arousal. How she had gotten in that state, Jeff could only imagine, but altogether, it was an incredibly arousing sight. Had he not been so freaked out by her extraordinary entrance, he would've almost certainly had an intense hard-on within seconds of first seeing her.

Clara had the kind of body that stuck in a man's mind and knowing that it belonged to such a witty and brilliant archaeological prodigy made her all the more sexy, as far as Jeff was concerned. But Clara had a well-known reputation for being a lone wolf and although she had warmed to him since he bought her back to England, Jeff wondered how likely she was to ever be intimate with him. He let his mind run wild with imaginings of how amazing such an experience would be. Even after he drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the long day, the highly arousing images continued to haunt him.

The dream began the instant he fell asleep. He opened his eyes to see that he was still laying on the large victorian bed, except now he was laying on top of the covers, for some reason, fully dressed in the suit he'd been wearing earlier. Apart from the bed, the room - if you could call it that, was nothing like the one that he'd fallen asleep in. Instead of soft carpet, the floor was now made of large sandstone blocks, and the size of the 'room' had at least tripled. On all sides, the 'room' was bordered by a series of stone archways that were unremarkable, save for their height. They were supported on plain stone columns that were spaced about fifteen feet apart from each other, each one having a wooden torch secured to it that was burning brightly. Beyond the archways was nothing. No floor, no walls, no sky, starry or otherwise, only pitch blackness.

Apart from the bed, the only other thing of interest was in the center of the room, several feet in front of the bed. It was a structure comprising of two identical life-sized statues, made of stone. They were very masterfully sculptured likenesses of two beautiful, naked women. They were kneeling, facing each other. Their private regions were obscured from view by their thighs, but judging from their realistic nipples, Jeff assumed they were anatomically correct. Together, with their upreaching hands, they supported a tray of fine silver, and in the center of the tray sat a shiny gold lamp.

The lamp was surrounded by a narrow cloud of smoke that seemed to emanate from the lamp's spout. The smoke seemed to ebb and flow from the lamp in a rhythmical cycle, and it was only now that Jeff became aware of the noise. It was a deep windy sound that seemed to come from all around. Had he not known better, Jeff would've sworn that what he could hear was the breathing of huge beast, deep in slumber. Jeff began to realise that the sound was occurring in time with the movements of the smoke from the lamp, and he began to suspect that he might not be alone.

"H...Hello?" he called out, apprehensively. Both the breathing noise and the movement of the smoke ceased. A few ominously silent seconds passed before the cloud of smoke turned bright pink. More smoke poured out of the lamp and the cloud began to rapidly grow. As it did, a playful feminine giggle echoed from all around. As the last of the smoke left the lamp, the cloud began to weave across the 'room', edging closer and closer to Jeff. All of a sudden the front of the cloud coalesced to form the top half of a beautiful young woman.

She had long brown hair that flowed all around behind her head, unaffected by gravity, as if she was underwater. Although Jeff could tell that she was very beautiful, he strangely couldn't tell what her face looked like, even though it wasn't obscured or blurred. She had quite a voluptuous chest, which was covered by a pink, sleeveless top. Her cleavage was well exposed, thanks to the plunging neckline and her stiffened nipples were making themselves very apparent from behind the silky fabric. The short top left her midriff bare. She had no hips, or anything below. Where the lower half of her body should have been, the cloud of pink smoke remained. With an excited grin, she flew across the room until she was laying, in mid-air, right over Jeff. She looked down at him with a friendly smile.

Half attracted to, half wary of this bizarre creature, Jeff returned her gaze. Her eyes were the brownest brown... like someone else he knew, but couldn't remember. He noticed that her irises eddied and rippled, like the surface of a pond. As he began to lose himself in these beautiful, surreal eyes, he suddenly felt warm lips pressing against his own. The young woman's physical lips remained well away from him, but her mischievous grin told Jeff that she was somehow responsible. When the kiss broke off, the young woman did a small victory roll in the air over the mattress, while another feminine laugh of delight echoed all around.

