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Re-Kindled Voracity

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Meeting up with a bygone love.
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Another Day, Work, Bills, Food, Sleep.

Again, Work, Bills, Food, Sleep.

It feels monotonous, the same actions, slightly different thoughts here and there. Socializing intermingled in between, only stimulating enough not to be ignored.

A Birthday celebration had, still enough sensation to merely satiate the thought. And then a message from someone I wasn't ready to expect.

Chills drive down my spine, mind alive again with inquisitive thought. What more could this initiation pretext? Warily I accept the kind exchange of words and sentiment, unsure if it was merely another escapade of impulsion set on by desperation.

Slowly, as if my mind wished to be free, my stony encased conscious chiseled itself away. Eagerly, the conviviality ate my hard shell away releasing the temptation to feel again. She had a way with her intrinsic disposition that I couldn't question.

Desire to be familiar found it's path to our minds, and we determined a time to convene again. After all this time. Longing to hold close what was once dear, I counted the days, hours, even minutes to attain the powerful attraction.

Fruition erected itself as I drew ever closer to the point of contact. Heart a flutter I reached my hand out, searching for a recognizable gut reaction in this immense cloud of thought.

I ring the doorbell, answered by a warm smile slightly exotic to memory and a heartfelt embrace that reignited the embers of zealousness. Keen to be re-integrated I pushed myself forward. Amicably accustomed from years prior erased the state of unease all too quickly.

Embracing the unfamiliar surroundings, I engorged on this newfangled experience. Her eyes and hair and smile and everything that once drove me crazy has engulfed my vision. After analyzing every detail, we sat in the encompassing sun talking and enjoying the company of one another.

Our Conversation ebbed and flowed in a multitude of different topics and directions, her soothing laugh spiking my inhibition and self control enticing me to laugh with her. Ready for a different stimuli, she divulged a hobby of hers for me to try in which I graciously accepted.

Time seemed to both stop and pass all at once as the night drew it's gaze upon us. Heeding it's direction we went out in search of a peace, one I hadn't experienced before. So simple yet so easy to cherish, we laid down on a path looking up on darkness and her starred freckles.

Holding her hand in mine, intertwined with my soul, we stayed for that way for what felt like welcomed eternity. Eventuality came crashing down as time passed and we returned to the domicile. Her voice, an emanating fountain of tranquility kept me in peace during our journey back.

Soothing simplicity, recurring in my nature, a hammock beckoned us to rest in its pleasant grip. Unintentional awkwardness also recurrent in my nature, finding a decent position to relax in, my desire awakened. We lay facing each other, my legs spread outwards, whilst hers bent over my thighs with her knees up. Practically pelvis to pelvis.

Doing my best to listen and contribute to conversation my mind strained for a more deeper connection. Splayed as I was felt as though my manhood was pressed against her, trying to find it's warm home. It grew but resisted temptation for the time being. Choosing to be more controlled in my arousal.

Keen to do what we had intended, we set off to the chamber of calm that she had developed in her room. Turning on something to occupy us we sat and ate and laughed and exchanged lovely words and sweet compliments.

Time continued as we became more settled, finding our comfort in one another. Promptly there was an offer to initiate a back massage, using my hands to soothe and erase the stress that lay in her body. Accepting the offer, I slide her shirt up, gliding my hand against her silk like skin.

Sitting upon her whilst she lay, I kept my fiery excitement contained still. Grasping her sides, rubbing along her spine, gripping her shoulders I put my hands to work. Molding and kneading and caressing I could sense her inner peace, maybe her inner desires revealing themselves as well.

Progressively I worked, focus and will slipping I stopped and merely lay on my side next to her, and she too turned on her side to face me. Our faces compressed I reached out to touch her hair, sliding my fingers into her illustrious strands. Eyes closed my heart accelerated it's rhythm, cherishing the moment I have with the one I love.

Rotating between flowing in her hair, caressing her back, and gently sliding across her cheek, my hand couldn't wait to feel all of her soft and pleasant body. I pull her hand to feel my pulse and she pulls me to hers. Heart racing the only thing keeping me calm is her soothing demeanor.

Angling myself, I kiss her head. Small but noticeably she smiles, driving my heart to it's limit. Continuously kissing her face our lips inevitably meet, soft and sweet. I place my hand upon her back drawing her in as we continue to adjoin our passion. I feel her slowly pressing against me with her lower body, desperate to release the pent up desire.

Breathing heavy, she tells me that she has become so lustful her womanhood demanded attention. Sliding my hand down assuredly enough, I was met with intense heat and yearning. Not wanting to let down I caress her, absolutely drenched in love.

Locked in now, we release our eagerness as we continue the throes of passion. Rubbing her gently she displays her pleasure through her soft and erotic moans. Enjoying the sight in front of me I sped my circling up slightly.

We catch our breath for yet a moment, before I demanded she remove her bottoms keeping me from full access to her. Submissively she obliges, letting me do as I please. Throbbing I raise my self into the sweet sensation of sex.

Entering with ease, I was enveloped in warmth and moisture. Our bodies connected through intense circumstances I pushed myself into her with the ravenousness of a roaring flame. Thrusting, I was entranced in this elegant dance of our souls.

Receiving the crazed sensation of her tightness intertwined with her breast and body swaying in beat, I was elated to unimaginable infatuation with this woman. Topped off with her gasps of encouragement and lust, I found myself turning her in several positions.

After a few minutes of passionately pumping I pause, rubbing her again while pushing my fingers inside. Tantalizing her inner and outer stimuli I watched as she writhed in my hands like putty. Groping her breast, I demand she release her pent up orgasm.

Moments later I am supplied with my request as her floodgate opens and she floods my fingers with sweet satisfaction. Eyes glued to her chest rising as she catches her breath I aim to meet her lips once more, smiling and shuddering she receives.

Collecting ourselves we regain untainted thoughts. Bliss and tiredness surrounding we reestablish our space for maximum comfort. Raveled up in each others arms we slowly drifted into the calling of sweet recharge of rest. Living in this moment I will never forget I fade into sweet nothingness.

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tonydxxtonydxxalmost 2 years ago

One style in constructing sentences that you over-use is to start with a present participle phrase. "Accepting the offer, ...", "Sitting upon her ...", "Grasping her sides, rubbing along her spine, gripping her shoulders ...", "Molding [sic] and kneading and caressing ...". And those are from consecutive sentences; the repetition of style gets tiresome.

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