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Rattlesnake Cantina Girl Ch. 01


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The kiss was long and wet, and when we broke apart we were both breathless. This time I was able to read his eyes. Desire. Raw animal longing.

Ethan let go of my hands so that he could tangle his fingers in my hair. Oh God. How the hell did he know that I liked that? I wrapped my arms around his waist and held him close, allowing myself the tease of rubbing my nipples on his chest. He tightened his grip on my hair enough to hurt, and he positioned my head just where he wanted it. The pain and his confident demand for a kiss merged with the fire between my legs.

This kiss was longer, wetter and even more intense, which caused my pussy to gush happily, knowing a good fuck was so close. Our lips swirled together, slipping and gliding, our tongues lightly tasting. He was heaven in a pair of jeans and cowboy boots, and I knew he wanted me by the log I could feel pressing against my tummy.

I wanted him, too, and I was sure that I had him. We finally had to come up for air and leaned away from each other, sharing that delicious first time realization that we really could turn each other on, that the magic was there. His grip loosened and I tossed my head to free my hair.

"Oh, don't you pretend that you didn't like it, cowgirl," he said, laughing softly.

I giggled. "I did, but how did you know? Is that something those buckle bunnies like?"

"I don't know nothin' 'bout any buckle bunnies," he said. "I just know you, Miss Shelley."

My body just gave up and turned into a pool of melted butter. I blushed and tried to come up with a witty rejoinder but before I could Ethan gave me a quick kiss on my lips, a kiss so short it was over before I could even get into it. "Thank you Miss Shelley. Goodnight," he said. Abruptly he let go of me, turned away and walked off into the darkness of the parking lot.

My pussy finally caught up with what was happening. Wait! Come back! What about meeeeee? Poor sulky pussy. I promised it a good petting later, telling it I know it's not what you want, but you'll just have to make do with my fingers tonight.

I mustered what little willpower I had left and didn't chase after him. I was still breathless and I wanted nothing more than to cradle Ethan in my arms, rip off his clothes and see what we would be like together. But it was probably better this way no matter how happy it would make my pussy. I'd feel pretty slutty sleeping with a guy on our first date even if he was the most delicious man I'd ever seen. On the other hand I wanted him so badly I could cry. Reluctantly I tried to focus on the positive -- he said that he was going to call me. He said he was going to call me. I smiled to myself when I thought of being with him again.

I imagined Ethan's big cock and my drippy pussy (shut up down there!) meeting, and I giggled with joy and got a case of happy feet. I practically gamboled across the parking lot like a foal who's just discovered how to run, giddy with how close I'd come to getting laid and the memories of Ethan's kisses, his skinny body and his insistent cock pressing against me.

This was going to be fun.


Next: Saturday night date and first time sex in the truck...

As always, thank you for your votes, comments and feedback. If you enjoyed this tale, please do take a look at some of my others too and let me know what you think...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Nice to hear her side...

As a cowboy who has worked ranches, roped and rodeoed hearing the buckle bunny version of Friday night was very interesting. The Rusty Spur was my favorite place, and for me the Mexican senoritas were a strong attraction. I must admit there was always a place for a Georgia Peach in my truck. I would love to share some of my stories with you and let you put them in print from the ladies perspective so I could enjoy your writing talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

A fun little story so far. Can't wait to read the next installment!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Absolutely loved the wait to get there :) Written very well...can't wait for the next one!

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