Jeff watched the unusual being warily, as she came to a stop, once again hovering over him, this time in an upright position. As he began to sit up, he once again felt invisible lips kissing him. This time, they were accompanied by an invisible tongue, that forced it's way between Jeff's lips and began teasing his own tongue. Jeff was really getting freaked out now. His eyes started darting from left to right, looking for some sort of exit. But then he felt warm hands moving in from behind him to caress his shoulders. Turning his head slightly, Jeff could see the fabric of his suit bowing under the pressure of the skilled fingers, but nothing else - the hands were also invisible.

As the hands began to massage his neck and shoulders, Jeff could feel the nervous tension quickly abandon him. He layed back down on the mattress, which didn't seem to deter the invisible hands from their work, and looked up at the mysterious female, as she continued to kiss him via her magics. Her warm expression silently told him to relax and enjoy himself.

The kiss broke off once again, and the soothing hands left his body. The creature moved one of her visible hands in a graceful gesture and Jeff's clothes began to leave his body, unbuttoning and unzipping themselves where needed and even unravelling at the seams. The loose sheets of material peeled away from his body and were pulled to an unseen point on the mattress beneath him, like they were being sucked down some cosmic drain. Soon Jeff was completely naked, with no trace of his clothes to be found. The creature ran a quick eye over Jeff's body. He was only just starting to get hard, but the creature already looked impressed. A contented purr echoed through the air.

Closing her eyes, the creature began to caress her bare stomach with one hand, while caressing her opposite shoulder and upper breast with the other. Jeff had only a second to enjoy this spectacle, before the invisible lips again pushed themselves against his own. Then he felt invisible fingers running themselves through his chest hairs in random, gentle caresses. The kiss became merely the first in what was to be a continuous series of short, sharp kisses, interrupted every now and then by a tender prolonged kiss with tongue.

To Jeff's surprise, a second set of invisible lips began kissing their way down his sternum, and a second set of invisible hands began to move up and down his thighs. His cock, now quite hard, was beginning to rise. Jeff noticed that the creature's caresses to her own body were now becoming quite intense, and judging by the smile on her face, they were also quite enjoyable. The second set of invisible lips reached his navel, and for a brief while left him alone, then Jeff felt a tongue tickling the bottom of his belly button. With so many erotic sensations occurring to him at once, Jeff's cock rose quite quickly. The feeling of two fingers from a fifth invisible hand gliding up the sides of his rod had it quickly spasming to attention. Jeff let out a muffled grunt as the invisible tongue writhed against his own in a passionate kiss.

The lovely creature opened her eyes, shooting Jeff a sly glance as she turned her back to him. Jeff watched as she somehow opened her top from the front. She let the loose garment fall, revealing her beautiful back. Turning around once again, she gave Jeff the same mischievous look, while tossing the pink top away with one arm and teasingly covering her chest with the other. While adequately hiding her nipples, her arm could not hope to conceal the amazing size of the creature's breasts. She smiled down at Jeff as she could see the eagerness building within him. She did not keep him in suspense for long, soon removing her arm to let her breasts settle into natural freedom with a little jiggle. Jeff moaned in delight as he beheld her in her full naked glory. It was a sight that became even more arousing as the creature began to slowly massage her breasts and tweak her nipples.

Jeff watched the creature longingly; he wanted so badly to touch that perfect body. He hadn't long been enjoying her erotic display when his attention was consumed by the sensation of warm fingers wrapping around the shaft of his cock. The invisible hand began to move up and down his manhood, very slowly. Jeff threw his head back into the pillow, moaning deeply through yet another kiss. Fingers from a sixth invisible hand crept up from between his legs to begin fondling his balls. His rod was now hard as iron. The tongue from the second invisible mouth pulled out of his navel, and for a moment Jeff thought that it had finished with him.

His theory was quickly dashed when he felt the amazing sensation of warm, moist lips sliding over the head of his cock. Jeff shuddered in shock and delight, moaning loudly. His primal mating call was answered by an equally aroused feminine purr that echoed from all around. The invisible mouth slid up and down the head of Jeff's cock very, very slowly, while the invisible hands continued to work the shaft and tease his balls. The creature's ministrations were so subtle, it seemed quite apparent that she was in no hurry for this encounter to end. Nonetheless, Jeff had serious doubts about how long he could last under this treatment. The creature looked down at Jeff, affectionately, pulling the invisible lips from his cock and giving him some respite. It was short lived, as Jeff soon felt the sensation of the invisible tongue fluttering on the very tip of his rod.

"Oh God!" Jeff cried out, focusing every bit of his energy on holding his load in. He soon realised that the original set of invisible lips had stopped kissing him. In fact, within a few seconds, all of the invisible tormentors had left him. Jeff looked up at the creature, as if to ask her what the deal was. A playful feminine laugh echoed through the room as the beautiful young maiden swooped down to lay on top of Jeff, facing upwards. Jeff didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around the sexy being, caressing her stomach with one hand while reaching around to fondle a breast with the other, as he padded tender kisses up and down the nape of her neck. Feminine moans of arousal began to echo throughout the room, quiet at first, but growing ever louder.

The creature lowered the swirling cloud of pink smoke (where the bottom half of her body should have been) so that it completely engulfed Jeff's penis. For a few amazing seconds, he was inside of her. The sensation was incredible. His cock felt like it was in the middle of dozens of gentle air currents, all travelling in different directions and all carrying some kind of fine powder that brushed against his cock and tickled it. It was a wonderful, exciting sensation, but the cooling effect of the air currents also helped him to prolong his orgasm.

When it seemed that the creature could moan no louder, she pull away from Jeff, flying off to a point in the air a few feet above and away from him. Jeff sat up, trying to reach over to the supernatural beauty, but he was quickly pushed back down by the invisible hands. One set resumed caressing his chest, while another resumed caressing his thighs. The third grabbed his own hands tightly, pinning them down on the mattress in a spread-eagle position. Jeff moaned as the creature's magic bought a hot, slick, invisible pussy sliding onto his cock. As her magical snatch began to move up and down Jeff's shaft, the creature began to squeeze her breasts with one of her visible hands, while moving the other deep inside the cloud beneath her waist. Jeff looked on, intently.

Although her hand was obscured from view he could tell that it was conducting some kind of continuous, repetitive movement and as the hand worked, the smoke in the living cloud seemed to swirl a little faster. It was not long before the invisible lips began kissing Jeff over and over, once again. As the invisible pussy rocked on Jeff with increasing frequency, two sets of moaning began to build in the room, the masculine moans came from Jeff, the echoing feminine ones came from everywhere and nowhere. Jeff was so close now, it took every last drop of his self-control to contain his load, and he could feel his grip slipping...

The loud feminine moans echoing through the room began to slowly change. What began as moans of arousal became cries of desperation. Jeff looked at the beautiful creature. Her lower hand seemed to be moving as fast as it could and the cloud of smoke at her base was now swirling and broiling furiously. She looked over at him with a pleading expression. What little of Jeff's mind wasn't consumed by desire was becoming quite worried about her. But compared to the pleasure he was receiving from the invisible pussy, such thoughts barely even registered. As the unseen vagina moved on his rod in a perfect rhythm, Jeff felt the last of his self-control slip away.

With a shout of utter ecstasy, Jeff's cock fired his seed into the air. To Jeff's astonishment, the spurt flew three feet into the air, and was immediately followed by another equally as powerful. When the jet of semen reached the peak of it's climb, it exploded, like a firework, into a basketball-sized sphere of off-white smoke. The smoke remained inert for a split second, before stretching into a long trail that sped towards the cloud at the bottom of the creature, like a heat-seeking missile locked on a target. This bizarre series of events occurred for at least eight similar jets of seed fired off by Jeff's over-stimulated cock. After the eighth ejaculation the spurts began to wane in height and volume, but before all was said and done, Jeff had launched at least a dozen jets of exploding semen into the air.

By the time he'd fired off his fourth load, the first stream of white smoke had entered the cloud below the female being. She opened her mouth wide, a scream of delight echoed throughout the room, and once again, the invisible hands, lips and pussy all abandoned Jeff. As each successive stream of smoke flew into her lower region, it knocked her back, seeming to throw her into a new orgasm before the last had even finished. An exhausted Jeff looked on as her prolonged moans continued long after the last smokey stream had entered her. He watched as the lines of white smoke swirling around amid the pink smoke of her lower body gradually thinned as they dissipated within her, became one with her.

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